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Fireworks at Midnight (A Witch’s Night Out #3)
Fireworks at Midnight (A Witch’s Night Out #3)
Tara Quan | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the Witch's Night Out series and the best part for me is that each story is individual, whilst following a familiar idea. This way means that you get a fresh story each time, whilst the world and character building can move on from where it last left off. This means that you end up with a rich and detailed world with characters that are three-dimensional and you can relate to, without having a massive back-story or information dump going on.

Sweets and Mikal deserve to be together, they have crushed on each from afar long enough. The time is now to make a move - but who will move first, and what does fate have in store before they can? This is a quick and light-hearted read that will satisfy your need for a steamy coffee break book. Whilst it is the third in a series, I would say it could be read as a standalone, but reading the other two will definitely help give you a more enriched view. Definitely recommended for all fans of paranormal romance.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 21, 2015
Night Rising (Vampire Babylon, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm having a hard time formulating my thoughts on this book. I did like it and will read the next one, but there was just something off about the whole thing. Maybe because there were a bunch of loose ends at the end of the book than was necessary, but who knows. I didn't get the whole promiscuous thing, mostly because it didn't feel like it belonged in the book and really came out of nowhere; it felt like it was added for the whole "sex sells" concept. I mean that thing with "the Voice" was just plain weird and creepy. Quite few times I thought Dawn needed to get over herself and quit whining about her mother. She's twenty-four, she needs to act like it, not like some angsty teenager. I get it - it's hard to grow up with a beautiful mother who died too young and being compared to her when you're only average looking is hard (Although the cover model is above average looking. Marketing? I think so. :P), but deal with it already. I really didn't care about her and thought overall that Kiko was the best character of the bunch. Hopefully in the next book they are all developed better and Dawn grows up.

You can tell the author has taken some things from other medias: The Crow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, especially with Dawn being the "key" and probably from other things I haven't seen or read so can't compare. I think that detracted from the book because I don't want to compare the stories; I'd rather the book stood alone as it is.

Nearer the end it had me wondering about a certain character and if that was a hint to what's to come in future books. That's probably the main reason I'll read on, although there are some interesting concepts in the book too. The most interesting is the the vampire world, in which there are some varying degrees of good and evil - like humans - and they're just trying to survive without being found out - at least that's how I took it. All in all it was a decent read, but just an average urban fantasy book.
2.5 stars
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman [BOOK REVIEW]
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I haven’t read much classic reads this year, and a few days before the end of 2018, I decided to go for a classic short story, and I chose The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

This classic has been written by a woman in the 19th century. A time when women weren’t treated the same way as today. A difficult time, where women couldn’t express their opinion as they wished, but they were suppressed by the male authority in the family.

When The Yellow Wallpaper came out, it was considered a Gothic Horror Tale. It is hard to believe for me, knowing the world we live in today, and how we, as women can express our opinions openly. But back in the days, this is how it was. It wasn’t easy for the woman, and I am glad we have a lot of brave women from that time, that gathered the courage to tell stories for the next generations.

This is a story about a woman, who seems to suffer of post-partum depression (a type of mood disorder associated with childbirth). She has been forced by her husband and doctor to stay in her room until she is ”mentally capable” again to take care of her baby. I am not a mother, but I can imagine the pain and suffering of not being allowed to see and hold your unborn child. And people thought this was okay?

The woman is constantly staring at the yellow wallpaper and the window, constantly reassuring herself that this is all happening for her own good, and that the husband and doctor know best, until a point where we are not actually sure if she is in her right mind anymore.

She starts to see a woman inside the wallpaper, and believes the woman is struggling to break free. I loved the metaphor used, as her subconscious knows she is trapped, and the end is so painful to read, but oh, so powerful.

Even though such a short read, The Yellow Wallpaper is an impressive view on cultural traditions, and the position of women in the family. A classic and a must-have for every woman!
Adele: The Forgotten Sister of Fred Astaire
Adele: The Forgotten Sister of Fred Astaire
Nicola Cassidy | 2020 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to Booksirens for sending me an advance review copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I was intrigued by Adele when I first applied for an ARC: it isn't my usual kind of read but although I have heard of Fred Astaire (mainly from my grandma) I didn't know anything about his sister Adele, so I decided to give the book a go. Wow I am glad I did!

Nicola Cassidy brings the Astaires to life through her amazing writing. The majority of the novel is told from Adele's perspective: starting from when she is just a child. Cassidy, in turn, writes in a childish, conversationalist prose with this becoming steadily more mature along with our protagonist . By presenting Adele's life through her own eyes the reader feels her pain intensely: particularly towards the end of the novel. I'm not ashamed to say I was openly weeping at certain points.

Some critics may say that anyone can take a universally emotive topic and make you cry during a story. Well Cassidy goes one step further: through the character of Adele's father and the contrasting relationship she has with her mother and brother, the reader also witnesses the overwhelming feeling of absence- almost numbness towards the patriarchal figure. Similarly we also feel apprehension when we can recognise history repeating itself before Adele does: we can predict that this ending will not be an altogether happy one and it is this foresight and empathy that Nicola Cassidy creates which is unparalleled with any other book I have read recently.

Adele (the novel and the character) has glitz, glamour, heartache and inspiration. However, the novel has a steadying undertone with the changing effect of World War Two and the presence of several working class, dedicated women at the heart of the story.

Nowadays, it may be Fred Astaire who springs to mind but it was Adele who paved the way: it's about time she was given the chance to step out from her brother's shadow and regain the spotlight once again.
Every Little Secret [Audiobook]
Every Little Secret [Audiobook]
Sarah Clarke | 2022 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three things cannot long stay hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth." Buddha

From the outside, Grace, Marcus and their daughter Kaia appear to be a happy family who have it all but, below the surface, secrets lie which threaten to tear their lives apart.

This was a good book to listen to; it started strong, had a few chapters that dragged on a bit but then finished strong. The story is told from 3 timelines and from multiple points of view but whilst I did get lost a few times, this was probably because I was dipping in and out of the audiobook rather than listening to it in big chunks but I soon got back on track.

The characters are strong and well developed and whilst they might not be the most likeable people in the world, I didn't think it mattered too much to me in this particular instance.

The story and plot were interesting and it was a real puzzle trying to work out who was telling the truth and how it was all going to end which I really enjoyed. There are a number of twists and the ending was great.

Overall, a good domestic, family thriller which the narrator did a good job of distinguishing between the characters and keeping you engaged.

Thank you to HarperCollins UK Audio via NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this book and share my thoughts.