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A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

Firstly I'll admit that it's been a while since I read the first three books in this series - and I believed that it was only going to be a trilogy, for some reason, so I had forgotten some of the details of this book but things were rehashed a little.

With Alexis and her small group now known by all the other Demigods in the world, they are thrown into a steep learning curve of dealing with politics and trying to learn how to use her powers for other things. There's also the fact that a Hades Demigod is trying to get their hands on Alexis, any means necessary.

A lot happened in this and, as mentioned above, I hadn't retained a lot of information about this series, so I was a little overwhelmed by all the characters. I quickly picked up who the Six were and Daisy and Mordecai.

I did enjoy this and should hopefully now remember enough for future books - book 5 is coming soon! - so I'm looking forward to reading them and seeing the results of that last chapter. I can see it's not going to go well and this group of amazing guys may end up fighting for their lives. Again.

This review is rather lacking but I have no way of saying more without giving away important plot points and that's just not fair.
The Best Of Oum Kalsoum by Oum Kalsoum
The Best Of Oum Kalsoum by Oum Kalsoum
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Around the time of Poses, which is 2001, and a bit earlier, I discovered Oum Kalsoum. The song itself, 'Poses' is based on her kind of vocal sensibility; the end of the choruses [he sings 'Poses'] is this Egyptian moment. I didn't rip it off – I was just influenced by her. I would say that arguably of all the singers on this list – and we're talking some heavy hitters with Caballé, Domingo and Callas – I think she would probably 'win', in terms of the voice. She sang for a long time, and is basically to this day considered the greatest Middle Eastern singer that ever lived. And she only performed in the Middle East – I think she did one concert in Paris and that was the only time she ever sang in the Western world. There's just stuff she could do with her voice which is just mind-boggling, and also soulful at the same time. It's very sacred. I don't know if she's a religious singer per se, but it's obviously in the music she sings. It's traditional so I guess it's religious. There's a sacred quality to it that is pretty frightening, but also beautiful at the same time. She was also a real character, and not a nice person. She dominated the scene for her entire career and no one else was allowed to eclipse her. In fact, there's some story where some young beautiful singer started to become well known, and she very quickly and mysteriously died in a car crash."

What in God's Name
What in God's Name
Simon Rich | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What in God's Name is a hilarious novel about the would-be-destruction of the earth. God is tired of running Heaven Inc, and wants to open a restaurant, figure out his Rubrics Cube, and play golf instead. The rest of the angels are just as tired as he is. All except two: Craig and Eliza, who actually enjoy working in the Miracles Department. When they find out God is going to destroy the earth, they make a bet: They'll answer one of the "impossible" prayers that God has ignored over the past few months, and if they can do it, God will not destroy the world.

Eliza and Craig have no idea what they've gotten themselves into: Their job is to get two of the most socially awkward humans to kiss... since apparently they already like each other, neither of them is willing to make a move. On top of it all, Craig is pretty sure he's crushing on Eliza

I tore through this whole book in a matter of hours--though it felt like minutes. It's hilarious. I got it back in August and I don't remember why I put off reading it for so long... because it's awesome! The characters are adorable (or in the case of the cantankerous archangel Vince, annoying). The writing is witty and easy to read. I loved every second of it.

With that in mind, I'm a hard person to offend. People who are easily offended by their faith/religion being mocked should not read this book... God is portrayed like a Frat boy, and he lets people into heaven only if they can skip a rock twelve times. Suffice to say it's not exactly orthodox.

But if you're in the mood for a fast, funny, slightly intense read (it gets tense there near the end!) this is for you!

Content: Some language. Ages 17+
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>I enjoyed <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em>, but if I had to choose between the first and the second, I loved the second so much better than the first.</strong></h2>
<em>Keeper of the Bees</em> is Meg Kassel's second novel, the companion novel to <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em>. We're brought back to the world of harbringers and beekeepers in a smol town in Missouri (hey, look, my home state!) and their roles in death.

<h3><strong><em>Keeper of the Bees</em> is a bit of a villain story.</strong></h3>
Harbringers flock to where death happens and "absorb" the energy emitted. Beekeepers usually cause the death by using their bees to sting someone, resulting in them reaching their destruction (aka death). <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> tells the story of Dresden, a boy cursed for eternity, and Essie, a girl who eats peppercorn to discern real from unreal.

<h3><strong>Dresden is a precious onion with layers despite being Evil™.</strong></h3>
Most villains are evil and pure evil, but Dresden is a precious little onion who is <em>cursed</em> to be evil. He doesn't <em>want</em> to be evil and <em>shows</em> that he doesn't want to be evil. Throughout the novel, he's struggling to not sting Essie despite the bees inside wanting him to do so.

<h3><strong>Aunt Bel is amazing, and I just want to hug her.</strong></h3>
Essie is part of the Wickerton family, a family with members who are cursed to lose their sanity and eventually end up at Stanton House. Essie's curse is not being able to tell what is real and unreal, at least without the help of peppercorns. Both her and Aunt Bel are in a constant battle with her father and psychiatrist when it comes to her mental health and sending her to Stanton House with other members. Aunt Bel is such a strong advocate for Essie and her Grandma Edie, and she refuses to give in to what Essie's father and psychiatrist want for Essie.

<h3><strong>Reece! Angie! References to the first novel!</strong></h3>
Do you <em>have</em> to read the first novel? Nawh, you don't have to since Kassel gives the 411 on her world for those who haven't read the first, so you're safe to dive into <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> without worrying about being totally lost, <em>but</em> you should definitely read <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em> first.

<h2><strong>Overall, <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> was a delight to read! I loved seeing from the other side of things where the supposed "villain" is in a constant battle to be a better person.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>