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Trigger Warnings: violent threats, kidnapping, murder, death, violence

I received a physical ARC from Smith Publicity to read and review for my honest opinion. I would firstly like to thank the author and publisher for the ARC. I would secondly like to say that everything stated down below is my own honest opinion and is no way skewed to be positive just for the sake of the free ARC.

When I first started Travels with Sushi in the Land of the Mind, I was absolutely intrigued with the story and the characters. This story was basically an Alice in Wonderland inspired novel about Quantum Mechanics and Morals. It was an instant love kind of thing and I started holding a higher expectation for the story right then and there. And the story held my interest for the first couple of chapters, wowing me as I wasn’t expecting the turn the story took. But things soon turned and I started dragging through the reading, not wanting to even pick it up to finish.

As I grew further into the book and closer to the end, the story lost a bit of it’s lackluster. I just felt like the story dragged on and was adding far too many details than what was needed. There was also the fact that parts of the plot grew confusing. What really threw me for a loop were the specific scenes and topics that were shown / talked about. These scenes and topics were defiantly not something that I would have expected to see in a children’s middle grade novel. Especially when the audience was perceived to be a younger age group.

The one positive thing that really drew my interest into the story and actually kept me reading, were all of the Quantum Mechanics and Moral lessons that were littered throughout the text. These lessons really shone brighter than the negatives and I am thankful that they were included. And honestly, this was a nice touch to this story.

Overall, this was an entertaining read but the author seemed to want to include far too much in such a small book. Resulting in an overwhelming world where each element was overlooked more than what was needed. Leaving these elements to seem like a bore.
    Space Harrier II ™ Classic

    Space Harrier II ™ Classic

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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Golden Tresses of the Dead in Books

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 8, 2019)  
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
Alan Bradley | 2019 | Mystery
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love Flavia but a letdown for the series ending
Flavia's sister, Feely, is finally getting married. But at the wedding, as Feely and Dieter cut their cake, Feely slices into a human finger! How very Flavia! It's certainly a case for Arthur W. Dogger & Associates, with Flavia being the main associate, of course. And, not long after, the two are hired by a Mrs. Prill to help track down some missing letters. Flavia and Dogger barely know where to focus first. Then someone else winds up dead--with Flavia and Dogger in the thick of things--and things spiral from there..

"Aside from that-except for the human remains-it was a beautiful occasion."

So says Flavia of Feely's wedding, in very Flavia fashion. By now, if you've read the first nine books in this series, this one will feel quite familiar and sweet to you. Flavia is her usual fun, clever self, and I can't help but love her to pieces. She's up to her usual tricks in her laboratory and busy working away with her beloved Dogger, who may be the best butler/sidekick/friend in the history of mystery novels.

"I'd like to remark at the outset that I'm a girl with better than an average brain."

These books are always wonderfully descriptive, and I love seeing the world from Flavia's unique point of view:

"I don't know if you've ever dissected a rat, but to me, there was only one word for it: exhilarating."

Flavia and Dogger have two cases to solve here--and they intersect quickly. We get plenty of Flavia and Dogger time, which is great. Unfortunately, Feely is shipped off on her honeymoon, and we barely see any of Daffy. I missed the usual sarcasm and biting wit that comes with de Luce sister time. There is more of Flavia's cousin, Undine, who I admit is growing on me (and perhaps Flavia?). She will be a good companion Flavia, I think.

Sadly, though, I've read in several places that this is the last of the Flavia de Luce series. If so, this book felt woefully unresolved on several fronts for me. The mysteries felt underwhelming, as if the loose ends didn't really tie together; I was confused about how it all wrapped up in the end. And if this is really the last book, it just didn't seem as if it did our amazing heroine justice. Flavia went out with a whimper, not a bang. I would have liked to see more finality, more resolution somehow, instead of some partially ended cases and no real conclusion. It just didn't feel like a satisfactory end to what has been an amazing series featuring such a plucky girl who has been through so very much.

Still, I'm really glad I've had a chance to read this series, and I certainly enjoyed this book and all of Flavia's adventures. She's such a fun, unique character, and I can't recommend this lovely series enough.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).



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A Scanner Darkly (2006)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
2006 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Scanner Darkly starts by introducing us to Charles Freck (Cochrane) a man being pestered by bugs while on a new drug. Calling a friend James Barris (Downey Jr) for advice they plan to meet to look at the bugs. Skip to the Police who are trying to crack down on narcotics with a new undercover suit worn b Officer Fred (Reeves) as he goes undercover to fight the war on narcotics. Substance D is the new drug on the streets that they are most trying to stop taking a hold on the users.

Officer Fred is undercover with dealer Donna (Ryder) using his alias Bob Arctor who is a suspect he is meant to be after, he also knows Charles and James along with follower stoner Ernie Luckman (Harrelson). We watch as Officer Fred starts to lose his mind as he struggles to deal with the different realities the drug world is leaving him in. Fred has to work out who to trust and why the police are after him as well as why Barris is trying to sell him out.

A Scanner Darkly is one of those films that really pulls you in to start with but in the end fizzles out, it is a shame because the idea was a good concept but it doesn’t give us enough potential surprises like who Hank is, it is clear who early on. The subject looks at how the drugs can affect the people who are just undercover rather than the ones who are who are the stoners. I think more focus on who and what is really going on should have been had because the end feels empty rather than concluded. (6/10)


Actor Review


Robert Downey Jr: James Barris one of the stoners who believes he is smarter than the rest of them. He wants to out one of his group not knowing he is the guy undercover. Robert does a good job in what was one of his recovery roles. (7/10)


Keanu Reeves: Bob Arctor/Officer Fred the undercover cop whose identity is a secret to the force while he gets close to the dealers. Keanu does a good job in a role you wouldn’t imagine him in. (7/10)


Winona Ryder: Donna Hawthorne main dealer and girlfriend of Bob, she keeps the guys hooked up. Winona does a good job but doesn’t get enough screen time. (6/10)


Woody Harrelson: Ernie Luckman one of the stoners who gets all philosophical whenever high. Woody makes for a solid supporting character but needed more screen time. (5/10)


Rory Cochrane: Charles Freck the man who gets most affected by the substance D who starts seeing things before anybody else and is always the fear of what the group could become. Rory does a good job and as for that opening scene that really pulls you in and you want to see more of his character. (8/10)


Support Cast: A Scanner Darkly only has supporting characters working in the police be it officers or doctors checking on Fred. They all help try to show his better side rather than his drug side.


Director Review: Richard Linklater – Richard has become one of the biggest names in Hollywood this year and this showed that he is a visionary director. (8/10)


Animation: A Scanner Darkly is very original with its style of animation which makes the story be able to go in direction that wouldn’t be possible if it was just one or the other. (9/10)

Mystery: A Scanner Darkly tries to keep you guessing but sadly doesn’t keep it up enough of the way through the film. (6/10)

Thriller: A Scanner Darkly keeps you wondering but never pushes you to the edge like it could. (6/10)

Settings: A Scanner Darkly settings are created well throughout the film. (7/10)
Special Effects: A Scanner Darkly uses both brilliant special effects and animation to create a unique look for the film. (8/10)

Suggestion: A Scanner Darkly is one to try it isn’t the most perfect film but the visual could be rewarding. (Try It)


Best Part: Visuals.

Worst Part: Fizzles out near the end.


Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $7.6 Million

Budget: $8.5 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

Tagline: Everything Is Not Going To Be OK


Overall: Brave Idea
The Best Possible Answer
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Viviana is under an immense amount of stress. It's the end of junior year and her future is in the balance. The goal was always to get perfect grades, rock her exams and attend Stanford. Then a distraction, and by distraction I mean boy, sets her off balance. They break up and he does something that sends her world spinning off its axis. Vivi starts having panic attacks and feels that she's not doing anything right in her life. To make it worse, her dad goes on a business trip to Singapore and doesn't come back. She puts every blame and burden on her overworked shoulders.

The characters in the book are very believable and relatable, even if you haven't experienced the same life events that they have. You can feel the friendship between Sammie and Vivi, with all of its ups and down. How much they love each other and do their best to protect one another.

The novel is about believing in yourself, learning to trust and rely on others even when you think you can do it all by yourself, and doing your best. Vivi must learn about herself and realizes that not everything in her life is as it seems.

Highly recommended to teens and young adults who enjoy contemporary ya fiction books about life, loves and high school. (With maybe a little family drama thrown into the mix.) Great, quick, enjoyable read!
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ClareR (5642 KP) rated Dear Child in Books

Feb 26, 2023  
Dear Child
Dear Child
Romy Hausmann | 2020 | Crime, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I felt emotionally drained after finishing this book. There are so many twists! Just when you think you know what’s happened and what’s going to happen, the rules change and something else happens! I couldn’t stop listening - even if I’d wanted to!

Lena disappeared 14 years ago - without a trace. But her parents haven’t given up on her. So when they hear about a woman who has been involved in a traffic accident, they rush to the hospital, hoping that it’s their daughter. She matches the description.

Lena has lived in a windowless shack for 14 years, following every order her husband demands. When to eat, when to sleep, when to use the toilet. Their two children have never left their home, kept safe, hidden away from the rest of the world.

Lena hopes that her nightmare will have ended now that she has escaped, but it seems there is no end in sight.

Dear Child is a tense, dark read. The violence isn’t gratuitous, I felt, and what violence there was moved the story on. What particularly stayed with me was a feeling of uncertainty. Even when Lena’s identity is determined, I was never quite sure if she was who she said she was, and I don’t think she knew either.

If you like a slower paced thriller with more than a hint of menace, this will be the book for you.