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    Location Distance Finder

    Location Distance Finder

    Navigation and Utilities

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    Location Distance Finder is a very useful and unique application to help you to find the distance...

T2: Rising Storm
T2: Rising Storm
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the end of <i>T2: Infiltrator</i>, this novel continues the story started in that novel. The infiltrator of the previous novel may have been destroyed, but she has left behind 2 clones who continue her work, while Sarah Connor recuperates in military hospital from the wounds she received destroying it.

For the first portion of the story, then, John is out on his own with Dieter von Rossbach, rather than working with his mother. This allows the character to grow and mature somewhat, while it also provides the opportunity to bring back some other faces from the film in the Sarah Connor portion of the story, most noticeably in Dr Silbermann (the psychiatrist from T1 and T2).

The novel also takes to opportunity to further explore the paradoxical timeline of the world, with one key scene in particular towards the end showing how Skynet became sentient.
Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
So intense!
This is one of those films that you end up thinking about for days afterwards. It's so intense and submursive that it really takes you on its journey. It is so well filmed and the acting is incredible. It's a film I believe everyone should see. It was such a massive part of the Second World War which is often skipped over in history lessons.
    In the Dark

    In the Dark

    Mai Jia

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    'Cracking another country's cipher is an undercover fight to the death...' Hidden deep in the...