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Of Glass And Ashes
Of Glass And Ashes
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of Glass and Ashes is the third in the Twisted Pages series and the first time we meet Aika, the sister of Zaina from Of Thorns and Beauty and Of Beasts and Vengeance.

Despite being a Cinderella retelling, Aika is a fiesty, unpredictable protagonist. Whereas Zaina kept her walls built high and analysed every move she made, her sister fights hard to compartmentalise her emotions and, every so often, her control slips: Aika is literally the fire to Zaina’s ice.

Thankfully we do not lose Zaina and Einar just yet as they still have a couple of POV chapters in order to continue their mission. I loved the little insights into their dynamic and how this has progressed since we left them in Of Beasts and Vengeance.

Aika is wholeheartedly the star of the show though. Fiery and morally grey, Aika is used to acting upon her Mother’s orders and adopting different identities. However, when grief causes her to act with her heart rather than her head, events are put into motion that put our gutsy heroine in the worst danger of her life.

As with all of Madame’s daughters, Aika is a tortured soul and the reader gains glimpses of her previous life and how she came to be with Madame. Maybe this is why we forgive Aika’s questionable actions: we can clearly see the effect that her upbringing has had on her priorities and the trauma that she feels when she can’t save someone is palpable.

The beauty of Elle and Robin is that they never fail to provide an amazing love interest for their main characters. Spiky, closed off Zaina had an enemies to lovers relationship with the muscly giant Einar and spirited Aika introduces the reader to her ex-lover Remy. Remy is a confident, sarcastic member of the Guard and he sure keeps Aika on her toes but is it only Aika keeping secrets or does Remy also have something to hide?

Suspenseful, secretive and with some seriously deadly glass slippers, Of Glass and Ashes is a page turner which I devoured in less than 24 hours. I can’t wait for March 2022 to see what lies in store for Aika and Zaina in the next installment, Of Thieves and Shadows.
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Warhammer: Chaosbane
There have been a lot of Warhammer games released over the past year or so. Everything from managing spaceships, to Real-Time Strategy, to Tactical Combat based games have been represented between the Warhammer and the Warhammer 40,000 universe. EKO Software and Bigben decided to add the action-RPG to the mix with their fun to play Diablo clone Warhammer: Chaosbane.

Much like the games that it takes inspiration from, you have the opportunity to pick one of four characters to battle the Lords of Chaos and bring order to the land. Your standard archetype characters are all here in standard Warhammer Fantasy. The Dwarven “Slayer” class, for those who like a barbarian class to rage havoc upon his foes, The High-Elf Mage who utilizes his magic to bring down the forces of chaos, the ho-hum Imperial Soldier who can take and deal out a huge amount of damage, and the Wood Elf who uses her bow and dagger to deal damage at a frighteningly fast pace.

Each of the characters have their own unique secondary ability that allows them to gain a strategic advantage on their foes. The Slayer can vault himself into enemies (much like the Barbarian class in Diablo), The Mage can control magical projectiles towards his targets, the Imperial soldier can shield bash targets and the Wood Elf can tumble in and out of danger. I played through the vast majority of the game as the Wood Elf and learning to use her tumble ability and stay mobile is some of the best ways to beat the bosses that you will come across.

One area where Warhammer: Chaosbane improves on the standard Diablo formula is how it handles health and energy/mana. Various items you equip can provide health regeneration on their own or you also possess the ability to use a “health Potion” that refills slowly each time you use it. Thankfully this means you don’t have individual health potions cluttering up your inventory. Mana/Energy is used for special attacks and actions…each time you use a skill some of your Mana/Energy is used. There are a few ways you can recoup your energy. The first is to use your general attacks on creatures, as you successfully hit each one your energy fills a little until it tops the meter off. The other way is to reach out to your familiar who follows you around the screen. My familiar was a butterfly that I could run over to when I’d run low on energy and it would fill my meter about half way. When you utilize your familiar in this way they must also recharge, so use them wisely.

One of the more unique items that you acquire as you slice your way through the hordes of demons and undead are Blood Orbs. Blood Orbs appear on the battlefield seemingly at random (although the more enemies you cut down the more likely they are to appear). As you acquire these orbs it fills a Blood lust meter and when full imbues your character with incredible power and near invincibility until the meter runs out. The Orbs don’t stay on the battlefield forever however, and they slowly lose power the longer you wait to gather them, so it encourages you to step out of the battle (or in my case roll out of the battle) to gather them as quickly as you can. As you progress your character you’ll be given the chance to upgrade these as well which essentially allows you to fill multiple meters and grants you this special power for longer lengths of time.

Skills are broken down into various types which allow you to outfit your character to best suit your play style. There are literally dozens of both active and passive skills to choose from, and each of these skills can be upgraded as well for improved effects or damage. As the Wood Elf Elessa, I was able to summon dryads to my side to help me deal with the hordes of enemies. In edition there are also God Skills that you acquire as you level up and complete missions. These special skills unlock more powerful abilities but also unlock traits as you apply the points. Traits such as health regeneration or critical hit chances are only some of the ones that you can unlock along the God Skill tree that give you a sense that your character is becoming more unstoppable with every skill acquired.

Unfortunately, the inconsistent voice acting is what relegates Chaosbane to being good instead of great. I made the mistake of choosing the character with the worst voice acting in the bunch and if I had played through with another character I may not have noticed how truly terrible it was. Elessa delivers her lines in an almost wooden (pun intended) manner, almost as if reading directly from a script. This gets even more noticeable when on occasion her voice changes to that of a man. The developers and testers did a good job of catching most of them, but there were at least five or six dialog trees where Elessa’s voice changed completely. I have two theories on this, my first theory (although I hadn’t confirmed this) is that the character was originally meant to be portrayed as a man and was changed to add a bit more diversity to the line-up. Not that there is anything wrong with having the main characters all be male, but it certainly could have limited the appeal of the audience. My second theory is that some of the dialog was simply place holders while they were sourcing out the right voice actors and simply missed replacing the audio bytes.

Either way, Elessa isn’t the only place where the voice acting takes a turn for the worst, other characters suffer from this fate as well. While the Warhammer games have always used bravado to deliver their dialog, it is simply too over the top in most cases. The first boss I encountered sounded like Cobra Commander who had just walked off the set of the latest GI Joe Cartoon to lead the forces of Chaos…Yo Joe! The fact that the game is voice acted entirely is something that I do applaud the developers for insisting on, it’s just disappointing that you find yourself reading through the dialog as quickly as possible and skipping the voices whenever you can.

Even with its flaws Warhammer: Chaosbane is a fun Diablo clone and an absolute blast to play. The story is forgettable, the voices laughable, but the combat scratches the same itch that any other action roleplaying game provides. There’s plenty of loot to acquire, that ranges from common to rare, and your ability to “bless” items to make them more powerful is an added bonus. There are a whopping ten levels of difficulty, each level provides for a more difficult adventure with the promise of even better loot. With both couch co-op and online multiplayer, it even harkened me back to the days of playing the original Gauntlet in the arcades. If you like the Warhammer universe and are looking for a game you can pick up and play with relative ease, then Warhammer: Chaosbane is just the game you are looking for.

What I liked: Fun combat, Amazing selection of skills, Plays equally well with keyboard/mouse or controller

What I liked less: Terrible voice acting, Repetitive loot drops, Forgettable story

Amberley Yvonne Mackenzie (9 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 76 in Video Games

Nov 27, 2018  
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
2018 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Co-operative focus (3 more)
Exceptionally large game map
forced interaction with other realtime players
immersion in side quests and exploration
difficult in one player mode past level 12 (2 more)
occasionally repetitive
filled with glitches and bugs
Dystopian loneliness
"War... war never changes."

This instalment of the Fallout series sees us catapulted to West Virginia, an area never previously visited in the post nuclear armageddon indicative of the franchise. You begin as a lowly vault dweller and learn that Vault 76 is a control vault designed to open 25 years after the bombs have dropped and obliterated civilisation as we know it. the character creation is straight forward and the same in design as Fallout 4, infact, the whole game is the exact same as Fallout 4 with a few tweaks here and there so stepping out into Appalacia is easy with the same control system and feel to the game. The vault doesn't hold any surprises, fixed in place as a linear tutorial so the real game begins wandering out the big ol' vault door. Once free the sheer scale is apparent as you take in the horizon, a lush green forest stretches around and for a minute you feel almost like you've wandered into an Elder Scrolls game and not a Fallout instalment then you stumble upon your first Ghoul and you remember how unforgiving Fallout is as you're pummeled into oblivion since the 10mm pistol effectively equates to a peashooter at such low levels. So you dust yourself off and explore, levelling up as you go with a quirky new perk system based loosely on trading cards, now I've encountered other players grumbling about the perk system and I'll repeat the same here as I did there; they are interchangeable at any point, not only in the level up screen. So in other words don't be dissuaded. S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes now have a cap of 15 however you stop earning points at level 50 so choose wisely. Online tools are avaliable to help choose your build that best suits your style of play. Another changed and quirky feature is the C.A.M.P, a play on Fallout 4's settlement building feature in which you can build your own personal campsite anywhere that's not too close to a settlement with plans for hundreds of pieces but a very low budget for items. I found out early on that your camp will literally only really be used for the essentials, workbenches, Cooking equipment, stash box and a bed with a few turrets to keep you safe whilst you sleep. Another unique feature is the stash box, with only 400lbs storage don't think about going anywhere with all those wonderglues! you find yourself in a constant loop of scrapping and bulking junk just to repair weapons and armour and EVERYTHING has weight, even ammo. Think Hardcore mode New Vegas on steroids, you need to eat, drink, you contract diseases and mutations. it's an eerily accurate depiction of post apocalyptia and a good lesson in self care, if you're starving or dehydrated you lose action points and the ability to run. Power armour in the game is essential but not avaliable till level 20, I wouldn't advise going to the South or east of the map until you have some as these areas have the highest level enemy's.
       Speaking of enemies, Bethesda Game Studios has once again outdone themselves with the creation of complex new creatures and enemies. Due to the lack of NPC's, Raiders have been replaced by the Scorched, disease ridden humans liked in someway to the Scorchbeast, essentially a cut and paste dragon from Skyrim. there's also the previous selection of Ghouls, deathclaws, mole rats, feral mutts and Super Mutants with the lore of West Virginia found in the recreation of the Wendigo and Mothman. there's a few other new creatures but I'll leave that to you to discover.
      The locations are stunning, it doesn't matter that it's on an older game engine, what bethesda have created is simply beautiful. In the Ash Heap to the south, a towering collosus of a mining machine in perfect detail stands 100ft above you and to the north of the map, a downed space station, everything recreated in stunning detail. Some of the sights are truly amazing.
       Whilst Fallout 76 has had a lot of mixed reviews I can't say it's been a dissapointmet like some others, yes it heavily relies upon your interaction with other players so if you play solo it can seem a bit lonely and repetitive especially when doing the same events everyday but I went into the game knowing it was going to be different and that gave me another way to look at it objectively. Yes it needs more content but I can safely say, this game has so much potential and is another winner for Bethesda.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
A Solid Taster Before the Main Event
Set in the 1990’s, Captain Marvel follows the story of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a powerful woman caught in the middle of an intergalactic war.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 5
The beginning doesn’t necessarily hook you right away as it focuses more on immersing you in the world. You come to learn that all of this intro info was an important setup, but it really is just “meh” when you’re watching it. Thor: Ragnarok beginning, this is not.

Characters: 10
Danvers/Captain Marvel is a strong embodiment of a kick-ass superhero. This is not your typical you’re-pretty-good-for-a-girl type of hero. She tears enemies and whole scenes apart and does it in such a cool stylish way. I love how she comes into her own throughout the film.

Marvel is flanked by some other stars that keep the movie interesting (Sam Jackson’s Fury is always a treat), but I must take a moment to recognize the true hero of the film: Goose the cat. I’m not even a cat guy, but this little guy truly won my heart. With a personality all his own, he makes you love every scene he’s in. Goose is life.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 8

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
The story moves in a non-linear fashion forcing you to pay attention for fear of missing something. Because it’s constantly jumping back and forth between past and present, you’re constantly unraveling new things in the mystery of Carol’s life. The action doesn’t let up for long enough for boredom to onset. Plus, how can you be bored with Goose on the loose?

Plot: 10
While you can kind of see the outcome from a mile away, at least they got to the final destination in unique fashion. Carol’s story is told with a special flare that seems to fit her perfectly. Origin stories can be hard to pull off, especially when they have been done and re-done and, sometimes (Spider-Man, I’m looking at you) done again. This one not just sets up a powerful hero but also leaves a powerful impact.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 93
Captain Marvel is easily one of my favorite MCU films and that’s high praise considering how many solid movies they have put out. It’s not just a blockbuster film, but one with heart and a solid message. Want to know something else: I actually like the movie more than Wonder Woman. There. I said it.

Paul Kellett (118 KP) created a post

May 1, 2019  
Played my first game of Legends Untold, a superb RPG card game with a focus on skill checks and exploration rather than combat.

There are two different games in this series - The Weeping Caves and The Great Sewers. Both play the same but come with different characters, events and locations.

The promise is simple - choose a single scenario (8 available in each set) or play the story campaign (one 8 episode campaign in each set) and set off exploring. You control 1-4 characters who are normal villagers that have taken up arms and gone adventuring (the campaign has you leading the rest of your village to a new place of safety).

As you make your way through the caves (or sewers), you have to decide which path to take and whether you will be stealthy. Different paths have different levels of light which can affect whether you spot traps or gain surprise on enemies or they see you first. When you enter a new location you roll 3d6 and check your awareness against the light level on the new location. If you pass, you are aware and gain bonuses but if you fail you will get negative modifiers to some tests and could trigger traps.

The location cards have great artwork and can be laid out in any position (lining up exits) which makes the map look great and very different from the regimented layout of other games.

Once you've dealt with any goes, you can explore your surroundings and hopefully gain some loot to help you deal with things.

Everything is resolved with skill tests, rolling 3d6 and adding your characters attribute in a relevant skill plus any modifiers (pluses for being aware, minuses for being careless, etc) from equipment or talents.

There are 4 characters to choose from and an array of weapons, items and talents. The rules give you recommended setups for each character or you can create your own. As you play through, you will level up, gaining upgraded weapons and more talents to help you along. This makes for a great deal of replayability.

The mechanisms while seem daunting at first are intuitive and mesh together really well. The rule book is fantastic and written in such a way that you can start setting up the game and start aging while reading along. Everything is clearly laid out with an index and glossary as well as some handy refer me cards so checking a rule is quick and easy.

If you want a great, quick adventure game, Legends Untold is well worth a look.
The Prestige (2006)
The Prestige (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Underrated and underseen gem
Along with INSOMNIA, the 2006 film that Nolan directed, THE PRESTIGE is probably one of his least known and least viewed films and that is too bad for it is a wonderful motion picture that proves he is a strong director with a strong vision.

Dubbed "The Warring Magicians" film, THE PRESTIGE stars Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as two 19th Century Magicians who war with each other. Of course, they started out as partners, but soon became enemies, each trying to out do each other and to discover the other magician's secrets.

Cleverly written by Nolan and his frequent collaborator, his brother Jonathan Nolan - and based on the novel by Christopher Priest, THE PRESTIGE will keep you guessing throughout, trying to figure out "how they did it" and are constantly being surprised by double turns, back stabbing and second guessing.

Bale, by this time in his career, has established himself as a powerful actor - and he shines here. Joining Bale is Nolan regular Michael Caine as the mentor of the two magicians, a young-ish Scarlett Johannsen as a a woman who falls in love with both of them (of course) and Rebecca Hall and Piper Perabo as Bale's and Jackman's wives, respectively. But...the surprise to me in this film when I first saw it - and again when I recently re-viewed it - is the performance of Hugh Jackman. This film shows that Jackman is more than just Wolverine - that dude can act. As a magician, he is showing glimpses of being "THE GREATEST SHOWMAN" (but that is another movie for another day) and more than holds his own against a fierce Bale. Finally...special notice needs to be made to the actor who portrays inventor Nikola Tesla - perfectly cast in this role is Ziggy Stardust himself, David Bowie. It's a shame that Bowie did not act in more films for he captures the screen in the brief appearances he makes in this film.

As for Nolan - he is now coming into his own as a Director. The action is fast paced, the twists and turns are "honestly" played, the composition of the pictures on the screen are interesting and beautiful to look at and I walked away satisfied.

If you haven't seen THE PRESTIGE (or if you haven't seen it in awhile) - check this one out. You'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A (and...that's a surprise to me, I figured it would be a B+/A- film)

9 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Call of Duty: WWII - The Resistance
The first of four planned DLC packs for Call of Duty: WW2 has arrived for PC and Xbox One owners after being available for PS4 owners for a month.

The Resistance keeps the usual theme of four new maps and a new episode for the Zombie series but this time does it with a bit of a twist.

Usually players see the name of the DLC in the Multiplayer menu and once selected; players can see the various modes available to play the new maps in.

Resistance does away with this and puts the content in the “Featured” area where players have to play either standard or Hardcore Mosh pits and experience the maps in a rotating selection of game modes vs picking a mode.

The three maps available are



Based in Prague; this is a detailed map with a river, central bridge and lots of terrain to cover. Snipers will love the central area but those who want to run and gun can have some luck if they make sure to duck in and out of buildings.


This is a remastered map set in Paris where multiple levels, side streets, shops, and vehicle littered streets allow for some great mid to close range combat. This is a fast-paced map where you can set an ambush, sneak up on enemies, or squad up to take the streets.


If you like a nice run and gun mode based in bunkers; this is the mode for you. Inspired by the Eastern Front headquarters; this is a fast action map ideal for players of all styles.

The fourth map is only available in War mode and is Operation Intercept. Set in France, players need to set up communications, stop a train, and other team based missions.


The new Zombie mode is The Darkest Shore and pits the four heroes on a remote island where the Undead come fast and often. The map mixes bunkers, beaches, and emplacements with the usual weapon, armor, and power up stations and gameplay players got to expect in the original mission.


This time a think and concealing fog will roll in frequently which adds a new danger as you must fight the unending hordes with limited visibility.

Resistance provides more WW2 action for gamers and while it does not radically change the online portion of the game, it does offer some new wrinkles for fans to enjoy and should keep fans happy until the next DLC arrives.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
2017 | Shooter
Bj Blazkowicz is back to fight Nazis in the latest chapter in the long-running Wolfenstein series. With Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus marks the third entry in the series by Bethesda and continues their focus on gritty and gripping storytelling where all the focus is on the campaign versus having a multiplayer component.

Set in an alternate 1960s, BJ and his band of rebels look to strike back at the evil Nazi forces that have enslaved the entire world and much of the solar system as well. Using a captured submarine, the missions task players with exploring and interacting with members of the crew as well as multiple locales throughout the United States and strategic locations.

As any fan of the series knows, BJ is all about death and destruction, and he has a very impressive arsenal of weaponry available to him. From pistols and shotguns, to machine guns, grenades, and more advanced energy and Napalm based weapons; he can give back as much as the overwhelming enemy forces can dish out.

This is a very good thing as there are all manner of enhanced troops, robots, and truly devastating enemy units awaiting him.

Along the way players can gain health, ammunition, and armor from dispatched enemies, and there are charging stations located throughout the missions to charge up the big guns.

The game also has optional side quests for players to take and does have some new mission options following the credits for the game.

What makes the game stand out aside from the action is the great attention to detail of the locales and maps but also acting that is well above what one would expect in a game of this type. Players are given a deeper look at the title character as well as his past, his motivations, and in a refreshing twist, his fragility in dealing with his own mortality in the face of pending changes in his life.

While I was able to complete the game in less than half the time that it took me to complete Wolfenstein: The New Order, there was still over 10 hours of gameplay for me and there are bonus missions and pending DLC for me to look forward to.

With great graphics, sound, action, and a compelling story, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is another great entry for the series and one that you will not want to miss.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Absolultion
The third of a planned four content packs for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has arrived with Absolution. The collection was first available for the Playstation 4 system and was released for the Xbox One and PC platforms about five weeks later and contains the usual offerings of four new maps and a new chapter for the Zombie mode of the game.

The maps are as follows…


This is a remake of the classic map “Resistance” From the castle lined landscape to the close-quarters fighting in rooms like gallows or a torture area this is a great map for those looking to run and gun.


This is a fun map based on a Shanty Town fishing village. There are locales ranging from a Fish Market to a Lighthouse and the mix of colors and action make this one really enjoyable.


This is a frozen landscape set in the ruins of a city. The map has several open areas where players can attack from above thanks to holes in the roof and streets. The debris strewn map offers plenty of cover but also numerous places for enemies to attack from all angles.


This is a large map that is so much fun to play. Set in a mini-golf course, players can run into the arcade, putting areas, and props to attack the enemy. There is plenty of cover and also terrain that is uneven giving a new and diverse set of challenges to players.


While the new maps are lots of fun, the main draw of the collection was the latest chapter in the Zombie mode where four aspiring actors are drawn into actual horror films by a demented Director.

The previous chapters have given us an 80s theme park, a 90s Summer Camp, and a 70s Disco Infused Martial Arts setting. This time out, Attack of the Radioactive things lets players play with and interact with Elvira in a 1950s Atomic Monster setting. The mode starts in Black and White before moving to color and even allows for a red tint Chroma mode.

Of course waves of Zombies and other terrors await and players must run and fight to survive.

This has been another winning collection for Infinite Warfare. While it does not offer anything radically new or different, it does offer plenty of fun and will increase your enjoyment of the game.

I am looking forward to seeing the final pack, around October ahead of the new Call of Duty: World War 2.