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A Lady to Treasure
A Lady to Treasure
Marianne Ratcliffe | 2023 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very much fade to black and I liked that!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, I think, the first I've read of this author, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm not afraid to say I like my books on the steamier and smexier side, you know I'm not but what I liked the most about this was the fact that there is NO smexy stuff!

Oh, don't get me wrong, there is love and passion and emotions all over the place but it's very much a fade to black book, and I liked that it was.

Louisa is in a tricky spot, having been sent by her father to secure a husband in England with enough money to save his business. Sarah is just trying to keep a head above herself; her sister; her father and stepmother and the waste of space that is her stepbrother.

Several marriage offers later, and a terrible attack on Louisa and the ladies realise that they need each other. But Sarah has been alone for so long and accepting the help and love that Louisa offers is hard and she pushes her away, often. Tragedy strikes and Sarah knows to where he must go for help.

I think the thing I struggled the most with, was how long this book is. There is a huge amount of back story, that seemed to drag on. Back stories are great, but I found myself skipping huge chunks. I didn't feel I missed anything by doing so, so maybe they didn't need to be there.

I loved the supporting cast. Eleanor especially, was a joy, even if she was shunned by most of "polite society" in those days.

I didn't feel anything from either woman about what might happen if they let themselves love on each other, you know? Neither were bothered by their feelings and what might happen. Found that a bit odd, given the time they lived in. The romance element sort of popped up too, there didn't seem to be any build up!

But all in all, a nice read, with some drama and some passion; some love and some danger.

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Princes and Kings (A Rose in a Thorn Bush #1)
Princes and Kings (A Rose in a Thorn Bush #1)
Sydney Williams | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
PRINCES AND KINGS is the first book in A Rose in a Thorn Bush series, and we start with Llywelyn the Great's funeral and his two sons, Dafydd and Gruffudd. Gruffudd's son, Owain, doesn't think his uncle will make a good king and has no hesitation in confronting him. This means that when King Henry of England gives him a choice, Dafydd makes Owain part of the bargain to get him out of his hair. Gruffudd and Owain are sent to the Tower of London as hostages of war, the treaty dependent upon their safekeeping. All is well until Gruffudd can't cope with being a prisoner any longer and tries to escape, dying in the process. The treaty is broken and war is inevitable.

As a long-term lover of Wales and all things Welsh, I couldn't wait to read this story. Told as third-person and with a multitude of perspectives, it gives a rounded view of the events leading up to and including, the defeat of the English by the younger Llywelyn. You also get the see the bond between brothers, even with their vastly different experiences.

Whilst I enjoyed this story, I found it slightly disconcerting when the character's emotions changed so quickly. One of them went from being distraught at the thought of the loss of her husband to thinking that she'd lost him years ago anyway. And another went from intensely disliking a wife, to having a normal conversation with her in the blink of an eye. And then there is having a funny feeling about someone where nothing else is mentioned or happens.

That being said, I did enjoy this book and think it is a really good interesting start to a series that involves a bloody and brilliant time in Welsh history.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 7, 2021
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.6 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Going into <b>The Other Boleyn Girl</b> I already knew that the historical details weren't very factual, but I had this laying around and needed something both light and set in the past, so I figured this would do nicely. The writing itself is perfectly fine, and mostly, I did enjoy the book. Although, for the first half, it seemed as if everyone only wore red and by the end I got so sick of hearing about Anne's "B" for Boleyn necklace I could scream.

Mary Boleyn, the narrator, is a strange character: sympathetic and of reasonable intelligence one minute, a moronic irritant the next. Personality-wise she went up and down and back and forth. First she was fine not being the King's favorite anymore and seeming to want to leave the court life for the country to be with her children, then she was jealous of a title Anne received, years after the affair between Mary and Henry was over. Possibly this was put in as part of the rivalry between the sisters, but it didn't contextually fit. Her development could have used more work and she didn't mature or change much throughout the whole book, especially between the years 1522 to 1533. I seriously got tired of everybody's patronizing and calling her a fool all the time. They should have just named the book, <b>The Foolish Boleyn Girl</b>. I find it hard to believe Mary was so ignorant the king would have continued to have her as mistress for four years, give or take. She had to offer something other than good looks and being great in the bedroom. Anne herself sure was a piece of work, and even though she was pretty much evil throughout the book, I did still feel sorry for her at the end. Jane Parker was a one-dimensional malicious harpy who wasn't given a reason why she was that way; she was just the resident baddy to the Boleyns. To me, it felt like defamation of character.

Politics and the separation of the Church of England from the Catholic Church were merely mentioned in passing as court life and its primary players took center stage. The whole incest plot, I could have done without. Now if it were the absolute truth then it'd be okay, but since it's highly debatable and based on hearsay, I found it unnecessary and gratuitous. Around the two-thirds mark, the pace let up and it became more sluggish and boring, and it wasn't until the last sixty pages that it recaptured my attention again.

As long as readers know going into this book that the history has been twisted around and invented for pure sensation, then it's fine as a fictional read, but take any "facts" with a grain of salt. While it was an okay read, I didn't love it, but it managed to divert my attention for a few days.

One last note dealing with the fourth question in the Q&A with Philippa Gregory in the back of the book:

<blockquote>How about Mary and Anne's brother, George? Did he really sleep with his sister so that she could give Henry a son?

<i>Nobody can know the answer to this one. Anne was accused of adultery with George at their trials and his wife gave evidence against them both. Most people think the trial was a show trial, but it is an interesting accusation. Anne had three miscarriages by the time of her trial, and she was not a woman to let something like sin or crime stand in her way--she was clearly guilty of one murder. I think if she had thought that Henry could not bear a son she was quite capable of finding someone to father a child on her. If she thought that, then George would have been the obvious choice.</i></blockquote>
Obvious? How in the world is that obvious? You cannot be serious, Ms. Gregory. Now I'm far from an expert in Tudor England, but I cannot imagine that being a common practice. Maybe someone more knowledgeable about this time could tell me if that ever happened, because it just boggles my mind that George would be the "<i>obvious choice</i>." Not to mention, who the hell did Anne supposedly kill? I hadn't heard that anywhere. Even my searches are coming up blank.

Lee Ronaldo recommended Kollaps by Einsturzende Neubauten in Music (curated)

Kollaps by Einsturzende Neubauten
Kollaps by Einsturzende Neubauten
1981 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"At the end of 1980, Glenn Branca had a tour booked so I quit my day job to go on it, so on the one level it was kind of this fulfillment – ‘wow I’m actually going to go on a fucking rock & roll tour, how great is this?’ And I think it was the end of me having day jobs in New York, which was kind of also an amazing thing to think about. The first tour was in the US and it was wrapped up in all this kind of weird stuff. We were on the West Coast when Lennon was shot. He was one of my great early heroes and one of the reasons why I was involved in any of this stuff to begin with, and he gets shot while I’m on my first rock & roll tour. It felt kind of heavy in a certain way. A few months later we went to Europe and when we played Berlin, Neubauten was the opening act and it was their second ever gig. So I got to see them at the very beginning and meet all those guys. Sheet metal music on cymbal stands - they were really just putting it together at that point, their music also progressed really fast in the early period, but this was just an early primitive version of what they were doing. I met all of those guys, Mufti and Blixa and Alexander and Alex and I some German relatives so I had an affinity with Germany to begin with, and we became friends right away, so I’ve known them since the early 80s, when they really started doing their thing it was this parallel rise to what Sonic Youth was doing. We came out of New York, out of the stuff that was coming out of New York and Black Flag and Minutemen the West Coast stuff, but at the same time all this stuff that was going on in England – the Birthday Party, was there at that point and we had met them, and in that same early period Lydia Lunch had taken us to one of the last Birthday Party shows in New York and we met Nick, Rowland (S. Howard), Mick Harvey and all those guys. Shortly after that when Sonic Youth first started coming to England, the Bad Seeds wanted Sonic Youth to be their opening act. Those early Neubauten records were just so impressive in what they were doing because again Blixa comes out of all this Germanic Berthold Brecht art music as well as this extreme stuff, and they took their extremism to welding torches and grinders on stage. It’s all music on a certain level, didn’t John Cage teach us that, or Stockhausen or Varèse? What Neubauten was doing was really coming out of this same climate of ‘we’ve got electric guitars on stage but we’ve also got noise-makers that could tie our music back to futurist music of the 20s’. I think the really dominant thing about all these groups from that period was that these were no longer kids that grew up in middle America that heard rock & roll and put a band together in their garage after high school and just went out and did their thing, these were all people that were arts educated and went to university and were steeped into 20th century art making practice whether it was music, or visual art or experimental theatre. For me I grew up with pop music on the radio in the kitchen of my house every morning before school, there was an AM radio blasting the latest 7” singles, you couldn’t get away from it, but at the same time I got educated in all this other stuff so all these people wanted to combine this stuff, they didn’t want to leave their education behind and pretend they were ruffians in the garage that were uneducated and idiots savants – kind of like the Stooges were a real version of that, although I couldn’t say enough about Iggy and his smartness. When Neubauten was doing that stuff it wasn’t tongue in cheek but it was marshalling a lot of different influences, not just simple pop influences. This is some of the most remarkable music ever, and the shows they put on, they were dangerous in an extreme way with sparks flying off the stage. Sonic Youth played this famous show in the Mojave Desert in 1984, and Neubauten did one in the same series, within 4 or 5 months of our show. We had a lot of early symbiotic relationships with all those groups."

Darcy's Voyage
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this Pride and Prejudice variation, Elizabeth meets a strange kind man in a carriage when she is eighteen, and they both hold on to the memory of each other for two years. Elizabeth gets a chance to visit her aunt and uncle in America when she is twenty, and Mr. Darcy travels to America on his ship, the Pemberly Promise, to get his sister. But Elizabeth falls ill in the steerage, and Darcy is concerned for her more than he thought he would be, though he can’t explain it. Darcy makes a deal with Elizabeth: Since his room has an extra bed that she could heal in, and he needs a wife on the ship to avoid the young female suitors, he asks Elizabeth to marry him, and promises to annul the marriage when they get back to England.

Elizabeth and Darcy don’t recognize each other for a while, but soon it becomes obvious that they met in the carriage two years ago. It’s also obvious that they enjoy the same things, build each other up, and support each other well… and pretty soon they’re falling in love.

But misunderstandings lead to tragic occurrences, and secrets falling into the wrong hands can prove dangerous. Darcy and Elizabeth don’t know that the other loves them, and serious damage could happen if the wrong information falls into the wrong hands…

Darcy’s Voyage was a fun read. The book used some of the original story line, and most of the characters were accurate and the same in character traits and personalities—except Georgiana, who was far to outgoing—and there were some delightful new characters.

I liked the plot. It was original and creative, but it did have it’s flaws. First, I’d have liked more conflict between Elizabeth and Darcy. Their relationship had a few bumps, but seemed to be just a little to perfect. Second, Darcy’s idea of marrying Elizabeth so she could have his other bed was a little far fetched. A gentleman would have just given up his room, not married her. Still, I did like it and was able to overlook the little things that made my eyebrow quirk up.

The thing that I liked most was the artistic license. This was a great re-telling of the classic characters. It was original and cute and creative. And it was clean! which made my day.

Content/recommendation: no language, no sex, no violence. Ages 14+
The Identicals
The Identicals
Elin Hilderbrand | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tabitha and Harper Frost are identical twins. Their parents divorced when they were 14 years old, and the twins were split between the parents(like the Parent Trap). Tabitha goes with their mother to Nantucket and Harper goes with their father to Martha's Vineyard. Even though these 2 islands are only a few miles away, they might as well be thousands. After this separation the girls grew farther and farther apart until they stopped speaking all together. When their father, Billy, dies, will it be enough to bring Tabitha and Harper back together as the sisters they once were, or will this drive them even farther apart?

Elin Hilderbrand has put together another enjoyable novel. My travels have never brought me further north than upstate New York, but she paints a picture of the New England coastline as a place I have to visit.

I don't know what it's like to be a twin, but I do have a sister. I think it would be impossible to go years without speaking to or seeing my sister. What happened between Tabitha and Harper that they couldn't work out their differences? Will the death of their father prove to them that whatever it was can be fixed?

For me, I didn't really connect with either of these characters. The person I connected most with was Ainsley, Tabitha's 15 year old daughter. At the beginning of the book, she is struggling through life as all girls at that age do. Trying to find out who you are, who your friends should be, which cliques to be a part of. Ainsley is trying to figure out her place in her world and trying to find her way through that with a parent who is pretty much hands-off.

Harper is also struggling through some things at the start of the book. But unfortunately, this is nothing new for Harper. She always seems to find herself on the wrong side of trouble.

Tabitha as well is going through a tough situation. As the head of her mother's clothing empire, trying to keep the store afloat as well as raise a teenage daughter and have a social life, it's a lot on one person.

Will these three ladies be able to put their differences aside, pull up their big girl panties, and work everything out so that they all will be able to coexist and thrive?
THE OTHER COUNTESS is a sweet and harmless love story set in Tudor England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, in the year of 1582 to be exact. Lady Eleanor Rodriguez, Countess of San Jaime, is our penniless heroine who is saddled with her absent-minded alchemist father; the roles of child and parent have been long since been reversed. The preface, which takes place in 1578, gives us our first glimpse of William Lacey, the new Earl of Dorset at age fourteen, as he throws a twelve-year-old Ellie and her father off his land.

The story itself isn't exactly original and doesn't go into any unfamiliar territory, but it's ably told and fairly inoffensive, making it suitable for older teens (there are numerous allusions to sexual situations but that's as far as it goes). The dialogue and sensibilities are more modern in nature and don't always ring true to the era, but some liberties are always taken in young adult fiction, therefore making it something I can forgive. Very light on historical content, this is more for the romantics out there who like a historical backdrop to a love story. For the first half, I wasn't very involved into either the characters or their story, and it didn't help that it moved at a slow pace, though at the halfway point it picked up and started charming me. However, the hero and heroine were a little too perfect, more so in Ellie's case, as she didn't seem to really have any negative attributes other than she has a bit of a temper. Maybe if they had a few more rough edges I would have rooted for them to have their happy ending, as it is, I wasn't that invested. I do think that the secondary character, Lady Jane Perceval, has promise on that front since her narrative had a more realistic feel to it, so I may just pick up her story when it comes out ([b:The Queen's Lady|8805112|The Queen's Lady (The Lacey Chronicles, #2)|Eve Edwards||13679272]). The resolution to Will and Ellie's story came far too easily and some more conflict would have made it much better. Still, as I said, it's a sweet story, even if nothing sets it apart from other books. An easy read that should appeal to teenage girls.
Death Waits in the Dark
Death Waits in the Dark
Julia Buckley | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don’t Wait in the Dark, Start Reading This Book
Summer has come to Blue Lake, Indiana, and with it the heat. Lena London and her mentor, bestselling author Camilla Graham, are trying to finish their latest manuscript, but the heat is making it hard to concentrate. However, a visit from Jane Wyland doesn’t prove to be a welcome distraction. Jane and Camilla were acquainted when Camilla first moved to the United States from England, but the two haven’t spoken in decades. Jane arrives to tell Camilla that she knows the secret the Graham family has been hiding, and Jane is going to share it with the world if Camilla doesn’t step up and acknowledge it first.

The trouble is, Camilla doesn’t know what secret Jane is talking about even when Jane implies that it is something from Camilla’s husband’s past. The next day, Camilla and Lena go to try to get more information from Jane so they can figure out what has the woman so upset. However, when they arrive, they discover that Jane has been murdered. What was this secret from the past, and did it get Jane killed?

As much as I enjoyed the first three books in this series, it was nice to see the plot move away from Lena’s boyfriend and focus on another character. This change also allowed the book to have even more of a gothic feel to it than the first three. While I’m not super familiar with that genre, I was definitely able to recognize elements of it as the book unfolded, and I enjoyed seeing how it was combined seamlessly with elements of a cozy mystery. The result works and we get a story that drew me in each time I picked up the book and made it hard to put down. The usual cast of characters are still here, and it was great to see them. The suspects didn’t get much page time, but they work perfectly for the story as it is told here since the main drive was to figure out what secret from the past upset Jane so much. This is a fun twist on the cozy mystery, and if you are looking for something slightly different, be sure to pick it up.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Yes Please in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Yes Please
Yes Please
Amy Poehler | 2015 | Biography
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure how to feel about this book. In some ways, I appreciated that it was more serious than some of the other "funny people" memoirs going around. I am not a huge fan of books written by silly people full of silly things that pretend to tell the story of their life. What's the point? At least Amy makes an attempt to write a memoir, chronicling bits and pieces of her life and actually detailing true thoughts and feelings about things, rather than just jokey things that have no meaning. I found myself sort of rushing through some of the silly lists and spending more time on the actual writing, though some of the funny bits were good - fake acceptance speeches and the like.

The problem is that the book jumps around a lot and never really delves too much into anything. Not wanting to cover her divorce - okay, I get that. There is a really sweet chapter on her sons, which was lovely. You get a rough chronicle of how she became a kid from New England who wound up in New York by way of Chicago. But there's not a lot of detail. I also, selfishly, wish there had been more Tina Fey.

I enjoy that you get the impression that Amy is a deep person with deep thoughts - and isn't even perhaps always nice. She's not afraid to tell stories that don't necessarily flatter her. You get an idea of her as multifaceted person - actress, writer, mom, etc., and not just someone who tells funny stories. There are also some good stories that feature celebrities, which you are always looking for in a celebrity memoir. Finally, there's a fun bit annotated with notes by Parcs & Rec creator Mike Schur. He and Amy talk about a holiday gift Mike gave all his family and friends containing every email, text, and phone message he received during the Red Sox's successful World Series run in 2004. I was left thinking I want to read *that* book.

Anyway, the book just felt a little flat to me, as if it was missing something. It was a little disjointed in its presentation and content. Because it jumps the line between serious and funny, you're left without a full idea of who Amy is, but yet it's not funny enough to just make you laugh and forget all the other flaws.

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Vox in Books

Sep 19, 2018  
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book made me so ANGRY.
Contains spoilers, click to show
** spoiler alert ** Somewhere along the line, what was known as the Bible Belt, that swath of Southern states where religion ruled, started expanding. It morphed from belt to corset, covering all but the country’s limbs—the democratic utopias of California, New England, the Pacific Northwest, DC, the southern jurisdictions of Texas and Florida—places so far on the blue end of the spectrum they seemed untouchable. But the corset turned into a full bodysuit, eventually reaching all the way to Hawaii. And we never saw it coming.

This book made me so ANGRY. I read it in a flurry of outrage in less than 24 hours because I just.could.not.stop.

It's the very near future, and the religious right has (seemingly) won in the United States. Women no longer hold jobs, are no longer allowed to read or write, and are limited to speaking 100 words per day, enforced by an electric-shock "bracelet" counter, their voices effectively silenced, their rights taken away. A religious zealot is pulling the strings of the puppet-President. School textbooks are replaced with religious tomes. The LGBTQ community is forced into prison/work camps for "conversion" to the "normal" way (read: man/woman). Engage in premarital or extramarital sex? Work camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota for the rest of your life, with a counter on your wrist set to ZERO. You may think "none of this would ever happen!" .....wouldn't it, though? Consider the current political climate and treatment of women, folks. Maybe it's not that far off the mark.

“Whose fault do you think it was?” he said. I stood in my kitchen, wanting to explain, careful not to, while he told me we’d marched one too many times, written one too many letters, screamed one too many words. “You women. You need to be taught a lesson.”

There will be the inevitable comparisons to The Handmaid's Tale, of course. I personally could not slog my way through The Handmaid's Tale,, so I can't speak to those comparisons. I can only tell you that if you aren't outraged by the very IDEA that this could happen, there may be something wrong with you.

I did feel like the ending was slightly rushed, but not to the point that it took away from the rest of the story. It was a satisfying, hopeful ending.

What would you do to be free?