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The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Quirky and original with strong performances and direction
Greek Director Yorgos Lanthimos is the director of such quirky, bizarre comedy/dramas as DOGTOOTH, THE LOBSTER and KILLING OF A SACRED DEER and his latest, THE FAVOURITE is no different, so when it was nominated for 10 Oscars, I thought I'd better go see what all the fuss was all about.

And I'm glad I did for THE FAVOURITE is a biting, funny, sarcastic, bizarre, intense and interesting Royal Court drama about the inner workings, back channel dealings and backstabbing social climbing in Queen Anne's court in England in the early 18th Century as seen through Lanthimos' camera lens - a lens that is different indeed.

Starring Oscar winners Rachel Weisz (THE CONSTANT GARDNER) and Emma Stone (LA LA LAND) in their Oscar nominated turns as cousins who vie for the attentions of Queen Anne (Olivia Colman, also Oscar nominated), it is the rare film that features 3 strong women who play off each other well and where each one is a full character in and of themselves - all 3 with strengths and weaknesses that make them real and compelling and performed by 3 strong actresses. Needless to say that each Oscar nod is well deserved.

But the real star of this film is the sensibilities and camera work of Lanthimos. He uses unusual camera angles, unusual angles and bizarre imagery to show the unreality of the court in relation to the real world around them and is a commentary on these people as much as it shows the action on the screen. This film is an artist with a true, unique vision and is one that, while not for everyone, is one that worked for me.

Lanthimos layers on a rich tapestry of story (by Oscar nominated Screenplay writers Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara) locations (by Oscar nominated Production Designers Fijona Crombie and Alice Felton), Costumes (by Oscar nominated costumer Sandy Powell) , editing (by Oscar nominated Yorgos Mavropsaridis), Cinematography (by Oscar nominated Robbie Ryan) and performances, direction and film.

I think you get the point - this film has become (rightfully so) a darling of the Awards season and is well worth checking out - while this film is not entirely successful in what it attempts to do, it is fun to watch the attempt and the strong performances, characters, direction, costumes, cinematography, etc...which more than makes up for any shortcomings in the story (especially the final act of the film).

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
From Russia With Love (1964)
From Russia With Love (1964)
1964 | Action, Classics, Mystery
Characters – James Bond is forced into his next mission which includes seducing a spy that is wanting to turn on Russia, he shows us again just how skilled he is when it comes to dealing with life and death situations and his awareness of dangers around him. Tatiana Romanova is the Russian spy that has offered to give up information for safety to England, she might not be as true as James is told about, even though we know she is being forced into this mission. Rosa Klebb is the one that is recruiting the agents with Tatiana and Grant being her picks to help SPECTRE eliminate James Bond. Grant is the newest recruit assassin, hard as nails, resourceful and everything James will find difficult to beat in a fight.

Performances – Sean Connery has grown into this role being even better than the first film, he become the superstar name after this outing. Daniela Bianchi is good for a Bond girl, she is stronger than the first one and now we know what type of women will get in this role. Robert Shaw as the villain is great, he looks cold calculated through every single scene.

Story – The story here is a lot more interesting than the first film, we learn early on about the SPECTRE plan which shows us how we have a growing villainous threat for Bond to tackle. This helps make the franchise even more enjoyable because it isn’t just Bond solving a case, it is him trying to stay ahead while we know the twists coming. The story leaves us open to learn more about SPECTRE in future film which again is a pleasure for the audience to be seeing. How everything unfolds well we know Bond can solve the problems he is facing and we get to see the start of the infamous gadgets.

Action/Adventure – The action in the film is bigger, the fights last longer and the adventure that Bond must go on is showing us just how big the terrorist battle will be.

Settings – The film takes place for the most part in Turkey, which shows us another neutral country in the middle of the battle, the train sequences could be argued to be the most enjoyable though.

Scene of the Movie – The gadgets being introduced.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – James Bond attitude toward women.

Final Thoughts – This is a wonderful second instalment in the franchise, it gives us a bigger threat for long term villains in SPECTRE and does have big action throughout.


Overall: The sequel that makes things bigger.
Little Wonders
Little Wonders
Kate Rorick | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quinn Barrett's mantra is about being perfect. But that all crumbles when she's caught on camera at the Little Wonders Preschool Halloween parade screaming at her young son, Hamilton, and destroying his (you guessed it) perfectly-created spaceship costume. As president of the Little Wonders board, a perfect mom, and a designer, Quinn supposedly has it all together. But when fellow Little Wonders mom Daisy McGulch captures her meltdown on her phone and it goes viral, Quinn's perfect life is over. As for Daisy, she's terrified that Quinn (and the other Little Wonders parents) will find out she's responsible for the video. She's having a hard enough time fitting in the posh New England town and Little Wonders world. Daisy, with her tattoos, blue hair, and love of cosplay, isn't exactly like the other moms. But then Daisy and Quinn find themselves thrust together--and soon--maybe even friends. What will happen if Quinn finds out what Daisy did?

"In dark moments, when Quinn Barrett looked back and analyzed what caused the destruction of her entire life, she should have known it would happen at the Little Wonders Preschool Happy Halloween Costume Parade (and Dance Party)"

This book started off incredibly slow for me. Though, in its defense, I was reading it while sick with the flu and not exactly in the reading mood (or in the mood for anything, really). It took me a long time to warm to Quinn and Daisy--they just weren't the type of characters you (well, me) immediately take to. And, really, I'm a tough sell on these "mom" type books. I know these horrible type of parents exist--and these snotty schools--but some of these people and their actions just seemed so over-the-top.

I'm glad I kept reading, though, because eventually Daisy and Quinn grew into full-fledged characters, even if some of the other parents remained crazy caricatures and stereotypes. Daisy is sweet and funny, with her love of pop culture, and Quinn is relatable, with her flaws and desire for perfection. The book captures a lot of the difficult elements of parenting; what parent hasn't felt alone and out of their depth at points?

There are some really humorous moments, and I liked Daisy and Quinn's friendship a lot. Some of the events seemed a bit transparent, but Daisy and Quinn's eventual growth and my need to root for them turned this into a 3.5-star read.