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Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
1980 | Action, Drama, Western

"Was 1979 the year of excess? If we look at Spielberg’s 1941, Landis’s The Blues Brothers, and Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate, we see they are very different films made by young American filmmakers whose previous work had given them blank checks. Heaven’s Gate was so brutalized at the time of its release, but all things considered one feels most of the assessments now are actually positive. I think time has been kind to it; it’s an American epic that feels closer to a Soviet experiment than to straight-up Hollywood. And what a great disc this is."


Jim Broadbent recommended Andrei Rublev (1966) in Movies (curated)

Andrei Rublev (1966)
Andrei Rublev (1966)
1966 | Biography, Drama, History
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"That’s another great sprawling big epic that follows various episodes in the life of Andrei Rublev, who was an icon painter in probably the 15th or 16th century — I’m not sure — and just various episodes in his life. I mean, he hardly features in many of them. He’s just an observer of a lot of this, but it’s magnificent. You really, really get a feel for what it might have been like to live in medieval Russia. It’s much more approachable than some of [Andrei] Tarkovsky‘s work. I absolutely adore it and watch it again and again."

Hud: Original Soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein
Hud: Original Soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is one idea, repeated, done in a simple palette of colour. So many records that I like are like that. I love putting it on in the background. It's like a tumbleweed in slow motion. It's stoic and sad. The rhythm of it is so beautiful. I loved the film when I was younger, too. It reminds me of weekend afternoons when I was a kid watching Westerns on TV, things like High Noon and The Searchers. [laughs] Remember that feeling? And that plangent Spanish guitar… this album feels intimate and epic all at the same time. 

Arabian Nights (1974)
Arabian Nights (1974)
1974 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"All of Pasolini’s films are very surprising and impressive because they come from somebody with a deep culture who, through cinema, managed to remove himself from that culture. It’s as if he took culture off and, naked, went and walked off into the world. In this film he really succeeded in adhering to the deepest meaning of the text, of the epic narration and storytelling, without adding any element of pathos, psychological feelings, or sentimentalism—which would have been a very easy pitfall. He just tells the story the way it is without adding to it."

Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America
Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America
Garry Wills | 1993 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A small but epic book. Wills masterfully analyzes the Gettysburg Address in terms of its oratory and historical context. Debunking the notion that the 272-word speech was spontaneous or at least quickly written, he reminds us of how fastidious it was. For Lincoln, a man who frequently quoted Shakespeare and was well read in many areas, this was an opportunity to say a great deal at a crucial time of the Civil War. His brevity — the actual Oration by Edward Everett was at least two hours long — was stunning at the time but clearly no accident. Required reading."
