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The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
1972 | Crime, Drama

"Oh, The Godfather. If it gets any better than that… I mean, it’s so beautifully shot. I’m not a fan of violent movies, but that one is such an epic film. The violence is part and parcel of the story they’re telling, so, it’s legitimate. In a weird way, I find there’s no gratuitous violence in it. Even though there’s a lot of shooting in that thing, every time there’s a shootout, I found it upsetting and horrifying as opposed to films which just trade on mowing human beings down. Those I find pornographic and not sad. I think it does damage to our society, personally."

Hell Fest (2018)
Hell Fest (2018)
2018 | Horror
Over the top gore (2 more)
Insane story
Rooster Teeth cast cameos
Give a bunch of gamer enough money to create a horror film...
So the Rooster Teeth team created a horror movie... we know the create some epic entertainment that doesn’t take itself seriously (Red vs. Blue, RWBY). Now give them the means to create the horror movie we’ve all discussed when hanging out... all the ideas in one... then use a festival so it makes sense for so many different horror genres to collide in one movie.
Reminiscent of the B-movies of the 60s-80’s that now hold “Iconic Cult Status” & that’s what you get from this film.
    Dashy Square

    Dashy Square


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