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Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The one that started it all. This film revolutionized cinema in more ways that likely any other film before it, or after.

While the base of the story is a worn one, the telling of this story is what sets it apart and makes it legendary.

We are introduced to a world (nee, universe) created in the mind of George Lucas that he unabashedly shared with a world that didn't know they wanted, and in some cases, needed it.

The fact that over forty years later we are still talking about this movie and it maintains relevance rather than just being nostalgic speaks volumes to the impact it has had on everything around it.

Though I figure there aren't too many folks who haven't already seen this epic, if you are one of the hold outs, knock it off. See the movie. It's better than you have been told.