Julien Duvivier
This book is the first ever English-language study of Julien Duvivier (1896-1967), once considered...

The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
There is now no published theory to explain the enigma of the Turin Shroud that fits the known...

The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome
This is the first volume in a bold new series that tells the stories of all peoples, connecting...

Voltron: Legendary Defender - Season 1
TV Season Watch
VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER is set in a future in which a malevolent force named Emperor Zarkan...

Heroic Works: Catalogue for Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2017
Throughout the ages, every culture has created myths and legends which recount the great deeds of...

London. Portrait of a City
London calling. This is a photographic journey through the history of this epic city. Samuel Johnson...

A Woman in Arabia: The Writings of the Queen of the Desert
The writings of one of the great woman adventurers of the twentieth century - the 'female Lawrence...

Bad Faith: A History of Family and Fatherland
Bad Faith tells the story of one of history's most despicable villains and conmen - Louis Darquier,...

The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
'The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.' Marx and Engels's revolutionary summons to...

Billy Bramble and the Great Big Cook off
"Want to know something else about me? I am Billy Bramble: the King, the President and the Emperor...