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The Loki Sword (Fireborn #3)
The Loki Sword (Fireborn #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not sure why, but for some reason I haven't really connected with Angus Donald's 'Fire Born' novels, finding them to be the weakest of his three series that I have read (The Outlaw Chronicles and the Holcroft Blood series).

I don't know why that is; it's just one of those things.

However, I'll still read these novels, just not be in as much of a rush to do so as with the others.

This is the third in his FireBorn series (after both The Last Berserker: An action-packed Viking adventure and The Saxon Wolf: A Viking epic of berserkers and battle) and is also, for my money, the best of those three novels. That may be because of the nature of this - a band of travellers setting out on a quest, leading to a battle and a return home, with the author himself admitting the influence of the works of JRR Tolkien on this particular entry.

ClareR (5784 KP) rated Godkiller in Books

Feb 22, 2023  
Hannah Kaner | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was fantastic! I didn’t want it to end - which is quite fortunate, because I believe there will be more to come (it says this is book #1 on Goodreads, so it must be true!).

I loved the characters: Kissen, a Godkiller who loves her job; a girl with a couple of rather large secrets, one of which is Skediceth, a small god who is tied to her. Which is something of a conundrum for Kissen. If she kills the little god of white lies, will she kill the child as well? And then there’s Elogast, a Knight turned baker, who has to ask one last favour from a god for his best friend. Why the god would do anything for him is a mystery - after all, Elogast killed many gods and destroyed their shrines during the God Wars.

The world building in this is epic, the pacing is perfect, and it’s just an overall exciting, thrilling ride of a story.

I need more asap!
Dune: The Graphic Novel, part 1
Dune: The Graphic Novel, part 1
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Dune

My only frame of reference is the 2021 movie.

Oh, I knew the basics prior to that: Spice, the giant worms, space politics, but beyond that ... ?

Released in the wake of that movie, this is - apparently (or so the authors say) - a straight visual retelling (as much as is possible) of Frank Herbert 1965 epic, rather than putting their own stamp on it.

Never having read that original, I'm in no position to say whether it is or not.

What I will say, however (if it is) then so is the 2021 movie, although there are distinct visual differences between the two mediums.

This also ends in a different place, slightly earlier than the movie, with Paul and Jessica alone in the desert and before their run-in with the Fremen.

So, yes, engaging if dragging slightly in parts and well set-up for the release of Part 2 in Autumn 2022 ...

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) created a post

May 31, 2022  
May Reads

So this month I’ve read 20 and DNFd 1 I have had some really good reads this month!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 9
⭐️⭐️ 2

I had a huge 5 ⭐️ reads this month and I loved each one but my absolute favourite was The Empire of the Vampires that book was just epic!! Also if you love zombie and a good giggle definitely go for Death in a Northern town just so good!!

My best #fromabox book was The Doll Funeral it was honestly so good.

My DNF was well justified the author is always hot and miss and this time he missed it big his whole attitude was just so bad!

The other book that I was looking forward to but was a little disappointed in was Ariadne it was good but I fell for the hype and expected more 🙈