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Heart Restoration (RenoVations #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Y'all this story was epic!

It combined historical fiction, a mystery, suspense + a dash of oh so sweet romance!! I think this is one of my favorite books to read this year :) I think I read the whole book in one sitting.
I loved Lisa. Her character is well developed, she is strong and shows grace, and courage when faced with interesting circumstances. Plus, I loved the vivid descriptions that Regina Rudd Merrick used to describe Lisa and Nick and their plans for the renovation; It was like I was in the house and could envision it right along with them!

The setting in the old house, combined with the mystery left me so excited to (hopefully) read Del's story next! I highly recommend this story for the great characters, interesting twists I did not see coming and for making the smiles along the way. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
DUUUUUUUDE okay so the fact that this book took me 3 months to read is in no way indicative of how much I loved this (okay the start was slow and it took me a good 200 pages to get into but this is the first fantasy epic i've read since harry potter so can you blame me???????) once i picked this up again I was hooked with a capital H, I love the premise and I love how carefully Tomi Adeyemi has built this world from the language, to the cities, to the magical lionaires (which i want one of btw) also i may be in love with inan more that I probably should be <spoiker> and it's probably an unpopular opinion for me to really want him and zelie to get together again but i love a good hate to love trope and an angsty boy so here i am.</spoiler> I can't wait for the next book in this series to come out because I NEED MORE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS 5 STARS 5 STARS
Dances With Wolves (1990)
Dances With Wolves (1990)
1990 | Action, Drama, Western
The music (1 more)
The cinematography
The length! (0 more)
John Dunbar ... Dances with Wolves
Kevin Costner's epic Western, in which the man himself stars as Civil War veteran John Dunbar who, after an act of attempted suicide charging the enemy lines on his own, is offered his choice of posting and chooses to go to the American Frontier (before it disappears).

Once he gets there, he is posted to an abandoned fort, with everyone who had knowledge of this posting then (for plot reasons) getting killed off.

Initially left on his own, he soon encounters a nearby tribe of Sioux Indians and, as the film progresses, finds himself drawn more and more to their way of life, eventually earning the name 'Dances with Wolves' before the inevitable happens and the US army starts making their way into Sioux territory.

Unusual (for it's time) in that this film is largely sympathetic to the Native Americans plight, with some stunning cinematography, beautiful music and some stellar acting but, holy moly, boy is this one long film: even the 'standard' version is roughly 3 hours long!
This Unruly Mess I&#039;ve Made by Macklemore &amp; Ryan Lewis
This Unruly Mess I've Made by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
2016 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My favourite video of all time is actually for James Blake’s A Case Of You, the one that has Rebecca Hall in it – I can’t watch it without my entire body shaking. But, for what a video really, really should be, for pure Thriller-like entertainment value, you can’t get much better than the video by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis for Downtown. The dancing! The marching! The mopeds! The chariots! You have to give in to that video – how ridiculous it is. It played a lot with hip-hop culture – and I love hip-hop culture, I love the bigness, the grandness, the showing-off-ness of it, I appreciate it and I revel in it. But there’s something about these guys mocking the extravagance of it that I really responded to. It really made me laugh – I was in tears watching it. And actually I think you can see Macklemore pissing himself laughing at the end… Ryan Lewis, who produces the records, produced and directed the video. Epic."

The Avengers - Season 5
The Avengers - Season 5
1967 | Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller
The Avengers' fifth season opens with a fabricated alien invasion and concludes with a shrink-gun, and while the odd more serious and down-to-earth episode sneaks in, this sort of sums up the scope of the series at this point: a mixture of B-movie sci-fi, extravagant whimsy, and knowing wit. As in the previous year, dapper security operative John Steed is assisted in his investigations by Mrs Emma Peel.

However, not quite up to the standard of the previous year - the show now seems pitched towards the American networks, hence the move to rather garish colour, and it's often much more knockabout as a result. The fact that most of the episodes are written by either Philip Levene or Brian Clemens also results in a certain reliance on formula - the show even resorts to remaking some of the earlier videotaped stories to avoid having to come up with brand new scripts. However, episodes like The Hidden Tiger and Epic still stand up as well as anything in the run of the series.
    Conduct AR!

    Conduct AR!

    Games and Entertainment

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    Conduct AR! is an epic augmented reality game of explosive railway action. Set in the old west you...

    SkyLab Photo Editor

    SkyLab Photo Editor

    Photo & Video and Entertainment

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    SkyLab is the one and only sky-replacement app. Imagine dropping stunning skies on your photos with...

    Bases for Minecraft

    Bases for Minecraft


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    Looking for the best bases to build in Minecraft? Look no further! With this app you'll get some of...