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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020) in Movies

Oct 12, 2020 (Updated Oct 12, 2020)  
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
Starting with the positives for this one...
The three young leads are pretty likable, one of them wears a Ghost shirt at one point which was cool. Method Man plays a priest which is always going to be a good time. It has a diverse cast and deals with the issue of gentrification which you don't see often in movies.

But that was about it for me, everything else is just kind of shoddy. Although the whole cast seem to gel nicely, aside from a few moments that made me smile, none of the humour really landed.
The vampire aspect of this movie was just a bit lame. There's a lot of references to Blade, and a nod to The Lost Boys, but all that does is remind the audience that they could be watching a much better vampire film.
I appreciate that this a family friendly film, but I don't recall seeing a single drop of blood, which is weird considering the subject matter.

There aren't really any set pieces until the end, and honestly, the final showdown is woefully shit. The stakes never seem high throughout, and the twist regarding the vampire leader is telegraphed from the first moment they appear on screen.

Living in the UK, I can't comment on how well Vampires vs The Bronx represents The Bronx itself. In that regard, I've heard positive things, and the closing lines of the movie suggest that this is a film made for those who live there, which is a great thing, but it may somewhat explain why I just didn't connect with it in the way that others have.

As a commentary on several relevant social issues, it's not too bad. As a vampire film, it sucks, pun fully intended.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) Oct 13, 2020

As someone who grew up in the Bronx, it was not the best representation. It was a cutesy movie that was happening in a generic urban area. It could have been any urban project in a major US city.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Oct 13, 2020

Thank you for the insight 🙌

Smoke and Key
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><b>Kelsey Sutton sucked me right into <em>Smoke and Key</em>.</b></h2>
I thought <em>Smoke and Key</em> would be a fascinating murder mystery set underground with the dead. But as I got in the story, I discovered I was so <em>so</em> wrong. From early in the novel, Sutton sucks me into the world of Under. Key wakes up dead with no memories other than a key around her neck. Others who live in Under are the same as well, and like Key each of them has an item they came with they identify themselves with.

<h2><strong>Mysterious and creepy.</strong></h2>
<em>Smoke and Key</em> is everything I thought a world of dead people would be - mysterious and creepy. When Key awakens in Under, she has a feeling everyone around her is in the world for a reason - she just can't remember why. As she sets out to discover who she is, some of the residents are murdered brutally with no return. Key hopes that as she discovers the reason why everyone is there, she'll solve the cause as well before she is murdered.

Sutton creates an atmospheric world while building a mystery that kept me turning the pages. There were moments where I thought I would know how the story will play out in the end, but I would turn out to be entirely wrong. Sutton continues to do this until near the end when everything circles together.

<h2><strong>A little romance underneath.</strong></h2>
Sutton includes a good amount of romance in her latest novel developing throughout that I enjoyed. Despite the romance being a trope I normally have a dislike for, Sutton turns the tables and handles it nicely. There is also a good balance between the romance and everything else in the story, so it doesn't overshadow the plot despite ultimately being a love story.

<h2><strong>Superb character development.</strong></h2>
I adored all of the characters who made up the world of Under. Each of them has individual contributions to the society that is developed. What's neat about <em>Smoke and Key</em> is the story is in two timelines that come together in the end. One timeline is in the present in Under while the other as Key discovers her past that led them all to this world. Having the two timelines allows readers to see how the relationships have developed.

<h2><em><strong>Smoke and Key</strong></em><strong> is a beautifully written novel with magic and romance built with mysterious and creepy vibes.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
1948 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I really love Bicycle Thief. That just reminds me of my relationship with my father. My mother — they were divorced and I was raised mostly by my father. We grew up really poor. Something about that film really strikes a chord in me real deep. I remember [when I first saw it],I think I was in college and I had just left home. It was part of film studies class. We were told to watch it and I remember getting really emotional watching it. I guess it just really struck a chord because it made me realize everything my father had gone through to support us and to be there for us. I just remember that relationship, that father/son relationship and him loving his father so much and the end — his father just constantly trying so hard to support the family and make ends meet, and really not being able to pull it off. Poverty sucks, you know what I mean? And then in the end, him having to kind of resort to something that goes completely against his character, really, in order to provide for his family. And those moments of just pure humiliation, as a man, to try to provide for your family. I remember times like that with my dad and it just really hit close to home. I remember missing my dad because I was in New York. I was away from home for the first time and getting a real clear idea of what my father had gone through to provide for me. I think when you’re in the day-to-day and living it, you don’t have that objectivity, and you’re not able to step back and see the big picture. Then sometimes these really great movies are able to that for you. They’re kind of able to strike these chords in you and illuminate things for you. I think that’s what the Bicycle Thief did for me."

X (2022) (2022)
X (2022) (2022)
2022 | Horror
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ti West has been gruesomely carving his name into the horror genre for a little while now, but with X, it feels like everything is really falling into place. It's a snappy, funny, unnerving, visceral, and chaotic ride that is easy to get lost in.
Despite it's fast moving narrative, it still finds time to slowly build its tension. Even before shit goes south, and everyone's having a bloody lovely time snorting cocaine and filming porn, something just feels off, to an almost unbearable degree.
Creepy, elderly antagonists have been done before, but the villains of the piece here have a well realised soft edge to them in the form of their relationship. There's some touching moments between them (as well as some gross ones), and it very much drives home the point that getting old sucks, and there's definitely a sliver of sympathy in there somewhere in between all the stabbing and nastiness.
The main group of protagonists are all a joy to watch on screen and are all pretty likable. Mia Goth is superb in her dual role, and it's great to see Jenna Ortega furthering a promising career in horror. The whole cast are decent and sell the unfolding madness with aplomb.
It's beautifully shot as well, from the opening scene, to the moment the credits roll, every frame feels like it's been slaved over with a great degree of passion. There's homages everywhere you look, the most obvious of course, being The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, from its setting and general vibe, to the very arthouse style that the film is presented in. It's really quite a treat to look at.
The more slasher side of things eventually takes over, and proceedings do become relatively predictable, but by that point, the film has descended into a crazy, gory, good time, and it's hard to care about any slight misgivings.

In short, X is a fucking blast and is well worth making a cinema trip for any fans of the genre. Don't sleep on it!
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
1998 | Action, Drama, War
One of the GOATS
At the time of this writing, Saving Private Ryan is sitting at fourteen on my all-time list. It is one of those once-in-a-lifetime movies that doesn’t come along too often. The story revolves around an army captain in WWII taking his men on a suicide mission to rescue a private before he is killed in action. Private Ryan’s three brothers have already been killed in action and the military wants to get the remaining Ryan home so his mother won’t have lost all of her children in one war.

Acting: 10
Where do I start? With Tom Hanks and his brilliant performance as Captain John Miller? Vin Diesel in probably one of his best roles as Private Caparzo. Tom Sizemore…Matt Damon…There are so many amazing performances that contributed to the greatness of this movie. You usually see it in glimpses as each character doesn’t get much in the way of their own screen time. The movie is packed with so many of those glimpse moments from these stellar actors, it’s hard to forget each of their roles.

Beginning: 10
Boasts one of the best opening twenty minutes in movie history. It’s violent, touching, and sucks you right in to the meat of the movie. There is so much intensity here, from the raucous sounds to the visceral feel of everything, that it’s hard to catch your breath afterwards.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
If you want knock-your-socks-off action from beginning to end, Saving Private Ryan is absolutely the movie for you. The battles are amazing giving you a front row seat to World War II. Steven Spielberg relies on a number of different camera angles to give you the full effect. Every scene is heartstopping as you realize the stakes and understand that no one is safe in this ultimate battle to stay alive. This movie has more action in the first twenty minutes than most films do through their entirety.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
For the most part, the story is pretty linear. There is a mission. Go and complete the mission. The end. However, there are two existing twists within the movie that definitely make things more interesting and entertaining. Those small tweaks were enough to satisfy my craving for originality.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
There is a scene on the beach where the camera shoots from underwater then repeatedly rises and falls in the water showing the grit of everything happening. This is one of a number of shots that makes Saving Private Ryan one of the all-time movies to ever exist in cinema. This movie is flat out amazing.
Wicked Deeds on a Winter&#039;s Night (Immortals After Dark #4)
Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (Immortals After Dark #4)
Kresley Cole | 2019 | Paranormal
9.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
The storyline (1 more)
How much you can relate to the characters
So where the begin! There will be no spoilers in this review not because I'm a mean person but this book is a treasure for your mind to delve into. This was the first book I read in the Immortals after dark series it was a present from a dear friend who has similar tastes in books as i . At first I didn't know some of the characters from previous books in the series (of course i didn't know about the full series till after this novel) but once finished the characters are ingrained into the very fibers of your being. I can tell you Nix is a legend, bowen is as cunning as a wolf and has a few caveman tenancies to be sure and the likeability and how much you can relate to mariketa is amazing I can tell you now I hunted down everything written by kresley Cole and pre ordered all future releases within minutes! the way kresley writes is positively enthralling, from the very first page until the back cover the words grip you by your eyeballs and sucks you into the very pages between your fingers! If you can put this book down you are a stronger willed person than I! This book was finished in one sitting, it was in the wee hours of the morning to my horror I finished reading ....Weeping and balling soon followed when the last page was turned it felt as though I lost the characters from my soul ... Soo I ended up reading it again and then again months later! My dear friends addiction is not a strong enough word for this book and all those that come before or follow on in the series, kresley Cole is one of my favourite authors and reading her books is an addiction to which I will never be able to abstain from. Surrender your mind and escape to a world like our own but with darker depths, surreal planes and exceptional beings of the lore that star in this series

Saskia (283 KP) rated Spotify Music in Apps

Sep 10, 2018  
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Great variety of music from all over the world and different genres (2 more)
Can set your own playlists with however many songs you want
There is literally a playlist for everything
The phone app (1 more)
Premium and it's prices.
Awesome but could be better
Ok so I have loved Spotify forever! I love all genres and it's great to have 1 app with it all on. Also making playlists that can be hours long with so many different types of songs is amazing. I love to listen on my tablet and computer all day! I have the phone app but I am not a fan. This stupid shuffle thing they have, you try and listen to a certain album or playlist then you have random songs chucked In there that half the time are not related to what your listening to let alone the same genre. Then you have the issue of selecting a playlist but because it is automatic shuffle you never start with the first song. Also not being able to choose a song sucks sometimes the first few songs of a playlist I don't like or I have a song I wanna listen to first I can't select it. So the app for mobile has issues that I think Spotify definately need to address. When it comes to the price of premium it is high but I imagine people do pay it otherwise Spotify wouldn't be doing as well. Problem is not everyone can afford it £10 A month is insane. Try half that a month and I would probs still struggle. But they are a big company and I can imagine they have a lot of linceses they need and stuff to be able to supply a lot of the cool stuff for free.

So all in all its great, yeah premium rate is high but I can live with ads and not downloading stuff for offline. The only thing I really would love is for them to make the mobile app the same as the tablet/computer app (being able to select songs and no shuffle!)
Girls on Fire
Robin Wasserman | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah Dexter has led a fairly mundane life in the small town of Battle Creek, where everyone knows everyone else and everything that happens to everyone. But her life is turned upside town by two events: the suicide of a local boy, Craig, and the arrival of a new girl, Lacey, who quickly becomes the town's resident bad girl. Hannah and Lacey unite over their hatred of the town's "it girl" Nikki Drummond. Lacey transforms Hannah into Dex--a darker version of Hannah--who adores Lacey and Kurt Cobain's music (this is the early '90s after all). But Hannah doesn't realize that Lacey is hiding a secret from her, a pretty big one, which threatens to destroy the very fabric their friendship is based on.

"Girls on Fire" is an oddly captivating and compelling novel. The story unfolds before you and you're powerless to stop the events as they occur. It's told mainly from the alternating points of view of Lacey and Hannah, and we slowly learn about the events that led to their friendship and its aftermath-- and also Craig's suicide. The book wasn't a particularly fast read for me, but it was fascinating. It's an accident where you can't look away, even though you know something horrible will happen. This book is dark and disastrous and makes you afraid to ever send your children off to high school.

Parts of the novel are a bit cliched (it's almost too dark, too awful) but it doesn't stop it from being intriguing and captivating. It pulls you in to Lacey and Hannah's world and as time somehow moves forward, yet we learn about what happened to Craig in the past, Wasserman does an amazing job of unfurling her plot. I was drawn to the book and the characters. Tragic Lacey, confused Hannah, evil queen Nikki: you can see them so clearly in your head. The book almost casts a spell over you as it sucks you into its world. The writing is intense, the storyline is intense, and you're left almost breathless at the end. I didn't really enjoy the book, per se, but I appreciated it. It's a wild ride, a dark one, and definitely one worth taking.

I received an advanced copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/17/2016.
Under Currents
Under Currents
Nora Roberts | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A tense yet romantic read
This is the twenty-first book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

To an outsider, the Bigelows look like a perfect family: loving parents, two kids, beautiful home. But elder son Zane knows better, as he suffers verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his father, a surgeon. The family keeps their secrets close until one evening when everything comes out in the open and all changes. Years later, Zane returns to his hometown, determined to put the past behind him. He meets a landscape artist, Darby McCray, who has her own dark past. Together, the two must figure out if they are able to leave their secrets and horrible memories behind and forge a life together.

I'm honestly not sure if I've read a Nora Roberts book before, but picked this off my shelves for my A to Z challenge. It was one of those slightly over-the-top yet engaging books that sucks you in quickly with its story. It begins when Zane and his sister, Britt, are kids and moves on from there. It's a bit long--as it moved from section to section I was surprised there was more to keep going. A lot of that is due to descriptions of the North Carolina town, pontificating about landscaping, etc.

But it's still a book that held my interest. There's a crackling tension in the early piece, when Zane is merciless at the hands of his horrible, abusive father. As he ages, the tension recedes somewhat, but the book is still full of violent episodes. In fact, I would wonder if the town was cursed, based on how much brutality occurs in such a short period of time, but perhaps that's just me. Still, you can't help but be swept up in the various dramas, as well as Zane and Darby's relationship. The supporting cast is excellent as well, especially Zane's aunt, Emily; the local police chief; and some of Zane's friends.

Overall, a heartbreaking yet powerful read. It ended a bit abruptly for my taste, but I liked the characters and intensity of the story. (Please note: trigger warnings for sexual assault, spousal abuse/familial abuse, gay slurs.)
The Painted Ocean
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher Corsair in exchange for an honest review*

This is another one of my books that I read for #Beatthebacklist 2017 challenge, most of these books are Netgalley books that I have not managed to get around to reading….sorry Netgalley.

Oh I don’t know where to begin with this book,I was very apprehensive about reading it as the rating on Goodreads is 2.86 which is pretty low and only saw a handful of 5 star reviews. I didn’t read any reviews beforehand as I wanted to go in with an open mind.

This is Gabriel Packards debut novel and is definitely an interesting read but unsure of what genre this would fall under as it’s a story of this Indian girls life and just how awful it is.

‘The Painted Ocean’ is told from the perspective of Shruti, her father has just upped and left, disgracing her mother according to her uncle and the rest of the family. With little money and her mother unable to speak English life becomes difficult for Shruti, especially when her Uncle is arranging for her Mother to return to India to marry. Shruti will not be moving to India with her mother as her existence will ruin her mothers chances of marriage, however when Shruti mentions to the headmistress that her uncle has threatening her she finds herself in the care system and her mother abandons her. Shruti’s life sucks, she is now in the care system and being bullied by other kids at her school as she is the only Indian girl until Meena arrives. Meena is also Indian,but she has this way with words and people and gets everything she wants. Shruti clings to Meena as she has shown her kindness and becomes her friend…but is she really her friend?

The book follows Shruti from eleven years old to when she is an adult but I felt the writing didn’t progress as her age did. There were lots of ‘Like’ and ‘Cos’ in the writing that I felt was overly used and got quite annoying in the end and she would even use this terminology when she was an adult.

All the characters were unlikable, we had her mother that abandoned her though she didn’t leave for India for ages. Her Uncle was horrible and made sure she knew that she was unwanted and then there was Meena who had the gift of the gab but just used Shruti and would only be her friend when it was convenient for her.

I found the plot of this to be really unrealistic especially towards the end, everything just conveniently happened and some parts I thought were too strung out.

The story kept me interested and was easy to read but the writing style was not for me and I just found it to be unrealistic. This is definitely a book that you will love or hate.

I rated this book 2 out of 5 stars.