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Apollo 11 (2019)
Apollo 11 (2019)
2019 | Documentary
Brilliant documentary footage (1 more)
(Still) nail-biting landing scenes
Some of the dialogue is difficult to hear (0 more)
A giant leap for mankind?
It's the Apollo 11 mission. That's it. No annoying voiceover from Clooney or Gosling spouting truisms (provided you ignore Walter Kronkite's occasional excellent and sonorous TV commentary). Just extraordinary footage from July 1969 of the 8 day mission and the days immediately preceeding (and in the end titles, following) that historic event.

A brilliant documentary that deserves to be seen at the cinema, and on as big a screen as you can manage to find. It only seems to have a limited UK release (I saw it at our local Picturehouse cinema), but it is really worth going out of your way to catch if you can. A film that properly provides you with a view of our blue oasis of a world from afar: and critically what we might be doing to it.

I also thought it should make humanity feel rather ashamed of itself: if man took those great leaps in the 10 years after JFK's famous speech, what has really been achieved in manned space travel in the 50 years since? On Earth's report card it should say "C- .... could do better".

For the full review, see here -
The Scorpion King (2002)
The Scorpion King (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.2 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Rock (2 more)
Kelly Hu
Michael Clarke Duncan
Lots of white guys for Africa (1 more)
Not a single female who is not stuck in a bikini of some sort (Not that I'm complaining, but....)
Good sword and sorcery fun
Spinning out of The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King is a decent sword-and-sorcery epic in the vein of Conan the Barbarian that would work better on its own than it does connected to the Mummy franchise. It's not that it's bad, but we know how things end up in The Mummy Returns, and that undercuts some of the characterization in this film. The performances are good to great across the board, though there's a lot of white guys given the African setting. I realize that it's the cradle of civilization, but still. Then there's the trope of all the women wearing bikinis, which doesn't play as well in this day and age as it did in the pulp era....I mean, it has the desired effect, don't get me wrong, but I think we've moved on. The action is excellent, the graphics hold up even seventeen years later (which is more than can be said for the character's introduction in TMR), and on the whole, I enjoyed the film. After watching the special features, though, I think they should have kept the prophecy element in the film. Just my opinion.
The Devil's Candy (2015)
The Devil's Candy (2015)
2015 | Drama, Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pruitt Taylor Vince perfectly cast...
265. The Devil's Candy. A pretty intense horror/thriller about everyone's favorite superhero: Satan!! Ok, it's more about the people that fall under that sly bastards charms... Jesse and Astrid move into a pretty sweet old house with their daughter, Zooey. Yea, sure the previous occupants died in the house under totally normal circumstances, a-hem, but it's just a house right. Everything is all razor blades and rainbows until the previous occupant of the house shows up and wants in... After that metal head Jesse, because metal heads worship Satan, starts hearing the dark lords sweet nothings in his ear, and unleashes itself in the form of Jesse's art... And the picture he paints, oh boy... Flames... his daughter... and dead kiddies... Yea it seems, the previous occupant, Ray, well maybe his parents deaths weren't so natural, and he may hear voices too... Pretty violent at times but also coated in a hidden layer of religious crap... it was a decent flick... Cool Metal soundtrack... Choosing Pruitt Taylor Vince to play a child murderer, always an excellent choice!! They dug up Ethan Embry for this one painted him like Jesus a bit, Shiri Appleby of Roswell fame (lol) and Angelina Jolie's hollywood clone as the daughter. Under 1 1/2 hours, you got the time, chillax, watch... Filmbufftim on FB
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