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The Suburban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People
The Suburban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People
Amy Stross | 2016 | Home & Garden
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is stuffed full of useful information! It focuses on growing food in your yard when you don't have much time to spend on the yard, so there's a lot of permaculture techniques and gardens that are largely hands-off once you get them set up, which is exactly what I want. With the chronic fatigue, I often don't have the energy to get outside and work on a garden, and Maryland summers exhaust me simply by stepping outside. I really want to garden and grow food, but I need easy ways to do that.

The Suburban Micro-Farm delved into planting hedgerows, which is something we've been thinking of, rain gardens (which we probably should do, we have a couple places in the yard that do not drain well), and tree guilds, which are plantings that go under trees to work together in little micro-environments. One of the tree guilds Stross specifically talks about is a Black Walnut tree guild, which I was excited to see because we have a huge, beautiful mature Black Walnut that I've been trying to figure out how to plant around. Black Walnuts produce juglone, a chemical that kills a lot of plants, so you have to be very mindful of what you plant near them.

This is an excellent reference book for suburban gardens, and she has lots of extra resources on her site, The Tenth Acre Farm. I will be exploring those as well!

You can read all my reviews at
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
To say that this is a chilling story would be a gross understatement. I think my heart was in my mouth for the whole time I was reading this, and I really resented having to put it down.
This is the story of 15 year old Milly, and how she copes with her life after she informs the police that her mother is a serial killer. A killer of small children. She has also been horrifically abused by her mother. We follow her in to her foster family, a family where she is not completely welcomed. The teenaged daughter of her foster parents is a troubled, bullying, frankly rather horrible teenager. It's interesting to look at the similarities and differences between these two characters. How a child who has lived a terrible life seems to outwardly cope better than one who has had a loving (if rather distant) family.
Milly's inner voice, that of her mother, is a chilling reminder that she was controlled completely by this evil woman, to the extent that she finds it difficult to cope without her. The story shows the love of a child for their mother, even though they have been terribly abused by her and seen her do abhorrent things to other children.
I don't want to say too much more - I'd hate to spoil it for anyone else. I will say that this was an excellent story though, and it’s a book that I’ve recommended to a lot of friends.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twelve-year-old Ethan is a bright boy, who loves physics and science. His mom, Claire, loves him with a fierceness that she can barely fathom sometimes. It's just Ethan and Claire living happily together in Sydney. However, a sudden accident forces Claire to confront her past, especially what happened with Ethan's father, Mark. At the same time, Ethan must deal with his own emotions about his absent father.

Hayes' book is well-written, with strongly developed, complicated characters who jump off the page. It's a small cast of characters: Ethan, Mark, Claire, and a few others. I fell immediately for Ethan, who is lovable, sweet, and slightly nerdy. Claire and Mark are slightly more problematic. Mark especially is a very difficult character with whom it is hard to sympathize. Hayes does an excellent job of unfurling her plot in such a way that the reader is as perplexed as the characters. The storyline is tense and runs the gamut of emotions.

The book revolves a lot around science. While much of the storyline uses science and physics to its advantage--for instance, I found the idea of genetic memory fascinating--at times, I also found my eyes glazing over at the scientific passages. Sometimes the science overshadowed the actual plot. Still, overall this is a sharp, well-written novel with in-depth characters. A strong 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/3/2016.

Brown_Flopsy (3 KP) rated The Dry in Books

Feb 4, 2018  
The Dry
The Dry
Jane Harper | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension (0 more)
Excellent debut novel!
What a great book!
Set in Australia, police investigator Aaron Falk is called back to his rural childhood home to attend the funerals of his old friend Luke and his family.
However, Kiewarra is experiencing a crushing drought, which is killing the town; it looks like Luke killed himself and his family; and Aaron and his father were run out of town 20 years ago in connection with the death of Aaron and Luke's friend Ellie. Tempers and temeratures are boiling and Aaron is not welcomed by many who remember the past, especially when Luke's parents ask him to look into the circumstances around his death and that of his wife and child. Did Luke really kill them and them turn the gun on himself? Did Luke kill Ellie too?
This story is beautifully crafted by Jane Harper. It is a very impressive debut novel - atmospheric and tense, with lots of red herrings along the way. I loved that you were with Falk, and local policeman Raco, through every lead, and I was just as convinced as them that they were on the right track each time....and shared their disappointment and frustration when the leads did not pan out.
I really enjoyed the twist in Ellie's story at the end too - just when you thought you knew what had happened to her.
I think this will be one of my top reads this year! Now on to Harper's new Aaron Falk thriller Force of Nature!
Little Black Lies
Little Black Lies
Sharon Bolton | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Catrin Quinn is still reeling from the loss of her two sons nearly three years ago. Her grief and anger is exacerbated by the fact that Catrin blames her (now former) best friend, Rachel, for their deaths. Catrin lives on the isolated community of the Falkland Islands, where people generally know one another - and everyone's business. When several children go missing over a short period of time, even the tight-knit community must admit that something is going on. Catrin finds herself drawn into the search for the latest missing boy, despite the fact that she just wishes to wallow in her grief as the third anniversary of her sons' death approaches.

This was a great book - I love all of Bolton's Lacey Flint novels, but this standalone is excellent, too. It's told from the varying viewpoints of three people - Catrin, her ex-best friend Rachel, and Catrin's acquaintance, Callum, a former solider who was once stationed on the island. Bolton goes back and forth over a short time period, slowly unraveling events, first from Catrin, then Callum, and finally Rachel. It's a mesmerizing approach, as we try to decipher how much to trust each of our narrators. During each character's turn, I found myself completely enthralled and wrapped up in their life. I eventually stayed up far too late the final night, frantically finishing the book to find out what happened. Bolton has created yet another fascinating mystery that will have you guessing the entire time.

(Note: I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2)
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2)
Miranda Grant | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2) by Miranda Grant
Think of Me Demon is the second book in the War of the Myth series, and the focus of this one is very different. Instead of being in the 'normal' world, we spend most of it in a demon stronghold, where Galvanor is being held against his will. His lifemate is a drazic demon, but it doesn't look like a happy ever after as she needs to kill him if she wants to live.

I LOVED this story! So very different from book one and yet with similarities too, in a good way. The story is enthralling, Galvanor's history is heartbreaking, and Matakyli is the perfect foil for him. I was pleased to see the other team members show up at the end, and Elizabeth's cameo too. It ties it all in very nicely with book one, and definitely leaves you wanting book three.

With excellent descriptions and world-building, this story held my attention from beginning to end. If I did half stars (which I don't) it would be a 4.5 star read. A definite improvement upon book one - which was still an amazing read. Miranda Grant's skill in weaving a story is improving in leaps and bounds, and leaves me looking forward to Jack and Charlie's story in book three. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Well cast (0 more)
Moments of cringe CGI (0 more)
Black Panther exploded into the MCU during the Captain America: Civil War and was a breath of fresh air for the franchise. Finally someone to rival Wolverine for fighting skill and claws. This film follows on from there where Prince T'Challa looks to be crowned as the new king of Wakanda. Wakanda has long hidden its true riches and technological worth from the world and is thought of as a nation of poor farmers. King T'Challa must choose whether to continue the selfish tradition or help the world by sharing their natural resources and technology.
The Black Panther is backed up by an excellent cast of sidekicks and helpers as he looks to crack down on illegal trade of Wakanda's vibranium and retain the throne from a worthy challenger.
My main gripe was some of the CGI. Like with Spiderman, I feel at times there is too much detail, eg when flipping over a car his legs sway around like he's in space. To my mind, he would be more focused and all his limbs would be exactly where they need to be. Also in these instances the feeling of which way up is the right way up got a little lost, which shouldn't happen.
I also felt that Andy Serkis was a little under-used in his role as Claue, similar to CrossBones in Civil War.

I am seriously looking forward to Infinity Wars now!

PS - I don't think the post-credits scene is worth the long wait.

Steph Freeman (26 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Feb 21, 2018 (Updated Feb 21, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Excellent character development within the movie. (3 more)
No need to be a comic book "nerd", this story has something for everyone.
Accuracy in the culture (as much as can be expected for the genre).
Cinematography and costumes were superb.
The creators pandered to the 3D audience, which resulted in a dizzying experience in 2D. (0 more)
Not Just Another Origin Story
As someone who knew nothing about comic books, their stories, and their characters prior to the last 15 year influx of Marvel and DC movies, I love the origin stories. It allows me to learn about the character, the world, and the connections between them without having to figure it out between punches or laser beams. This story delivered all of the above, with a fair amount of ass kicking in the meantime.

Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong'o, and Danai Gurira were an amazing protagonist team, with Martin Freeman and Michael B. Jordan rounding out the character archetypes beautifully. The costumes, make up, and cinematography were gorgeous, but the real star of the movie for me was Letitia Wright. Her comedic timing and her elegance made Shuri the best supporting role I have watched in a long time.

I don't know a lot about the culture in Africa, a terrible oversight of my American education, but I do have friends from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Togo who were very excited to see their culture represented in such a blockbuster film. It was refreshing to see something so beautiful that will hopefully inspire young Americans to learn about a culture outside of our borders.
Uprising (The Outliers #2)
Uprising (The Outliers #2)
Kate L. Mary | 2018 | Dystopia, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uprising (The Outliers #2) by Kate L. Mary
Uprising is the second book in The Outliers series. I thought the first book was amazing, but this one is even better! We reunite with Indra as she starts back at work in the Sovereign city. She feels different now, with the strength that Bodhi encouraged. She is not prepared to go back to being meek and mild, as she was before. Asa is still working for the Sovereign.

This book has so much packed into it, it's quite unbelievable. With action, hope, and heartbreak, there is plenty to keep you turning the pages. There are plenty of twists and turns as Indra works to bring the Outlier tribes together, to beat the Fortis and Sovereign. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about how the women of the Winta tribe worked together, although you can see the cracks in the seams. I can't wait to see where this goes next.

It does end on one helluva cliffhanger, so fair warning! This is a book where I knew the ending was coming, and it couldn't come quick enough, but I also wanted it to never stop!

This is an excellent addition to the series, and is still rich in detail, with wonderful characters, and an intriguing and gripping storyline. Absolutely recommended by me. Bring on the next!!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Unfortunate Event
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This book, quite frankly, is one of the most honest looks into both the medical and legal professions I've read in a long time. Dr. Andrews is almost literally led around on a leash after a horrible tragedy, his reputation dragged through the mud while he's used as a scapegoat by not only his colleagues, but his malpractice insurer, the lawyer they appointed to him, and the divorce lawyers ultimately brought into the fray. One of my favorite quotes summarizing this issue is as follows:

     As she watched the doctor exit her office, Jordan Davis found herself in a terrific mood. She'd lead this doctor through the legal system by the nose. She and the opposing attorney would take turns discovering controversies. The answers to those controversies would require long hours of expensive legal research. The attorneys, along with their teams of accountants and paralegals, were going to do very well.

It's horrifying to think about it, but our society is only focused on one thing, and that is money -- who has it, who doesn't, and the easiest ways to get it. This novel showcases that almost from the jump, and I think it is an excellent representation. In our country especially, the medical profession is a multi-billion-dollar business which continues to thrive on the backs of the less fortunate. Makes me happy I decided against med school.

5 stars, and I plan to recommend it to anyone in the medical and legal professions.