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Ghost Slayer
Ghost Slayer
Majanka Verstraete | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s not very often that I encounter a book that perfectly fits the mould for young adult fiction, but Majanka Verstraete’s Ghost Slayer does just that. The book is a pleasant, quick read that kept me just interested enough for me to devour it in a few days. Also, I find that it would appropriate for teens, even though its main character is a twenty-one year old college student.

Kaelyn isn’t your average college ghost hunter. She’s a bit more of a Winchester sort, with less flash and more stab. Fortunately for her, she’s got a ghost to deal with in an old haunted house and the an old flame on her mind. As if that’s not enough, something’s wrong with her powers! It’s a pretty standard paranormal plot, largely feeding off cliché haunted house movie tropes – which I feel is a great beginning place for teenagers.

Character-wise, we see much of the same themes. I don’t want to go into spoilers, but we do encounter a damsel, or rather several, damsels in distress as well as a strong female lead character. So I guess there’s that. I feel that main character’s love interest could have been a little less stereotyped and a bit more fleshed out, too. He was a tad too generic.

Overall, I liked several elements of this book. I think it finished more strongly than it began and had a few excellent concepts at its closing. I look forward to possibly checking out the second book. A special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy for the purpose of an unbiased review.
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
R.F. Kuang | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fantasy novel that hits close to home
The beauty of this novel is in the way it tonally shifts from one arena to another, leaving you never quite sure where you are and certainly rendering the tale very unpredictable. If there are fantasy tropes here, it's no matter - you won't see them coming nor where they'll crop up.

The opening chapters seem inspired by wuxia novels and the tale of Yim Wing Chun - kung fu practitioners will note a number of references here to their origin tales, as well as some beautiful descriptions of the biomechanics of the art - mixed with Hogwarts. We have the neglected orphan who works hard to achieve her school place and study the fields of combat, lore, medicine and so on. There is an unusual teacher occupying the position of wise sage and there's the handsome rival. So far, so comforting. One can enjoy this fairly cosy ride.

But then there is a distinct undercurrent. It creeps up on you, darker and more earthy than the tone suggests. Just as the students spend their days training for a war that'll never come, we read this schoolyard tale as if the latter half of the book won't come.

It hits with a bombshell, and they just keep coming. Now fiction isn't fiction at all. History is woven through the narrative. We can see the major players and we know how it ends. And yet the deftly woven plot, excellent prose and gripping characters keep us on the edge of our seats.

A phenomenal debut and the start of a thrilling trilogy.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
Animation and art very expressive (1 more)
Story funny scary and emotional
If you see it with young children, there are scary bits. Be warned. (This is not a negative, its very well done) (0 more)
Emotional rollercoaster
I can write this from a few different perspectives. I went to see this with my nephew who is 4, and the film is a PG. I love the How to train your dragon series. Ive always been impressed by the animation and the strong storyline of the bond between Hiccup and Toothless. This film was excellent. The expression of emotion in the characters was so flawless it felt real The animators and artists excelled themselves, in this truly awesome and beautifully designed film.
I laughed out loud and I had some teary moments. It's was a touching heartfelt goodbye to the series. I enjoyed it. My partner, who's not a huge fan, also enjoyed it and laughed a lot throughout the film. My nephew was entranced. He loves Toothless. The characters were so well done, that he though the baddie (who looks a lot like he was modelled after Arnold Vosloo from The Mummy) was very scary. So much so, he had to leave the cinema, but he came back after some reasurance. We covered his eyes at the next scary bit and soon he was shouting at the screen and getting very animated when the baddie appeared, cheering Hiccup and Toothless along.
This is an awesome family film, plenty of action, very funny and emotional. Watch out for the scary bits and If you are anything like me, make sure you have tissues. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
We all know it's important to read and study our Bibles, but as anyone knows it's really hard to know where to start. With a shortage of time, maybe you tried before and gave up. This book is written to help teach us to keep our focus to keep in God's word and studying.

Jen Wilkin helps lead and guide you through the process with a pointed plan to help the reader get into God's word.

Jen Wilkin has written a book that we all need, this is specifically written to help women get into and more out of their Bibles. How many times do we come to our Bibles in our quiet time and wonder what now? Where do I go, what do I read?

This book will help stir that desire to begin studying. " I approached my study time asking the wrong questions. I read the Bible asking "Who am I? and "What should I do?" The author continues on the explain how and where to begin.

Jen Wilkin skillfully shows the reader how to grow and build a foundation of Biblical knowledge with practical, charming and delightful fashion.

This would make an excellent study book for a women's Bible study to help them get more enjoyment and knowledge out of their studies.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Living on Air
Living on Air
Susan Mac Nicol | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Living On Air by Susan Mac Nicol
Living on Air is a beautiful yet dark story. It tells of Cary, who went through something so horrific it still affects him to this day. And then we have Rhys, who has lived in war zones and seen the darker side of life for himself. When these two meet, there is an implosion that will affect both of their lives.

This was my first book by Susan Mac Nicol, and it definitely won't be my last. The story was woven with intricate details - enough so you can feel sympathy for the characters, or live vicariously through their triumphs - but without going into too much detail that it becomes gratuitous.

I will say that Rhys deserves a medal for putting up with Cary's moods, but I can also see why he would. The attraction is there, that pull you can't ignore, even if you want to. Rhys and Cary do make an excellent couple, but you are kept on tenterhooks.

The story flows exceedingly well, and the scenes transition from one to the next without disruption. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the characters were all vivid enough to jump out of the pages.

I will say one thing - Cary may not be the crying type, but I certainly am. I had to re-read the last few chapters as the words kept blurring in front of me!

Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Second House from the Corner
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Felicia Lyons seems to have it all - three healthy children, a loving husband, and a busy life juggling the occasional acting gig and stay-at-home motherhood. She's come a long way since a troubled childhood in Philly. Still, Felicia can't help but dreaming of getting away from it all sometimes. Then, suddenly, a blast from her past appears, threatening to upend the life Felicia has so carefully created for herself. Will Felicia be able to save her family and marriage?

This was an interesting and well-written book. Honestly, it was almost too stressful for me to read, which reduced its enjoyment level for me at times. However, it certainly doesn't diminish the writing or the quality of the book - if anything, it was so well-constructed that it made me tense! Felicia is an excellent portrayal of a stressed mother. So often, it seems like books actually gloss over the difficulty of juggling motherhood and life. It will hit home with many parents.

For me, this book rests on some crazy premises - if Felicia and her husband had just *talked* in the beginning, we wouldn't have gone on this whole journey. Still, Johnson does a good job of explaining her Felicia's background, giving us insight into why she's become the person she is today. She's a well-developed and real character, albeit slightly frustrating at times! The ancillary characters are fun and real, especially her grandmother.

Overall, a good read, though just 3/3.5 stars for me personally, because it stressed me out!

(Note: I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Wanted it to be Better
In the midst of a zombie outbreak, a special military agency is studying a select group of kids who can manage to control when they "turn". When their base falls to zombies, a small group escapes, including a little girl zombie by the name of Melanie (Sennia Nanua). The group must rely on each other to survive the threats waiting for them at every turn.

The Girl With All the Gifts grabs you with intrigue right from the start as you ask yourself why the kids are guarded so heavily. You quickly come to find out the reason. The film is action-packed, loaded with excellent thrilling scenes that keep you engaged. The scenes can be extremely tense in moments like one scene where the group has to walk quietly through a herd of zombies without being detected. It's definitely an original spin on a zombie film as it centers around the little girl Melanie who's innocent, but also a monster of sorts.

So with all these positive things to say, why didn't I ultimately like the film? The ending absolutely killed it for me. Not only did I not see the value in the resolution, I thought it didn't really match Melanie's character. Based on everything we knew about her up to that point, why make that move? Wasn't on board, not by a long shot.

I thought The Girl With All the Gifts had great potential and achieved it in some spots, but feel just short of being what it should have been. I give it a 65.
Weekends with Daisy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the best books that I've read in a while, to be honest. I was pleased with the lovely Daisy. There's a grouping of pictures in the middle of the book, so I paused to look at them when I came across them and was happy to see that Daisy had been matched with a little boy (their picture was included), but disappointed to have the ending ruined for me because at that point in the book, they were still wondering if Daisy was going to make it through the training.

It's one thing to say to lock a murderer or another inmate up forever and throw away the key, but it's another thing to have a name and a face to that story. Thinking of Keith still in jail for the crime that he committed so long ago really was scary. While obviously he needed to pay for what he had done, it is amazing to think that one decision had so many consequences. Fortunately for Keith, I believe that dogs like Daisy are a great outlet for people in his situation. With their need to pass the time doing something positive, I think training dogs for the disabled is an excellent way to help not only the inmates themselves, but the community around all of us.

I've always said that one day I wanted to train a service dog puppy, however, I will have to keep this in mind when I reach that point in my life. Being a weekend puppy raiser sounds hard as hell, but so fulfilling.
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Amazing plot (3 more)
Fantastic cast
Lovable characters
Interesting take on a time machine
Some of the logic (0 more)
1 of my favourite movies of all time!
This is a masterpiece and a classic.

The writing is spot on, the acting and cast are perfect and could never be replaced if there was ever talk of a remake (please dont)

The idea to have the time machine as a car was genius. I know the initial idea was a refrigerator which would have been weird so I'm happy they changed their mind. The effects of going up to 88 miles per hour and see the light flash in front of the delorian before it speeds through time was impressive. They got the look of the 50s spot on.

Michael j fox and Christopher lloyd give excellent performances. Their characters are lovable, fun and just perfect. Crispin Glover is as weird as ever but great as George while lea Thompson was also great Lorraine but not as believable as an older version of herself.Tom Wilson was perfect as the bully biff and was shocked not to see him in more stuff afterwards.

The plot is great. Go back in time, make sure your parents get together to make sure your born. This was great chance for many funny scenes involving Marty and his parents. But this is where the logic didn't make sense. He went through all this so why don't his parents remember him from when they were younger.

If you ain't seen this before, where have you been? It's a classic and a must see for anyone. It's funny, it's charming and it's geeky at times.
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
not quite as good as one and two
I purchased my copy of this book.

We met Jonah in book one, Hard To Let Go. He was Pwen's partner, and they amicably split, staying good, close friends. Jonah watches Own fall in love with Brody and he watches Nate and Gabe get married. And he wants those things for himself. Cameron, a member at his previous gym, pushes ALL of Jonah's buttons. And when Cam turns up at Jonah's new gym, all tongue tied and incredibly shy, Jonah knows that its Cam he sees in his future.

Book three in the series, but you can read them as stand alones. Personally, though, I would recommend you do read the other two books first. They will give you a better picture of what Jonah sees happening to the men in his life. And they are both 5 star reads from me.

But this one?? Not quite so much, and *insert wailing sound* I've no idea why!

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's still and excellent read, with all the gut wrenching emotions I'm coming to expect from Ms Quinn. The story is well told, from both Jonah and Cameron's point of view. So we get all of Jonah's reactions to Cameron; all of his (almost) jealousy at watching his friends pair off; all of Cam's internal wrangling with himself, and his external wrangling with his family.

I can't put my finger on WHY it didn't quite push my buttons, I really can't and I hate not being able to word what I want to say! So, I'll leave this as is.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**