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Alliance (Torsere #3)
Alliance (Torsere #3)
Annabelle Jacobs | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alliance is the third and final book in the Torsere series, and you get a fitting finale with a tense and twisted plot.

Ryneq and Nykin have made it back home to Torsere but their troubles are far from over. The witch they are dealing with now seems even worse than the one they just killed. No matter what they plan, she is three steps ahead. Of course, the reason why comes out and wasn't really a surprise but, still, who it was just added an extra layer of heartache to the story.

I will admit, this one had me in tears. It's darker than the others, with almost no hope of a happy ending, which, when it does happen, is full of non-stop action that will take your breath away. This book is not without loss, and it was so well-written! How the characters reacted was just superb! Yes, I know that sounds strange but read it for yourself and you'll see.

With excellent world-building, characters to love and hate, plus some steamy scenes, this trilogy has been outstanding. I have loved every moment and am sad to see it come to an end. This is one of those books you wish you could un-read, just so you have the opportunity to read it again with fresh eyes! Absolutely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 18, 2020
Daylight Robbery (Aspen Falls #6)
Daylight Robbery (Aspen Falls #6)
Melissa Pearl, Anna Cruise | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daylight Robbery is the sixth and final book in the Aspen Falls series, and it is definitely the one that tops them all for me.

Chief Marks has been a stoic character throughout this series, and we finally get more information on just why and how he is the way he is. Not only that, but we get a sweet romance between him and Melina, the social worker who helps him love again.

Don't be fooled into thinking it is 'just' a sweet romance though. Oh no! We also get 'Jason Bourne' behaviour, which although it made me wince when I was writing it, made for an excellent addition to the story, really showcasing the 'skills' Leah has, and how prepared to do anything to get away from the police, and their brutality.

This is an amazing, heartfelt story, that I am happy to say does have a HEA, sadly unlike the majority of missing kids cases. Emotions run rife in this story, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pacing is smooth and keeps you on your toes until you reach the ending. The characters are all believable, both the main characters and the supporting ones.

In my opinion, this is the best book of the series, and absolutely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 25, 2018
Nobody's Goddess (Never Veil #1)
Nobody's Goddess (Never Veil #1)
Amy McNulty | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Noll lives in a small village, under the shadow of the lord's castle. The men supply the castle with the things he needs as no woman or girl is allowed to look upon the castle, or they turn to dust. When the boys reach a certain age, they fall in love with a girl/woman who is their "goddess".

This book is incredibly in-depth and intricate. It has layer upon layer of story woven within its pages, and it will draw you in and keep you there until the story is over. There are lots of unique and fresh ideas within this book, so much so that I can't describe them all without doing the book a grave injustice.

There is romance in this story, but I felt it actually took a back seat. It is more about Noll learning who she is, and situations she has to live through to become who she needs to be. I was swept along right to the end, when my heart stuttered as I realised, along with Noll, just what was going on. Trust me when I say that I had to reread the ending more than once before I could convince myself to close the book.

An excellent story, very well-written and with no editing or grammatical errors to detract away from the story, this is one Coming of Age Fantasy to be read and enjoyed more than once. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 12, 2016

ClareR (5784 KP) rated Diva in Books

Jun 3, 2024  
Daisy Goodwin | 2024 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Music & Dance, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of opera, but Diva held me in its thrall from the off. Maria Callas’ life was fascinating: she was dramatic, striking, dedicated and vulnerable. Her mother had exploited her voice in Nazi-occupied Greece, which Maria never forgave her for, and she cuts her off when she makes it big. But even though Callas makes out that she can’t be used again for other’s financial gain, it does happen.

Then she meets Aristotle Onassis - the love of her life. This relationship must have looked so romantic at the time, and it seems that Maria thought so. She believed that Onassis saw her for who she really was. I thought this was where her vulnerability was really brought to the fore - and as she lets her guard down, he does the inevitable and lets her down.

I really liked the way this was set out: Callas’ career was interspersed with flashbacks of her early life, and as I was listening to the audiobook there were excerpts from songs (arias?)in between chapters. I actually headed to Spotify to listen to more after listening to a couple of these (there’s a playlist linked to the book: Diva by Daisy Goodwin). The narrator, Lorelei King made for an excellent Maria Callas as well as ‘just’ a narrator. She was very convincing.

I was completely sucked in to Maria Callas’ life whilst I was listening to this. She was quite some woman, and she was brought to life whilst I listened. My only complaint is that it ended too soon!
Abandon Station (Dyson Bridge #1)
Abandon Station (Dyson Bridge #1)
V.G. Harrison | 2024 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it finishes on a cliffhanger I did not see coming at me, and I was not prepared!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So, here's the thing, right?

I am mighty, MIGHTY annoyed at this book. Why? Because I thought it was a complete story, and it's not: it finishes on a cliffhanger I did not see coming at me, and I hate that! I wasn't prepared, I really wasn't, when it ended, and I am not happy.

It was a great read, though! I was fully engrossed in Merida and her people.

In the now Earth, it was a bit technical,but I kinda read those bits and glanced over the technical jargon used. In the NEW Earth, things were more understandable and I could even follow the politics! There's a lot going on that she isn't privy to, and her people are in danger of being stranded.

But peeps? That cliffhanger means I gotta wait to find out if Merida can get home, if she can find all her people from across the globe, and if her ex gets whatever he deserves!

A quick glance, and I cannot see when I might get my hands on book 2, either. So now, I'm doubly annoyed, with a review to write. Why do I put myself through this, you ask? Let me tell you.

To find books and authors like this: out of my comfort zone and new to me. I loved this book, bar that ending and I'm very pleased, as well as annoyed, that I got to read it.

4 most EXCELLENT stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Ross (3284 KP) rated Insidious (2010) in Movies

Nov 27, 2017 (Updated Nov 27, 2017)  
Insidious (2010)
Insidious (2010)
2010 | Horror
7.3 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The idea (1 more)
The creepy assortment of ghosts
Most of the cast (0 more)
With my wife out for the night and the kids all tucked up in bed, I decided to treat myself to a horror film, and Insidious was what I opted for (having watched the set of Sinister films a few months ago).
The film follows a fairly similar trajectory: weird things happen, the house is haunted, no its not the house its the child that's haunted, demons, triumph, happy ending. I don't think that's a spoiler as it describes 90% of the recent horror films.
A family with three young children move to a new home and soon one of the children bumps his head and ends up in a coma. From there some weird things start to happen.
Rose Byrne is excellent as the housewife struggling to raise her three kids and write music to kickstart her new career. It is her who experiences most of the unpleasant visitations, being stuck at home all day with the baby and her son in a coma. In one particularly creepy scene in the new house, she plays the role superbly (and I will never again listen to Tiptoe through the Tulips without shivering).
As with most decent horror films, this doesn't try to do anything new with the bulk of the film, but has an underlying new idea shaping it (and revealing that would be a spoiler!) that looks to explain the haunting.
Apart from Rose Byrne, I found the rest of the cast really quite poor, but they're acting during the haunting scenes didn't manage to spoil them too much.
Overall, a great creepy film that ticks all the boxes and leaves you wanting to watch the sequel.
Charmed - Season 1
Charmed - Season 1
1998 | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
Déjà Vu All Over Again (4 more)
Is there a Woogey in the house
Prue Andy realationship
As a huge Buffy fan when charmed originally came out i was a little skeptical that it would be anywhere near as good some seasons lived up to the hype others didn't quiet do it for me. The sisters relationship was good and i always liked Phoebe.

Season one held some of my favorite episode of all the charmed episode. De Ja Vu all over again saw the dramatic climax to Prue and Andy relationship. It rare that i tend to hope a couple get together as much as i was routing for Prue and Andy but this final episode knew how to attack ever emotion. It also introduced one of the best villains of the series Tempest how great it would be to constantly be able to turn back time to rectify the mistake you make that day,

From fear to Eternity brought us Barabas a clever demon who occurrences in the series always made me want to watch more. His villainy is brilliant and portrayal is one of the best that the show produced.
The grimlocks where other creatures that came in this show and for some reason i really like them as a demon.

Out of all the charmed sister no matter the series Phoebe has always been my favorite this series is no exception Is There a woogey in the house is the first time we see her get possessed and turn dark. I always enjoy dark phoebe and the primal fear of the dark creature hiding under the house always makes a great premise for a show like charmed so it made an excellent epsiode.
Make Me Burn (Isle of the Forgotten #1)
Make Me Burn (Isle of the Forgotten #1)
Tiffany Roberts | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Make Me Burn (Isle of the Forgotten #1) by Tiffany Roberts
Make Me Burn is the first book in the Isle of the Forgotten series. The Isle is a place where murderers, rapists, and other criminals who show no remorse, are sent. With a magical barrier, they are unable to leave. With no guards or anyone else to keep an eye on them, it is literally up to the criminals to find their own way to survive. Morthanion gets sent there after he razes a village, the last in a long list. He is none to impressed (to say the least), but he does see Aria not long after. There is something about her that he is drawn to. Although he is happy terrorising others, he doesn't want her to be afraid of him. He goes out of his way to ensure her safety. And when she tricks him, instead of wanting to kill her, he admires her and finds her intriguing instead. However, Island life means that Aria is not safe, even with Morthanion there.

This was a brilliant start to a new series, with excellent world and character building. The Isle itself was clearly described, as well as specific places, and plenty of characters for you to love or loathe. The pace is fast and smooth, with tender as well as scorching scenes too. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this was a wonderful first book, and I can highly recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

[Shots On The Bridge] by [Ronnie Greene] is a good piece of investigative journalism about one of the most notorious events in post-Katrina New Orleans.

As most people I was glued to my TV all throughout Katrina and I remember the news reports of a shoot out on a bridge involving police. As I recall the news reported that it was gangsters and looter shooting at the police. There were many reports of this nature in the confusion following one of the worst disasters in U.S. history. We now know that most of these reports were embellished at best or just down right lies.

[Ronnie Greene] did an excellent job relating the events as they occurred and giving a voice to the victims. The fact that these families were just trying to cross a bridge and came under fire by an overly armed unit of police is disconcerting enough but the fact that the police conspired to cover it up makes it even worse. Although it was wrong I could understand the officers reaction to the call of shots fired given the trauma that they had also been through. It is the cover up and lies that compound the wrongfulness of their actions.

I though [Greene] did a good job but he seems to jump around a bit too much. There is a lack of fluid transitions. Also, I feel his view was very one sided. I know that the police did something horrible but they were victims of Katrina as well and probably should not have been on duty at that point. If the correct relief and support had been provided this whole situation may have been avoided.
The Crown's Fate
The Crown's Fate
Evelyn Skye | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing worldbuilding (3 more)
Well-rounded characters
Gorgeous descriptions
Good use of Russian mythology
An excellent sequel to The Crown's Game
The Crown’s Fate is a sequel to the amazing debut novel, The Crown’s Game. The first book left me crying and a little traumatized, it was so elegant and heart-breaking. The second has proven to be a worthy successor, and healed most of the hurts caused by the first.

The two books tell the story of two enchanters in Tsarist Russia competing to become Imperial Enchanter. The competition, unfortunately, must end in the death of one of them, so Russia’s magic can be solely controlled by the Imperial Enchanter, and therefore be stronger for defending the realm. It only complicates things that one of the competitors is the heir to the throne’s best friend. And what happens when the two competitors fall in love?

Along the way, we see creative enchantments, volcano nymphs, elegant masquerade balls, battles for succession, and a quick glimpse of Baba Yaga’s house. (Oh, how I want to learn more about that!)

These two books are really amazing, but make sure you have the second on hand before you finish the first! I read the first when it was published, last year, and had to wait a year before being able to read the second! I don’t know if Vika and Nikolai’s story will be continued past these two books, but there is room in the world Skye has created for more stories, even if it doesn’t focus on the two enchanters. Especially now that magic beyond the control of the Imperial Enchanter is stirring in the land once again…

You can find all of my reviews at