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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Finally I have the body of a Norse god! (0 more)
Having to go to the toilet halfway through (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
What a fantastic film!
I have waited a few days before reviewing this film, and honestly think it would have been 10/10 if I had reviewed it straightaway.
This is so very nearly the perfect superhero film. There is a massive cast of characters, there is humour, there are niche geek references, there are shocks and twists, there are highs, there are lows and there are tears.
But also (and here comes why 1 mark was lost) ... there is time travel. I have an uncomfortable relationship with time travel. I know you always have to give a bit of artistic license with time travel and not get too hung up on the nitty gritty. But here the plot revolves around the characters changing nothing in the past as it would change the future/make it not happen. And yet they go ahead and do it anyway! We have to go back and put the infinity stones back the instant after they were taken. But they didn't have to with Thor's hammer? And why did they have to do that at all because past-Thanos died which means the Infinity War never happened.
I have never been truly happy with time travel in film, with the notable exception of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure which somehow nails it. For me, Endgame failed in this regard purely by setting itself rules it then broke and didn't explore the consequences.
But still, an outstanding film and if I can get myself happy with a crude, straight-talking, machine gun-toting space-raccoon and a teenage living tree then I think I can overlook some timey-wimey things.
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
Liane Moriarty | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
Throughally enjoyed it
Big Little Lies is a story about three different women who are each at a crossroad in their lives! Madeline (#1) remembers everything and forgives noone, when her ex husband and his new wife move into her community Madeline realizes her daughter will be in the same class as her ex husbands other daughter, and to top it all off Madeline’s daughter seems more interested in her dads and his new wife’s life than her mums. Celeste (#2) is a beautiful women and her twin boys will also be starting school, but Celeste has her eyes set on becoming the queen of the school parent body, but that comes at a price and not easily! Jane (#3) is a young single mother new to the town but is harboring secret doubts about her son. Madeline and Celeste take Jane under their wing, but none of them expected that Jane’s arrival will affect them all individually. If you want to find out what happens I would highly recommend you read this to find out for yourself, if you have not already!

I awarded five stars to this book as Liane Moriarty has done it again! She has written another outstanding story for all us readers to indulge in. This is the perfect book for those who enjoy contemporary, chick-lit, mystery and would make an excellent read to discuss if you are part of a book club. I really did enjoy this story, it is an easy to read, fast paced page turner perfect for everyone. I must admit this story did not stick with me afterwards but I devoured it and loved it nevertheless. Get stuck into this chick-lit, drama filled book and forget your own life for a while. Enjoy.

BTPBookclub (18 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

May 14, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
Now I guess you have heard about this book as there was and still is a big debate about Gone Girl, you either love it or hate it and I loved it! Gone Girl definitely gained a lot of media coverage especially as it has been adapted to a film since. I have seen both the film and read the book and both were brilliant! It is no wonder Gone Girl is a global bestseller book with many twists and turns that are bound to keep you reading until the end. For my personal review Gone Girl deserves the five stars I have awarded as it kept me glued to the story and is full of suspense and mystery, alongside it being an excellent thriller that will keep you up reading all night. This is the first book I have read by Gillian Flynn and I have already put a selection of her others onto my wishlist already. Let me know what your views are on this book below, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Gone Girl reveals the secrets at the heart of Nick’s and Amy’s modern marriage. When Amy’s and Nick’s fifth wedding anniversary arrives Nick reports that his wife Amy is missing! Under pressure from friends, family, the police and media will Nick be able to contain all his hidden lies, secrets and deceits? Did Nick kill his wife or is there more hidden beneath the depths of the story? Will Amy ever be found? With an intelligent and cleverly written plot I would highly recommend that you read this book and choose a side of the discussion to join, will you love it or hate it?

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Duncan in Books

May 22, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A cunning pederastic serial killer nicknamed “Santa” is making his way up the East Coast from New Orleans to Boston, leaving a trail of young bodies in his wake. Santa covers his tracks along the way by working as an itinerant bass player in a series of jazz combos. At the same time, the Driscoll family – Mark, Julie and their nine-year-old son Nate – who live in an upstate suburb of Syracuse, New York, struggle to come to grips with Mom’s quadriplegia following a horrific auto accident. The suspense builds to a fever pitch as these two plot strands approach each other for the inevitable confrontation. All this tension is heightened by the mystery of Duncan, Nate’s stuffed-toy gorilla, who is not only the boy’s beloved companion but becomes a kind of family totem, and, later on in the story, so much more.

Trigger warning for pedophilia, disability, murder, and so forth

This is a novel not only for readers addicted to thrill rides and maddening suspense, but also those who are curious about the abnormal psychology of the pedophiliac killer. The book gives food for thought as well as a kind of perverse satisfaction for the imagination and senses. It is a thinking reader’s thriller.
There are some graphic scenes that would make any normal human uncomfortable to say the least.
I loved how Mr. McCort portrays the heart-warming relationship dynamics within the Driscoll family. Oh I did love Duncan too!
The book also delivers on its' promise to the insight of the killers mind as well (the diabolical Santa).
Disturbing but excellent read.
Recommend reading.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
The Botanist
The Botanist
L.K. Hill | 2015
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the heat of the desert, Detective Cody Oliver inadvertently stumbles upon a strange garden adorned with exotic flowers. Upon closer inspection, he finds the garden is but a cover for the scores of bodies buried below. Soon, the small town of Mt. Dessicate plunges into chaos as journalists, reporters, and cameramen from across the nation descend upon the tiny, desert town to get a piece of the murder mystery.
Along with the media, a mysterious woman appears. She may be the only person who has come face to face with the killer, dubbed the Botanist, and lived to tell the tale. If Cody can't piece together a timeline of the land the crime scene is located on, decipher how the woman's mysterious past is connected to the killer, and bring the Botanist to justice, he may finding himself standing alone in the midst of a desolate, desert graveyard...

Wow. This is an excellent read! Very creepy, and interesting, and with a buildup to the finale that was riveting.
 The suspense and action was thrilling. The story line is good, it is well written and well plotted.
This is more than just a crime fiction book; it has mystery and thriller thrown in the mix too. The creepiness from the beginning doesn’t let up and continues throughout the entire book.
 Characters really well developed.
The main characters, Cody & Alex, were realistic & sympathetic. The ending was brilliant.
This is a crime novel. It's detailed and not for the faint of heart. I leave hoping this detective will continue on into a few more books solving crimes; in other words please let there be more!!!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
The Black Lily (Vampire Blood, #1)
The Black Lily (Vampire Blood, #1)
Juliette Cross | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Black Lily By Juliette Cross is my first book by this author.
It's a kind of Vampire Twist on the whole cinderella story and seeing as I love fairy tales and am a sucker (sucker get it he he ) for vampires this seemed a win-win.
We have a fairy tale world ruled by vampires, nobles and then the poor peasants
Our Prince Mariel is a vampire and he's having a ball for all the nobility to attend to find his latest bleeder.
Enter Arabelle AKA The Black Lily she's at the ball until midnight to entice the prince so she can drive a gold edged dagger through his vampire heart.
Arabelle is part of the underground movement to stop vampire tyranny.
fleeing the scene of the crime just after midnight. Arabelle thinks she's succeeded in her mission.
Prince Marius wants to find the enchantress bearing a tattoo of a lily and proceeds to start a hunt across the kingdom for the mysterious woman.
Now It took me a while to get into this book, this might have been because I was in a bit of a reading slump, or just plain I wasn't sure about it.
anyway, something must have clicked for me as this changed for me around chapter seven and them a steamrolled through the rest.

so in conclusion, fantastic original plotline, I don't think I've ever seen cinderella imagined with vampires, a great narrative and excellent world building.
this was a fun read with great fleshed out characters my only issue was my inability to originally connect with the story this pulled it down slightly for me and my rating reflected this.
saying that this is still a great read.

I received a free e-copy of The Black Lily from NetGalley and this is my own honest opinion.
If I Die Before I Wake
If I Die Before I Wake
Emily Koch | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
An accomplished debut
A who-dunnit story with a difference; told completely from the perspective of Alex who is trapped within his own body and with only the ability to speak to himself inside his own head trying to piece together the clues from the snippets of conversations he can hear and from his own fragmented memory as to how he got where he is.

This was an intriguing read and I really enjoyed that it was told from Alex's point of view - the sense of complete frustration and, at times, desolation at being completely helpless - was excellent and, at times, heart-breaking. I imagine it was extremely difficult to write and it must have taken great restraint not to introduce other concepts or parts of the story that may have helped to move it on but would have reduced the impact of Alex's situation.

This is a very original psychological mystery told in a unique way and I did feel constant anticipation that something was going to happen but, unfortunately, it never really seemed to ... well not until the end that is. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it; it's a good book with great characters and I can't fault the writing style, the flow or the concept, but it just left me with a sense of "is that it?" when I finished when I feel it could have been a fantastic book.

Overall though, this is an accomplished debut novel for the author so if this book is anything to go by, I await the next with eager anticipation.

Many thanks to the publisher, Random House UK Vintage Publishing, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Life of Crime in Books

Feb 4, 2018  
Life of Crime
Life of Crime
Kimberley Chambers | 2018 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved it
What a saga!

What a story!

Fantastic characters, cracking and clever plot, excellent twists, perfect pace ... this had it in bucket loads and had me totally absorbed from the start.

The story follows the life of Jason Rampling and the various capers and general dodgy dealings he uses and gets involved in in order to get away from his and his daughter's crappy life living with his alcoholic mother on a dire council estate.

Jason is an Arthur Daley or Del Boy kind of a character - you could call him a bit of a rogue - but I really warmed to him; yes he's not the kind of man I would want my daughter to bring home but there was something about him that I was drawn to and although I certainly didn't agree with everything he did, I did find myself having some sympathy for him despite the scrapes he got into being mostly of his own doing. Melissa, another of the main characters, is another story ... oh my goodness, she is one character that had me going round in circles ... do I like her or don't I? and don't even get me started on Tracey!!!! There are several other characters that I could mention but I would be going on for ages such is the ability of the author to bring these people to life and make them feel authentic and memorable.

This is a compelling and gripping take on the consequences of living a life of crime and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a cracking read with not too much violence.

My thanks must go to the publisher, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction, via Netgalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.
The Girl with All the Gifts
The Girl with All the Gifts
M.R. Carey | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I had been watching this story as a movie instead of reading it I would have spent a quarter of the time with my eyes tight shut and my hands over my ears. I avoid thrillers for this exact reason, I get so scared, it's rather ridiculous.

I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try, and I was not disappointed at all. I was left feeling cold, and a sense of deep disturbance in my balanced little world. Obviously this book is very well written, taken from different characters perspectives. Their personalities, relationships with each other and themselves develop and change through the book in entirely realistic ways. You just know there is no happy ending here, there is perhaps a tolerable ending to look forward to. You're not entirely sure how deep the rabbit hole goes, but you do know is going to be very dark and a torch will probably only make it worse. It is an excellent thriller, it kept me fully engrossed until I put the book down, relieved as I was, that I could finally extract my mind out of the horror of an apocalyptic future that would have to be extremely different from anything that the world has ever known just to survive. Dr Caldwell was frightening simply because I could not relate to her, her single-mindedness was more inhumane than Melanie, who was the key character. She was essentially the heroine, making the best out of a completely stuffed up world and paving a way to make things better. This book took me about a day to read and it will probably take a few more days to fully leave that world of 'hungries', 'e-blockers', and danger round every corner. I won't be able to look at a mushroom the same way again.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Cinematography was excellent. (1 more)
Character development was perfect, not a lot of detail but enough to fall into their lives.
Tried a little too hard to be unique. (0 more)
The Shape of Water - Visually Stunning
The Shape of Water, as discussed in other reviews, follows Eliza Esposito through a snapshot of her life. She has a clear love of water from the beginning, bordering on a fetish, and she connects with few people due to her mutism. The people around her are flawed. Her neighbor is fighting through a new advertising world that no longer values true artwork, her coworker Zelda has a painful home life with a husband that won't participate. Even the characters that are not part of Eliza's life have their struggles depicted within this movie. We see snapshots, just enough to understand these people are flawed, their lives are flawed, their relationships are flawed. Everyone in this movie is struggling towards a goal, though Eliza is the clear focus.

The cinematography reflects the 60's, from the lighting, to the sets and even how the cameras move with the characters. It's a world that engulfs the viewer, suspension of disbelief is a guarantee. The majority of the film is shot in drab, dark colors to reflect the loneliness of the characters, and the fear of the era. It's extremely effective at creating the unspoken sense of unease the country would have felt during the height of the communist scare.

As the movie moves towards the conclusion it becomes more fairy tale than reality. It was still beautiful, and the story still riveting, however, the transition to the more fantastic style was abrupt and could have been handled with more grace. I did appreciate the open ended conclusion, it's rare in American cinema to see, as most American film-goers prefer the ending tied up in a pretty bow.