Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design
Happy City is the story of how the solutions to this century's problems lie in unlocking the secrets...

Introduction to Mathematical Logic
This is a systematic and well-paced introduction to mathematical logic. Excellent as a course text,...

Metallabenzenes: An Expert View
The only comprehensive book covering of advances in metallabenzene chemistry written by the leading...

Real Analysis: 2016
The second edition of this classic textbook presents a rigorous and self-contained introduction to...

Statistics and Causality: Methods for Applied Empirical Research
Alexander Von Eye and Wolfgang Wiedermann
A one-of-a-kind guide to identifying and dealing with modern statistical developments in causality...

Time Series Analysis
A modern and accessible guide to the analysis of introductory time series data Featuring an...

Greek Waters Pilot: A Yachtsman's Guide to the Ionian and Aegean Coasts and Islands of Greece
Rod Heikell and Lucinda Heikell
A yachtsman's guide to the Ionian and Aegean coasts and islands of Greece. Greek Waters Pilot is the...

The Royal Flying: A Pictorial History
When the King's Flight was officially formed in 1936, passenger flying was very much in its infancy....

Three Distinct Knocks
*We believe that Freemasonry provides a genuine initiatory experience and a pathway to mature...