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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Hot Dog Girl in Books

Aug 20, 2020  
Hot Dog Girl
Hot Dog Girl
Jennifer Dugan | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did, I really enjoyed it. Lou's mom left when Lou was a kid and Magic Castle means the world to Lou--it's where her parents shared memories and then Lou later on. Its closing devastates her and she's shocked that the owner has no desire to save it. Coupled with her hopeless crush on Nick, Lou is a pool of self-pity in the beginning of the book and, truly, a bit of a downer. (Although, seriously, I wouldn't want to wear a giant hot dog costume at a roasting hot theme park either, so she has me there.)

But once you get into the rhythm of Lou, this is a fun and really lovely book. There's great queer representation, between Lou's lesbian best friend, Seeley and Lou herself, who is bi. Seeley has recently broken up with her girlfriend, so Lou is also determined to set her up (sometimes with disastrous consequences). Setting a book at an amusement park is great. I love theme parks and while this was just a small town place, it was an enjoyable and fun location to read about, especially when it involved a group of teens.

Dugan captures teens really well, too. Lou, Seeley, Nick, his girlfriend--they all jump off the page. They seem real, and I enjoy that they seemed like actual teens. Not disaffected teens, not rich boarding school teens trying to hide a body, but honest teens whom you would actually meet and be friends with.

There were pages where I found myself laughing out loud. As a bi person, I loved having characters I could empathize with and relate to--this book is sweet and heartwarming. Lou's journey (and Seeley's) is great and makes for an excellent read.

Overall, this is a lovely, touching and also humorous read about love, friendship, and teens growing up. 4 stars.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) in Movies

Aug 28, 2020 (Updated Aug 28, 2020)  
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is genuinely wonderful.
Like any good drama, it if course has its somber moments, but the overall atmosphere is so heart warming, it honestly feels like a lovely hug, but one of those lovely hugs that makes you cry because life is hard sometimes.

Growing up in the UK, I never watched Mr Rogers, but was always aware of him, and just how much he meant to a massive number of people. This film is less a biopic, and concentrates firmly one one point of Fred Rogers life, namely when he met Tom Junod (presented here as fictional character Lloyd Vogel), a journalist writing for Esquire and profiling Mr Rogers for a piece on American Heroes.
Lloyd is a cynical person, who doesn't hold much love for his fellow man. This begins to change as he spends more time with Fred, a man who truly sees the good in everyone.
At the same time, Lloyd's estranged father is trying to reconnect with him, forcing him to relive past trauma as he struggles to forgive.
It's all very emotionally charged, but wrapped up neatly in Oscar-baiting packaging.

Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers, and Matthew Rhys as Lloyd are nothing short of excellent. Their chemistry is thoroughly believable. Tom Hanks is at the top of his game here, just as much as he has ever been.
The supporting cast are great as well, especially Susan Kelechi Watson and Chris Cooper.

ABDITN also looks fantastic. The contrast of real life drama to dream like sequences within Mr Rogers' show is an inspired choice by director Marielle Heller, and the use of model cars and cities as segues is effective.
The original score by her brother Nate Heller is just downright pleasant.

Overall, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a decent drama about the importance of family, and what it means to love others, whilst remaining a well written love letter to Feed Rogers himself. It's just a really swell movie, definitely check it out.
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
The Cloverfield Paradox is a kind of semi decent sci-fi thriller, with a relatively tenuous link to the wider Cloverfield story.
Much like 10 Cloverfield Lane, Paradox started life as a non-Cloverfield property. My only real issue with it's predecessor is that the link to the original film felt tacked onto the end, after the (excellent) main bulk of the story was done. My main issue with Paradox, is that the links are weaved in from the get go, but it's painfully obvious that the original plot was retconned to fit the overall Cloverfield narrative, and it doesn't quite flow properly.
This is most evident in the scenes that take place on Earth, and centre around Roger Davies' character. They just feel a bit out of place, even if they do have a monster movie kind of vibe.

The stuff that takes place up in space isn't too awful. A crew of scientists are orbiting earth in a space station, using a partical accelerator to find new sources of energy, energy that Earth desperately needs as reserves run low, and global war seems imminent. Of course, it doesn't all go to plan, and the crew find themselves in a parallel dimension, space and time is ripped apart etc etc.
To cut it short, lots of weird shit starts to happen aboard the station. It comes across like a poor man's Event Horizon. The pacing is a little off and the obligatory twist near the films climax is a bit silly and unearned, but honestly, there are worse sci-fi 'horror' films out there. There's some good effects work on show, and the cast are mostly likeable.

It's an entertaining enough film, but honestly, the Cloverfield links sort of spoil it a little. I love the original, and I loved 10 Cloverfield Lane, but I sincerely hope that if the franchise continues to move forward, they do some proper big budget sequels, and stop retconning other films!
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