SummerLGrant (185 KP) rated Sense8 - Season 2 in TV
Aug 11, 2017
While it might not be up to the standards of the first season there was no reason for Netflix not to renew the contract, I'm pretty sure a third season would've been able to wrap up everything nicely and satisfyingly. Thankfully, the fans came out in force and Netflix and the Wachowski's have managed to negotiate a feature length episode to finish the story. Hopefully it'll be the story Sense8 deserves

Awix (3310 KP) rated Inquest of Pilot Pirx (Test Pilota Pirxa) (1979) in Movies
May 4, 2019 (Updated May 4, 2019)
The first half of the film is a rather drab earthbound thriller as various corporate interests try to dissuade the title character from taking command of the crucial mission that will assess whether the androids have a future in space exploration; the second half is proper sci-fi. Some interesting, if slightly underpowered discussion of what the difference really is between organic and synthetic people, but the story is slow and talky and never manages to bring its ideas to life. The special effects and sets are a bit reminiscent of Blake's 7, which wasn't a problem for me but may well be for other people. Watchable if you're interested in the development of sci-fi.
While the basic outline of the plot is the same in both - discovery of the lost city of Zinj in the Congo, expedition to said city that includes a Gorilla taught American Sign Langauge - the particulars of both are different, with the movie (form what I remember - it's been a decade or so since I last saw it) making far more of the exploration of Zinj and the fact that it is guarded by a new breed of vicious gorillas specially bred for the purpose by the original inhabitants than the novel does.
The characters in the novel are also less sympathetic than those in the movie - it's hard to take Tim Curry seriously as a hardened mercenary - while it has, also, aged somewhat due to the reliance on (then) state of the art electronics explained therein - a computer has a whole 256k of memory! Wow!!

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Mort in Books
Nov 20, 2019
The story itself is a good one: Death takes on Mort as an apprentice so he can take a break. When Mort breaks the rules he causes a wound in space/time that needs to be healed. And the more Mort does the job of Death the more the job begins to take its toll on him.
There is so much to like about this book. The humour is spot-on with some great one-liners, characters and footnotes. The exploration of the mechanics of how Death really operates on the Discworld fits perfectly with the logic of how the rather unique world operates and is the first glimpse into just how complex and rich the series of books could be.
The Discworld was still evolving rapidly at this point and Mort represents a real statement of intent for the future.

Mothergamer (1549 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Forager in Video Games
Mar 16, 2020

lurkykitty (3 KP) rated The Only Good Indians in Books
Mar 25, 2020 (Updated Mar 25, 2020)

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