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Cinderella (2015)
Cinderella (2015)
2015 | Family, Romance, Sci-Fi
7.9 (37 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sickly Sweet
Taking a look through Disney’s back catalogue of animation is like a lesson in film history. From Snow White to Bambi and The Lion King to The Princess & the Frog, there’s something in there for everyone to enjoy.

However, the studio has in recent times, taken to reimagining its classics as live-action adaptations with last year’s Maleficent starting a generation that will include Beauty & the Beast and a Tim Burton directed Dumbo. The latest offering is Cinderella, but does it hold a candle to its animated counterpart?

The plot of Cinderella needs no introduction, the classic tale of rags to riches and love conquering all doesn’t need an update and director Kenneth Branagh (Thor, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit) is just the man for the job.

Following the story of young Ella as she comes to terms with the loss of her parents and the arrival of her overbearing step-cinderella_poster_a_psisters and step-mother, Cinderella is a wonderfully acted and beautifully realised film that borders on a little syrupy at times.

Downton Abbey’s Lily James takes on the title role with a brilliant Cate Blanchett giving her all as Ella’s wicked step-mother. Helena Bonham Carter also stars as Ella’s fairy godmother and brings her usual brand of crazy to the character.

What sets this adaptation apart from Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent is its stunning visuals. Where Maleficent was beautiful in its own way and suited the film’s dark tone, here Kenneth Branagh throws every colour on the spectrum at the screen in breath-taking fashion.

The outfits are to die for and the locations are an explosion of bright colours and textures that are juxtaposed exceptionally with the dark, damp quarters our princess is confined to.

Elsewhere, the performances are, on the whole, sublime. James is good in the titular role but the plodding script lets her down. She comes across, as awful as this sounds, a little idiotic and lacks the charming spirit of her animated counterpart. The same can be said for her prince, played by Richard Madden – though this could be down to the story rushing their love somewhat.

By far the standout is Cate Blanchett, who is truly mesmerising as stepmother Lady Tremaine. Her brash and ridiculously over-the-top performance suits the pantomime feel of the production down to the ground. Unfortunately, her evil is heavily restrained by the film’s U certification, even more so when compared alongside the 1950 film.

Nevertheless, the visuals are simply stunning. Everything from the palace to Ella’s iconic ball gown and all of it in between is nearly flawless with only a few lapses in cartoonish CGI letting things down – though this can be forgiven with the film’s pantomime-esque nature.

Overall, this live-action reimagining of the 1950s classic musical does not in any way attempt to better its predecessor. Instead it wishes to sit alongside it as the studio tries to pave the way for a whole new generation of children to fall in love with Disney’s princesses once again.

Only a few lapses in CGI, a plodding script and a sickly sweet tone stop it from being enjoyable for everyone in the family, instead of just the kids.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Replica in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replica is a fascinating novel about human cloning that is written from two points of view. It's really unique because it can be read in three different ways. The first is from Lena's perspective. Lena is a replica, or clone, and has only known a life at Haven. The second is from Gemma's point of view. Gemma is a normal girl who doesn't feel like she fits in. The final method, and way I chose to read the book, was alternating chapters. The two stories are woven together seamlessly and make for a great read.

On an island surrounded by guard towers and fences, ocean and marsh, alligators and water mocassins is Have - Lyra's home. Each day she is told when to eat, sleep and take her medication. Her life is not her own. It's not even considered a life by most of the staff who address her as "it".. if they recognize her at all.

Gemma attends high school and has two overprotective parents. she was very sick as a child and her parents never quite got over it. Gemma isn't even allowed to participate in gym, which doesn't help shield her from school bullies. Instead, it makes her more of a target. Her only true friend is April.

Somehow, Gemma and April manage to convince their parents to allow them to spend their spring break at April's grandparent's house in Florida. Just days before their trip, there is an explosion at Haven. Gemma overhears her parents fighting about it and suddenly she's not longer allowed on her trip. hurt and confused, Gemma begins to dig into Haven wondering why it is so important. She discovers a world of conspiracies and realized she must uncover the truth.

Catching a ride to Florida with a classmate, Pete, Gemma rebels for the first time in her life. She goes on a harrowing adventure and her path eventually crosses with Lyra's. Together, they begin to learn the truth and uncover life-altering information about Haven and themselves.

Both Lyra and Gemma are well-written characters that the reader can relate to. Lyra, or number 24, is new to the world and slow to trust. Gemma is caring and curious. Personally, I related to Gemma more than Lyra but I know a lot of people say the opposite. They are joined by the talkative and reliable Pete; the only person to ever make it to Haven Jake; and a fellow Haven resident number 72, or Caelum. Each boy has a unique personality and purpose in the story.

The world of Haven and the replicas is fascinating. Unfortunately, we only know as much as out protagonists do. I eagerly await more world building in future books. The backstory was a giant mystery involving Gemma's father, but she slowly discovers little pieces and the world is exposed to us bit by bit.

The story immediately draws you in and you can't put the book down (or at least I couldn't!) Recommended for fans of science fiction (or fact) and mystery young adult books. Even if you don't normally gravitate towards science related fiction, this book is very accessible. Fans of BBC's Orphan Black will find themselves in love with this novel. Definitely a must read!

Lee (2222 KP) rated Cloak & Dagger in TV

Aug 10, 2018  
Cloak & Dagger
Cloak & Dagger
2018 | Action, Adventure, Drama
While I'm a massive fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I never really seem to get on so well with the Marvel TV shows. I get bored, frustrated or just run out of patience with the TV format, with Luke Cage being my longest run so far at 8 episodes. I decided to give Cloak and Dagger a shot, knowing absolutely nothing about about it, and with low expectations after reading the synopsis. I was pleasantly surprised.

The show begins with two young children, following very different lives. Tandy is returning from a ballet class in the back of her fathers car, Tyrone hanging out with his older brother and a gang of boys looking to steal a car radio. As Tyrone and his brother flee from the cops and Tandy and her father are crossing a bridge, fate leads them down a similar path. A drilling platform off the coast of New Orleans explodes, sending the car crashing into the ocean, and causing one of the cops chasing the boys to panic, shooting Tyrones brother dead while Tyrone escapes into the ocean. Unfortunately, Tandy's father doesn't make it, and both Tandy and Tyrone are suddenly caught in a mysterious wave of energy which ripples out from the collapsing platform.

8 years later and both kids are alive and still leading very different lives. They begin to discover that they have abilities, although it's not clear for much of the season exactly what those abilities are and how well they can be used. Tandy can generate bright white daggers from her hands and Tyrone can teleport randomly. Also, when Tandy touches somebody, she can see their hopes. When Tyrone touches somebody, he can see their fears. It all seems a bit pointless for a while, so luckily for us the rest of the story, along with the supporting cast, is all pretty strong. Tandy is investigating Roxxon, the company responsible for the exploding platform. Her father also worked for Roxxon, who seem determined to tarnish his good name and do anything possible to cover up whatever it is they're up to. Meanwhile Tyrone is out to see the cop who shot his brother, and was never punished for it, finally brought to justice.

Along the way, their paths cross, and it becomes clear that their powers are more effective when they're together. This all comes to a head in episode 7, where they both enter the mind of a man who has been in a comatose state since working on the drilling platform eight years ago. They must repeatedly relive the few minutes before the explosion until they can figure out what happened and how to stop it in order to free the man. It's the kind of plot I absolutely love, and one which gets used a lot in TV shows, most recently in the last season of Star Trek Discovery. I loved it then, and I loved it now.

While the season finale was a bit of a strange mish-mash, it didn't matter for me as I loved the rest of the season so much. A bit of a slow burn at times, but with a good story and characters to keep things moving nicely. Nice to know that season 2 has been given the go ahead too.
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Aug 12, 2018

@NerdGeek Episode 7 was just the stand out episode of the season, but the story picked up well before that. Just my opinion though, it is a bit of a slow burn, so not to everyone's taste.


NerdGeek (155 KP) Aug 12, 2018

Yeah my fiance can get into anything and even he was a little bored. I've heard from other people that it's good, so mayne I'll give it another try.

Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
For Tony Stark, (Robert Downey Jr.), life has become very complicated for the self-proclaimed genius, philanthropist, billionaire, and playboy. In the new film “Iron Man 3”, Stark is wracked by insomnia and dread following the battle he waged to save New York in “The Avengers”.

Stark throws himself into his work and endlessly creates new Iron Man suits as well as system upgrades which currently have him at the Mark 42 version which is a huge jump from the Mark VII he was last seen in which was itself a prototype.

When a terrorist named The Mandarin (Sir Ben Kingsley), has unleashed a series of bizarre bombings on the world and has opening challenged the President (William Sadler), Stark is caught up in his own fears, most notably protecting his beloved Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow).

When his friend Happy (John Farveau) is caught in an explosion, Stark openly challenges the Mandarin which results in a devastating helicopter upon Stark and Potts. With the world thinking he has died, Stark sets out to stop the Mandarin at all costs and find a way to battle his inner demons and fears to save the ones he loves and do what he knows is right.

The movie is big on laughs and character as we see a more well-rounded Stark this time out. He is haunted by demons of his past yet committed to improving himself and doing what is right. The film takes a bit of time to get up to speed, but thanks to Downey’s performance you maintain your interest as you are always waiting for what he will do next as he is in total command of the character and never lets the quirks or humor of his situation overshadow his humanity or undermine his performance.

I would have liked to have seen Downey is his armor more kicking butt and taking names, but thankfully the finale is very enjoyable. The converted 3D in the film is very good as although I am not a fan of 3D conversions this was the best I have seen to date as ash, snow, and debris did seem to float into the audience the way it does in films that are shot properly in the new 3D technology.

The supporting cast for the film is very strong especially Kingsley and Guy Pearce and I enjoyed the effort that Writer/Director Shane Black put into allowing the characters time to grow. I was a bit disappointed that Don Cheadle was not given a lot to do in his role especially when playing Iron Patriot/War Machine. The battle at the end of “Iron Man 2” where he and Iron Man took on legions of bad guys had me hoping for more this time out.

That being said, this is a very enjoyable summer movie that shows the franchise is not slowing down or taking the easy road out. There has been discussion that Downey Jr. may step away after the next Avengers film but hopefully that is not to be the case as I could not imagine another actor capturing the role as perfectly as he has.

Following a bonus post credits scene, we are told in the best James Bond style that Tony Stark will return, and you can bet legions of fans will be waiting.
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama
On April 20th 2010, approximately 40 miles off of the Louisiana coast, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and sank spilling over 3 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also known as the Gulf oil spill and BP oil spill, is the worst oil spill in U.S. history, and cost 11 crew members their lives. It’s also one of the largest environmental disasters in history, who’s total cost to the marine life, fishing community, and entire Gulf coast is still unknown. The film Deepwater Horizon is based on the true story of the men and women who were working on the rig the day of the disaster.

As a new team arrives for a 21-day shift they can already tell something is not exactly right, when the contracted testing crew is leaving without conducting critical tests. The man in charge of the vessel, Jimmy Harrell (Kurt Russell), sets out to find out why the contractors have been dismissed and who let them go. Chief electronics technician Mike Williams (Mark Wahlberg) also goes to question the crew as to what has happened while he was off ship and how long the list is of things he needs to fix. Through a quick investigation by Mike and Jimmy find that BP officials, headed by Vidrine (John Malkovich), are the ones who made the decision. The BP officials chose to assume that everything was fine, and since the Deepwater Horizon was 43 days past their deadline and the rising costs were mounting. Their decision was that it was time to cap the well and move to the next site. That didn’t sit well with Mr. Jimmy, as most of the crew call him, so he demands that one more test is to be run before anything else happens.
The BP officials remind him of the cost and loss of money but eventually agree to the test. The initial test fails but before additional test can be run Jimmy is called away to another part of the vessel. With the addition test being inconclusive, and Mike and Jimmy not around, Vidrine pressures the crew to push forward and move on. Reluctantly the crew and Jimmy agree to move forward. A frustrated Jimmy retires to his crew quarters to get ready for a long night. Mike heads to his shop to video chat with his wife and start the monumental task of fixing all that is wrong aboard the Deepwater Horizon. At about 10 PM the entire vessel was rocked by an explosion. With that the crew rushes frantically to try and stop an even greater disaster and make their way safely off the Deepwater Horizon.

Director Peter Berg (Lone Survivor, Hancock, The Kingdom) does a great job of holding a steady pace throughout this film. The story moves well and once the action begins the intensity and suspense left me on the edge of my seat. The casting is great with Dylan O’Brien, Kate Hudson, Gina Rodriguez and others joining the previously mentioned Wahlberg, Russell and Malkovich. In focusing on the men and women who were on the Deepwater Horizon and their families it makes it a very creative an emotional tribute to the 11 men who perished that night. It does paint the large oil company (BP) as a villain, driven by profit to a point of recklessness, in a way that may be a little too political for some. I found it an informative story, showing a different side to a very well-known disaster.
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
The Hunt for Red October. Crimson Tide. Das Boot. These are the some of the greatest submarine movies ever made. Hunter Killer is not on that list.


That’s not to say that this movie isn’t entertaining. Gerard Butler appears alongside a surprisingly well stocked cast including Academy award winner Gary Oldman, Emmy winner Michael Nyqvist, Common and Linda Cardellini to create a gripping experience that is high action and suspense throughout the entire film. But where it excels in action it falls short in story and character development.


The action begins right off the bat; and within 5 minutes of the opening credits two submarines are destroyed and the world is on the brink of World War 3. Commander Joe Glass (Butler), despite never having captained a submarine before, is field promoted into command of the USS Arkansas, considered a Hunter Killer submarine, and sent to investigate the missing subs. During the course of his investigation, he discovers that not all is what it seems. Meanwhile, Rear Admiral John Fisk (Common) and NSA Agent Jayne Norquist (Cardellini) are at the Pentagon with some issues of their own. Using a Navy Seal recon team, they’ve discovered that a Russian military coup is in progress and the only way to prevent a war is to rescue the captive Russian president. In the end, all three teams need to work together in order to steer the two countries away from being driven into a nuclear confrontation by a rogue Russian defense minister

To its credit, this movie is what it is. Pure, driven action with few breaks and absolutely no subplots or side stories. Despite there being three main teams within the film (the submarine, the recon team and the Pentagon team) all three are focused on the same objective and there is very little deviation from their respective missions. There’s no accompanying love story or unshown historical conflict between two characters. There’s not even much in terms of character development beyond the typical “old crew learns to trust new and unproven leader”. This is as close to a pure action movie as you’re going to get. Every single line, scene and character is used to further an explosion in some way or another.

This is the first big project for director Donovan Marsh who, prior to this, hasn’t had anything close to this quality of cast or this kind of budget. Hunter Killer has actually been tossed around the studios for a number of years with other notable directors including Tony Scott (Crimson Tide) and Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) previously attached to the script. While it would have been exciting to see what either of those two could have done with this film, Marsh does manage to keep things alive by maintaining that constant stream of action and suspense. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to be able to elevate the picture above that basic level. Despite an all-star cast who performed excellently, the movie remains essentially one-dimensional.

If you’re looking for a tense (Crimson Tide), intelligent (Hunt for Red October) submarine movie that looks a little more like a political thriller and a little less like an advertisement for the Navy, then this movie is not for you. However, if you’re in need of a bit more action and a lot less subtext, then Hunter Killer makes for a great night out full of explosions, amusing jokes and better acting than the dialogue really deserved.
The Suicide Tree
The Suicide Tree
Shayla Raquel | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked most about this book was the interwoven stories of Knox, Arlo, and the mysterious person who harmed Arlo (0 more)
After thinking about it I would say that the reasoning behind Arlo’s childhood assault (for lack of a better term) was a bit on the anti-climatic side (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The Suicide Tree by Shayla Raquel was a surprisingly good book. It was not quite what I expected but after reading it I am honestly not sure what I was expecting. Early on it talks about the Suicide Tree being a real tree and I could not help but look it up. What I found is that the Suicide Tree is actually a tree called Cerbera Odollam and is found in Asia and India. I find it interesting Knox uses this tree’s nickname for his tag because of the specific properties this tree has. I will leave it up to the interested reader to look up those properties for themselves. The story was so good that I am afraid to say too much without the risk of spoilers.

 Trigger Warning: Although I don’t usually feel like I need to add these to my reviews I feel this may be an exception. The death of Knox’s parents is a tragedy and a large part of the story and is brought up very frequently.

 Knox Kevel’s parents died in an explosion three years before the story begins. Knox, being almost a computer genius becomes a hacker known as The Suicide Tree while his parents are still alive. After their death, he works for people on the black market and attracts the attention of the FBI. The FBI gets ahold of him twice and he is facing prison time when Arlo Jenson pops in. Arlo wants Knox to work for him and if Knox agrees Arlo will call in a favor with the DA and have Knox’s charges dropped.

 Knox ends up flying to Italy with Arlo, in hopes of finding the person who hurt Arlo as a child. Knox and Arlo stay with Norah, Arlo’s sister, and her daughter Jessa. The four of them team up and travel to many well-known cities in Italy trying to discover the truth. The truth about what? Well, you will just have to read The Suicide Tree to find out for yourself.

What I liked most about this book was the interwoven stories of Knox, Arlo, and the mysterious person who harmed Arlo. It was actually hard to find something that I didn’t really like about this book. After thinking about it I would say that the reasoning behind Arlo’s childhood assault (for lack of a better term) was a bit on the anti-climatic side. I was hoping for something a little more in-depth than what was offered.

 In all honesty, I believe just about anyone could read this book. There is little in the lines on inappropriate material in this book. The book is also relatively short and does not require a lot of dedication making it perfect for the occasional reader. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 because the plot line was well thought out and there was very little that I questioned after finishing the book. The story was strong and extremely entertaining. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a quick read.
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Without a doubt, the best thing about the disastrous Suicide Squad movie of 2016 was Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. With what little she was given to work with, she went all in and truly made the role her own. A return to the character was inevitable really, and thankfully, that return is not in the form of Suicide Squad 2 but Birds of Prey and the fabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn.

When we join Harley, she’s just broken up with the Joker. A nice little animated intro, with voiceover from Harley, gives us a quick overview of her life from birth, through childhood and eventually to the point where her and Mr J part ways. She hasn’t made it public knowledge just yet though, for fear of what might happen when word gets out that she no longer has the Joker’s protection. Instead, Harley buys herself a hyena called Bruce, takes part in vicious roller derbys and spends her nights partying at the nightclub of Gotham crime lord Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor).

Following an explosive public declaration of her relationship status - driving a big truck into Ace Chemicals, the spot where Harley first pledged herself to Mr J - Harley begins to find her life becoming increasingly entwined with that of the other Birds of Prey that will eventually make up the all-women squad. Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez) is a detective, in the process of investigating a series of murders by a crossbow wielding killer named Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) before the chemical factory explosion. Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), a singer at Sionis’ nightclub and packing a voice powerful enough to shatter glass. And finally, young pickpocket Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco). All of these women either have an axe to grind with men that treated them badly, or are currently being hunted by most of Gotham City’s bad guys. Their coming together, and subsequent emancipation, forms the basis of the movie.

That initial process involves a lot of time shifting and flashbacks while we are introduced to the key characters and plot points, before jumping back minutes, hours or even days in order to start filling in the narrative blanks. It’s messy at times and for the most part, it doesn’t really work either. Thankfully though, it’s a tactic that is ditched well before the halfway point.

The ‘Birds’ all have interesting back stories, and great potential in some cases too, but for the most part it’s Harley who is front and centre, stealing the limelight, and it never really feels as though we get to experience the others very much in comparison. Outside of the female leads, I didn’t really think much of Ewan McGregor and didn’t feel him to be a very convincing threat at all.

Birds of Prey is jam packed with creatively chaotic action and fight scenes from Chad Stahelski, who was responsible for the John Wick movies. They are confidently executed, at times cartoon-like, and usually accompanied by a kick-ass soundtrack.

I was initially going to give this a 6/10. But then I looked back at my rating for Suicide Squad and saw that was the rating I gave that. Birds of Prey is good, but not great. However, it is definitely a big improvement on Suicide Squad, so for that I give it a 7.
Shatter the Night
Shatter the Night
Emily Littlejohn | 2020 | Law
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cedar Valley Detective Gemma Monroe takes a break from trick-or-treating on Halloween night with her young daughter Grace and fiance Brody to visit a family friend, former Cedar Valley Judge Caleb Montgomery. Caleb tells Gemma that he's been receiving haunting anonymous threats on his life. As Gemma, Brody, and Grace return to the Halloween festivities, they hear a gigantic explosion. Gemma quickly learns it was Caleb's Mercedes. The well-respected judge is dead. This kicks off a twisted and grueling case for Gemma and her partner, Detective Finn Nowlin, leading them down the dark past of Cedar Valley. There are ties to former serial killer and the more Gemma and Finn dig, the more disturbing things they find. Even worse, it appears as if Caleb's killer might not be finished.

"We had summoned the evil to our town just as surely as if we'd mailed an invitation. We just didn't know it yet, and by the time we did know it, the damage would already be done. People would be killed. Lives would be changed."

This was such a good book, you guys. I've read the first three books in the Gemma Monroe series and really enjoyed them, and this was such an excellent addition to this series. To put it in perspective, I started reading this book about the same time as Michael Connelly's latest. I quickly realized that wouldn't work as they both involved plots with arson, and my small brain was getting addled. Well, I found this book so completely captivating that this was the one I kept with--and I mean, Connelly is my most favorite of authors. I have a cat named Harry Bosch. But there was just something about this one!

Gemma has become one of my favorite detectives. She's so easy to identify with. I love that she's a working mom, and that she can share her perspectives about working and motherhood with the reader. She even admits that she is probably a better mom because she works, but she still struggles being away from young Grace. She's human and fallible. We also see her make some strides in her personal growth in this book. She's awesome and tough, and I really like her.

"Since having my daughter, time seemed to speed up at incredible rates."

The plot in this one is wonderful. It's creepy and builds up suspense. I was completely captivated. I love a book that keeps me guessing, and Shatter The Night definitely did that. There are a lot of suspects, and it was really fun to try to figure out what was going on and who might be our bad "guy(s)." The book weaves in the town's legacy, intertwining the history and its elders, so to speak. So you have a past that features Caleb and his ancestors; the police and their history; even Gemma's family. I don't want to go deeper than that, but Littlejohn weaves it all together flawlessly.

Overall, this was a great read. Interesting story, wonderful characters (the recurring characters are the best--please live forever, Tilly Krinkle), and a strong female lead. What more can you ask for? Maybe it's time to name a cat Gemma Monroe. :) 4.5 stars.
The Black Orchids
The Black Orchids
Ish Goel | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what you expect
"I knew this wasn't the end."

TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, torture

I originally rated this 3.5 stars but I'm dropping this down to 2.5 stars, as I've had time to sit and really gather my thoughts around.

The Black Orchids is a paranormal fantasy novel about a young girl being haunted by a monster called It (no, not the clown). She goes to a boarding school where she comes into contact with It again and even gains new friends. There are multiple of love interests within this story and the story gave off a very dark, suspenseful, and adventure feel with twists, but it wasn't what I expected from reading the blurb.

The Black Orchids vaguely has the same vibes that the Vampire Academy and Beautiful Creatures series' has. There was a lack of connection with the characters and the story overall lacked. There was potential here but it fell short and left me a bit disappointed.

The main character was in a constant battle with herself and her family, she even considered herself to be different from the "other girls". Basically, she was the loner, edgy girl that didn't have friends. This wasn't executed the greatest and really just made the MC feel shallow and a tad emotionless. The other characters weren't much better. The relationships between them seemed a tad forced and not at all 'believable'.

The story lacked descriptive nature and world-building. But the plot was pretty decent. I wasn't instantly enamored with the story and it was a slow read - even though I devoured it. There was something still keeping me reading and I couldn't put my finger on it. I know for sure it wasn't the characters, as I could never really connect with any of them and the villain wasn't even the greatest. Majority of villains are these morally grey characters with amazing backstories, but not the villain here. There was no grand reveal of who the mystery figure was and the plot twist at the end was rather disappointing.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the ending! But so much more could have been added to the story-line that would have added an appealing and captivating touch that built up until BOOM, plot twist, and cliffhanger. The Black Orchids does end on a bit of a cliffhanger but again, it lacked and didn't give a massive explosion to my brain as most cliffhangers do.

Another aspect of The Black Orchids that I couldn't get over was all of the spelling and grammatical errors. I kept having to reread sentences, paragraphs, and even whole pages! I wanted to DNF this but also keep reading, all at the same time. And I honestly don't know how I feel about that.

The Black Orchids has a good plot for a debut, it just needs a bit of work done to it to revamp and add cushion to the story-line.

"In the end, she settled for trying to show a turtle raising its head out of its shell. She thought it symbolized new hope, courage, and maybe even as a welcoming. For a turtle to peek outside was courage indeed, they never knew what awaited them on the other side."