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Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Director Michael Bay and the shape shifting Transfomers are back in a new cinematic adventure, “Transformers: Age of Extinction” which continues Bay’s fondness for over the top pyrotechnics, action, and chases.

It has been five years since the Autobots and Decepticons waged war in Chicago and in the aftermath, the U.S. government has ended working with the Autobots and has begun hunting down their enemies that are still in hiding.

Under the leadership of C.I.A. agent Harold Attinger (Kelsey Grammer), a covert group known as Cemetery Wind has been hunting down and killing all Transformers regardless of their allegiance as Attinger believes that it is time to keep humanity safe from the threat the pose.

At the same time in a small Texas town, an inventor named Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), is trying to keep his home and deal with mounting debt and foreclosure while trying to get his daughter Tessa (Nicola Peltz), into college.

Convinced that one of his inventions will work and will allow them out of their financial mess, Cade purchases a derelict semi-truck convinced that the parts alone will get them an infusion of cash.

During his work on the truck, Cade uncovers that it appears to be a damaged Transfomer, which is confirmed when Optimus Prime transformers from the wreck.

His friend and daughter are convinced Cade should call the authorities and collect the sizeable reward for his find, but Cade decides to repair Prime who said he was injured in an ambush.
Soon after, Cemetery Wind arrives and threatens the life of Tessa and Cade which forces Prime into action. Soon, the humans along with Tessa’s secret boyfriend Shane (Jack Reynor) are racing for their lives from the deadly pursuit who is working secretly with a deadly Transformer.

As if this was not enough chaos, remember this is a Michael Bay film, a wealthy industrialist named Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci), has figured out the secret of the Transformers and working with Attinger in secret, plans to build and army of his own to usher in a new area of technology for humanity and of course lining his and Attinger’s pockets even further with their discovery.
The need to obtain more of the building components is key, and soon the action shifts to a new locale with the fate of a major city and humanity hanging in the balance.

Bay has crafted a film that is technically brilliant as it is an amazing visual spectacle, but yet is as cold and soulless as the very toys that inspired the series.

The film plays like a gigantic pyrotechnic and CGI demo reel as you can see countless examples of Bay orchestrating his fireworks to end in a grand finale.

It was almost comical how many explosions and car chases there were at the expense of the story. I think my wife summed it up best when she said that if the script was 50 pages long, at best 3 pages were devoted to dialogue.

I think it must have read something like this… explosion, explosion, gunfire, gunfire, car chase, explosion, Tessa!!, Dad!!! Vroom, vroom, explosion, car chase, bad line, repeat.
I do not see a film of this type expecting great acting or lines but some of them were so bad and out of place you could almost hear the cast of Mystery Science Theater chomping at the bit to get their hands on this one.

The film also blatantly sells out to appease Chinese audiences as we have a good segment of the film set in mainland China and Hong Kong which we get scenes of Chinese leaders being strong, decisive, and caring for the people, and other events in such a blatant Kowtow to ensure the film gets played in the all-important Chinese marketplace.

In the end the film does have plenty of visual entertainment but it drags out to the point where even the action and technical brilliance of the film and the 3D effects grows old. The biggest issues is that they have a strong and appealing cast, yet they are literally just along for the ride and are not given much to do.

The film is the first in a planned new trilogy so it is a safe bet, Bay and company will be back in a few years.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
405. Sonic the Hedgehog. How was this movie good? Anyone else? So we start with meeting Sonic escaping some other world by jumping through his rings, so thats what their for, he isn't just a greedy bastard. He finds himself on Earth now, in the heartland of America I guess you'd call it. And he loves it, loves all his new friends, well the friends don't know he's there cause he's an alien n all and they might freak out! After a while of being alone, nothing dirty...or is it? Sonic has an explosion of power that knocks the town power out, alien loneliness is different than human i guess. Well the surge of power attracted the gov't in the form of Dr. Robotnik, an amazing over the top performance by Jim Carrey!! And he's there to take this specimen in to be studied, but luckily Sonic met nice police officer Tom, who's willing to help! Ben Schwartz aka Jean Ralphio, was great as Sonic, would've been more interesting as Jean Ralphio, but oh well. It really is funny and pretty exciting, worth checking out!! Filmbufftim on FB
Death Race (2008)
Death Race (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In Death Race, a loose remake (sort of prequel?) to 1975's Death Race 2000, our lord and saviour Paul W.S. Anderson takes all of the things that made his Resident Evil films so mind numbingly shit, and applies them to a car racing movie. You know the drill - seizure inducing quick edits, with a liberal smattering of slow-mo for good measure, plenty of quippy douchebags, and the odd explosion of invasive "cool" guitar riffs.
However - it actually kind of works with the plot template and Death Race is easily one of Anderson's better films.
Jason Statham being in the driver's seat is always going to be a plus. He's being so very Statham as per, but if it ain't broke and all that. I can always appreciate the likes of Joan Allen and Ian McShane, and the action and story is well paced to ensure that it's entertaining as hell from start to finish.

Death Race is the epitome of fast food cinema. It's hot trash, but it's a pretty good time all things considered. A solid 6 angry Stathams out of 10.
Swimming Pool (2003)
Swimming Pool (2003)
2003 | Drama, International, Mystery
Can't stop thinking about this one, that kind of film that sneaks up on you ever so carefully when you're watching it - then delivering a mighty wallop directly afterwards, when you least expect it. Sinks its grasp into you slowly, hypnotically, until eventually revealing and digging its claws in deep during that wild last thirty minutes. Uncompromisingly steamy - a sultry fusion of murder mystery, softcore porn, and perfume commercial aesthetics. In other words, pretty fucking awesome. The robust acting that Charlotte Rampling and Ludivine Sagnier give to these two fully-formed characterizations lay claim to every ounce of your attention - impossible to miss a single detail. Sort of wish we knew more about a couple of the characters but it may not have even been a necessity when writing *this* cautious leaves the viewer in a constant state of questioning, wondering just where the hell it's going to go every step of the way. At first I was let down by its infamously ambiguous ending, but no sooner afterwards did I love it. Sun-soaked, quiet depravity that contains its pressure for an eventual explosion.
Lone Survivor (2014)
Lone Survivor (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama
Gripping and intense
Based on a true story, a team of American Navy SEALS is sent to Afghanistan in pursuit of a Taliban leader they must take out by any means necessary. They must make there way to the remote village where they discover their mission will be more difficult than expected due to the surprising number of enemy soldiers.

Once the firefight begins, the SEALS band together, use their wits, cunning and brute force to try and stay alive while waiting for pick up.

I was unaware of this story before seeing the film. You are enthralled and immersed in the characters almost immediately and become quickly invested in their fate. Their heroism is incredible and we should all be proud such remarkable human being exist and that they are sworn to protect the rest of us.

The gunfire action sequences are extremely intense. I'm not usually a jumper during movies, but this one made me quiver from a sudden gunshot or explosion several times. I believe this was the first Mark Wahlberg/director Peter Berg collaboration and it was a good one. Also check out Patriot's Day and Deepwater Horizon if you are in the mood for similar quality.
Superman II (1981)
Superman II (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
Straight sequel (as in, referencing the events of the first and building on it) to the 1978 Christopher Reeve original, and there's a reason why this, for many, is held up as one of the best Superhero sequels (and Reeves as one of the best actors to portray Clarke Kent/Superman).

This is the one with (Terence Stamps version of) Zod and his fellow Krypotonian criminals - exiled to the Phantom Zone during the start of the first movie - released from captivity by an explosion in space and landing on earth to rule, just as Lois (finally) uncovers Clarke's real identity and travels with him to his Fortress of Solitude (the ramifications of which are felt in 206's Superman Returns) where he makes the decision to give up his powers and live as a mortal.

Things being what they are, this is a decision he comes to regret and has to travel back - alone - to regain his powers in order to defeat Zod and co, leading to a climactic battle in Metropolis and - later - back at that fortress of solititude.

You do have to wonder, though, how come Superman has powers here never seen or heard of again ...
Salt (2010)
Salt (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
6.5 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Angelina Jolie, as Agent Evelyn Salt, plays the sexy spy role well, but the charm she displayed in Mr. and Mrs Smith isn’t present here at all. This is unfortunate because her emotional ties to the rest of the cast are integral to the plot. As seen in the trailers, Salt is a CIA agent who is accused by a defector of being a Russian spy. Salt is forced to run and uses her training and skills to evade capture while trying to prove her innocence.

Her years of experience as a covert operative are supposed to make viewers believe that this slight woman can take down ayone, but some of her fight scenes expected too much benefit of the doubt from the audience, and didn’t feel real. It wasn’t very convincing having such a thin woman carry on in a full fight scene with heavier built men. Despite harsh sound effects and fast camera edits, it honestly didn’t look like she was hitting the baddies hard enough to hurt, let alone knock them out.

Salt has some great twists and turns that kept me entertained and guessing, but that wasn’t enough to keep the whole movie afloat. Before long, these twists began to feel forced, and because I was snapped out of the movie several times after realizing how confused I was, it began to be aggravating to wait for the film to give the audience its bearings again. Phillip Noyce, who also directed the 1997 Val Kilmer spy film The Saint could have imbued the movie with subtle foreshadowing, or at least some foreshadowing as it was nonexistent.

Liev Schreiber, playing Salt’s trusted colleague, did a great job. His imposing yet friendly and sly demeanor fit his part very well. Chiwetel Ejiofor did a good job as well, but his role as another fellow agent was too small. It needed to be bigger for him to really shine. After watching him in Talk to Me, I believe him to be a headline star who needs more screen time to show what he’s capable of. In this smaller role, he does the job effectively, but left me wanting to see more of him.

The special effects were effective and not distracting except for one particular “walk away from the camera during an explosion” moment. It’s not that it was cliche, it’s that any explosion (at that distance, in that environment) would knock someone unconscious. There’s pushing the boundaries of realism for artistic effect, and then there’s that step that’s one step too far.

Overall, the film was enjoyable, but I had higher hopes for this movie. If you’re looking for action with twists, this movie has them in spades.

Dani (4 KP) rated The Umbrella Academy in TV

Mar 7, 2019  
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
I must admit that I was not too drawn into this when I had seen the trailer. However more and more of my friends and family had started to watch this and their enthusiasm made me give this a go. I did not regret it! I found myself invested and entertained after only one episode.

The characters are distinct and unpredictable. My friends and I each have different favourite characters, which demonstrates the diversity of the characters offer. They are also flawed and this makes them relatable.

I like the unique plot and that the side characters are just as engaging as the main ones. I am definitely recommending this to anyone who will listen and I am eager for season two.

I will say, the only thing that set my teeth on edge was the treatment of Vanya. The family neglected and effectively emotionally abused her. This does not excuse her actions at the end of the show but rather irritated me when they got to swoop in and act like heroes for intervening in the explosion that they set in motion. I am guessing that this will be addressing in the second season however, and the fact that I am invested enough in the show that this annoys me, tells me that this is definitely done well.
Run, Run, Run by The Velvet Underground
Run, Run, Run by The Velvet Underground
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was 16 or 17. I'd just started doing Art A Level at school, and this whole world suddenly just opened up. For ages, I'd been playing the flute, playing the saxophone and skateboarding. That was it really and then all of a sudden, I hit that age. My friend Adrian had a ridiculous record collection. He started making tapes for us, me and another friend of mine, and he introduced us to all that stuff: The Doors, The Velvet Underground, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix. I was getting really into art and really into poetry. I discovered Picasso, Matisse, Magritte at the same time. I also discovered surrealism and surrealist poetry, literally in the same couple of years. It was like an explosion in my head. 
'Run Run Run' was just brilliant because it was so chaotic. I'd been into music for a while - I was really into The Police and various bits - but this was just so different. I just loved how nihilistic it was. Really dirty. Luckily my partner's a massive Velvet Underground fan as well, so we stick it on quite often, even now. I still get the same feeling from it when I listen to it now that I did that very first time. I still get that electric charge of energy from it."

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
7.8 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The fourth chapter in the phenomenally popular Mission Impossible series has arrived in theaters and jump starts the franchise with a dynamic ensemble cast and a bold mix of action and adventure with a touch of comedy thrown in.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol opens with a daring escape from a Russian prison followed shortly thereafter by an infiltration of the Kremlin and subsequent explosion on the famed Russian landmark.

Tom Cruise returns as agent Ethan Hunt and is joined by Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, and Paula Patton. Shortly after the explosion at the Kremlin, tensions between the United States and Russia are at an all-time high. As a result, the president initiates Ghost Protocol, which effectively shuts down the Impossible Mission Force and eliminates many of their resources. As a result, Ethan and his team must take on an unsanctioned mission that will take them from Russia to Dubai to Mumbai in a race against time to not only clear the IMF from being blamed for the bombing, but to stop a deranged criminal from using stolen Russian launch codes to unleash a nuclear strike upon America.

Ethan and his team bring all manner of weapons and technology to bear against the enemy and while the action sequences are intense and the best in the series to date, they don’t overshadow the human element of the film as each character has a back story which helped endear them to the audience. Unlike previous films in the series, the plot is not as convoluted and hard to follow and director Brad Bird, making his live-action directing debut, does a fantastic job of pacing the film, never once letting it drag or become boring.

Pegg and Renner are fantastic additions to the series as Renner brings a sense of humanity to his role as analyst Brandt. Pegg gets a share of comedic lines and moments but is not there simply to provide comic relief, convincingly deadly serious when the action becomes hot and heavy. Patton holds her own with the guys and proves she is more than just a pretty face as her fight scene in a high-rise with an assassin is as intense as any action fan could want with a fantastic finale.

Cruise goes all-out in his performance and performs many of the film’s stunts himself, quite a few of them shriek-inducing, judging by the reaction of the ladies in the audience. While Ethan spends a lot of time running in the film, he also spends a lot of time fighting and it was very nice to see him share some of the responsibility for the film’s action scenes with his ensemble cast. I believe that the ensemble works so well that the studio should keep this team together for future installments in the series. The team has a winning formula that reinvigorates the series giving us what I believe is the best film in the series to date.