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The Fifth Estate (2013)
The Fifth Estate (2013)
2013 | Biography, Drama, History
The tension is palpable; the writing strong. The actors are top-notch. (0 more)
The Assange character isn’t as complete as it should be. There isn’t enough movement in the plot. It goes straight towards denouement and then nothing. Very boring structure. (0 more)
Excellent pacing, great acting.
The factual fiction genre (think this film and The Social Network), is intriguing in that it’s very interesting. Like biography but never intending to be so, teetering on expose but remaining filmic in structure and narrative... anyway, The 5th Estate (or the 5ifth estate...whatever) is about the rise of Wikileaks, its enigmatic founder, Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and the line it walks between freedom of information and guerilla journalism.

As such, it’s quite entertaining to watch, and while Cumberbatch’s Assange is more Cumberbatch than Assange (tho props to the makeup team, because he rocks the look!) it’s told in a quite exciting “rise from nobody to someone to dangerous with power” that most of these films take.

The acting is solid. The dialogue is well written and the cinematography is spot-on. Hits the “internet persona” well without too much of the hacker tropes we all expect from Hollywood.

That said, the arc is too linear. It’s too smooth, and too Hollywood to be fully believable as the whole story, and too thin on character to be invested in the Assange character much. His ego is well represented but his depth is not. We don’t get much in terms of motivation, which isn’t sad as there’s a lot to mine that the film barely scratches.

Overall definitely worth a watch. But not one you’ll likely purchase to watch again.
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
Olivia Newport | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hidden Run is a B&B in the small town of Canyon Mines, just outside of Denver, Colorado. When a stranger comes to town looking lost, Jillian and her father Nolan are determined to help her find her way. Meri comes from a family of doctors, but that is not what she wants to do. Maybe coming to Colorado, a place she last felt like herself will help her to find the future that is best for her.

Thank you to NetGalley & Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

The title of this book really isn't fitting for what it contains. It's much more than the Inn. That is where Meri is situated while in Colorado, but it's really about the people in the town that help her when she is lost. Meri loves her family, but doesn't feel the calling to be a doctor like everyone else for generations has been. When she comes to Canyon Mines, Jillian, who is a genealogist, helps her to find her family roots and maybe explain while she feels the way she does.

I gave this book three stars, because it didn't grasp my attention right away. At times it felt as if the story line kept repeating the same things, like the author copy and pasted a line from one chapter to all the other chapters in the book. Overall the book is enjoyable, trading from modern day Colorado, to 1800's Memphis during the yellow fever outbreak. This is a good book for those the enjoy historical fiction. I did learn a lot about that epidemic which includes some very factual details in this story.

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Northern Lights (Arctic Heat, #1) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Northern Lights (Arctic Heat, #1)
Northern Lights (Arctic Heat, #1)
T.T. Kove | 2014 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from NetGalley in return for a fair and honest review.

So this book carries on in the Arctic Love series but centres on Varg (norse for Wolf just in case you were wondering). Varg is a very different person than Andreas and has his own past to deal with. He hasn't lusted after Jonathan for years because he's never met him before. Jonathan we know from the first book has a very 'prickly' personality and makes sure that no one can get close to him. Varg is just here for a holiday , to see his brother Frey (if they can find the time due to Frey's shifts at the hospital) and spend time with Andreas too.

Varg is very blunt in his manner and has no problem with sex. He likes it, he admits it. He also admits that you don't have to like someone to have sex with them. For that alone, this book was refreshing. Yes, there's no gentle, tender build up to their story like there was for Christian and Andreas but come on, if every book was the same story, people would be complaining. This book is more matter of factual, less about love (to start with) and more about in your face instant attraction.

I am really enjoying this series and am looking forward to reading Frey's story as there were a couple of hints in this book about him. We've had tender and drawn out, we've had instant and attitudes so it will be interesting to hear his story.

December 18, 2018
The Golden House
The Golden House
Salman Rushdie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insightful and readable
This novel by Salman Rushdie is a present day commentary on modern day America in the build up to Trump and how fact and fiction as well as art and reality collapse into one other. There have been a number of books written in the wake of the shock of Trump (this desperate need to make sense of things) and Rushdie’s novel definitely helps shed light (or explain the darkness) upon the situation.

Narrated by René, an aspiring filmmaker, this account feels very similar to the likes of The Great Gatsby, in which everything is rather hyperbolic because it is written from the perspective of an outsider. Following the exceedingly wealthy Golden family, René attempts to figure out the mysterious circumstances of their arrival from India, and the subsequent, often cataclysmic events surrounding them, in which the narrator plays a part. The slow emergence of a dark history of corruption and evil is paralleled by Rushdie's perception of the rise of ignorance, untruth, bigotry and hatred, and of "The Joker" (i.e. Trump, although he is never named).

The writing is brilliant. It is discursive, sometimes addresses the reader directly, even sometimes adopts the form of a screenplay and has a wonderful voice of its own. The context surrounding the Mumbai bombings is intriguing as much of it is based on factual information. The truth is, after all, stranger than fiction.

While the style is not flawless, as the postmodern blurring between supposedly objective narrative and things René has "made up" for his screenplay did get a little haphazard, however, this may be Rushdie's attempt to reflect how "post-truths" are disseminated in a similar fashion. Nonetheless, I thought The Golden House was enjoyable. Even after all these years, Rushdie is able to adapt his writing to suit a modern generation.
Worst. Person. Ever.
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Raymond Gunt is the Worst. Person. Ever! Raymond is a foul-mouthed man that speaks his mind without any regards to be peoples feelings. Ray who is behind on his rent decides to see his ex wife (Fiona) for a job as a B cameraman, luckily for him she gives him the opportunity to turn his life around and hires him, only the job is in Kiribati for a show called Survival(Pretty much I'm a celebrity get me out of here!)
A homeless guy, Neal, in which Ray started a fight with in the street is employed as his assistant and a friendship is born. Unfortunatley for Ray, life goes from worse to worse and Neal's just keeps getting better.
Things start going downhill from London airport where he gets caught up in all sorts of dramas such dropping an atomic bomb on the Pacific trash vortex!
I am really not sure about this book and how really to rate it, Coupland did a really good job in making me hate the vile-mouthed, sexist, homophobe that is Gunt. I also enjoyed how his life started going down hill but only because of what a horrible human being he is. The other characters in the book such as Fiona (Fi)is just the female version of Raymond and very unlikeable. My favourite character was Neal as he seemed the most genuine out of them all. I found the plot of this book, disasters and characters rather far-fetched.
Every couple of chapters there are subtexts with factual information with regards to the scenario's at the time.
This is Douglas Couplands fourteenth novel, and have to say that I am a bit apprehensive about reading any of his other works.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Richard III in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Richard III
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Baldwin has written extensively about this period, so I had high expectations of his latest offering. The illustrations in this volume are great and the portrait of Richard is one which I don't believe I've seen before. The author also makes some sensible comments. So far so good, but I do feel that it doesn't go quite far enough. It's not a long book and a very easy read, but Baldwin seems a bit too keen to been seen as objective to commit himself as having too much of an opinion either way. Most of what is presented is done in a factual way and without a lot of analysis, I felt. Most of the evidence I felt was on the positive side, or at least not damning.

Beyond saying he thinks it unlikely that Richard has his nephews murdered (even his detractors agree that he was not stupid), he doesn't really go into this a lot, or examine Elizabeth Woodville's reasons for letting her daughters out of sanctuary or her later reaction to the Simnel rebellion. I know he has written separate volumes on both Elizabeth Woodville and Richard of York, the younger of her sons, but the issue is almost completely sidestepped here which is interesting, as this is really the question lying at the heart of The Great Debate.

So, my overall opinion was this this was very readable, fantastically illustrated and good, as far as it went. It would make a good introduction to the subject. Personally, I would have liked it to have gone a bit further. I couldn't help but compare it to Paul Murray Kendall's book. It's some time since I read it, but I was left with an enormous feel for the period and a sense of colour and life and I didn't quite get that from Baldwin.