Give Me the Money and I'll Shoot!: Finance Your Factual TV/Film Project
The must-have guide to traditional, emerging and creative TV funding models that are being developed...

Greenlit: Developing Factual/reality TV Ideas from Concept to Pitch
"Blows the lid on so many TV secrets" Tom Archer, Controller Factual, BBC "If every first-time...

The Dean's Diaries: Being a True & Factual Account of the Doings & Dealings of the Dean & Dons of St Andrew's College
A collection of diary entries from the dean of the fictional St. Andrew's College, Edinburgh....

CONFLICT - the Insiders' Guide to Storytelling in Factual/reality TV & Film: The C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T Toolkit for TV and Film Producers
"The recipe book of great television from one of the best TV makers in the world" Jamie Oliver Story...

Laugh or Cry: A Jewish Childhood in Nazi Germany, Including the Factual Historic Background: 2015
Sylvia Hurst (nee Fleischer) was fortunate enough to be on one of the last Children's Transports by...
Facture: Conservation, Science, Art History: Volume 3: Degas
Daphne S Barbour, Suzanne Quillen Lomax and Barbara H Berrie
This volume of Facture, a biennial journal that presents the latest conservation research on works...

Verificador de Comprobantes Fiscales - Factura Electrónica - CFDI y CBB
Business and Finance
Verificador de Comprobantes Fiscales - Factura Electrónica es una aplicación con la que podrás...