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7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
95 of 220
Portents and Oddities ( Sophie Feegle 2)
By Gwen DeMarco

After defeating a Fae fanatic set on closing the portal between earth and the magic realm, things are looking up for Sophie Feegle. She can finally relax, drink whiskey at her favorite ogre pub, and get back to the autopsy assistant job she loves. Maybe she’ll even go on a romantic date with a certain sexy fox shifter.

Yeah, right. Things never seem to work out quite the way Sophie wants.

When Sophie recognizes the body on her autopsy table from a dream, her world is shaken again. As more bodies end up in the morgue, Sophie realizes a serial killer is hunting San Francisco’s Mythicals. But why? And why does Sophie see the victims in her dreams?

Hot on the trail of the killer, Sophie and her crew encounter Mythicals with strange powers. But as they wade through these dangerous waters, the question becomes: are Sophie and her friends the hunters, or are they the ones being hunted?

Welcome back to Sophie’s San Francisco, where being in a serial killer’s sights may be new but being odd is still the norm.

There are a few things I really like about this series. First the main character Sophie is brilliant she is sassy and funny, second the different shifters and creatures is so varied I just love finding more with each book and the last thing is the writing it’s so easy so when you want a break from the hard stuff this is some relief. Although I enjoyed this book I didn’t like it as much as book one and it seemed a little rushed towards the end. But if you love a good fantasy book this is a good one.
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Ben Galley | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is hard to describe this book purely because it appears to try to do too much.

It is set in an alternate universe where much is familiar but some things are very different.
It is a western, mostly set in an frontier town in Wyoming with the usual cast of restless townspeople, lone prospectors and ruthless land owners.
It is a fantasy involving faeries and magick

Yet in Galley's capable hands these elements are moulded into a seamless and thrilling story. All the different aspects fit together neatly and consistently producing a terrific platform for the characters and plot.

The main character is 13 year old Tonmerion Hark (known as Merion), son of the Prime Lord (think Prime Minister) of an alternate version of Victorian Britain. When his father is murdered by assailants unknown he is sent to his last remaining relative - an aunt living in Wyoming. Travelling with him is is best friend, a faerie called Rhin who is a fugitive from the rest of the Fae. Desperate to get back to London to find his father's killer and rescue his inheritance, Merion is instead drawn into conflict and underhand dealings in the small town of Fell Falls where is aunt is the undertaker.

The alternate universe is particularly striking. Very nearly everything is familiar but with important differences. The biggest of these is clearly that creatures such as the Fae exist (even if few people have ever seen one) but other changes include the natives of America, the Shohari, not being quite human and a lot of clever differences in London that really make it clear what kind of world Merion inhabits. The magick is also well thought out with a lot of thought and imagination given to its mechanics and its implications.

Galley's writing is a joy. It is clear and concise yet conveys the scene to the reader with impressive ease. The hot sun and gritty sand of the desert feel very real indeed. The characters are very well described and a great deal of care has been taken to express them. These are not cardboard cliches, which would have been easy. Merion is the hero but at heart is still a 13 year old boy, a boy who is impetuous and complains how life is unfair. All through the book there is a subtle undercurrent of wry humour.

What this whole book reminded me of - both in the writing and in the almost but not quite like our world setting - was a slightly darker Terry Pratchett. That is not an exaggeration, This book really is up there with the very best Discworld books in terms of story and inventiveness. It is darker in tone than anything Pratchett would write and not quite as laugh out loud funny in places but it is damn close.

The story itself unfolds at a fast pace - which is good because there is a lot to get through with several plots running intertwined through the narrative and sparking off each other as they twist and turn through every reveal. The final showdown is suitably climactic and the prose as well as the magick crackles off the page in a breathless rush towards the final chapter.

I do like to balance my reviews with maybe some small point that counts against the book but I really can't think of one for Bloodrush. It simply is a magnificent piece of work. You may not have known you wanted a alternate reality fantasy western but once you have read this you will wonder where the next one is coming from.

Very very highly recommended and the 5 star rating was easy to give.

Rated: Strong language so not for the youngest of young adults
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so if you follow my reviews you will know I am an avid Maya Daniels stalker... ahem, I mean fan! She hasn't written a bad book yet in my opinion, and she remains the Queen of Sass. She's covered many different themes with her books, and then there is this one...

Franky is a hybrid, half vampire-half fae. The life expectancy of hybrids isn't very long, but Franky works for The Agency so hers is a little more 'fraught'. The trouble is, Franky's powers are on the fritz and she has no idea what's going on. She is saved by a stranger and ends up going to the one place in the world where she faces danger like no other.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!! I loved this book so much. I'm also begging for a Zoltan!!! I want one of my own. I'm not even joking. There is drama, kick-ass action, snark by the bucket-load, and plenty of attraction. To put it simply, I NEED ALL THE BOOKS NOW!!! Yes, I know I'm being greedy, but there is a reason for this. Ms. Daniels is also a pain in the ass 😉 with her cliffhanger endings. So I know that even if I get book two tomorrow, I will still be in the same position as I am now.

Investigated is the first book in the Daywalker Academy series, and I really can't recommend it highly enough. We are talking high class, quality writing and editing with nary an error to disrupt me! I read this book in one sitting. I simply couldn't put it down. Who needs food anyway? (Answer - my girls apparently!)

So there you go. If you are looking for an adult paranormal romance, with a Maya Daniels quirk, sass galore, and steaming attraction that is off the charts, then look no further.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Patricia Briggs | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silence Fallen is #10 in the Mercy Briggs series, and honestly, they've started to get a bit boring. Mercy gets into trouble. Mercy gets into SPECIAL trouble that werewolves would have a hard time with, but she's special because she's a coyote shifter, and her abilities give her an edge over the pure strength of werewolves! Mercy antagonizes enemies, escapes, finds her way home. Gets revenge. That's basically the plot of almost every one of these books. I generally like them, but this one in particular fell short. Maybe it's because I haven't read them in a while, but it just lacked the urgency of some of her other adventures.

One thing that really bothered me was the big bad vampire in the beginning - who was creepy as ALL get out - turned out to not be that bad, I guess? They let themselves get used by him to fulfill a plot and weren't mad about it? I would have expected Mercy's pack to take the dude down, no matter the consequences, but that wasn't what they decided to do.

And then, very frustratingly, they revealed something in the last ten pages or so that made me go re-read EVERY SCENE with a certain character and yep, there was no foreshadowing of that AT ALL. And there should have been. That's something the reader should be able to guess, because the viewpoint character knows about it. And it's absolutely not hinted at. So that's frustrating, and changes the meaning of several scenes.

So I'm very meh on this one. I don't know if I'll continue this series. Sometimes series just overdo their lifespan. This should have been wrapped up and moved on to other characters some time ago. The second series in this world, Alpha and Omega, is still pretty good. But maybe it's time to set Mercy aside. Do a series focused on the fae, or the vampires or something.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5577 KP) Jan 16, 2019

I haven’t read this or the one before it yet. I’m really hoping it doesn’t go the way of the Sookie Stackhouse series (I loved that up until about the last 3 or 4 books). I’m going to have to try and work it in to my reading schedule and catch up!

Kiss of Vengeance
Kiss of Vengeance
S. Young, Samantha Young | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Faeries (0 more)
Too much slow burn for my taste
3 1/2 Caffeinated Stars

Kiss of Vengeance is the second book in the True Immortality series by S. Young. As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Samantha Young & I thoroughly enjoyed War of Hearts. When I received this book in exchange for an honest review, I was extremely excited to dive into it, but it just wasn't my favorite. It had many of the elements I love, but at times it fell flat.

This book was a slow burn with an enemy to lover trope feel. Unfortunately, it was indeed a slow burn. There was nothing more than one-sided flirting for over 50% of the book. When I'm reading a romance, I want it to be the focal point, and it didn't feel like a focal point until 70% into the book.

Though the slow burn romance wasn't my favorite, I loved the world that S. Young created. The fantasy aspects were what kept me going. Learning about the fae & seeing their abilities kept me thoroughly entertained. I enjoyed seeing Rose learn her skills, and it was fun to see her interact with Fionn as her mentor. I do have to say that at times, her fixation on Fionn and flirting felt like her sole personality trait.

I would have loved to see more of Rose's interaction with any character that wasn't a "hot guy." When Rose wasn't flirting, I loved her strength and determination. Her joy for her abilities was something I loved about her. Fionn was a complex character. I loved learning about his background & seeing his struggle.

Even though I didn't enjoy the book as much as I liked, I'll be continuing on in the series. The fantasy and world-building were fantastic, and I can't wait to see how the rest of the series goes.
Lost in Plain Sight
Lost in Plain Sight
Alan Camrose | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I freaking loved this! Yes you heard right, if I could sum my review up in 4 simple words that would be exactly what I would write!

So what made this so good I hear you ask?

For starters, Alan managed to bring 2 of my favourite genres together and it just worked, so well. From the 1st page I was sold, it reeled me in and didn’t let go. This was a book I could really sink my teeth into.

Told in multiple POV’s, which trust me when I say it doesn’t always work and you can easily get lost and have to go back on yourself, I can honestly say this flowed with absolute ease. Each Chapter is told by a one of the main Character’s and you know straight away whose POV you are reading as it’s a chapter heading. The main characters are relatable, quirky and I loved getting to know them.

This was really was well written and Alan is very descriptive when setting a scene. As this is not set in a fictitious world and set in Brighton, you can truly imagine yourself there, especially if you know the area well. This is one of the main reasons I loved this so much. As a fantasy lover, I am used to world building and imaginary places, but having the story set in a actual place with the fantasy element running alongside, was refreshing. Everything is there for fantasy fans…..magic, demons, fae folk, The list goes on. For thriller fans there is murder, mystery and an engaging plot.

All in all this had everything to keep me enthralled and not forgetting it had me laughing out loud in places, Alan clearly has a wicked sense of humour which clearly shines through in his writing.

I received Lost In Plain Sight by Alan Camrose for free in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour for Love Books Tours
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Tiffany Speelman | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First time author nailed it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok so! As far as I can see this book is the only book currently written by this author. And if this is her FIRST book?? Oh my days, I cannot wait to see what she delivers next!

Because, bar two things, I bloody LOVED this book.

It's dark and deadly, with so much going on sometimes, I had to double back to check I fully understood. And that, for ME, is a good thing! I didn't find it especially explicit, for Kara and Alak, but for the Fae in general, it is. There is a lot of violence here too, but I think it is needed to get the way these folk live across. It's a truly multi-layered story and it takes time to get to where it's going.

Or rather, it takes time to get the whole point of the story across. And again, for ME, a very good thing. It kept me fully engaged from start to finish.


It is a long LONG book, some 500 pages and it's not all easy reading. As I said, it takes time to build up to things. Some peeps don't like such long books. I did here, but it did take me a long time to finish. Mostly because of my next point.


Only Kara has a say. And if Alak had been given a voice, it would have broken this up a bit, and made it not seem quite so long. Because I really needed to hear from him at points along the way, especially when Kara is in danger.

Having said all that, I really REALLY enjoyed it, and I really REALLY hope we get a second book. Because while there is a HFN ending, Kara and Alak's story is by no means finished. And some other characters need a HEA, too!

So, for a first time author, I'd say Ms Speelman nailed it!

4 most excellent stars
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Karen Lynch | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
O.M.G.!!! It's been a while since I read Relentless and now I've got a major urge to read it again, just so I can immerse myself in Sara's story right from the word go.

This is one of those books that I bought immediately after I finished Relentless, but just never got the chance to read before life got in the way. Let me just say, that since I've finished this, life isn't going to get a chance to get in the way as I am starting Rogue straight away!!

In Refuge, Sara is living in a 'military-style compound' where she was dumped by Nikolas. Let's just leave it at he is not her favourite person right now. She is struggling in training as she fears losing control of her Mori demon. She hasn't really made new friends, instead stays in phone contact with Roland, Peter, and of course, Uncle Nate.

There is too much to give you a rundown of this book, and seriously, why on earth would I do that? That's what the synopsis is for!! Suffice it to say, Sara has a big learning curve in front of her. With her magic, she is learning new 'tricks', as well as receiving her very own early warning vampire radar.

So many bits made me smile, so many bits made me frustrated for Sara, but most of all, I can't wait to see where it will go next. With one heckuva cliffhanger that really Nikolas should have seen coming a mile off knowing Sara (remember, I'm writing this before reading Rogue so I have no idea if he realises or not!)

If you want a paranormal romance that is full of Mori demons, the fae, griffins, Alex the wyvern (love him!), hellhounds, vampires, shifters, absolutely gripping, full of action and adventure, romance, and 'real-life' reactions, then look no further. I really can't recommend this highly enough!!!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2016
The Darkest Part of the Forest
The Darkest Part of the Forest
Holly Black | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Folklore (0 more)
The Knight is Young
Holly Black sticks with folklore for Faeries and still is able to make her own twist about a town called Fairfold where the townspeople coexist cautiously with the Fae. In this town there is a boy who is a changeling pretending to be human, a boy who wishes for love out of fairy tales, a girl who desires to be more than ordinary, and a horned prince in a glass coffin all of who are very important to the story because without one it is possible none of which is happening would be happening.

Ben and Hazel are on the hunt for their prince who's awoken from the glass coffin, but what is the cost of finding him when his freedom is the start of the town pointing fingers at Jack? Will these once duo in hunting the wild faeries drift further apart? Will Hazel be able to decide who she wants to be? Can she decide which side she must be on? Or will be betray those she loves, those who have confessed to her what they hold for her to keep her place? Will Ben betray his sister for the horned prince? Will he allow his jealousy for her to overcome him to ensure he is able to finally have what he wants? Will he ruin his friendship for all this?

And is anyone safe in town?

The flow of this book was amazing. We're introduced to our key characters, minor ones, and even less important ones within the first few pages or throughout without any of the development taking from the story or plot. It takes off into the action without pause and even though one would think not skipping a beat would be bad to convey the story it works here as there is so much occurring to piece the puzzles pieces together. The relationship between brother and sister despite what is between them is wonderful as it shows you can care for someone no matter what you believe within your own mind. Their interactions are what makes TDPOTF so great. I believe without Hazel's and Ben's siblinghood this book would have not worked.