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Red and the Wolf
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a love of Fairy Tales so I was really excited to have the opportunity to read this novella. Unfortunately, I wasn't a huge fan of it. I tend to like stories where I am connected to the character. I really didn't feel connected to any of the characters nor did the story hold my attention.

The writing was good, but the twist in the story was extremely predictable and was a little disappointing.

Ultimately, I'm giving this 2 stars. The writing was good but the story missed the mark for me.
What Should Be Wild
Julia Fine | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This is really closer to 4.5 stars for me, seriously Goodreads we need the half stars!*
I loved the atmospheric prose here, it truly felt like reading an old school fairy tale. Not the happily ever after Disney variety, more along the lines of the dark Grimm tales. Totally unique story, with solid world building and great characters. This is one I see myself reading again and again and finding something new each time.

**Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for the DRC! All opinions are my own.**
In the sequel, you get Mendanbar's pov. Again there is no dumbing down characters and common sense that most fairy tales lack. There is more magic in this book and is a little different paced. I think the plural of dragons is a slight misnomer and one of the characters can get a little too technical with his 50 cent words. & I don't mean the rapper. Although, it does get translated. This is a story that doesn't take itself to seriously and because of that it is enjoyable.