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The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Sally Hawkins (1 more)
Michael Shannon
Beautiful and Enchanting
The Shape of Water really is one of those movies where I feel the trailer doesn't really do it justice. From seeing the trailer, I wasn't really sure how much I was going to enjoy the movie. Like I'm sure many others will be, I was persuaded that I might be wrong by the 13 Oscar nominations it recently received. I shouldn't have had any doubts to be honest. Pan's Labyrinth, also directed by Guillermo del Toro, is one of my favourite movies and The Shape of Water shares many similarities with that. A beautiful and enchanting mix of fairy tale, love story and monster movie.

Sally Hawkins plays Elisa Esposito, a mute woman who works nights as a janitor for Occam Aerospace Research Center along with friend Zelda Fuller (Octavia Spencer). At home she lives a simple life, watching musicals with her gay neighbour Giles (Richard Jenkins) and finding joy in the simple things in life. One day a strange creature is brought into the research center to be studied, surrounded by military and medical personnel. Colonel Richard Strickland has accompanied 'the asset' from it's previous location, and appears to have developed a serious dislike to it. He carries an electrified cattle prod, which he takes great delight in using on the creature. In return though, the creature does manage to remove two of Stricklands fingers, and also inflicts serious injuries on others.

But Elisa takes pity on the creature and over time tries to befriend it, bringing him hard-boiled eggs and teaching him sign language. When she learns that plans for the creature involve vivisection, she hatches a plan to help him escape, and from that point their feelings for each other develop into love. A true Beauty and the Beast style fairy tale.

I found myself absolutely captivated, swept along by the story, and everything about it is just beautiful. Sally Hawkins is incredible, portraying such varied emotions without speaking, she provides much of the films humour, and shines in the more serious scenes too. Doug Jones does what he does best as the creature, but the real monster of the movie is Michael Shannon as Colonel Strickland. Terrifyingly brilliant.

For me, I'm not sure if this beats Pan's Labyrinth, but The Shape of Water is certainly worthy of all the praise, and hopefully the awards, it receives.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
I questioned the need for a second film, much like other Disney properties furthering this franchise over producing new content didn't seem all that sensible, but the effects in the trailer had me intrigued enough to want to see it.

Aurora has settled into her life on the Moors, life is a fairy tale and soon it will become even more so. Everyone is elated when Prince Philip proposes to her, everyone but Maleficent.

As she tries to come to terms with the news and be happy for the couple it becomes evident that something more sinister is afoot and that those seeking power will do anything to get it.

Angelina Jolie never seems to disappoint. Here she summons the peak anti-social qualities and refines them into something elegant. All her little reactions and the way she tries to smile create a magnificent second outing for Maleficent and thankfully the story that they wove for her was strong enough to be a worthy sequel.

I am still not a great fan of Elle Fanning, I find her acting style to be rather eerie and on occasion bland. I didn't entirely believe the way her character had been written, and her acting didn't help, even if you take into account the "stroppy child" moments I found the choices that Aurora made to be dubious.

There are a lot of other faces to recognise. Michelle Pfeiffer makes for a formidable foe and she's strong throughout as the Queen. Robert Lindsay's brief reprise of the King is suitably amusing. Chiwetel Ejiofor and Ed Skrein are good additions to the line up and Sam Riley back as Diaval is as entertaining as ever.

The effects that pulled me to the film weren't a disappointment, seeing the way they crafted the different kingdoms and the overall look of everything was stunning. The only thing that really sticks out is the animation on the three fairy godmothers, I didn't like it in the first film and it doesn't change in this one either.

I was entertained through the whole film but since seeing it I don't have much of an urge to see it again or to see a third instalment. It didn't make much of an impression on me but it wasn't boring, on the scale of things I guess that's not bad.

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Blossom and the Beast (The Alder Tales #1)
Blossom and the Beast (The Alder Tales #1)
R.S. McCoy | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book is a Fairy Tale Retelling of Beauty and the Beast. With that in mind, I thought I had a fairly good idea of what to expect. Boy, was I wrong!

In Blossom and the Beast, Blossom is the youngest daughter of a clan chief. Her father has a fox for a totem animal, her three brothers are bears(!), and it is suspected that Blossom will be the same. She has a very inquisitive mind and struggles against the rules and traditions that bind her under the canopy. On a trip out of camp (when she shouldn't have been) she is spotted by Kaide. He immediately wants her in his life and does whatever it takes to ensure it. He is determined to win her over though, so he treats her with every respect.

With political manoeuvrings galore, plus a sweet and sensual romance, this book is more than just a Fairy Tale Retelling! This is an amazing book in its own right, and should definitely be recognised as such. Amazing story, with well-rounded and believable characters, this story will entice and enthral.

I will say one thing about the ending without giving out any spoilers - BE CAREFUL!!! When I finished the ending, my Kindle nearly went for a burton! It was so close to hitting the wall as I stomped around my home in disbelief. Without giving too many details, I sort of knew how it was going to end, without knowing the specific details. When those details came to life, I screeched as I couldn't believe it. It was a train wreck that I could see happening, without any means of stopping it! I was actually complaining to Blossom (my Kindle) about her actions and what she should have done instead - much to the amusement of my husband may I just add!

With no editing or grammatical errors that I found, this story certainly deserves its 5-star rating. Absolutely fantastic and I really, REALLY, can't wait for the second book to see where it will go.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 31, 2016
I'm not always a fan of YA fiction. There is just something that doesn't always captivate with them. However, that said, I was quite surprised at the captivating story Ms. Hedlund created with this novel. From start to finish, I was hooked and in awe of the wonderful story she created.

Sabine and Bennet's characters were complex and perfect for their roles in the story. The secret being held, watching them interact, seeing the honor that is among the pages of this endearing read, made for a quick, fun read! I loved the way Lady Sabine and Sir Bennet interacted and watching their feelings for each other shine through.

I give this book no less than 4 stars. It's a quick read, and those who enjoy happy ever afters, fairy tale style settings and characters that will make their home in your heart, then you must grab Ms. Hedlund's book. It's definitely a surprising read and I am looking forward to giving her other books a try! Great job, Ms. Hedlund!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Folk in Books

Jan 24, 2018 (Updated Jan 24, 2018)  
Zoe Gilbert | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmosphere that draws you in (2 more)
Beautiful prose
Interconnected short stories
Fairy tales for grown ups
This collection of short stories is set on the island of Neverness. All of the stories are interconnected and characters reoccur as adults after they were in a story as children. We see how an experience in one story then becomes a cautionary tale or a fairytale in another. I loved the atmosphere in this book: menacing, dreamlike, happy, sad - like a fairytale really.
The language used was really very poetic. If you're attracted to this as a Fantasy reader, the language is weighted more on the 'Literary Fiction' side. I like both, and this didn't even occur to me until I read another review on Goodreads! There are plenty of Fantasy writers out there whose prose can be lyrical!
I also liked how the beginning and the end of the book were connected. Very clever, original writing, this is a short story collection that didn't feel to me as though they were short stories. Well worth a read!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this gorgeous book!

Dana (24 KP) rated Soundless in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I very much enjoyed this novel. The story was so fresh and different than what I have been reading recently. Plus, it's a standalone!!

I enjoyed how Mead attempts to put words to gaining the ability of hearing after coming from a society that has been deaf for centuries. It explored how a person would be able to deal with suddenly being able to hear out of nowhere.

Though I enjoyed this novel, it was not my favorite of hers. There were moments, especially at the end, that I would have liked to see expanded and explained more. I felt like there wasn't enough build up to it for the ending she gave it. It was very reminiscent of a fairy tale where everything gets resolved very quickly.

I wished that more of the magical aspects that were introduced into the story were both introduced earlier and worked into the story more.

That being said, I loved the relationships between the characters, especially between the two sisters. Fei's relationship with Li Wei could have been built up and explained a bit more, thought.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but, like I said, it wasn't my favorite.