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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Villains’ Realm in Books

Jun 6, 2024 (Updated Jun 6, 2024)  
Villains’ Realm
Villains’ Realm
Ridley Pearson | 2024 | Children
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enchantment Creating New Lands
Disney’s CEO has completely changed his mind about opening a Villains’ Realm in each park. The man was opposing it because it was a clear threat, giving the villains a foothold. But now, he’s greenlit them, and constructions has started immediately. In order to stop them from being completed, Eli and his friend Blair are going to have to team up with Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. Can they stop it in time?

If you haven’t been following this saga, you’ll probably be lost trying to follow what is happening. Fans will want to read this book since it sets up the next book. Unfortunately, it falls into middle book trap. We don’t get any real battles with the villains, just stand offs. The climax is abrupt and the story just kind of stops. As usual in the series, the characters are thin as well. Plus some editing left me confused a couple of times. On the positive side, it’s always fun to watch the Kingdom Keepers interacting with Disney characters, and I enjoyed seeing a lot of the action taking place at the California parks. I’m curious to see where things are going, so I’ll be back for the conclusion.
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice and her mother, Ella, have been on the road for as long as she can remember, constantly followed by some kind of freak bad luck. When word reaches them that Ella’s mother, famous fairytale author Althea Proserpine, has died, they think they’re safe...until Ella gets kidnapped by the Hinterlands. To save her, Alice must venture into the Hazel Wood.

I LOVE fairy tales, the darker, the better as far as I’m concerned. So when I’m told about a book that is based around dark, original fairytales, naturally I wanted to read it as soon as I could get my hands on it. However, it wasn’t quite what I expected.

Although this is a book about fairy tales and their characters being real, we are only told two stories: ‘Alice Three Times’ and ‘The Door That Wasn’t There’. This means that when we meet the Nightwalkers, Twice-Killed-Katherine, the Briar King and Hansa the Traveller, we don’t know what to make of them because we don’t know their stories. Now, I am all for discovering more about characters and their motivations as the story unfolds, but we never get that with these characters - it’s almost just assumed that we know who they are. I even checked online to see if I was reading the second book in the series by mistake! There is a book being written called ‘Tales From The Hinterland’ which is the collection of stories that these characters are from, but it is set to be published in 2020 when really it should have come first. Having said all of that, I did really like the ‘real world’ characters, and I thought that Janet and Spinner were super cool.

The atmosphere was really good throughout, even in the middle section when I found it hard to read because I couldn’t connect were really atmospheric. I loved the strange surrealness and dreamlike writing that was very fairy tale-ish, and it was brilliant. I also really enjoyed the writing style. I don’t think that I’ve properly ever read a book with so many current references and I quite like it. It makes the book feel very contemporary (after all it was only published in January) and in our world, while still having the other world, the Hinterland, mixed in which gives it a slight feeling of invasion and overlap. It also really suits Alice’s character and voice since she is narrating the story and was brought up very much in our world.

The plot was good on the whole. My main issue, once again, comes down to the fact that the stories weren’t told - or rather that the wrong one was. ‘Alice Three Times’ was great because it became relevant but ‘The Door That Wasn’t There’ seemed not to have any purpose. Surely if there was one story that Finch would have told Alice, it would have been ‘Twice-Killed-Katherine’ as she is following them for most of the first half of the book (and then just disappears for no real reason).

While the beginning and end of the book are really great and really gripping, I found most of the middle section really difficult to read because, guess what, we didn’t know the stories! When I started reading this book, I thought that I would finish it in the same week I started it...that was two weeks ago. The middle of the book is when Alice actually enters the Hinterland, but since we don’t know anything about the characters or the world, it feels like we’re constantly playing catch up. Whenever I decided what I was going to sit down, grit my teeth and get through it, it felt like it was a chore and I could only manage one or two chapters at a time. It gets very gripping again from chapter twenty-eight when Alice starts to get sucked into the story, but that’s because we’ve already been told ‘Alice Three Times”.

Although I did like ‘The Hazel Wood’, a middle did take a lot of the enjoyment out of reading it. Maybe when ‘Tales From The Hinterland’ comes out, I’ll read that then give this book another shot when I am more informed.

Characters: 6/10
Atmosphere: 8/10
Writing Style: 8/10
Plot: 7/10
Intrigue: 6/10
Logic: 7/10
Enjoyment: 7/10


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The Venetian: This Haunted World: Book 1
The Venetian: This Haunted World: Book 1
Shani Struthers | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Slow Burn
actually purchased this book by mistake, it's cover is similar to another novel, but I'm glad that I did!

This novel is certainly a slow burn, for the first 20% of it I was highly unimpressed. It felt flimsy and rushed, making it hard to sympathise with the main characters struggles. To be frank - I almost gave up on it. Suddenly, though, the story really kicks in and I read the remainder in one go.

This story is about anger,madness, betrayal and disappointment. It is also about survival, determination and love.
The main stage for the story is an island that is painted so vividly I can almost believe I have been there! The growing suspense and fear is skillfully built to a crescendo, the story woven between different times in just the right way. The ending is very satisfying - not a fairy tale where suddenly everything is perfect but instead a believable end note.

The medical practices described are even more distasteful and repugnant because they actually occurred. In fact a lot were very common sadly.

This would have been a 10/10 review had it not taken so long for the real, meaty story to start. Hopefully others who have purchased this book also continued with it and discovered this gem of a story.
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror
Mallory Ortberg | 2018 | Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this JUST came out. I'd had my eye on it for a few months, and put a request in as soon as my library ordered it. The author recently came out as trans, so it's also part of my effort to read more inclusively. Ortberg definitely played with gender and sexuality in several of these tales; in one of them people decided whether to be the husband or the wife, independent of their gender, in their marriage. (One party to the marriage in the story stated "I've been trained for both roles.") In another all of a man's daughters used male pronouns and that was never explored further. That was slightly odd.

These were dark, twisted versions of these stories. "Our Friend Mr. Toad," for example, involved gaslighting and psychologically torturing poor Mr. Toad. I found that one particularly disturbing. I enjoyed the title story, Ortberg's version of Beauty and the Beast, which has a very different ending from expected. I also really liked "The Daughter Cells", inspired by The Little Mermaid. I LOVED "Fear Not: An Incident Log."

I think this was a great, albeit strange, little book. It's unique, for sure, and a quick read. If you're looking for a fairy tale collection that is VERY different, try this one.

You can find all my reviews at
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Patricia Briggs | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was by far my favorite book in the Mercy Thompson series. I loved the in-depth introduction into the Fae culture without losing the werewolf focus of the series. I did not like so much the complete lack of anything vampire, but I suppose one can't have it all.
The scene in which Mercy is made to drink from the Fairy cup and the aftermath was incredible, powerful writing and not likely something I will forget anytime soon. I don't recall if I have ever read a rape scene from a perspective such as Mercy's, and it really opened my eyes to such a nightmarish experience.
I also found the dynamic between Ben and Mercy afterwards to be both moving and fascinating, since I got to see beneath Ben's shell to who he really is and what makes him tick. Even though I disliked Ben intensely at the start of the series, he is growing to become one of my favorite characters.
I was a bit disappointed with the ending, as the whole book was building up to her joining with Adam, and then when the book finally gets to the point, I don't get so much as a single kiss. Boo. Hopefully in the next book, Bone Crossed, a little more romance takes centerstage.