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Wink Poppy Midnight
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Wink Poppy Midnight</b> is unique. To be honest, I don't quite know how to describe it. The story is told through three totally different viewpoints, Wink the whimsical, free-spirited girl, Poppy the spoiled, beautiful bully, and Midnight the boy caught in between. Don't worry, it's not a love triangle but a sort of fairy tale that shows how humans are ever changing and more than just one label. Each character is clearly defined when they tell the tale through their eyes. Even if their name hadn't been at the top when the story changed views, I would not have had any trouble figuring out whose voice it was. The plot sort of meanders, but in a purposeful way and it has this strange, rather lyrical, quality to its pace.

As I said before, it's hard to explain, but suffice it to say that it works. I don't think the book will be for everyone, there's some strong language, sexual situations (though not in detail), and characters that will be one way one second and then later they'll turn around, and all of a sudden, show up in another light. The book is short, told through mostly simple language, yet the author manages something special with the structure. Recommended to those who like the odd and dreamy.

Received for review through Amazon Vine.
Winter Moon (Walker Papers, #1.5)
Winter Moon (Walker Papers, #1.5)
Mercedes Lackey | 2005 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've only read the second story by Tanith Lee so far because I wanted to read at least one of the books in Lackey's Five Hundred Kingdom series before I got to that one. For the first fifty pages, The Heart of the Moon was slow going, but after that it got progressively better and interesting. I think it would be nice to read about Cliro's burgeoning powers. I'd give it a four out of five.

Moontide by Mercedes Lackey was an absolutely wonderful story! After reading The Fairy Godmother, I went on to read this short story before I read the next two in the series. Moira was a great character, as was Kedric in as much as he could be with his small role. I was very sorry after I finished it and would have loved to read more with these characters. A great short story! 5/5

I was a little disappointed in C.E. Murphy's story, Banshee Cries, but it did have it's moments. Joanne is a great character who I can't help but to relate to - she's so realistic - and I love Gary, he's priceless. The plot was fairly interesting but it faltered and could be a bit slow at times. It was still good though and I can't wait to read the others in the series. 4/5
Little Darlings
Little Darlings
Melanie Golding | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Little Darlings by Melanie Golding has been described as an "unsettling thriller perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman and Grimms’ Fairy Tales." I would say I enjoyed the novel, its plot, and the writing.

Like almost all mothers with newborns, Lauren Tranter is exhausted from lack of sleep. Lauren has it worse than many mothers because she gave birth to twins. SInce she is so exhausted and sleep deprived no one believes her when, still in the hospital, she claims someone tried to take her children and wants to replace them with her own.

A month later her children are taken but when they are returned Lauren knows they are not really her children. Again, no one believes her.

What do you do when everyone tells you are wrong and does not believe you? Do you start to wonder if they are right? What if you are positive you are right and everyone else is wrong?

Melanie Golding's debut novel is a slow start but it is worth reading. The novel gets creepier and most suspenseful as the story progresses. The writing and character development, and the creepy stories at the beginning on the chapters helped set the mood well.

Review published on on 3/23/19.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Spinning Silver in Books

Aug 13, 2018  
Spinning Silver
Spinning Silver
Naomi Novik | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Take my money now!!!
Advertised as a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, this takes quite some imagination to get the reader to that particular fairy tale. I’m assuming that the Staryk King is along the lines of the Rumpelstiltskin character, except he isn’t some wizened dwarf. In fact, more than one of the characters carries some of Rumpelstiltskin’s traits.
Miryem, the Jewish Moneylenders daughter (who is actually far better at it than her father), has a reputation for turning silver in to gold, and this reaches the ears of the Staryk King, who demands that she change his silver in to gold. Which she does three times; the consequences of which aren’t quite what she expects.
Novik writes good female characters, without any doubt. Miryem, whotakes over her father’s moneylending business and saves her family; Irena, the daughter of a Duke, who marries the demon possessed Tsar; and Wanda, the daughter of a destitute, drunk farmer, who by luck comes to pay off her father’s debts by working for Miryem.
These women’s lives converge to create a bewitching story of real human concerns: poverty, helplessness, strength found when needed, and how important it is to pay your debts!
I do hope Novik writes more books like this. I’ll buy them!!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this wonderful book.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Unwritten in Books

Nov 30, 2018  
Tara GIlboy | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story has depth (0 more)
Charming novel
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Unwritten is about Gracie Freeman and her family. Gracie is a normal twelve year old who discovers she is really a character from an unpublished fairy tale. When her parents discovered she was supposed to die in the story, they took her out of the story, and brought her into the outside world. Gracie is desperate to know what the story says about her and, because of a magic book, is pulled back into the story.

Tara Gilboy offers a charming fantasy in which Gracie desires to find out about herself and what the story's author wrote about her. Is she a hero, the villain, or a minor character? Is she supposed to be good or bad? Can she change or is it predetermined?

Unwritten is a short novel with 198 pages, according to Goodreads, but has a lot of depth to it. Authors meeting their characters or characters coming to life is not a new idea but it's unique in the way the author handles the situation. You'll have to trust me. I do not want to spoil anything.

I would enjoy reading a sequel or from a different character's point of view. Unwritten is Tara GIlboy's debut novel.
I have always loved the way Melanie Dickerson can take a fairy tale and weave in scripture and faith seamlessly. Our leading characters in The Noble Servant are faced with so many trials. But through the hard things they face, they allow God to change their hearts. To mold them into a better person. And if it wasn't for their worlds falling to pieces around them. It is possible that their paths would not have led them to each other.

In the midst of chaos it can be hard to see God's blessings. To put your trust in God when your world falls apart can be easier said than done. Yet time after time (at least for me personally) He always has a way of making something beautiful blossom from the ashes of what once was.

This book has adventure, deceit, romance, betrayal, and a twist on The Goose Girl that is sure to captivate you. I love the friendship that Steffan and Magdalen build. Trust, honor, truth, "Chivalrous to the core." As they both undergo a transformation set in motion by their circumstances, their relationship grows and their trust in God's plan does too.

I received a complimentary copy of The Noble Servant through NetGalley.I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Once Upon a River
Once Upon a River
Diane Setterfield | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

"Once Upon the River" by Diane Setterfield is a difficult book to categorize. It’s part fairy tale, part mystery, part fantasy, and has a dash of historical fiction thrown in for good measure. It revolves around a little town, its pub, its residents, and the river that flow nearby.
The residents are a colorful cast of characters. I enjoyed Setterfield’s use of the pub’s regulars and how they helped move the story along with their storytelling. Storytelling is a significant topic discussed in the story.

I found the beginning of the story confusing. I think it was because of all of the people involved in the storyline. Three separate storylines run parallel and intermingle in the story. Once I was able to keep the characters straight I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
I also listened to a preview of the corresponding audiobook and recommend that also. The narrator, Juliet Stevenson, uses different voices that allows the listener to clearly recognize that character.

I devoured Setterfield’s “The Thirteenth Tale” (my rating is 4 out of 5 stars) and now “Once Upon a River” (4 stars rating). Diane Setterfield is now an author I follow and am looking forward to her next story.
Show all 3 comments.

Allison Knapp (118 KP) Jan 26, 2019

Sounds interesting. I'll have to read it


Christine A. (965 KP) Jan 27, 2019

I haven't read Bellman & Black. I'll let you know when I read it.

Feud of Four Houses
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Feud of Four Houses: Curse of The Fairy Kingdom by Chrishel Smith; Since the beginning of the Alaire and Dagen family lines there has been a Feud going on between the families struggling to gain one another's power the Goddess gifted them or so they thought. This all begins to change when Amara Alaire goes to her family library to do research on the family feud. There she finds a picture of her and her enemy, Tristan Dagen. But, it turns out not to be them and that there was a curse placed upon their house which started with the people in the photo. Throughout the book they go off and try to break the Curse overcoming obstacles on the way. Who are the people in the photo? And what does that have to do with them? And why was the curse placed upon their houses? To find this out you will have to read the book.

This book has a twist on fantasy and romance like none I have read before, and many unexpected plot twists. The book also starts off slow but starts to pick up a few chapters in. I honestly loved it. The book made me feel as though I was there with them feeling all their emotions and struggles. The ending was unexpected and very emotional.
Old Friends and New Enemies (Charlie Cameron #2)
Old Friends and New Enemies (Charlie Cameron #2)
Owen Mullen | 2016 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Glasgow private detective Charlie Cameron finds himself out of his depth when he finds out that an old friend has been killed. Getting on the wrong side of an organised crime family would be bad enough but just when he needs hits wits about him the personal nature of the case clouds his judgement. And things aren't made easier by a police detective with a grudge who thinks he is guilty.

This is a terrifically gritty crime novel. Glasgow is a good setting for this kind of work and Mullen does a great job of describing the city and the surroundings. Cameron is a very likeable character and seems very believable. The rest of the cast are just as well defined, from Cameron's slightly dodgy friend to the Rafferty family who are nasty but with a solid basis on why they are.

As the plot unfolds the reader knows more than Cameron which makes some of his mis-steps in dealing with the case agonising to read when he puts himself in more danger when he is trying to extricate himself. The ending ties everything up neatly but don't expect a fairy tale ending.

Overall this is a terrific crime novel and if the other Cameron books are anything like this then it will be a series to get hold of.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
1937 | Animation, Classics, Family
Heigh Ho
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first full-length cel animated feature film and the earliest Disney animated feature film. It was based on the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

The Plot: Jealous of Snow White's beauty, the wicked queen orders the murder of her innocent stepdaughter, but later discovers that Snow White is still alive and hiding in a cottage with seven friendly little miners. Disguising herself as a hag, the queen brings a poisoned apple to Snow White, who falls into a death-like sleep that can be broken only by a kiss from the prince.

Following the film's release, a number of Snow White themed merchandise were sold, including hats, dolls, garden seeds, and glasses. The film's merchandise generated sales of $8 million, equivalent to over $100 million adjusted for inflation.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has had a lifetime gross of $418 million across its original release and several reissues. Adjusted for inflation, and incorporating subsequent releases, the film still registers one of the top-10 American film moneymakers of all time.

Snow White was nominated for Best Musical Score at the Academy Awards in 1938, and the next year, producer Walt Disney was awarded an honorary Oscar for the film.

It is a classic and a must watch film.