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BookwormMama14 (18 KP) rated Cinder in Books

Jan 2, 2019  
Marissa Meyer | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (96 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit that I didn't know quite what to expect when I picked up Cinder. All I knew was that is was a retelling of Cinderella...with a cyborg. But let me tell you, this book is AMAZING!

Set in the very distant future, 126 years after the end of World War IV. The moon is inhabited, there are only 6 countries on earth, and a vicious plague is laying waste to the planet. Set in the Eastern Commonwealth (Asia/China), we get to experience the story through Cinder as well as Prince Kai. Cinder is as loveable and caring as she is in any other telling of Cinderella. The prince's responsibilities to find a cure for the plague and to maintain peace with the Lunars weigh heavily on him. Nut he posses a strength that I admire.

Both Kai and Cinder are faced with challenges that are beyond anything that I could even imagine. Will they make the best choice for the people? What will come of it all? Well, I can't even tell you, because this is only the first book in a series that I can not wait to continue. I already placed the next book on hold at the library.

Filled with descriptive details of the architect, the technology, the customs of the era, I was completely submerged into this brilliant world that Marissa Meyer has created. Although not a Christian book, it is clean and appropriate. I can recommend this book to young adults without any hesitation.

If you think you would enjoy a dystopian sci-fi with a fairy tale mixed into it all, you should definitely give Cinder a try. I think you will truly enjoy it.

I found Cinder at my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Danger and romance lie deep in the heart of Thornbeck Forest. Where a poacher's only desire is to feed the poor. The forester determined to catch the poacher. And a margrave who holds the future of all in his hands.

"Because love was the best reason of all!"

Odette Menkels has a burning desire to help the orphans of Thornbeck. And the forest at her doorstep has an abundance of wild game. The only problem is that the game belongs to the king. Nevertheless, Odette braves the wrath of the margrave who is responsible for the Thornbeck forest. Every night she disguises herself, hunts the deer and feeds the poor. Her life is changed in an instant when she meets Jorgen Hartman, the forester, at the Midsummer festival. Jorgen has found evidence of a poacher and would like nothing better than to bring this poacher to justice. What will he do if he finds out that Odette is the poacher? Will Odette have everything stripped from her? There will be many confessions and consequences, but not all are bad...and some may even surprise you!

This is the first book I have read by Melanie Dickerson, but it won't be the last! I already have The Golden Braid on my list to read by the end of the year. I believe that writing medieval fairy tales for adults was a stroke of genius! The thrill of the chase. The excitement of the hunt. Balls and finery, sorrow and hunger, the desire to do good and the consequences of the laws of the land. The tragic circumstances of the day were portrayed very well. Life in 1363 was rough! But we are reminded that the bonds of love and family are not to be trifled with. Enter the forest of Thornbeck and be whisked through an incredible journey.
Some Freaks (2017)
Some Freaks (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
178. Some Freaks. A pretty decent little drama about young life, and young love and the way it just kicks you in the fucking balls at times. Meet Matt (played by a guy named Thomas Mann, that I'm pretty sure has been in teen dramas as a teen for the past 20 to 40 years) he has got one eyeball, even wears an eyepatch, pretty badass, but he's in high school, and high schoolers are dicks, and do anything possible to make his life shittier, daily. One day, he gets a new lab partner named Jill, and she goes through her own high school torture because shes overweight. I wouldnt say they hit it off right away, but things click, and they fall in love. Then high school ends. Jill goes off to college and Matt goes to work. 6 months pass and the two plan too meet... All the while the two have secrets to share... He no longer has only one eye, sorta. And Jill worked out like a fiend and shed 50 or so pounds, and of course they both are like wow, and both dig what they're seeing. But Matt also notices other dudes checking out his special lady friend, that wouldnt be so bad, but maybe shes digging the attention too much, or is Matt just a dumbell... Could go either way. It was a really cool flick, does not have the fairy tail ending thats too be expected most of the times... And uh-oh, its filmed in Rhode Island, don't really see to much of it, except they do go to the AS220, and some gorgeous shots of TF Green Airport... I'm just kidding there cant possibly be any gorgeous shots of TF Green lol. Check it out, it was a good drama... Filmbufftim on FB
The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Children
8.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="The Mark of Athena" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste.

I probably should have waited until it was about a month until The House of Hades was published in order to read The Mark of Athena.

     The good thing? I don't need to do some major catching up. And I might end up dragging (not literally) my mom over to the book store when the fourth book finally does come out.

      But where there's good, there's bad (boo). So, the bad thing? Considering what happened in The Mark of Athena and The Son of Sobek (I'm not even sure I spelled that right. Oh, and link leads to my Goodreads review), I really wished I could have waited. Because I now have to do the fancy little countdown... (is there even an official countdown?).

     Unfortunately, I might decide to wait an entire year after all to finally read The House of Hades. (Sorry, but I'm one who keeps good things for last... sometimes. For reasons not to be told >;))

     But I still want to know what happens next to Percy and Annabeth after what happens to them at the end (and definitely the rest of the demigod crew as well).

     So! Overall thoughts on Riordan's most latest work in the Heroes of Olympus series: fast paced, lovable and humorous characters from the prior series returning along with the new ones, and a confession of mine: I'm a sucker for mythologies retold as I am with fairy tales retold.

Random Question: Anyone else excited for The House of Hades to come out later this year? :D
Human Again: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling (End of Ever After #4)
Human Again: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling (End of Ever After #4)
E.L. Tenenbaum | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Human Again is the fourth book in the End of Ever After series of fairy tale retellings. This one is told from the Beast's perspective and is in past tense, almost as if he reminisces about his past.

This is also the hardest review of the four books I've yet had to write! Why? Because there are so many parts of this that I loved and yet other parts just didn't tick the boxes for me. The 'Beast' himself? I loved him. You got an in-depth view on his childhood and just what made him into a 'Beast'. For myself, it was never quite clear if he did indeed change into something else or if he just was a human man enraged.

I think it was his family that annoyed me more than anything. Yes, I know that's how you're supposed to feel but it was more along the lines of Amelia. She was old enough to understand how her father was with Azahr but was content to just go along and believe what she is told without actually finding out if it was true or not.

I'm very pleased this was told by Azahr. Too many times, this story is from Belle's, or Kiara as she is here, point of view.

This isn't my favourite of the series but I am certainly happy to have read it. I have no hesitation in recommending either this book or the series but I would recommend you read them in order. Although these are companion books, it will definitely make more sense that was.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!