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    Cinderella by Nosy Crow

    Cinderella by Nosy Crow

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
A Fairly Tale In Hollywood But Lacks Finesse And Excitement
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is a 2019 dramedy (drama/comedy) movie written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and producers David Heyman and Shannon Mcintosh. It was produced by Columbia Pictures, Bona Film Group, Heyday Films, and Visiona Romantica and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad, Margot Robbie, Emile Hirsch and Al Pacino.

In 1969 Los Angeles, actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his best friend and stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) navigate their way through an ever changing industry they hardly recognize anymore. Rick laments to Cliff that his career is over, having been the star of Bounty Law a 1950s Western television series and having trouble landing acting jobs as the lead in films. Dalton dreams of befriending actress Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie) and her husband, director Roman Polanski (Rafal Zawierucha), who are now his neighbors, in order to resurrect his career. Booth, who lives in a trailer with his pitbull, Brandy, relies on Dalton for work because of rumors he killed his wife, and drives Dalton around town and does other odd jobs for him.

This movie was definitely not what I expected from Quentin Tarantino. It was very slow building, and honestly boring in a lot of ways. I kept waiting for something to happen, but half way through the movie, still nothing really did. The acting however was outstanding. Leonardo DiCaprio was excellent as Rick Dalton and Brad Pitt was a charmer, I think this movie was awesome in its portrayal of Hollywood from that time and was almost like a fairy tale about Hollywood in a way. The ending of the movie really didn't fit with the rest of the film and was controversial, but to me it didn't fit because it hyper violent like most of Tarantino's other films. To me the ending kind of saved the movie but I see how to others it didn't go with it. I usually really like Tarantino's films but I didn't particularly like this one altogether. It kind of was a collection of good scenes and acting but didn't deliver on an actual story that was good or compelling enough for me personally. But then again I didn't like Inglorious Bastards that much, and thought The Hateful 8 could have been better too. But I loved Django Unchained, and the Kill Bill films and pretty much all his other films. So I would give this movie a 6/10, it's above average in a lot of ways but just fell through for me equally in a lot of ways that can't justify a higher rating from me. Maybe it was overrated or over-hyped, or maybe I just had too high of expectations.
In a Cottage In a Wood
In a Cottage In a Wood
Cass Green | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Published first on <a href=""; target="_new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>

In a Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green releases tomorrow and I definitely look forward to seeing what my fellow Littens have to say about the title when they get their hands on it. For myself, I’m still a bit mixed. There are some things that Green does really well in this book and there are others that, quite simply, take far too long to unfold.

The main character in In a Cottage in a Wood is Neve Carey. After her relationship fails, she finds herself in a tenuous relationship with her sister and brother-in-law, who she’s been living with for a bit. Her fairy godmother appears in the form of a woman moments before she commits suicide, which begs the question: why? Thus readers follow Neve along as she stumbles through her sub-par life, whilst wearing her victim name-tag proudly.

Personally, I don’t care for Neve. Everything that has happened to her is a direct consequence of her own actions. In many rays, she reminds of me of The Girl on the Train‘s Rachel. A person cannot make poor life choices and then blame everyone around them for what follows – but Neve appears to do just that. And then, magically, she gets what she needs: a creepy cottage in the middle of nowhere. Because that is totally how life works. (Actually, I guess it kinda is. In many ways, those that need help can’t get it and those that don’t end up with more.) Her neighbors and family aren’t much better, and for that I must applaud Green’s ability to write some absolutely horrid individuals.

If you’re looking for an edge of your seat thriller, In a Cottage in a Wood is not what you want; however, if you want a slow simmer that builds up to an incredibly frustrating, heartrending finale, this is your book. While there are times where it feels as if the plot simply drags on, Green’s command of suspense is just enough to keep a reader hooked until the last page. The final twenty percent of the book flies by incredibly fast, revealing revelation after revelation. When it comes to plot twists, I’m not an easy person to take by surprise and yet Green has done just that.

It’s hard to decide what I want to rate this title. I’ve teeter-tottered between three and four stars, but ultimately I feel there is a lot of potential that isn’t quite met. There are things that I think would have made excellent additions to the story and while I’d love to share them, I can’t unless I want to give out spoilers. Without that, I think I’ll settle on three. It’s definitely a title I’d buy.

Thanks to Edelweiss and HarperCollins for providing me with an advance copy of this novel for the purpose of unbiased review.
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
A princess must have her prince but perhaps not in the usual happy-ever-after fairytale way. With sirens, princes, pirates, mermaids and magic, To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo is a dark fantasy novel perfect for those who grew up with Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid. But, as with most traditional fairy tales, this book is riddled with trickery and lies, making it a heart-stopping adventure.

Lira is a siren princess who is nearing her eighteenth birthday. In order to celebrate the life of their goddess Keto and get revenge for her death at the hands of the humans, each siren must kill and remove the heart of a human victim. Lira has always targeted princes and aims to steal the heart of Prince Elian of Midasan, however, her mother, the sea queen, has different ideas.

As punishment for disobeying her orders, the evil queen temporarily turns Lira into a human, stripping her of her siren power. In order to return, she must kill Prince Elian and return to the sea with his heart. However, things get complicated when Prince Elian saves Lira from drowning and takes her aboard his ship.

Elian is a prince-cum-pirate who has no wish to be the heir of the golden kingdom of Midasan. He spends his days as the captain of his ship, hunting and killing sirens. Not realising Lira is the siren he most wishes to destroy, he gradually gets used to her presence and believes she will be useful to him on his quest to find a crystal that will destroy the sea queen forever. Lira agrees to help, however, she has an ulterior motive – perhaps she can help Elian find the crystal then kill him and destroy her mother …

It takes a while for this dark, romantic young adult novel to get going; there is a lot of introduction to characters and the way their fantasy world operates. With different customs to get familiar with, particularly in the case of the sirens, it is a little monotonous for the first few chapters. However, once Lira and Elian meet, events become far more interesting.

The banter and insults hurled between Elian, Lira and the rest of the crew is a humorous addition to the storyline and makes the prince and princesses growing relationship all the more exciting. With the sea queen lurking in the shadows, the story builds up to a fateful conclusion, however, maybe Lira can steal the prince’s heart a different way.

Once the story is well underway it becomes an engrossing piece of literature that is difficult to put down. With romance, danger and a cataclysmic ending, it has everything that a young adult fantasy fan wishes for. To Kill a Kingdom is Christo’s debut and it is exciting to find out what she will write next.