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A Midnight Dance (Fiery Tales, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a good fairy tale re-telling, especially when it is retold specifically for adults, as this book is. Right from the beginning, the romance and chemistry between Sabine and Jules is steamy and passionate, and I had a hard time putting the book down at all. The Cinderella references are vague and somewhat after-the-fact. The glass slipper scene takes place at the beginning of the book when Sabine is young, and the stepmother and two stepdaughters look to Sabine as the head of the household, instead of placing her in the role of a servant. This book seems to take the original tale and turn it upside down, with Sabine forging her own destiny - with or without Prince Charming - and refusing to bend to misfortune.
Sabine's character is both headstrong and naive. A large part of her successes in the plot seem to be born out of pure luck, as she lacks any real skill at either deception or thievery. Jules strong attraction to her gives her the freedom to get as far as she does in her plans, even as she falls for him in return.
While the romance and eroticism takes center stage in the novel, there is a secondary element to the book that comes in subtly as Jules takes a more permanent role in Sabine's life. Jules is intent on a restoration of his honor and wealth, and the discover the truth about his father's accusations. Neither Jules nor Sabine suspect the guilty party until Sabine's life is in danger. Suspense and unpredictability pull me right to the end pages, and just enough is left hanging to lead into a sequel. I look forward to discovering what happens next!
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oh my goodness.

I absolutely adored this book! I am a huge sucker for any kind of fairy tale retelling and this one did not disappoint!

Through about the first half of the book, I had this warm, floaty kind of feeling in my chest. The writing actually made me feel like I was in love (or what I assume it to feel like). The way the characters talked to each other and interacted just made me feel so good about this book.

Speaking of the characters, can I say well written? Because, wow! I felt really connected to the characters (especially Feyre's sassy-ness and care for her family). They were very well written and drawn out. I didn't feel like they were flattened or abused in any way, even when they were being beaten up on the pages. There was a great deal of respect that was shown to all of the characters in this book. I really enjoyed the strength that Maas gave to each of her characters. It was as if they had their own way to deal with their weaknesses and strengths. They felt so real! I think what helped with creating this reality was making some of the characters seem super awkward at times. I mean, everyone gets awkward, but the way it was done was to show how the characters really were, not necessarily how the narrator was seeing them.

The plot was amazingly paced. I didn't feel like I was waiting for something exciting to happen because it was always happening. Even down to the smallest of parts in this novel were exciting. But even then, it didn't feel too over the top in excitement. There was a great balance between pacing and excitement (I have said that word too many times in this review, but who cares!)

I didn't feel like there was much missing from this book except for more pages. I didn't want it to end!!

If I could, I would give this a higher rating than a 5 star because it was just that amazing!!

I recommend this to anyone who adores fairy tale retellings, fantasy, fairies, or just a damn good read. Honestly, if you haven't picked this book up, I really recommend that you do. I am kind of kicking myself for not picking up this book sooner!

******Also, spoiler-ish thing ahead:*******

I just want to know, did anyone else guess that riddle when they first read it, because I did. I started yelling and cheering at the end part when she figured it out!!
Sin For Love (Fortune For Love #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received this book as a gift from a party.

Sticking to my usual rules - I'm not gonna give anything away.

So - let's start with writing style - good. It flicks between the heroine and heroes pov. Every time the pov changed - it was headed by a name. Made me feel a little thick that I needed to be told but I know some people do struggle reading pov swap books. So I'll overlook that. Written well. Not many errors.

Storyline - well laid out and the writer knew what journey she wanted to take us on. it was emotional and sensual. Almost like a dirty sexual modern day fairy tale where the guy gets the girl after trial by fire.

Sex scenes were well written, creative and steamy as hell. Will warn - public masturbation, and some girl on girl.

Did I like this story - well... Yes and no. Well written and well thought out, steamy. the only bit that put me off were the sins, but they were integral to the story line to be fair, so I can't grumble too much. Liked the back stories and how their lives were linked after an incident in both their pasts.

Definitely worth a read. <3
Fairy Tale Cupcakes are selling cupcakes at the end of the first annual Zombie walk in town, and Mel, Angie, and the rest of their staff are getting into the spirit of things. But the fun takes a dark turn when Mel finds a body stuffed into the coffin outside their cupcake truck – a body that hits very close to home. Who was the target and why?

This book is a little darker than others in the series based on the plot alone, but we are talking a shade darker – cozy fans will still love it. The mystery takes a back seat at times to the characters reactions to the murder, but that was the appropriate response to the plot and I was never board while reading it. The book reaches a logical and page turning climax, and it also features some of the funniest scenes in the series. I think this is best for people already fans of the series, but they will love it.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of the book in hopes that I would review it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Guards! Guards! Discworld Novel 8
Guards! Guards! Discworld Novel 8
Tony Robinson, Terry Pratchett, Ben Aaronovitch | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great introduction to the City Watch
You've got to hand it to Terry Pratchett, he knows how to write a good fantasy novel.

Guards! Guards! is yet another great Discworld novel, and the first to introduce Captain Vimes and the City Watch. Vimes himself is a loveable anti-hero who develops greatly over the course of the novel and the same too can be said for the other members of the Watch. Carrot the 'dwarf' provides a real introduction to the Watch and also a lot of the humour from his exploits, and I loved seeing a lot more of the Librarian.

The plot itself on the face of it is a fantasy fairy tale filled story of dragons, maidens and heroes. But with every Pratchett novel, beneath it lies dark wit and humour, and a slightly sad social commentary on human greed and corruption. There are a lot of references in this to other media, like The Hobbit, which really poke fun at the myths and lore used in the fantasy genre.

A great read with some very engaging characters. A little rambling at times, but fortunately the rest of the book makes up for it! Discworld books are the only books that can really make me laugh out loud.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jul 27, 2019)  
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
This has been the only film I've seen in theaters this July (too many kids movies), and it was completely worth it.

The only gripe I have, to start out with, was the length. QT definitely took his time to develop the characters, and to enjoy the overall nostalgia of Hollywood in 1969. I'm not really a Brad Pitt (Cliff) fan, but his chemistry with Leo was a joy to watch, and highly amusing. I really loved Leo in this, aside from his persistent Calvin Candie accent.
I really enjoyed Moh's Bruce Lee, and the scene with Cliff was one of my favorites. Another of my favorites was the ultra-creepiness of the Spahn Ranch with the Manson family.
The entire movie, I was waiting for the signature violence, and while there was a little at Spahn Ranch, the end was amazing. The last scenes had me laughing so hard, I was crying, I loved it. QT really let us know how he feels about the Manson family.

Of course, this is a fairy-tale, so the end result was different than what happened in real life. I'm for sure going to try to catch this flick again tomorrow.

Also- RIP Luke Perry, he got very little screen time, but it was great screen time.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Can't wait to watch this!

This is my first time reading a book by Jan Davis Warren! The Secret Life of Lady Evangeline is the first book in her new Secrets series. From the very first pages this book was an adventure that I did not want to put down.

Lady Evangeline was a remarkably strong women that I wish I could be! She faced a lot of trials and came out with a deeper understanding of the world around her. All the characters in the book were developed at a consistent pace and were interesting. I am hoping that the other books in the series touch on some of the other characters mentioned in this book as Id love to know their stories!

Overall, this story kind of seemed like a cross between Robin Hood and a Princess fairy tale. I enjoyed the storyline. Most of it was not too farfetched, but rather real events brought to life before your eyes. Entertaining and captivating.

 give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the attention-grabbing story, the character growth, and for making me anticipate reading more books from this author!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Prince&#039;s Runaway Lover (Men of the Zodiac #7)
The Prince's Runaway Lover (Men of the Zodiac #7)
Robin Covington | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nicholas never planned on being king - he was more than happy being the 'spare to the heir' but fate had a different, tragic, story planned for him. One in which he would lose his brother and be forced to step up. However, once he does, he finds that things aren't exactly going his way. He has trouble with parliament, someone else wants his throne and to top it all, his mother wants him married. Life sucks about now for Nicholas. So when someone runs into his scene, not asking anything of him, but just enjoying the time they spend together, is it any wonder he becomes intrigued?

This book is delightful, a modern-day fairy tale. I love the references to Cinderella and midnight coming. If you want a book that is full of romance, enough to satisfy my sappy heart, then I can definitely recommend this one. It is well-written and has a smooth-flowing plot. You hope they will get their HEA but you're kept guessing right to the end. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 14, 2015
Into the Woods (2014)
Into the Woods (2014)
2014 | Family, Musical
For those seeking a big dose of magic this holiday season, Disney’s “Into the Woods” aims to deliver just that. Adapted to the silver screen from the original Broadway musical production by Stephen Sondheim, the plot intertwines several of the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales to create one story.

At the center of the story is The Baker (James Corden) and The Baker’s Wife (Emily Blunt) who are desperate to break the curse, which keeps them from having a child. The Witch (Meryl Streep) who placed the curse weaves a devious web, entangling all of the characters in a tumultuous adventure.

Streep is terrifying and highly entertaining to watch in her role. Her vocal and facial expressions exude a character of pure evil.

Other characters incorporated into the story include Little Red Riding Hood (Lilla Crawford), Cinderella (Anna Kendrick), and Rapunzel (Mackenzie Mauzy), just to name a few.

Disney toned down several aspects of the original plot, which would not have been appropriate for children. However, the story still maintains a racy mix of seriousness and humor. Each scene highlights the absurdities of fairy tales only noticed by adults.

One scene which will have adults rolling with laughter is the sudden duet between Cinderella’s Prince (Chris Pine) and his brother, Rapunzel’s Prince (Billy Magnusson). They sing about the challenges of literally chasing the ladies of their desire and their refusal to acknowledge any possibility of rejection.

Certain scenes test the limits of appropriateness and are almost perverse, or perhaps even err on the side horror.

One example of this is the role of The Wolf (Johnny Depp). As he stalks Little Red Riding Hood through the forest he sings about how she is fresh, supple, and young. Through the lyrics and the choice to use a human in the role, rather than a CGI wolf, a strange glimmer of pedophilia surfaces. This is taken a step further when The Wolf reveals a jacket full of candy in his attempt to lure the child.

The element of horror enters the film in a scene where Cinderella’s Stepmother cuts the feet of the ugly stepsisters to try and force them into the glass slipper offered by the Prince. This is not graphically shown. However, it is implied as she waves around a knife and sings about it.

Despite a few of these adult twists, the film should be fun for the whole family to watch. Just keep in mind that, like the original tales, some short scenes may be a bit horrifying for young children.

As is tradition with fairy tales, the good comes with the bad. The moral messages of each fairy tale are combined into one larger message: One should be careful what they wish for, because in the grander scheme of life the ramifications of those wishes may be unforeseen.

It is also a visually stunning piece of work. Nothing comes off as overdone or cheesy. The tales truly come to life and transport viewers into a land of fantasy.

The majority of the film is very exciting and fast moving. That being said, the film is lengthy with a runtime of 124 minutes. Unfortunately, the last 30 minutes begins to drag on and feel tiring. This would have been an easy fix if perhaps the last few songs had been shortened, or the last thirty minutes was cut completely.

All in all, the film is a truly magical cinematic experience. I give “Into the Woods” 4 out of 5 stars.
I am always a fan of fairy re-tellings, even if it is for a fairy tale I am not actually familiar with, as that of Rose Red. It took me awhile, but I also gathered that the book is a kind of Christian allegory, and parts remind me of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.
Rose Red is by far the most intriguing character, as her birth is shrouded in mystery, her friends are animals with voices, and she cloaks herself in veils and layers to hide even the smallest scrap of skin from any prying eyes - including her own. The shame she bears for her own appearance is so great that her very existence is surrounded by grand tales of monsters and demons told by all of the local villagers, yet she bears a strength much greater than she appears to possess and she has a kind of magic that allows her to walk the secret Paths and face down death in all its forms. Even at the end of the book, I could not fully grasp who or what she is.
Leo manages to find and befriend Rose Red in boyhood, but he has a burden of his own as Prince Lionheart of Southlands, destined to become King. Leo knows his responsibilities, but he secretly just wants a friend and to make people laugh as a court jester. These polar opposites manage to pull him across the world again and again as he struggles with the simple question, "What do you want?"
Many other characters litter the pages of the book, which was at times confusing as I attempted to deduce which creature or character was on the side of good or evil, such as the Dragon - which became apparent at its occupation of Southlands. As an allegory for Christianity, some characters were clear - such as the Prince, but others were murkier, such as the Lady.
The structure of the book itself was off-putting for me. The book is divided into five parts, with chapters in each part, but in between each part a vague sense of time has passed, so that the reader cannot pick up where the last chapter left off. At each break, I would get the feeling that the plot was picking up, only to be let down that the climactic moments have been glossed over. I also really disliked the ending. Certain things are expected of classic fairy tales, and none of this was included in the ending of this book. Perhaps the author was aiming for something more "realistic" or to simply get the reader to continue the series, but loose endings this big make me feel like I wasted my time reading the book, only to get no satisfaction at the finale.