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Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Sep 21, 2022 (Updated Sep 21, 2022)  
And it's LIVE! Happy Release Day to me.

The ebook is available now in the #KU program. Apologies if you are waiting for the paperback and hardcover versions. Amazon are taking their time with those.

A kingdom in mourning… Six Princes turned dark in their grief… One maiden holds hope to save them.

Selene, the Swan Herder for the kingdom of Melthkior, once filled her days in the company of the Royal Family. She grew up as a companion for the Princes of the kingdom, and they enjoyed close friendships. But when the Queen died during the birth of her sixth son, everything changed. The King fell into mourning, and the Princes turned dark and cruel in their grief.

Now, as a maiden, Selene must endure the brutal mockery and abuse from those she once called friends. Her only allies are her beautiful swans and those on the kitchen staff who love her. Until the mysterious Conway appears and seems determined to be a part of her life.

Conway is fascinated by the girl with the silver hair and dismayed by how she is treated. He welcomes her into his heart, and Selene slowly begins to trust what she feels is real.

Can Conway show her a different way of life, or will she stay stuck in a cycle of suffering? And when the Gods become involved, a curse strikes the six Princes of Melthkior. Will Selene choose to help them, or leave them to their fate?

Goodreads Link:
Smashbomb Link:
Universal Purchase Link:
The Vine Witch
The Vine Witch
Luanne G.Smith | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 235
The Vine Witch ( book 1)
By Luanne G.Smith

A young witch emerges from a curse to find her world upended in this gripping fantasy set in turn-of-the-century France.

For centuries, the vineyards at Château Renard have depended on the talent of their vine witches, whose spells help create the world-renowned wine of the Chanceaux Valley. Then the skill of divining harvests fell into ruin when sorcière Elena Boureanu was blindsided by a curse. Now, after breaking the spell that confined her to the shallows of a marshland and weakened her magic, Elena is struggling to return to her former life. And the vineyard she was destined to inherit is now in the possession of a handsome stranger.

Vigneron Jean-Paul Martel naively favors science over superstition, and he certainly doesn’t endorse the locals’ belief in witches. But Elena knows a hex when she sees one, and the vineyard is covered in them. To stay on and help the vines recover, she’ll have to hide her true identity, along with her plans for revenge against whoever stole seven winters of her life. And she won’t rest until she can defy the evil powers that are still a threat to herself, Jean-Paul, and the ancient vine-witch legacy in the rolling hills of the Chanceaux Valley.

I really liked it! The style was a little different compared to what I normally read and I love that she starts off as a frog. It moved quickly and was a really good story.
The characters were fun to get to know and it had a lovely romance blooming.
Nobody's Goddess (Never Veil #1)
Nobody's Goddess (Never Veil #1)
Amy McNulty | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Noll lives in a small village, under the shadow of the lord's castle. The men supply the castle with the things he needs as no woman or girl is allowed to look upon the castle, or they turn to dust. When the boys reach a certain age, they fall in love with a girl/woman who is their "goddess".

This book is incredibly in-depth and intricate. It has layer upon layer of story woven within its pages, and it will draw you in and keep you there until the story is over. There are lots of unique and fresh ideas within this book, so much so that I can't describe them all without doing the book a grave injustice.

There is romance in this story, but I felt it actually took a back seat. It is more about Noll learning who she is, and situations she has to live through to become who she needs to be. I was swept along right to the end, when my heart stuttered as I realised, along with Noll, just what was going on. Trust me when I say that I had to reread the ending more than once before I could convince myself to close the book.

An excellent story, very well-written and with no editing or grammatical errors to detract away from the story, this is one Coming of Age Fantasy to be read and enjoyed more than once. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 12, 2016
The Ministry of Time
The Ministry of Time
Kaliane Bradley | 2024 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is everything I love about reading. I read to escape (mainly, but not solely!), and so science fiction/ fantasy has always appealed to me. Now I’ve discovered speculative fiction, and it seems to be like both of these things wrapped up in a package with a label saying: “This Seems Plausible”.

The Ministry of Time is a clever book - it uses time travel and science fiction, with a touch of history that actually happened, and mixes it up with a hefty dose of romance, thriller and literary fiction. It doesn’t sound like it will work, but I’m here to say that it really DOES!

Ok, so a quick, yet vague, synopsis: the British Government has come into possession of a device that can go back in time and find particular people in the past. It’s been decided that the people they take are all in life-threatening situations. Those plucked from their time are placed with a “Bridge”; someone who will facilitate their integration into modern society.

The main pair is that of Graham Gore, a Polar explorer from the Erebus expedition, and his Bridge, a woman whose mother escaped the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Not an easy adjustment for a Victorian man. This Bridge is the narrator.

Graham Gore adjusts quickly to modern life, but is modern life willing to accept him? And what affect does it have on him and his fellow time travellers, to be so out of time?

There was so much to think about whilst reading this - I was completely immersed, and it ended FAR too quickly!

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Feb 19, 2024  
Congratulations to Sienna Archer on her #NewRelease!

Bound by Promises & Lies: Realms of Magic #2

A fake betrothal would make a fool of anyone

And Alathea is no fool as she monitors the rising tensions across the continent. She knows she’s the only one who can stand between her vengeful mother, Bex, and all-out war with the magic realms. But to confront her mother, Alathea will have to return home with Lidja, the high sorceress whose disdain for her has only sharpened—and the one person she would prefer to never see again.

Lidja can’t find a peaceful spot far enough from Alathea in her home realm. But when Bex escalates her threats to deadly heights, Lidja knows she’ll have to assess this new enemy herself. For such a delicate mission, she’ll have to work in harmony with Alathea, the mule-headed almost-ruler who refuses to cooperate, no matter how adjacent her sharp axe comes to Alathea’s throat.

To stop the oncoming war, Alathea and Lidja might have to consider the worst option of all: a fake betrothal that proves the magic realms are no threat and creates a magic tie between them. But when magic blurs the line between love and hate, will either be strong enough to resist…or will the fake betrothal make fools of them both?

Bound by Promises & Lies is the second book in the Realms of Magic #YoungAdult #fantasy series with a slow-burn #sapphic #romance, heart-pounding #adventure, and big twists. If you liked Throne of Glass or A Curse So Dark & Lovely, you’ll love this fast-paced story by Sienna Archer.
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scrappy siren
This is a thrilling debut from Alexandra Christo, taking a unique perspective on The Little Mermaid. It’s rather rudimentary to compare TO KILL A KINGDOM to The Little Mermaid because apart from some basics on characterisation, there really is little similarity.

Firstly, in a sea of YA fantasy series, I want to shout from the rooftops that this is a full and rounded standalone. Yes, I said standalone and I felt complete by the end, so it does what it says on the tin.

Sirens are the name of the game in this book and Lira is a scrappy, fierce and murderous siren princess known across the world as The Princes Bane. Her mother, the Sea Queen is her nemesis but she is bent to her mother’s will. The Sea Queen is a rather frightening, violent dictator without ethics or scruples. Lira, initially with little to recommend her, undertakes a change about which I don’t want to say more. The character development was superb.

“The crew said her hair was as red as hellfire.”

“The Princes’ Bane is the greatest monster I’ve ever known, and the only one who’s escaped death once I’ve set my sights on her."

Elian is more pirate than Prince of Midas, on a self-inflicted crusade to rid the world of sirens. There’s a lot more to like about Elian and he cuts a swarthy, heroic figure. The ship the prince operates from, holds a crew of friends, protectors and loyal sailors, they made for good reading. When Elian and Lira eventually cross paths, it’s not pretty but it’s explosive, violent and hateful.

“It’s you.”
“Look at you. My monster, come to find me.”

The story took hold of me from the first chapter and was a thrilling voyage across oceans and into unusual lands. I was interested throughout and dying to see what would happen. The romance is subtle but still kicks a punch, nevertheless, it doesn’t overwhelm the story.

"Me, my ship, and a girl with oceans in her eyes."

I had a little niggle in this book regarding how the dialogue was written, my problem being that it is consistently unclear when the dialogue character changes, which stops your flow while you work out who’s talking. However, this is just a niggle and wasn’t a major issue.

I am truly excited about this debut, it’s uniqueness and strong writing of characters and story direction. YA fantasy lovers are going to rave over this, I’m sure.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Adam Silvera recommended The Young Elites in Books (curated)

The Young Elites
The Young Elites
Marie Lu | 2014 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A Game of Thrones meets X-Men in this 14th-century fantasy from Marie Lu (the Legend trilogy), in a world where "fear is power." Sixteen-year-old Adelina Amouteru is a malfetto, one whose appearance is "marked" by the blood fever that crippled the country of Kenettra and claimed her mother's life. The blood fever took Adelina's left eye, turned her hair silver, and gave her a power that's remained dormant--until the fateful night her merchant father agrees to trade her to a suitor in exchange for cleared debts. Adelina runs away from home, and once her father catches up with her, she taps into a great hatred within and conjures forth phantoms that quickly cause his death. It was an accident, but the Inquisitors arrest Adelina and sentence her to burn at the stake--a common punishment for malfettos--for the murder of her father. Master Teren Santoro, the 19-year-old Lead Inquisitor of Kenettra, works to cleanse the world of malfettos with ""demon"" abilities. When it comes time to burn Adelina in the central market square, Enzo Valenciano, a malfetto known widely as The Reaper, melts her shackles with his burning touch and releases her. He takes her to Estenzia, the northern port capital, where Enzo introduces Adelina to the world of the Dagger Society--a group of Young Elites with dangerous powers--and their mission to find malfettos like themselves before the Inquisition can. Adelina must pass a series of tests before she can undertake bigger missions with the other six Young Elites who can control their talents, and it's here with the Dagger Society that she discovers her ability to conjure illusions is rooted in darkness. But when Teren Santoro takes her younger sister hostage in exchange for information on the identities, location and plans of the Young Elites, Adelina is compelled to betray them, even if it means leaving the undiscovered malfettos all over the world prey to the Inquisitors, and risking her own death as punishment at the hands of the Elites. In Lu's compelling new novel, the characters are morally complex (the Young Elites are not fully innocent, there are depths to Adelina's darkness and layers to the cross Teren bears)--and no one is safe in the book's final conflict. What at first appears to be romance-lite unfolds in tricky and interesting ways. The many twists, cinematic battles and the overriding epic fantasy will keep readers hooked for book two, which teases to be quite the game-changer. Bring it on."
