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ClareR (5589 KP) rated Distortion in Books

Nov 2, 2018  
Victor Dixen | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An enjoyable YA science fiction novel
Honestly, I wasn't 'wowed' by this book in the same way that I was the first. I feel it would have been much better if it had been about 100 - 150 pages shorter.
I AM enjoying the way the story is going though. The decision to go on to Mars regardless, the insta-love between the contestants shows their youth and sad childhoods, and how much they enjoy their roles. I liked all of that. Serena Bee continues to be a thoroughly foul character - and I love that.
My issue isn't the storyline as such. I think that some descriptions are far too detailed and long-winded (especially the agonising internal dialogue). However, I DID like the descriptions of the advertisements that the 12 competitors made: a true reflection of the money orientated society that they're a part of, and precisely what has driven the predicament that they find themselves in. I DID like the descriptions of the Mars landscape, the living accommodation and the farming area (interesting!). There was A LOT of internal dialogue though. A certain amount is great. Informative, even, but I think that this is where I realised that perhaps I'm not the demographic they're looking for. I'm about 20 years out (I don't care, by the way). BUT I will be reading the next book. I want to see how this goes - and I like the characters and the story being told.
Many thanks to ReadersFirst and the publisher, Hot Key Books/ Bonnier Zaffre for my copy of this book.
The Crazies (2010)
The Crazies (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Horror
6.2 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the farming community of Ogden Marsh, a small town in middle America where everyone knows their neighbor, unspeakable horror is about to happen.

During a game of baseball local Farmer Rory Hamill arrives interrupting the game with shotgun in tow. This odd incident soon leads to more and shows that that something definitely isn’t right as the locals begin losing their minds.

In the new film “The Crazies”, a remake of the classic original film by horror legend George Romero, the audience is taken on a bizarre trip as a an ideal small community becomes the setting of unimagined terror and chaos.

Before the movie, I researched the original and read a comic series in order to get a better grasp on the source material.

Sadly the final product did not live up to my expectations as the film plays out in a very stale manner and it seems that Director Breck Eisner was unsure what direction he wanted to the film to take.

I felt like I was watching a re-packaged “28 Days later” with a little bit of “Quarantine” mixed in, Honestly the movie was so boring to me that I found myself trying to find anything in it that could keep my attention.

Thankfully the film does have some great special FX which for me is the saving grace of the film. While I had expected a bit more form the source material which was rife with possibilities, “The Crazies” plays out as a rather mundane horror film that offers very little that is new and fresh.
Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken (2017)
Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken (2017)
2017 | Documentary
Interesting but possibly contradictory
I loved the first Super Size Me, it may not have put me off McDonald's for life but it really made me think and really highlighted a point with how bad fast food is for you. I was intrigued to see what Morgan Spurlock had come with up next, but I found it a little lacking.

The concept behind this documentary is Morgan opening his own fast food chicken restaurant, and shows him from the beginnings of owning his own chicken farm to the restaurants grand opening. It really opene my eyes to what does into chicken farming and production (at least in the US) and it really is a disturbing watch at times. Some of the things that chicken companies are allowed to do and label food is crazy and the way they treat their chicken farmer is awful. Spurlock doesn’t shy away from showing all of these bad bits and because of this it’s an intriguing and interesting watch, even if it’s a little difficult to stomach. My problem is that by the end, whilst I can understand why Spurlock wanted to open his own chicken restaurant to highlight the major issues with this type of food and production, it seemed a little bit lacking in direction and rather pointless - regardless of his message, it almost seemed to me like he was contributing to the problem and encouraging people to eat this chicken, even if he was showing them the truth behind it at the same time. Maybe I’m just being a biased and stuck up vegetarian, but it seemed a little contradictory to me.

John Hawkes recommended Harold and Maude (1971) in Movies (curated)

Harold and Maude (1971)
Harold and Maude (1971)
1971 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This was a life changing experience for me. I went to one year of college at a small college in Minnesota, and during that year I befriended an older student named Tim Streeter who I hung out with a lot. He played Tom Waits for me and handed me On The Road by Jack Kerouac. Since I’m from this small farming community, I wasn’t exposed to a lot of unusual art. I had seen The Seventh Seal when I was a kid on PBS. One night [Tim Streeter] said “There’s a movie playing at the student union and you should go.” It was Harold and Maude, and I was amazed by it. There’s no dialogue for the beginning of the film, and it begins with Harold killing himself. His mother berates him for it. Bud Cort’s performance is so great, that this is when I began to become a Hal Ashby fan. I could name his films as all of my Five Favorites if I wanted. Being There is certainly near the top. I chose this one because it was so formative for me. Ruth Gordon, when she tells Harold to go out and love and have experience and give him something to talk about in the locker room, it’s such a great thing, such a beautiful moment. When Ruth Gordon throws the ring or piece of jewelry that Harold’s given to her, and she said, “Now I’ll always know where it is,” I think it’s in that scene where the camera catches a concentration camp number on her wrist that’s never mentioned or talked about. It gives me chills because it’s so affecting and subtle."

The Good Dinosaur (2015)
The Good Dinosaur (2015)
2015 | Animation
The first thing so say about this is that the trailers were very misleading. Instead of having a quiet, meek dinosaur meets human tale, we are given the opposite. In a world where the asteroid did not wipe out the dinosaurs, they have evolved into a farming species and after his father death, our eponymous Good Dinosaur is lost and must make his way home, when he befriends human boy, called Spot.

Spot is effectively a dog to our more cultured dinosaur who inhabit a world not at all dissimilar to the American Frontier. And there in lies the problem.

This is without a doubt the most beautifully animated film that I have ever seen, with a photo realistic animation so real, that it was distracting, as I actually wondered if they had cheated and blended real photography with CGI. The other issue was the setting and the love affair with old west which only really works if you are an American.

Yeah, we love a good western but this was just a bit of a weird interpretation, with T-Rex's driving cattle and Brontosaurus' growing corn. But having said all that, the plot as pure Pixar but without the humour. This is simply not funny and a change in tone for the studio but it is keeping with their groundbreaking approach to animation in many ways, this is as significant a breakthrough as Toy Story was back in 1995.

Yes, the animation was effectively driven by the same technology as most mainstream blockbusters but this film savored those moments, leaving us simply awestruck by the look and feel of this film.

Though it does feel at times to be a teaser reel for the animation capabilities of Pixar...
Magic Rush: Heroes
Magic Rush: Heroes
Games, Entertainment
2.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Non-buggy (0 more)
Boring (3 more)
Gacha (random character drawing)
Throttled progress
Free to play, pay to progress: Hostageware
The latest in a long line of soulless Gacha
This game gets a solid C for effort. An RPG with occasionally tower defense elements is okay in concept, but this implimentation is sure to leave you feeling hungry for more. As in, more of some other game. Because let me be clear there's nothing satisfying here to playing this game. Take a look at the central gameplay mechanics:
- Energy system arbitrarily keeps you from playong the game at a pace necessary to actually enjoy it (oh, of course, you can insert a quarter in the form of $5 % to keep playing for another twenty seconds)
- hero draw mechanic makes sure that you have no control over what champions you have and whether they're good or not, leaving zero room for customization
- Standard Battles amount to little more than an Idle clicker.
- Alliances encourage you to team up with people you don't know and don't and won't ever care about to do nothing
- weak and meaningless pvp battles because they're still just the aforementioned idle clicker
- re-raid previously completed maps for junk to progress! This of course costs money, and with its poor interface it is left taking days longer than it needs to. But hey, for those of us who like farming but not gameplay, I guess it makes sense.
- constant ads and offers for bundles that cost your life savings and do nothing
 - ...and much, much more, ensuring the game is 4x as generic as every other game on the entire app store. 2 stars for good (read:non-buggy) implimentation of this cash grab street beggar simulator.
The Lost History of Stars
The Lost History of Stars
Dave Boling | 2017 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lost History of Stars by Dave Boling is a powerful and shocking story about a family during The Second Anglo-Boer War during the early part of the 20th century in Africa. It's a historical fiction story that is inspired by true events. The Lost History of Stars is a story of desperation and hope.

The main character, Lettie, who is a thirteen year old Dutch-Africkaner girl comes from a poor farming family. She endures the loss of her home with her mother and two younger siblings when the scorched earth policy employed by the British during the Boer War burns their farm and forces them to leave in a wagon. Their African maid, Bina, tries to stay with the family, but is given no choice by the soldiers but to return to her people.

Lettie and her family are sent to a concentration camp where the conditions are awful. Her father, older brother, uncles, and grandfather are sent to fight the British with guerrilla tactics. Lettie worries and wonders about Bina and her family. Often Lettie remembers the songs and wisdom Bina shared during her childhood and the history of stars that Grandpa shared with her at night under the sparkling sky.

The story is told from Lettie's point of view. The reader learns of her experience in the concentration camp. Lettie attempt to find the good in small moments. Her more treasured possession is her English dictionary, which she reads for comfort to pass time.

The story switches between the present and past. This allows the reader to understand life before the war and during the war. It give the reader background information to understand the family dynamics.
48 of 235
The Taming of Ilona ( Vampire Memoirs 2)
By Nicola Ormerod

Ilona lives a simple life in the seventeenth century. She is the youngest daughter of a farming family and is the apple of her father's eye. Then her world is turned upside down when her father sells her hand in marriage to an older wealthy businessman. Cut off from her family, raped and abused, Ilona struggles to cope with the hand she has been given. She befriends a local businesswoman and friend of her husband, Katrina, who teaches her how to fit into higher society. When she falls pregnant, she tries to see it as a blessing and tries to make the best of her new, brutal life. But Ilona is desperate to know what it is like to be held tenderly and, in her hour of need, turns to her friend and asks her to arrange one night, one night where she will know love and passion. She is introduced to Redvick. He is tall, dark, and gorgeous. Un-natural sparks fly between them, their passion is undeniable, and Redvick is forced to reveal his true nature. Their love is forbidden, but they are soul mates, connected in mind, body, and spirit, but how can they ever overcome their impossible situation and be together.

I absolutely devoured this book in 1.5 hours. It almost broke me in the middle been a while since a book made me cry! Maybe the mother in me. This is the story of Reds mother and how she dealt with her life and believe me it was hard! I thought the first book was good but this just was brilliant! I classic vampire love story was entwined with the tragic life of a 15 year old new wife. Loved it!
Queen Sugar
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charley Bordelon has just inherited 800 acres of a sugar cane farm from her father. So she uproots herself and her daughter from their life in California to Saint Josephine, Louisiana. She moves in with her grandmother, Miss Honey and tries her best to raise a successful cane farm. With other family members stepping in her way, this can prove to be difficult at times. Charley is doing the best she can, but will it be enough to keep the farm or will she be forced to sell it and head back to California.

I watched the series for this book on <a href="">OWN</a>; and I loved it. If I would have known about the book, I definitely would have read that first. They always say, the book is better than the movie, but in this case, I will say that the book was not as good as the series. The characterization is a little different and the TV series definitely added a lot more drama to the situation. Overall, though, I enjoyed the book and look forward to other books by <a href="">Natalie Baszile</a>.

Charley Bordelon has a lot on her plate. She has an adolescent daughter who hates the idea of leaving her home in California to live in a remote area of Louisiana. She has a sugar cane farm she has just inherited and she knows nothing about sugar cane. Her older brother Ralph Angel feels as though he is entitled to something, but he feels that way about everything in his life. Dealing with hurricanes, quitting farm hands, no money, and flooding back lots, there is a lot to learn and most people in the area, don't think she can do it.

The book takes you on a journey through Charley's first season of Cane Farming and all the trials and tribulations she endures during this time. I enjoyed the book and I look forward to the new season of the show coming this summer!
Everything You Want Me to Be
Everything You Want Me to Be
Mindy Mejia | 2017 | Crime, Mystery
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henrietta 'Hattie' Hoffman is starting her senior year in high school. She lives in a small farming town and Minnesota and knows this is not the place for her. She has big hopes and dreams and she will stop at nothing to achieve them, even if it means deceiving others. But when Hattie turns up dead after opening night of Macbeth, there are all kinds of speculations as to why this could have happened and who could have done it. Told from the perspective of Hattie; Dell, the Chief of Police and; Peter the new English teacher. We are taken on a journey from the months leading up to Hattie's death to the months following it. Who killed Hattie and why?

From the very beginning of the book you can see that there is going to be a twist to this case. Everything is not going to be so easily spelled out for you. Just when you think you know who did it, you will find that you are wrong. I was wrong from the beginning. When it got down to the confession part I was jumping for joy because I had nailed the killer, but later I found out it was not so.

This is the first book I have read by Mindy Mejia. If her other books are similar to this, I will be reading them all.

To put it lightly, Hattie is a sociopath. Just at the title suggests she is everything everyone else wants her to be, but no one really knows her at all. She lies to her parents and her friends, being the good student, the good daughter, the loyal girlfriend, but Hattie has secrets. The first thing that shocked me about this book was not that Hattie had an affair with her high school teacher, it was how she laid out her plans to fool the whole town into believing she was the perfect girl next door. No one could have imagined what she had in store in her own mind.

I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a twisty tale.