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Apprentice (Collective Underground #1)
Apprentice (Collective Underground #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What an intense pull you in from the beginning type of book this is! I totally did not want to put this book down, I loved Flick’s dialogue and narration of the story, her interactions with the people around her, and her subtle descriptions of everyday life. They were conveyed in such a way that I looked up from the book expecting myself to have on a white jumper and see everyone else wearing one too! A truly great descriptive use of words in this book that make it come to life. The Love Collective is fascinating to try and understand (and I am looking forward to learning more about them in the next book), at first it was kind of confusing but in a good way as my brain was trying to figure out everything right along with Flick.

Very few books I read can make me mentally think about what is going on in the storyline but this one kept that part of my brain engaged the whole way. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a clean sci-fi/ dystopian type of book! 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Heart of a Warrior
Heart of a Warrior
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVE this cover!! Don’t you? It is what made me stop and look at the description! …. And I was hooked. I had never read anything by Angela K. Couch, but I enjoy finding new authors.

I so enjoyed the way Angela K. Couch described the characters and their surroundings, it was vividly done and was very well researched. I loved Towan, he is a total dream-worthy guy. Towan displayed courage, patience, and an overabundance of forgiveness. All the while struggling with knowing who he is and whom God wants him to be. Christiana was interesting…. I think she showed courage, and strength in the face of her situation, but I was baffled by some of her choices in life (probably just because they are so far from what I’d make in her situation).

Overall, I really enjoyed the plot/setting of the book and thought that it was well researched, and everything seemed to fit the timeline. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the great descriptions of characters and their surroundings. The prominent aspect of finding out whom God wants you to be and having courage no matter what may come your way.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Out of the Embers (Mesquite Springs, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this sweet story!
     Out of the Embers was like traveling back in time to a place where it feels like home. Amanda Cabot did a great job describing the historical period, from the way the characters dressed, their mode of transportation, to the way the characters spoke and acted. It was like being right there with the characters. I think that the story flowed very well due in part to the historical accuracy of it.
     I particularly liked the main character, Evelyn. She reminded me so much of someone who has an “old soul” and an encouraging word for everyone. I truly liked her character. Wyatt, Evelyn’s male counterpart, was also a uniquely caring and intuitive guy. All the other characters in this story helped make it come to life and left me with anticipation to read their stories as well.
     I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the stunning backdrop, and the lighthearted feel through most of the story. I recommend reading this book, and I cannot wait for the next book in the series to come out.
This book is the first in a new series by Amanda Cabot called Mesquite Springs.
*I volunteered to read this book in exchange for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Catherine Hardwicke recommended Parasite (2019) in Movies (curated)

Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama

"How could I not love it? I’m a former architect and “Parasite” even had a photo of the “architect” who designed the house. I was fascinated with the long horizontal window in the living room of the elegant house — looking out to the peaceful garden — in contrast to the long horizontal window in the semi-basement house looking out to the crowded neighborhood where a guy pisses regularly. As it rains at the elegant house — seen through the window, it’s a beautiful sight, but in the semi-basement house — rain becomes a flood of sewage! So many layers of detail which reveal economic inequities…. the cramped bathroom with the raised toilet — the only area where the sister could get cell phone reception… vs. how she “fit in” when bathing in the more luxurious bathroom. I loved the delicious details like the sister pointing out the “schizophrenic” area of the child’s paintings — the dark shape in the lower right hand corner — so she could be paid more for art therapy! Yummy! And of course the amazing shot where the former housekeeper is HORIZONTAL in the basement — trying to push open the bookcase. I thought she was possessed by a demon. Then the film surprised me again and took another unexpected seismic shift. All the visual delights strengthened the story in a great feedback loop! Bravo!"

The Brides of the Big Valley
The Brides of the Big Valley
Wanda E. Brunstetter, Jean Brunstetter, Richelle Brunstetter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three unique perspectives into Amish life.
   The first story is about a widow and her son with Down Syndrome and how she finds love again with a man she least expects. I loved the perseverance in this story! No matter what obstacles many come your way we can't give up but need to figure out ways to over come those obstacles.
    Second we have a women at a crossroad in her life, she has to trust fully that God will lead her in the right direction even when it seems everyone around her is against what she believes God is telling her to do. I think this one was a great story on listening to God and not giving in to what the world wants you to do.
    Last we have a story about a young women who is very shy who learns to overcome her fears to find love, loss, and a family of her own. This one was probably my favorite. It really is true that you have to stop thinking about what people might think of you and just be yourself or you will never grow into the person you are supposed to be.
    I loved this book and would highly recommend adding it to your TBR pile.
I volunteered to read this book from Barbour Publishing in exchange for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Tethered (The Ties that Bind #3)
Tethered (The Ties that Bind #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tethered by Elanor Bertin was a book full of searching, friendships, and finding out who you are.

I'll be honest I struggled through the first part of this book, I just didn't understand where it was going. But I liked Jacqui. So I kept reading. I thought it was interesting how Eleanor Bertin grew Jacqui as a character, it was like watching a flower bloom. Slow at first and the wham, beautiful flower is open and grown. I liked the life lessons that Jacqui learned along the way through the story, and the helpful spirit she had towards the other characters, she showed a lot of courage. But I just had trouble liking how she handled different situations, it is probably because it is not how I would have handled the situation. The secondary characters really helped build the sense of small community life and I really enjoyed them. The only other different thing is the ending, but you'll have to read it to find out why :)

I do recommend reading this book if you like second chances, slow build romances, and journeys of growth. I give it 3 out of 5 stars for the reasons given above. I will be reading more books by this author, this book just happens to not be my favorite.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback, the thought and opinions expressed within are my own.
Over the Hills and through the sea to sea a family reunited and a family started !
  Such a great book ! This book is the last one in a series, but I do believe that you can read this one as a stand alone (I did ). It made me want to go back and read the previous books, as well as hoping to someday get to read a fourth book in the series (Hint, Hint ;) .
I believe that this is one of the first books I have read by Pam Hillman (I can't believe it as this one was so good), I already have ordered the previous two books in the series. I believe that Pam did a great job at showing some of the struggles people went through before there was "Civilization" around, and she made me believe I was right there and that I could here the forest all around me.
 I loved the characters, how they interacted, the ways you got to hear their thoughts and share a little piece of their lives. I thought that the underlying message was that it is never too late to receive grace, or ask forgiveness from God.
I give this story a 5 out of 5 stars, for original and engaging characters, amazingly detailed descriptions, and page turning smiles.
I volunteered to read this book from Tyndale House Publishing in return for my honest feedback, the thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Red Ribbon (True Colors #8)
The Red Ribbon (True Colors #8)
Pepper D. Basham | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While this is not my first time reading a book by Pepper Basham it is one of my favorites! She combined two of my favorite things in one book (Mystery + Sweet Romance) and did it in a thoroughly enjoyable way. The True Colors crime series by Barbour has been one of my most looked forward to installments over this past year, each author bringing a different writing style and creativity to the table.

The Red Ribbon had great character build-ups, sweet moments, and mystery on every page. Ava and Jeremiah were an interesting couple that kept me engaged swept up in the story with them. The story itself was well written and a great mystery; I am glad Pepper Basham chose to write about this mystery as I had not heard of it before. I think because the story was based in her backyard that Pepper Basham was able to bring a lot of realism and vivid descriptions to town life, the Blue Ridge Mountains, to the character's actions. Fans of mysteries need to put this on their TBR pile as it will give them a very interesting story to read!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the intriguing mystery, and for the well-developed storyline that pulled me in and would not let go.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
This book Legacy of Honor was fantastic. I read it in one sitting because I could not put it down. Renae Brumbaugh Green did a great job with the lay out and characters in this book. It is the first book in her Stratton Legacy Series, and boy am I looking forward to reading more books from her!

Emma Monroe was a strong female character that was easy to like, she showed good growth through the book, and I loved her caring nature. She shows the true light of Christ to those around her even during her own sorrows. The other main character Riley Stratton was a good example of the prodigal son. I also enjoyed the banter between Riley and Emma as well as the sweet edition of Skye.

The plot was very engaging and had ups and downs that kept me interested and eager to see what would happen next. What I really enjoyed though was Renae Brumbaugh Green’s consistent pointing towards God being the answer to our problems and that we need a personal relationship with Him. It was realistic and a great addition that was weaved seamlessly into the story.

Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the smile worthy movements, the well written characters plots, and for pointing us all back to Jesus.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
This book was fantastic in its complexity. I have never read a book by Carla Laureano before, even though I know she is a well-known Christian Fiction romance author. I just have not picked up her books. Now I am definitely going back and reading them. In this fantasy novel, I found so much depth, intrigue, and growth. The characters were very well laid out, had fantastic arcs, and the first part of the story was told from a male POV, which I had never read before.

The world in which Carla Laureano immersed me was like no other. I loved the Isle of Seare and how it was intricately built through the pages, and I liked the different cultures of the four different kingdoms. I for one have always been fascinated by our faith in a theological sense and I loved how Carla Laureano wove different aspects of it into this story. It added a touch of realism that was interesting.

Overall, this book was one fantastic read that left me breathless with wanting more (bring on the next book soon please!), had some twists I did not see coming and filled me with a sense of wonder. I definitely recommend putting this one on your soon to be read list. 4 out of 5 stars!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.