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Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Have you read Brand of Light? Well, let me warn you. If you do (and I highly encourage you to read it) you will want to have Dawn of Vengeance already on your nightstand ready to read unlike the rest of us mortals who had to wait A YEAR to find out what the heck HAPPENED after the spectacular mic drop ending Ronie Kendig devised to keep us all engaged and going through a gauntlet of emotions.

I honestly was not sure where Ronie Kendig would take us in this new story as the ending of the last one (have I mentioned that enough yet?) was spectacular. I was a little confused in the first book by all the different names, new places, and character personality switches that seemed to go on, however, the storyline was bar none. So, needless to say, Dawn of Vengeance had a lot to live up to and boy did it. I was hooked again by the character interactions, the storyline, and the outta this world adventures.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story, the oh so good character turns, and for leaving me wanting more. Thank you Ronie Kendig for continuing to expand my imagination.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
To Steal a Heart was my first time reading a book by Jen Turano and it was a very enjoyable experience. I have heard from friends that her books were good for a long time but just never picked one up, however, the synopsis on this one just sounded too good to not read it. It is the first book in a series.

Gabriella and Nicholas had great character interaction right from the start. Their easy comradery was fun to read and made me smile. I thought both characters had good character growth through the story, and I felt like I really got to know them as characters by the time the story was over (I do hope we get to see glimpses of them in future books too!). The secondary characters added some interesting layers and comedic relief in certain areas that were a perfect addition to the story.

Overall, I loved the setting of this book, the time period is always fascinating. I loved the mystery/intrigue interwoven with this story. I also enjoyed Jen Turano's vivid scene descriptions they really helped me to envision the scene as the characters saw it. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, fantastic humor, and for sucking me onto the story.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Never an Amish Bride
Never an Amish Bride
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ever heard the saying once you read one you have read them all? Well, that is what my husband told me when he saw that I was reading an Amish book. He said, “How many differences can you see in the Amish, isn’t the point that the Amish are plain, as in nothing ever happens with them?”. I dropped my book. Case in point, Never an Amish Bride by Ophelia London.

This book is the first in a series and I loved the introduction to all the characters. This Never an Amish Bride is different and intriguing. I loved Ophelia London’ s character variations, their emotions were realistic and not over-dramatized, and the conflicts were believable. Both Lucas and Esther were engaging characters that I loved reading about. Ophelia London engaged my emotions in this book and appealed to my heart.

The main themes of this book are Faith, Trust, and Forgiveness. Ophelia London did a great job of showing those themes through the eyes of her characters. I particularly liked how Lucas handled the trials he went through; I wish I could handle situations as well as him.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the creative characters, the interesting storyline, and for making me look forward to the next book in the series.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Vault Between Spaces
The Vault Between Spaces
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a story!!
Christian fantasy is a new to me genre this year, and I am loving how each book is so completely different! This book The Vault Between Spaces takes me into a world fighting against evil, people losing faith until hope shows up unexpectedly and a unique way of describing our Creator. I loved getting a glimpse into Chawna Schroeder’s creative and imaginative mind. She used earth elements, music, and faith to tell the story of how much our Creator loves us. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters gradually throughout the whole book. They seemed to grow into themselves as the story progressed, which for me means it’s a story well written.
“You do not stop being what the Creator designed you to be because you no longer do what He created you to do”.
That quote right there is what this book is about. Finding your strengths, learning to listen, having faith, and of course fighting the good fight. Even when life takes unexpected turns, we need to remember that God created us as who we are supposed to be, and that fact will not change just because our circumstances do. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the way in which Chawna Schroeder captured my imagination, the great characters, and the overall storyline.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2) in Books

Jun 25, 2021 (Updated Jun 25, 2021)  
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Rivi Jacks | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
96 of 250
Sweet dreams (Saltwater books 2)
By Rivi Jacks

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Sweet Dreams begins where Sweetwater: The Kihn ended.
It is not a stand-alone novel. There will be one more book in the Sweetwater series.

Sofie Reece and Lucas Santiago’s love story continues in Sweet Dreams.

Sofie Reece has a secret.
A secret she’s kept hidden for most of her life and now the man she loves is determined to uncover what she’s hiding.
What he discovers will put Sofie and all she holds dear in peril as she and Lucas confront the role she plays in their struggle against a ruthless and unimaginable enemy.

I’m so disappointed I absolutely loved the first book but this one was drama after drama! I really changed my rating from 2 to 3 and backsi many times. Sofie has become so insecure and whiny also so yes sir no sir! Lucas comes across as a bully and refuses to let sofie get a word in edge ways his controlling behaviour got tedious. Their whole relationship comes across as quite toxic! The whole idea behind the Kihn is so good and Sofies connection to them holds so much promise which is why I think I settled at 3 stars. I don’t usually give too much negativity in my feedback but I couldn’t find much positive to say!

ClareR (5596 KP) rated The Beholders in Books

Jan 19, 2024  
The Beholders
The Beholders
Hester Musson | 2024 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was such a good book. I felt thoroughly ill at ease throughout, and the excellent narration by Ashley Tucker, Harriet Carmichael and Elliot Fitzgerald added to that. Victorian society is always portrayed as being very primitive and proper and on the surface, the Gethins are. But dig a little deeper and there are a lot of frightening things going on in this house.

Ralph Gethin MP, owner of the house, isn’t at all what he seems, and there’s a simple explanation why all of the staff are so attractive.

Clara Gethin’s attitude towards her baby did puzzle me, though. It’s understandable that she doesn’t like her husband and what he and his friends get up to, but why she should distance herself from her baby seemed to be out of character. There would (to me) always be the hope that Clara could influence her sons attitudes towards the staff and those less fortunate and make him less swayed by his father.

Harriet’s diary entries are a really good way of showing just how claustrophobic life as a servant could be: in one house all day, every day, not even able to get fresh air in the grounds, not really able to form friendships. It sounds awful.

This was a gripping listen, made more impactful by the different narrators. I didn’t want to stop listening!

I received a free review copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest unedited feedback.
Love&#039;s Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Love's Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Misty M. Beller | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love’s Mountain Quest by Misty M. Beller is the second book in her Hearts of Montana series. It can be read as a stand-alone (I have not read the first book yet) and not be left feeling like you are missing something.

Joanna, I thought was an interesting character. She is straight forward, she knows what she wants, and is a strong woman both physically and mentally. I thought Misty M. Beller did a great job of using these strengths while balancing out her softer feminine side. Isaac was more layered than Joanna as the story unfolds. He has a sense of mystery about him right until the very end. I thought both characters balanced each other out.

The storyline follows Joanna and Isaac on their quest to rescue Joanna’s son bouncing back and forth between them and the bandit’s party and their captives. I thought it flowed very well and kept the story progressing at a very good rate.

I give this story 4 out of 5 stars for the interesting characters, the theatrical elements to the story, and for the good flowing storyline. While this story was good, it did not live up to Misty M. Beller’s usual storytelling craftsmanship. I think because there was not as much detail and meaningful interaction between characters. But it was still a good story that I recommend reading.

*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Do you like books? Well, you probably do if you are reading this…..
Misty M. Beller has become one of my favorite authors over the last year as I have kept up with her new books and gone back and read her previous books. In each one she creates this beautiful connection between the reader and her characters that is phenomenal. Faith’s Mountain Home is a bit of a different focus than most of Misty M. Beller’s other books in that the characters do not travel all over the west, they mainly stay in a mining town. But after learning a bit about the main characters of this book in the last one Loves Mountain Quest I was really excited to learn more about Nate and Lauren and Misty M. Beller did not disappoint. Both Lauren and Nate showed great growth as individuals and their faith really showed through. I enjoyed the themes that Misty M. Beller wove into this story as they were realistic and had real life applications. Plus, the storyline hooked my interest with the opening line “Just a little farther. Laura Hannon dared another step on the rock ledge that wrapped around the mountain.” It was a great start and the momentum kept going throughout the book.

Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great character development, the themes presented, the the great display of faith throughout this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas
The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
6 Things I Enjoyed from The Ambassador of Texas:

1. I LOVED how Kimberly Willis Holt developed her characters from the beginning to the end. They were easy to like and relate to.
2. The dialogue between Rylee and Joe was engaging, believable, and conveyed a wonderful sense of small-town closeness.
3. Both the subject matter (9/11) and the memories associated with it were written in a way that was factual, yet, still reveling the topsy-turvy emotions that go along with losing someone you love in such a tragic way.
4. Kimberly Willis Holt did a good job explaining the timeline for the characters while still giving me a richer understanding of what it might have been like to lose someone during 9/11
5. I appreciated how Kimberly Willis Holt interwove themes of forgiveness, overcoming grief, being true to yourself, and perseverance.
6. I will close out with my favorite quote from the book:
“But true Friendship never fades, no matter what happens”.

Overall, this was an enjoyable, engaging, and enlightening story that any age would like. I do think it started a little slow, but after reading a bit I was thoroughly engrossed in the story. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars, for the characters, how 9/11 was conveyed, and for giving me a richer understanding of that time period.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Soul Raging (The Book of the Wars #3)
Soul Raging (The Book of the Wars #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig was one of my most anticipated reads of 2020, and it did not disappoint. It is the third book in Ronie Kendig’s The Book of the Wars series. This book (really the series) CANNOT be read as standalone as it is highly intertwined with the previous book; I ended up rereading the last part of the previous book just to remember right where it left off.

It was a fast-paced, action-packed, hold on to your seat type of ending that was addicting. I thoroughly enjoyed the conclusion and the growth of the characters by the end of the series. Leif and Iskra are a couple I would love to have on my side if the world fell down around me. They complement each other well and Ronie Kendig really made them feel like a realistic couple through the many challenges that they faced. I have nothing bad to say about the book, only that you really do need to read them in order or you will have no idea what is going on.

Soul Raging definitely lived up to what I have come to expect when I pick up a Ronie Kendig book; that it will be one I won't soon forget. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the phenomenal curves in this book, the charismatic characters, and for being a series that actually ends on a high note!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.