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Lu. (Modern Faith, #1)
Lu. (Modern Faith, #1)
Beth Troy | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where should I start…
The story of Lu was interesting. Beth Troy wrote the story in a way that made me feel like I was Lu; that I was the person going through struggles and learning to work through them. Lu is a strong character who knew what she wanted in life (or thought she did), she is a very dedicated person; someone dedicated to finding the truth, not just accepting what others tell her. Lu’s thought process was very realistic, and her thoughts were something that most of us think at one point or another in our lives, but that we very rarely voice. Beth Troy did a great job of giving voice to those thoughts and showing that there is a time for every season in life.
 I do wish that the ending of the book had been a bit different. I wanted Lu to not make the choices that she did, however, I understand that Beth Troy was showing that we all make mistakes and wrong choices in life. But that God will be there for us always, through the good choices and the bad.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the frank spiritual battles, the well-developed storyline, and most of all for Lu.
*This book does contain some mild swearing, and some sexual content (nothing detailed, just implied). I do not particularly care for it, however, that stuff happens all around us. It is naïve of us to think otherwise. I relate it to how Rachel Hauck uses those elements of real life in her books to depict life without Jesus.
**I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Line by Line was a sweet story with a compelling plotline. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres to read from and Jennifer Delamere certainly emphasized why! This is the first book in her new series Love along the Wires which if I am right, she does introduce some of the characters who will have their books coming out next.

I loved how Alice McNeil knew what she wanted in life. She is independent, competent, and a hard worker who is great at her job, that of a telegrapher; a job that sounds like so much fun. I thought Douglas Shaw was a great balance for her, and I loved the tensions between them. It was a very interesting story to watch unfold.

The setting of this story was around the turn of the century 1880s and it was right when women started trying to have more of a voice in things, and branch out into industries that they previously had not been able to be in. I thought Jennifer Delamere did a great job bringing to light different aspects of the time and telling them in a no-nonsense way, just making them flow seamlessly with the story. I enjoyed this story and I am excited to pass it to someone else who will enjoy it as much as I did.

I give this story 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the fun & informative plot, and the theme of being open to what God wants you to do.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own. </i>
Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Michelle Janene | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a dream come true!
 This book was so good, it was like the secret fantasy we all wish we could play brought to life. This book is the third in her Changed hearts series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone.
Michelle Janene’s main character (Lady Aria) was fierce, independent, and the most amazing ninja/sword warrior ever! She also had great faith and because of that God blessed her. While her other main characters were well developed, they had lessons to learn and were always by Lady Arias’ side ready to help when things went awry. I really liked the overall character development, some of them didn’t have the best reactions to events though. I truly did like them anyway. <br/> This plot was definitely one right out of a medieval fantasy. Castles, knights, horses, and sword fights… totally a truly medieval fantasy come to life. The plot moved at a great pace, keeping me interested and wanting to know what would happen next. The was one thing I didn’t like about the plot; however, I will not tell you about it as it is a spoiler.
Overall this was a great story that I could totally imagine myself in. Michelle Janene wrote a great book that I loved reading. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the great Lady Aria, the amazing description and attention to detail given in the sword training dialogues, and for just the hint of romance given with the happily ever after ending. I truly enjoyed this book and will go back and read the others in the series
*I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Kings Falling (The Book of the Wars, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in Ronie Kendig's The Book of the War's series, I read and reviewed Storm Rising! when it released last year, and boy was it captivating. I think that it is important to read the books in order as Ronie Kendig builds the characters in the first book and you get to know them and their situations. You may be slightly confused if you read them out of order.

The characters in Kings Falling build upon what was established in Storm Rising. I loved getting to know the characters better and how the different subplots are working together. That is one reason I love reading Ronie Kendig's books, they always have a great depth of character. Aside from the main characters, the secondary characters caught my interest in this book, and I am not sure how we will get their full stories before the series ends (Uhm, Hint for more books about them?). I loved all the character's playful banter, the dangerous situations, and the real-life problems that they faced together as a team.

The storyline is very intriguing and keeps me guessing, especially how this book ended. I am very much anticipating the release of Soul Raging coming out in November. The storyline reminds me of stories along the lines of Lord of the Rings, or The Chronicles of Narnia albeit with more fast-paced adrenaline run than either of those stories.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the second book being just as good (if not better than) the first, for the great characters, and for keeping me up till midnight reading to see the ending only to get the shock of a lifetime. I highly recommend this book!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Where in the world have I been? Under a rock? I feel like I have missed out on all Tammy L. Gray’s other books! This was my first time reading one of her books and I thoroughly enjoyed her straightforward writing style. This book is probably the first in a series if I had a guess, and I am very happy with that prospect.

Tammy L. Gray writes this story from a first-person perspective and it was fascinating. I loved the raw emotions, and actions of the characters; they felt real and not cushioned by the reader’s expectations. January is a very well-developed character whom I could totally relate too (I mean honestly, how many of us have not dressed up for someone we hoped to impress and had less than satisfactory results?). But January takes it all in stride and turns her misfortunes around without even realizing that she is doing it. I also really enjoyed the slow build romance in this story, it was not the focus, but it was a great side-benefit.

The setting of this book was in Texas, which was awesome, as I know many of the places that were mentioned in this book. It was just the right amount of small-town charm mixed with the feeling of being apart of something bigger. I enjoyed the offhanded humor and the amazing message of accepting people as they are and letting the Lord work. Truly a great portrayal of the gospel.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story-line, the real and edgy characters, and for the underlying themes throughout the whole book! I highly recommend picking this book up to read.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Big Wishes for Little Feat
Big Wishes for Little Feat
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love children’s picture books, but I loved them with substance, <i>Big Wishes for Little Feet </i> gives me that and so much more!

Cheryl Olsten brought to life a vivid story of finding happiness right where you are planted, of never giving up even when things do not go your way, and that there is joy in the midst of sadness. I LOVED Lafitte and his story of perseverance. The narration was done beautifully (emphasized by the fantastic illustrations) and I enjoyed getting to watch him grow up. I also liked Ella’s story and how they intertwined together. I think there are a lot of kids who can relate to Ella and her family situation. I especially liked how Cheryl Olsten explained the phonics to say Ella’s nickname from her father <i>Brilliant étoile</i>. It was a fun interactive part of the story; plus, it reinforces dual language learning.

<b>“Little Feet, thought the horse. That is who I am­—a horse of great courage, strength, and skill.”</b>

Paolo D’Altan’s work in this book is phenomenal. He truly conveyed the wonder and curiosity displayed by Ella and Lafitte and told their story in a colorful and eye-catching way. I want some of the pictures to hang in my home! As I look back over the story, I am again amazed by all the detailed work that went into this book and I am looking forward to showing my niece this book over Christmas to see which picture is her favorite. Well done Paolo D’Altan!

A definite 5 out of 5 stars for me! Some great themes combined with a good flowing storyline and some great imaginative art.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
An Amish Picnic: Four Stories
An Amish Picnic: Four Stories
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Baskets of Sunshine was a sweet book about finding love right in front of you and having the courage to walk in faith. Both of the main characters were fun and relatable, I enjoyed seeing their perspectives on age difference in a relationship. They both overcome the obstacles set before them with minimal fuss and a good dose of forgiveness.

Candlelight Sweethearts had an interesting storyline. The characters had very vivid descriptions and were both very shy and sweet, which made it an obstacle for them to overcome. The characters in this book really grow into themselves by the end of the story.

Reeling in Love was my favorite book in this collection, probably because I can see myself doing several of the things that the main character does. The story was well written, the scenes believable and it made me smile. I can totally see the situations presented happening in real life. Both the characters have struggled to overcome things and hurt feelings to mend, in the end, though they rely on God to help them muddle through.

Picnics and Prospects This was a fun mini mystery story! The characters played well off each other and I really enjoyed getting to know them (I do wish it could have been a longer story, just so I could have gotten to know the characters' stories a little better). Overall, though this was a fun read. Both of the characters had to come to the realization that sometimes first impressions can be wrong and everyone deserves a second chance.

I give these stories 4 out of 5 stars for their creative picnic ideas, the interesting characters, and the themes of faith and forgiveness.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Collision of Lies (Amara Alvarez #1)
Collision of Lies (Amara Alvarez #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book!
This was my first time reading a book by Tom Threadgill and I don’t understand how I have missed reading his books before now! Collision of Lies was such a well-crafted story, laid out in a way that kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what Detective Alvarez and her friends would do next. The plot was an interesting mix of intrigue, suspense, mystery, and a little romance (if you could call it that as it was a very minor detail). Detective Alvarez was a very vividly described character that I enjoyed getting to know; I think I would love to meet her in person. Tom Threadgill described Detective Alvarez’s thoughts and expressions in a way that was easy to follow and really pulled me in, the creative ideas she came up with about solving part of the mystery were thought-provoking. The side characters were also interesting people and I hope I get to know them better in the next book. Collision of Lies does have an actual ending and does not end on a cliff hanger. From the excerpt in the back of the book, we will get to see more of Detective Alverez and her colleagues in the next book as well.
I truly enjoyed this book and highly recommend reading it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars for the wonderful way in which Tom Threadgill pulls you into the story, the vivid character descriptions, and the great mystery. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Love&#039;s Allegiance
Love's Allegiance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story really took me to the WWII era!
Linda Shenton Matchet really got her characters into the WWII era, by the ways in which they conversed, the clothes described, really everything matched the era of WWI. It was as if Linda Shenton Matchet transported me there. I thought that the characters had great interactions, most of the reactions to things were believable, and they were overall well-developed characters. Personally, I liked how the story was loosely based on the Biblical story of Isaac and Rachel, I thought it was a unique premise for a WWII era novel to have. This book is technically the fourth book in Linda Shenton Matchet’s Wartime Brides series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone without you getting lost or confused (I have not read the previous books in the series yet).
I believe that Linda Shenton Matchet did a good job conveying an often-controversial topic; the role Conscious Objectors (CO) played during WWII. She made me look at it in a way I had not previously done, which I appreciated, (Not to say that I fully understand that point of view, but I think I have a better picture of it now). I did think that the book moved a little fast and I wished I could have known the characters better. However, this is part of a series so maybe the next book will continue to grow the characters more.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the full immersion into the WWII era, and for making me see a different side of a Conscious Objector (CO). I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
I loved Barbra Dahlgren’s sense of humor and the light in her heart that shines throughout this devotional. The humor in this book reminds me of Chonda Pierce and Jen Hatmaker. Barbra Dahlgren encourages Christians to find laughter in every day and to make good choices in our lives. I have only read about half of the devotions so far, there are fifty-two of them (Barbra Dahlgren suggests reading them over the course of a year). The devotionals I have read so far are great, very encouraging and upbeat with verse references mostly instead of the actual verse. As Barbra encourages us to read and verify the word ourselves rather than just basing it off what she says in the book.
One of my favorite quotes from the book so far:

“Christians are a rare breed when it comes to laughter. Just the knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Savior should fill us will joy, but Christians can be some of the biggest fuddy-duddies around.” -pg.40

I truly like this devotional, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a new devotional to read. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the way it drew me in and has kept me coming back day after day, for the sense of humor Barbra Dahlgren interwove into every chapter, and for the circle always coming back to what God said in the Bible. It is a book that I will continue to read until I reach the end, and then I will regift it to someone else who needs some smiles in their life.

*I received this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.