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Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Is the MCU all out of surprises?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become one of the most successful movie franchises ever made, and it’s easy to see why. Featuring incredible actors, up-and-coming directors and that trademark sense of humour, each film in the MCU has something to offer.

That doesn’t mean they’re perfect however. The MCU has a distinct lack of decent villains, strong female characters and characters from ethnic minorities. In the run-up to this year’s Infinity War, Black Panther aims to turn what we know about Marvel on its head. But has it succeeded?

After the death of his father, T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly reappears, T’Challa’s mettle as king – and as Black Panther – gets tested when he’s drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people.

The opening sequence of Black Panther is an absolute treat as the audience are given a brief history of Wakanda and the tribes from which it grew. It’s a great montage to kick off a film that’s packed with stunning visuals and gorgeous landscapes, even though some of the special effects are left wanting at times.

Cast wise, this is one of the strongest entries into the MCU. Chadwick Boseman absolutely embodies the young, naïve yet warm T’Challa beautifully and it’s nice to see his character given some reference points after his sudden inclusion in Captain America: Civil War. Elsewhere, Lupita Nyong’o is always a pleasure to see on screen and her love interest to Boseman keeps him grounded over the course of the runtime.

For me the standout character is Danai Gurira’s Okoye, leader of a group of female warriors ordered to protect Wakanda and its king no matter what the cost. She’s certainly not to be messed with and gets a pleasing arc throughout. The script also seems to work best when she’s on screen.

When it comes to the bad guy, director Ryan Coogler (Creed) gets it nearly spot on. After dozens of, shall we say, lacklustre villains, the MCU receives its best yet. Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger is, despite his ridiculous name, absolutely brilliant. Menacing and oddly charming in equal measure, he does away with the tradition of bizarre villain motives in the MCU. In fact, his motives throughout feel entirely believable and the film feels more grounded because of this.

Coogler does a good job at creating a bustling and vibrant world, even if the special effects can sometimes bring you out of the illusion
Martin Freeman’s Agent Ross is a strange addition to the cast, simply because his character isn’t essential to the plot. Freeman is always a magnetic presence but he really doesn’t have all that much to do. Finally, Andy Serkis reprises his role as arms dealer Ulysses Klaue and is great fun.

Looking at Wakanda itself, Coogler does a good job at creating a bustling and vibrant world, even if the special effects can sometimes bring you out of the illusion. It certainly feels more real than the hollow golden towers of Asgard (something thankfully fixed in last year’s Thor: Ragnarok), and Wakanda is a great addition to the many locations the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created.

So, I’ve mentioned disappointing special effects twice in this review and whilst they aren’t terrible, there are a few occasions where they are a little poor – especially evident in the film’s finale. For all his exciting filming style, Coogler’s shot choices occasionally jar with the uninspiring and lifeless CGI. Some of the landscapes also feel like a brochure for Disney’s upcoming The Lion King live-action remake.

I think it’s time to talk about film politics, because as much as Black Panther is a great addition to the MCU and a fine solo movie in itself, the legacy it will leave on the industry will be absolutely huge. With a majority black cast, strong female characters and a black director, it’s progressive and incredibly brave in its choices.

Any less of a story, director or cast wouldn’t have made it work and despite some poor CGI and slight pacing issues at the start, Black Panther is one of the best solo Marvel movies in years. Bring on Infinity War.
One of the more interesting novels of the series because it did not have to deal with Arawn directly yet still progressed the storyline in that sense. Despite Eilonway being my second to last favorite character due to her annoying chatter, I still loved reading about her story and history. Alexander actually made me feel pity for both Eilonway and Archen while wanting for Taran to desperately come to terms with his feelings.

Rhun was a light-hearted addition to the cast. he was a temporary character that made me feel constantly frustrated and yet, sympathetic. The only true nuisance to the story was Glew, who must be excused by mean of insanity. I am disappointed, however, that we never find out what happens to the self-centered, simple-minded creature. I also believe that Llyan was a great addiction to the party. I love animal characters and she is just to adorable to resist. A harp loving cat? Yes, adorable.

All in all, it tends to be my favorite novel of the series because, while it still progress the plotline dealing with Arawn (even if indirectly), it gives you much greater insight to the world, Taran's growing maturity and feelings for his female companion, and Eilonway's history, even if it is destroyed. It's a nice refresher with the dramatic and action filled first two novels.
Descent ( Immortal chronicles book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
109 of 230
Descent ( Immortal Chronicles book 1)
By Sloane Murphy

Six hundred years after The Outbreak, the human population stand side by side with the Fae & the Vampyrs to stop the Demon King from starting a second Dark War.
Seventeen year old Adelaide Tate is in her last year of the Academy, with her eyes set on becoming part of the Red Guard.
Who cares that no female has ever joined?
When a dark force develops an unhealthy liking for her, Adelaide needs to fight for her life and figure out what makes her so different from the others.
Betrayal. Fear. Anger.
She must overcome it all in order to turn her world the right way around again.
Adelaide has one choice. Accept the help offered to her by Xander Bane, or face the Demon Hoard alone.
One thing is for sure. The descent will be bloody.

That had me totally engrossed it was a cross between Lauren Kates Fallen and the House of night series by PC Cast. I really enjoyed it. It had me remembering how much I enjoyed this YAs. It may not be perfect but I found it really enjoyable and looking forward the next book. The only thing stopped it being a 5⭐️ was I saw the ending coming!
The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
Lisa Gardner | 1997 | Crime, Thriller
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Research (1 more)
The Characters
The Perfect Husband is a perfect novel
I have an admission to make. I am a true crime buff.

I love reading about unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries and everything between. I read books, listen to podcasts, and belong to several amateur sleuth blogs. Yes. I even belong to the Hunt A Killer curated box mystery. There. I've admitted it.

In the world of true crime my biggest passion is serial killers. Cliche, perhaps, but it's true.
I, like many, always asked myself about the family that surrounds serial killers; both before and after they are caught. Most importantly, what about the wives of serial killers? Lisa Gardner attempts to answer this question.

The thing I love most about Lisa Gardner's work is that she takes the time and effort to research before she even puts words to page. It is clear by the lingo that she uses and the characters that she builds that Gardner talked to actual law enforcement officials, and really listens to what they do.

The main character is the abused and traumatized wife of a sadistic serial killer. She is attempting to learn to protect herself and in so doing turns tot he meanest mercenary that she can find to teach her. She wants to learn to fight and shoot so that she can handle the man that law enforcement lost, the husband who is obsessed with killing her.

I absolutely adored this book, and immediately went out and bought three more of her novels.

The main female character is suffering from battered woman's syndrome. She is trying her best to cast off the mental and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her narcissistic and criminal spouse.

The mercenary she turns to...has issues. He is, in his own way, as broken and screwed up as our heroine. But, through her, he begins to give a damn again.

The killer, our heroine's former husband, is so fantastically well done that it is almost too easy to picture him on the front page of a newspaper, or scattered across social media blogs.

It's fantastic. I recommend this to anyone who likes female protagonists, serial killers, or thrillers.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Cast (3 more)
Epic Scale
Forced political message (0 more)
Almost a perfect movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I just got out of Avengers: Endgame. This will have minor spoilers, but nothing related to the plot.

If you read my review of Captain Marvel, you'll see that I was underwhelmed because they didn't really explain her powers or weaknesses. Avengers: Endgame is exciting, funny, rich, and fantastic, full of great callbacks to earlier MCU movies and references to things we hadn't heard about it a while.

And yet... Here comes Captain Marvel. Again, her powers aren't explained. She doesn't help much until the last 20 minutes, and in those minutes she is seemingly invincible. Because we don't know what can hurt her, the stakes are minimal. It's an invincible woman punching an invincible man and there isn't really an expectation of anything.

But then she gets hit. And someone says "She has backup" or "She has friends" or something similar, and then we see almost every female character from the MCU come behind her to help.

I literally don't care if a superhero is male or female. It doesn't matter. But by forcing scene into the film, it is a reminder that Captain Marvel = Girl Power!!! and it pulled me right out of the film. It was an unnecessary political statement in the midst of a galatic battle. And I hated it.

I'm pro-woman. I'm pro-man. I think both sexes have unique attributes and abilities and features. But trying to say "The women have her back!" was, again, like I felt the directors sitting next to me in the theater, poking me in the ribs, saying "Look at the woke subtext!!!"

It isn't necessary. It is dumb. Let the heroes - all of them - have moments of strength and weakness. Imagine if there was a hero who suddenly called on the name of God and a big cross appeared behind them and the hand of God came down and helped them. That's the kind of heavy-handedness (pun intended) it felt like.

Go see the movie. It's great. But that one bit really soured the end of the movie for me, reminding me that it was a fictional story set in modern times. Why?
Into the Woods (2014)
Into the Woods (2014)
2014 | Family, Musical
A charming adaptation
Wolves, witches and giants all appear in the film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s popular musical which takes all the best bits of our favourite fairytales and mashes them together in one engaging, song-filled rollercoaster.

However, musical movie adaptations are notoriously difficult to get right, from casting restraints to the inclusion of all the songs, transferring them to the silver screen is not something to be entered into lightly. So does director Rob Marhsall’s effort elevate itself above its peers?

Into the Woods has numerous plot threads that all end up coming together in one way or another, but the main storyline follows a baker (James Corden) and his wife, played gloriously by Emily Blunt, as they come to realise they cannot have a child.

Alas, a witch – who just so happens to live next door – has a way to provide them with what they want as long as they get a few items for her in the meantime.

An all-star cast including the likes of Chris Pine, Anna Kendrick, Christine Baranski, Lucy Punch, Johnny Depp and of course Meryl Streep all give their all in a film that is brimming with tantalising cinematography and stunning songs.

meryl-streep-into-the-woodsGenerally speaking, the female cast fares better in the singing portions of the film, although Chris Pine and Billy Magnussen had the audience in intentional fits of laughter in one particular sequence as two handsome Princes.

Unfortunately, Into the Wood’s greatest asset, its cast, is also its biggest undoing. Having so many story threads means that there isn’t any emotional attachment to the characters – despite the film’s numerous attempts to tug at the heartstrings.

Despite a deeply heartfelt performance of ‘Stay with Me’ from Meryl Streep, the film just steadily rolls itself from admittedly thrilling set piece to set piece without getting bogged down in nitty gritty character development.

Thankfully, the glorious cinematography that featured in the trailer continues throughout. An enclosed feeling makes you feel like you’re actually watching a stage show rather than a film, albeit one with a much higher budget, and this is one of its most captivating features.

Director Rob Marshall has managed to keep the pantomime feel despite the fact the audience is watching in a cinema – the locations are never overdone and everything feels nicely claustrophobic, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

However, the final act is unnecessarily long and its foray into deeper territory means the magic and sparkle is well and truly lost. This is a real shame as there are numerous moments where the film could end on a high, rather than delving into a murky and at times, incomprehensible final third.

Overall, Into the Woods is a charming adaptation of the popular musical and despite its slightly overlong running time and a disappointing final act, it manages to stay on course for a perfectly adequate, if underwhelming finale.

The entire cast have a ball with their characters with Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt being particular highlights throughout.

Parents beware however, its PG certification may be slightly too lenient for smaller children, who will no doubt be intrigued by the premise of combining our most-loved fairytales.
The Silent Victims (Hanlon Series #4)
The Silent Victims (Hanlon Series #4)
Alex Coombs | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again, I am not disappointed with this, the final book in the series featuring the unconventional DCI Hanlon.

I have now read all 4 books in this series and have enjoyed each and every one of them. I rarely say this about a series but I really do think you need to have read at least the first one (The Stolen Child) if you want to understand the main characters in the book; if you don't, I really think you will be flailing a little with the relationships they have and their motivations and this will, I think, detract from the overall story.

Hanlon is a very strong female character and one tough cookie. I admit that she is quite difficult to like but she has definitely grown on me over the series. In this, we see the odd glimpse of the softer side to Hanlon which makes her more "human" but don't let these snippets fool you - she will stop at nothing and nothing will stand in her way.

With a cast of excellent characters wrapped up in an intriguing plot, lots of action, tension and violent scenes, this is a great story well written which is gripping and exciting and makes it difficult to stop reading.

Highly recommended series and my thanks go to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Merissa (11755 KP) rated Beautiful Facade in Books

Feb 2, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Beautiful Facade
Beautiful Facade
Kathryn S Rose | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAUTIFUL FACADE is the debut novel from Kathryn S Rose and she pulls no punches (literally) with the subjects she covers in this novel - drink, drugs, sexual assault, and domestic violence.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable novel, told from the first perspective of the main female character. It was pretty clear from the start that Winter wouldn't end up with Liam, and their picture-perfect life wasn't as good as she imagined. I did enjoy the question mark over who was with him and was glad I was wrong. I won't say more as I don't want to ruin it!

The scene-setting was very well done, with a bunch of flawed characters as the supporting cast. If I had to say anything negative about this book, it would be the copious amount of alcohol that was drunk for the majority of the story, plus the number of texts and missed calls Winter had. If I had that many from one person in that amount of time, I'd be worried about their mental health!

On the whole, this was a great, smoothly-paced story that held my attention from beginning to end, that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 2, 2021
Kristin Cashore | 2008 | Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
175 of 230
Graceling ( Graceling Realm book 1)
Kristin Cashore

Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight--she's a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king's thug.

When she first meets Prince Po, Graced with combat skills, Katsa has no hint of how her life is about to change. She never expects to become Po's friend. She never expects to learn a new truth about her own Grace--or about a terrible secret that lies hidden far away . . . a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms with words alone.

With elegant, evocative prose and a cast of unforgettable characters, debut author Kristin Cashore creates a mesmerizing world, a death-defying adventure, and a heart-racing romance that will consume you, hold you captive, and leave you wanting more.

I really enjoyed this book. It was one of those that when I wasn’t reading I was thinking about. If I had one thing that put me off a bit is that some bots are really long drawn out. Even still I really liked it. Katsa is a strong female character and I’m glad she sticks to her guns. Looking forward to book 2!
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Musical
Seeing Donna's backstories with her lovers. (1 more)
Nice to see most of the cast together again.
Literally everything else (8 more)
The same dramatic hairstyles on two principal female characters for over twenty years, really? Talk about suspension of belief.
No real heart to it.
Meryl Streep is in it for mere seconds.
Relationships between the characters. Disjointed and disconnected.
Not the best ABBA songs.
The Kissed the Teacher sequence. I mean, wth was that about?
Not much singing or a reason to sing.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved the first one and have been known to watch the DVD or listen to the CD on a continuous loop for upwards of 12 hours. I'm not kidding. I adore Meryl Streep and everything she touches is gold. Except for this movie. Omg, it is so bad. It lost all the joy the first film had. Why?! Why did they have to destroy this movie so badly?

Spoiler alert: Donna, Meryl Streep's joyous character is dead at the start of this film. Her story is told through flashbacks with Lily James of Downton Abbey starring as recent college-grad, Donna, and her adventures in the Greek Isles as she meets each of the three men who may be her daughter, Sophie's father. Donna flits around as the bohemian she is but the character is too flighty to be believed and she certainly doesn't flesh out Meryl Streep's version of Donna. It seems pointless for her to even have tried.

The cast is very dated and stagnant, in reverse, as they are shown as their younger selves exactly as they are 20 or 30 years later, even down to the same clothing and hairstyles. It's ridiculous to think these fashionable women would never update their looks over the years or that their personalities and mannerisms had not changed either. Are they living in a vacuum? They're all just so one-note. Maybe the creators did it because they thought the movie would be easier to understand or figure out which character was whom, but it's just not realistic. I'll admit, dramas are my favorite genre and this is meant as much lighter fare but I wish they would have expected the audience to have half a brain and be able to figure out the younger cast and the elder versions of them. It felt dumbed down.

The modern plotline is morose, joyless, and lifeless, and missed all the heart, humor, and passion of the first.

And Cher's character, why bother? She didn't bring anything to the role other than her real-life celebrity.

I regret buying this DVD and even more so, wasting 2 hours of my life watching this dull, spoon-fed money grab.

Vegemite Girl (284 KP) Apr 24, 2019

100% agree it was quite the let down for all of us who loved the first one so much ?


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Apr 24, 2019

I was being generous with the 4 rating.