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Cabin Fever (2016)
Cabin Fever (2016)
2016 | Horror
6.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Back in 2002, a fairly unknown filmmaker named Eli Roth brought a fresh and creepy horror film to theaters called “Cabin Fever”. It followed a time honored setup of a group of young people taking some time off in an isolated rural setting but instead of the worn to death psycho or monster on the loose setup, this film had something new in mind.

The film followed the outbreak of a flesh eating virus that was relentless, turned characters against one another, and had audiences wondering what would happen next. Filmed for a modest budget, the film became a hit and eventually spawned two direct to video follow ups, the most recent serving as a prequel to the original film.

There were plans to make a third follow up which was reportedly to be set on a cruise ship but they were scrapped in favor of a reboot of the main film with Roth serving as producer.

The 2016 version of the film is pretty much a scene for scene and in some cases; shot for shot remake of the original that duplicates the characters, situations, and outcomes from the first film with only a few changes along the way such as a deputy being female this time around, an addition to the ending, and some slightly better production values.

While it was entertaining to watch, I found that knowing what was to come stopped any tension in the film as has barely been 14 years since the first film came out, and without anything drastically different this time around, it made me wonder why the decision to reboot the film was made.

I do believe that there is still more to tell in this series, but that there is a better way to do it than the sequels we have had to date and a shot by shot remake. I think a story that ran parallel to the original or a more direct sequel might be very interesting as well as a look at the larger consequences of the outbreak.

That being said, if you are a fan of the series you will likely want to see the remake, but will likely wish that the series had continued forward with the story rather than going back to the beginning.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Silence is Golden in Books

May 15, 2023 (Updated May 15, 2023)  
Silence is Golden
Silence is Golden
Penny Warner | 2003 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Has a New Gold Rush Come to Town?
Gold fever has hit Flat Skunk, California, after local eccentric prospector Sluice Jackson finds a nugget. Reporter Connor Westphal isn’t quite so quick to jump on the gold bandwagon, but while she is still trying to figure out what is going on, an old skeleton turns up. Meanwhile, Connor’s college boyfriend is in town with his ex-wife and their daughter. Then a modern body turns up. Can Connor figure out what is going on?

Obviously, there is a lot here, and that kept me entertained and engaged the entire way through. I did feel like the ending was rushed, including a sub-plot getting pretty much dropped. If you are new to the series, you should know that Connor is deaf, and I continue to love how that is portrayed in the stories. This book is now twenty years old, so some things are dated, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. Likewise, there is a little more swearing than you might expect, but not as much as earlier books in the series. The characters, not just Connor, are all great, and I enjoyed spending time with them. If you are looking for a unique main character, you’ll enjoy this book.
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
Olivia Newport | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Historial Fiction with a Twist
The Inn at Hidden Run is not your normal kind of historical fiction book. I really like that. This start out in the present with a young woman who shows up asking for a job. But she seem to be running from something. Why is what make you want to know.

Though we also get a story of a what is going on in Memphis in 1878. Though the eyes of a young woman named Elisa. She tells us about the epidemic of Yellow Jack or as we call it “Yellow Fever”. I do not know how this author does this but I loved it. I hope to get their other stories though out this series.

How the author combines the family tree elements or genealogy though this book to find the connection and the present members the family she runs into is really interesting and fun to read. The plot is written well. The characters are written well. To find out what the meaning behind Canfield and Eliza is something. For it does not get reveled until the end make it even more enjoyable to read.

I had felt really like I was going down a path of finding the connection with Jillian who was helping Meri and her family and why they were Medical doctors. We find that connection at the end. You will want to read this book if you are looking for something new and a historical fiction or event that happen in USA along with some fun in Genealogy.

Olivia pull to along and you will want to find out. She put these to element together seemly and I just love that. I have yet to see another author do this. I hope to get the next book in the series as I can not wait to read them.
Heart of the Flame ( Dragon Chalice 2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
52 of 220
Heart of the Flame ( Dragon Chalice 2)
By Lara Adrian

Six months in an enemy's dungeon might have broken a weaker man, but the former Templar knight Kenrick of Clairmont has emerged from imprisonment with an unyielding determination, consumed by a single, daunting quest: to find the Dragon Chalice, a mystical treasure said to grant its bearer unlimited power. It is a dangerous chase, one that pits Kenrick against foes skilled in dark, deadly arts. But no obstacle will prove more treacherous-nor more seductively lethal-than the fiery beauty called Haven.

Caught up in the battle for the Chalice, Haven survives a night of terror that leaves her wounded and near death. Her memory scorched by fever, Haven awakens to find herself in the care of the forbidding, handsome Kenrick, who offers his protection in return for her alliance. A tenuous trust is formed between the two, which soon ignites into a fierce passion neither can deny. But Haven's memory of her past is slowly beginning to surface, and it will threaten the fragile bond she and Henrick share-and embroil them in a fight for their very lives. . .

I like this series it’s historical romance mixed with a hint of magic. This was a quick good read. I do like this author her books are so easy and pleasant to read.

Adam Silvera recommended The Young Elites in Books (curated)

The Young Elites
The Young Elites
Marie Lu | 2014 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A Game of Thrones meets X-Men in this 14th-century fantasy from Marie Lu (the Legend trilogy), in a world where "fear is power." Sixteen-year-old Adelina Amouteru is a malfetto, one whose appearance is "marked" by the blood fever that crippled the country of Kenettra and claimed her mother's life. The blood fever took Adelina's left eye, turned her hair silver, and gave her a power that's remained dormant--until the fateful night her merchant father agrees to trade her to a suitor in exchange for cleared debts. Adelina runs away from home, and once her father catches up with her, she taps into a great hatred within and conjures forth phantoms that quickly cause his death. It was an accident, but the Inquisitors arrest Adelina and sentence her to burn at the stake--a common punishment for malfettos--for the murder of her father. Master Teren Santoro, the 19-year-old Lead Inquisitor of Kenettra, works to cleanse the world of malfettos with ""demon"" abilities. When it comes time to burn Adelina in the central market square, Enzo Valenciano, a malfetto known widely as The Reaper, melts her shackles with his burning touch and releases her. He takes her to Estenzia, the northern port capital, where Enzo introduces Adelina to the world of the Dagger Society--a group of Young Elites with dangerous powers--and their mission to find malfettos like themselves before the Inquisition can. Adelina must pass a series of tests before she can undertake bigger missions with the other six Young Elites who can control their talents, and it's here with the Dagger Society that she discovers her ability to conjure illusions is rooted in darkness. But when Teren Santoro takes her younger sister hostage in exchange for information on the identities, location and plans of the Young Elites, Adelina is compelled to betray them, even if it means leaving the undiscovered malfettos all over the world prey to the Inquisitors, and risking her own death as punishment at the hands of the Elites. In Lu's compelling new novel, the characters are morally complex (the Young Elites are not fully innocent, there are depths to Adelina's darkness and layers to the cross Teren bears)--and no one is safe in the book's final conflict. What at first appears to be romance-lite unfolds in tricky and interesting ways. The many twists, cinematic battles and the overriding epic fantasy will keep readers hooked for book two, which teases to be quite the game-changer. Bring it on."

The Void (2016)
The Void (2016)
2016 | Horror
6.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I watched The Void with absolutely no prior knowledge of what it was, and what it is, is certainly...something.

The Void felt to me like a series of homages to other horror classics. The overall plot seems like an obvious nod to Prince of Darkness. The creature designs are reminiscent of The Thing, albeit with a sprinkling of Guillermo Del Toro. The climax reminded me sometimes of Hellraiser. One of the villains gave me Re-Animator vibes. All the while, there's a distinct Lovecraftian undercurrent from start to finish.
All of this is a good thing though. The Void never feels like it's ripping off any of these movies, but rather wearing it's heart on it's sleeve.

As mentioned above, the creature designs reminded me of The Thing. This is further bolstered by their nightmarish aesthetic, and the fantastic use of practical effects. In fact, there's very minimal use of CGI at all, something you don't see too often these days.

My only criticisms are aimed at the plot. It's starts off well enough, and evokes a feeling of tension and uncertainty, well realised by a decent cast. Before long however, it's clear that a lot is left open to audience interpretation. The fever dream approach to the filming style leaves you questioning what is real and what's not, a plot technique that I'm usually all for, although The Void is a film that I feel could have benefited from a little more explanation and resolve.

Overall though, it's a gory, entertaining horror creature-feature, that I would recommend watching, even if it's just the once.
Uzumaki (3-in-1, Deluxe Edition): Includes Vols. 1, 2 & 3: Vols. 1, 2 & 3
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderfully written and illustrated (0 more)
Story line is strange and can be difficult to follow the timeline (0 more)
Nightmare fuel in it’s purest form
Spirals exist everywhere in nature: in the shells of snails, the petals of a flower, the swirling clouds of a hurricane, even the shape of whole galaxies. Why this shape continues to show up over and over again in nature is still a bit of a mystery. For the most part spirals are viewed as aesthetically pleasing, appealing to humanity throughout the centuries.

What makes Uzumaki so brilliant is that it takes something so abstract and transforms it into pure nightmare fuel, utterly corrupting one of nature's most beautiful shapes: the spiral. When I had first started reading this comic I was skeptical, how could a geometic shape be scary? There is nothing inherently sinister about a shape, just as there is nothing all that unusual about the town.

Uzumaki challenged my perception of horror in it’s twisting narrative, starting slow as the madness began to spread, spiraling out like a flower in bloom. As the story reached a fever pitch, it quickly descends, like a whirlpool sucking everything underneath it’s surface. Pure genius.

The art is also a wonder in itself, with extremely detailed drawings depicting some of the best examples of body horror that I’ve ever seen. While this is of course up for debate, many fans and critics have chosen Uzumaki as Ito’s magnum opus, and after reading a couple of his other comics I would have to agree. Uzumaki is one of the best works of horror I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I highly recommend this for any fan of horror, but especially for fans of the works of H.P. Lovecraft, whose books greatly influenced Ito in his creation of the series.
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
1989 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Continues the story very well
Not many sequels not only continue right where the first film ended, but at such a fever pitch. Seems like from the moment this film starts with Doc, Marty and Jennifer going to see "their kids" in 2015, the story never really stops.

It's funny now to look at the film since we are already well past the "future" time of what filmmakers got correct (Cubs winning the World Series against "Miami" and video chatting) and what they had incorrect (flying cars, fax machines, Hover Boards). They still has mailboxes on the city streets!

Since parts 2 and 3 were filmed back to back (one of the first times this was done) the screenplay does a ton of foreshadowing of what is to come which is really cool. When Doc talks about trying to conquer "women" or how he would like to visit the Old West.

As with most time travel films, if you start to think about some of the nuances or small details too much some of them don't really jive, but this is a small detail.

I love how the last third of the film really weaves in between the events of the original Back to the Future film trying hard not to change any of those events to keep the narrative and "timeline" going as best as possible.

I remember sitting there when it ended really mad I had to wait until May of 1990 (6 whole months later) to find out what happened to Marty and Doc. Not quite as bad as having to wait 3 years to find out what happened to Han Solo after he was frozen in Carbonite, but that's another story.


Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Duncan in Books

May 22, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A cunning pederastic serial killer nicknamed “Santa” is making his way up the East Coast from New Orleans to Boston, leaving a trail of young bodies in his wake. Santa covers his tracks along the way by working as an itinerant bass player in a series of jazz combos. At the same time, the Driscoll family – Mark, Julie and their nine-year-old son Nate – who live in an upstate suburb of Syracuse, New York, struggle to come to grips with Mom’s quadriplegia following a horrific auto accident. The suspense builds to a fever pitch as these two plot strands approach each other for the inevitable confrontation. All this tension is heightened by the mystery of Duncan, Nate’s stuffed-toy gorilla, who is not only the boy’s beloved companion but becomes a kind of family totem, and, later on in the story, so much more.

Trigger warning for pedophilia, disability, murder, and so forth

This is a novel not only for readers addicted to thrill rides and maddening suspense, but also those who are curious about the abnormal psychology of the pedophiliac killer. The book gives food for thought as well as a kind of perverse satisfaction for the imagination and senses. It is a thinking reader’s thriller.
There are some graphic scenes that would make any normal human uncomfortable to say the least.
I loved how Mr. McCort portrays the heart-warming relationship dynamics within the Driscoll family. Oh I did love Duncan too!
The book also delivers on its' promise to the insight of the killers mind as well (the diabolical Santa).
Disturbing but excellent read.
Recommend reading.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Interesting idea first off, I always like novels where God(s)/Godesss(es) walk around regular people and fall in love. Not that familiar with Roman lore but I digress Norse lore are even worse to follow. Have not read the books before this so I may be a little jaded in that I have no backstory of characters & events. I have read each summary of the books before this. I will do another short review add-on when I finish #1-5. Did not realize this is set in England during the time of Earls, if you are not familiar with historical times in England this may go over your head. Many times I had to stop and Google when they talk about names that sound Roman or historical items, little off-putting but for names they give simple terms to explain it. The blood fever thing is interesting. You could tell there was something going on with the silent partner. Loved how the Roman crew all rallied behind Mercury/Hermes. Loved the humor at the end over the key. Definitely can read this without really knowing past stories which is always a plus! I liked it just thought everything built up too quickly near the end and the wind up to that point very slow. I give it a 4 for the fact jumping into this 6 books in did not confuse me but the build up was slow and ended too quickly at the end.

EDIT: I have since caught up with the series, you really DO NOT need to read the ones before this. There's small nuances/events but it does not distract you.

<i>This is a free review via netgalley, I do not get paid for this!</i>