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Faris Badwan recommended track Jerusalem by Sleep in Dopesmoker by Sleep in Music (curated)

Dopesmoker by Sleep
Dopesmoker by Sleep
2003 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Jerusalem by Sleep

(0 Ratings)


"There’s loads of dark metal bands that I really like: the first Mayhem record, Darkthrone, people like that. But in the end, ‘Jerusalem’ is heavier and more powerful than any of the dark metal bands. It takes the best elements of Black Sabbath and then amplifies them even further. “It’s a record that I always used to put on before I went out and I’d listen to the whole thing because it was so emotive. It gave me loads of energy, even though it’s so slow and doomy. I love the fact that they released it all as one, hour-long song and how it was able to come out in that form. It means it’s never been vetted really. For me, it’s the best heavy guitar record ever made. “There’s something almost meditative about ‘Jerusalem’ and part of the band Sleep went on to form another band, OM, which is extremely meditative. So in Sleep, you can really hear the meditative atmosphere aspects of it, I like how hypnotic it is, that’s the reason I would always put it on. “Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin were my entry points to metal, then I read a book called Lords of Chaos which I suppose a lot of people who are interested in learning about black metal have read. Then moving on and listening to the first Mayhem record, I thought it was pretty much like punk, but rather than just being snarling and aggressive, it goes beyond that and turns into something really evil. And I realised I liked the roughness of metal. “’Jerusalem’ is a flow. You’re hearing the band in the room as it happens and because it’s so unplanned it feels like a jam, which makes it much more subtle. They probably played through the whole hour a load of different times and it was probably different every single time. That’s what I love about it, when you hear the record you’re really getting the atmosphere they created at that time and they managed to capture that on record. There isn’t another record quite like it, and I also love all the records that the band members of Sleep made after it. “Josh from The Horrors and I went to see Sleep live and – although the guitarist was barely able to stand up because he was very, very drunk – it sounded amazing. People don’t realise how hard it is to make this music sound so good on stage. It’s something I aspire to and it’s an invaluable skill, right down to the way you position the mics on stage. For me the best metal is lo-fi, it’s highly sought after, getting music to be distorted in the right way. There’s such attention on the guitar in this record. Some guitarists play with a lot of pedals, but it can be really inspiring when you have a guitarist who can make music with very little and Sleep do that. “The first time I heard it was on The Horrors second American tour in 2008. We went to LA, and went to the place everyone goes to, which is Amoeba Records. I got a copy of Dopesmoker, which is the album after Jerusalem and that’s how I first heard ‘Jerusalem.’ But all I remember at first was thinking how awful the artwork was. It was really terrible"

Before I Saw You
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! This is my first ever Amy K. Sorrells novel and it most definitely will not be my last one. This book, it's setting, it's characters, it's messages......all of it absolutely gripped me and took me on an emotional roller coaster ride. I was up, down, sideways, in and out while reading this novel, and it left me with a feeling I haven't had with a book in a long, long time.

As a former street drug abuser, I related with this book on so many levels, with it's work of opioid abuse weaved into the story line. It's a very real thing now a days, and so many people are dying from the use of it. Thankfully, with God's love and kind forgiveness, I was saved and have been drug free for more than 15 years now, and this novel brought with the flood of emotions. Watching Jaycee struggle with certain decisions, watching her and her faith grow stronger through the novel, really made me see myself in her.

Throughout these pages, Ms. Sorrells has woven a message of the utmost importance from our God.......true love. I love my children more than life itself, but my truest love of all comes from, and for, our God. I could feel that message unweaving with each page turn, felt it envelope me and keep me hooked to the story.

This is more than a 5 star book. This is one that I highly recommend to everyone. This book is emotional, gripping, and may not be an easy read for some, but it's one that will forever be on my shelf and one that I will turn to when I need a reminder that sometimes struggles are what are needed to over come the mountains that God puts in my life. Faith,hope, love and more make up this novel and I can't wait to dive into another amazingly chiseled creation from this talented author! Well done, Ms. Sorrell!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Lui Peng is a Chinese-British singer-songwriter based in London. Not too long ago, he released a groovy neo-soul tune, entitled, “Just a Phone Call Away”.

“As soon as Ali showed me the instrumental, I was in love. It was very different from what I was used to but I was up for the challenge. All in all, the song probably took around an hour and a half to write, which if you knew me, is very unusual. Normally I like to take my time. Being the last track, I wanted it to be more introspective and serve as a resolution to the EP. I think my intentions with this song was to carry on the story where ‘Disappointed’ left off and tell the listener how I feel now. I have come to terms with everything and I am over my distractions. But if you were to call me, I would still be at the ‘Same Place’.” – Lui Peng

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ is the first single from Lui Peng’s upcoming summer EP, entitled, “Unavailable”.

The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young guy who wants to chill, smoke, and have a romantic moment with a female who he desires to be with.

Later, he explains that if she misses him as much as he wants her; he’s not very far, just a phone call away.

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with a neo-soul fragrance.

“‘Unavailable’ is all about the space just on the outskirts of love. When things don’t work out, we often tell ourselves another version of the same story where we didn’t come second place. My aim with this body of work is to create a small collection of happy sad love songs that fall somewhere between being in love and heartbreak. I think with online dating being the main way people meet each other these days, the way we view love and sex has been completely flipped. Suddenly everyone has a plethora of choice at the swipe of their fingertips, and as a result, the value we place on romance has become disposable.” – Lui Peng
Persona 5
Persona 5
2016 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
The game (0 more)
That it ended (0 more)
Amazing JRPG that stole my heart!
I love the Shin Megami games, but as a surprise, I have not beaten many of them. They are these epic undertakings that require many hours per play through. This is the first one that I easily put 150+ hours into through 2 play through and got a platinum trophy, where I still long to play more.

The characters are well developed and amazing, I fell in love with everyone, and even loved to hate the villains. I am normally not a fan of mascots but even Morgana won me over throughout the game. The music is epic and memorable, and really sets the tone no matter what is happening.

No gem is perfect, there are mild problems I had with this;
Time management is not a strong suit I have in real life, so maintaining it on a game (even with the help of knowing what others did) felt overwhelming.
In the same vein of saving time I felt rushed to complete dungeons in one day so I could move onto the grinding of skills and confidants.

I'm not saying these ruined the game, but I felt like I wanted to have a little more time in dungeons sometimes as opposed to the social aspects, which, while fun, seemed very heavy at times.

I always feel every game is worth a certain amount of money, the game retails (at release) for $60 and I honestly think it's a fine price. When a game honestly offers a 100+ campaign on the first play through, that less then a dollar an hour and it was worth the whole ride!
The Giver
The Giver
Lois Lowry | 2012 | Children
8.5 (84 Ratings)
Book Rating
A strange book.
So, I know The Giver has been out for a long time, and I know they made a movie, but somehow I’d never read or watched it. But on the recommendation of a friend, I finally have. What a strange little book! It definitely belongs in the same realm as Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and The Handmaid’s Tale – which are among my favorite books – but the ending was tremendously unsatisfying. It’s the first book in a quartet, though, so I’m hoping the other three, which I have requested from the library, will tie up the loose ends. It definitely feels like it’s only the first installment of a story.

The dystopian society in this book has effectively banished most feelings. But to get rid of hate and war and prejudice, they also had to banish the memories and feelings of individuality and difference. With everyone and everything the same, they’re mostly incapable of feeling true love or happiness. So they all live in peace – but it’s a complacent, uncaring peace. It’s not peace because of love, it’s peace because of the absence of passionate feelings. Whether this is good or not, well, that’s up to the reader to decide for themselves. The actions of the main character, who aims to disrupt that peace, could be seen as good or bad.

I’m not actually entirely sure how I feel about this book. After reading the next three – Gathering Blue (2000), Messenger (2004), and Son (2012), I'm still at a bit of a loss. These were just...odd.

You can find all my reviews at
House of Pawns
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a fan of Keary Taylors work but hadn't got round to reading 'House of royals'(it was on my kindle in my to read pile). I saw a chance to apply to become part of her ARC group and received an arc copy of 'House of pawns'. Obviously I couldn't just read 'House of Pawns' before reading 'House of royals' So I started reading the first and couldn't put it down. I had read the first in a matter of days and was so very grateful I had the next one readily available to continue reading.

I love the uniqueness of this series, the new take on a vampire story, not something that has been rehashed.
It's character driven and the characters are complex and each bring something to the table.
'Liv has an amazing journey and I love who she is starting to become, how little things, one small decision can have consequences that change the course of your life and of those around you and how quickly ones life can change.
The new characters that are introduced are well developed and very interesting the old characters are just getting more and more interesting, our glimpse into their past are intriguing and give us a look into how they become who they are today.
I don't want to spoil anything for the readers so I am not going to say anything about the actual plot line.
This is a series that I can't put down and cannot wait for 'House of Kings' to see what the next chapter of her life is like.