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A Love for Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was only going to read a couple in this anthology but once I started I couldn't stop reading most of them. I have reviewed the ones I've read.
Trading yesterday by Kahlen Aymes - This is the first chapter of a new series from this author and what a start it is. This chapter gives you a taste of what's to come and I definitely can't wait to read more. This author never fails to deliver an outstanding read.
The break (breaking free #1) by Debra Presley - This book feels like it could be the start of something fantastic. This story is very well written with realistic emotions and danger. The characters are fantastic and I can't wait to read more from them in the future. A bit of a cliff hanger ending, which gives you a taster of what's to come.
Almost too late by Micalea Smeltzer - This is the first book by this author that I've read and it definitely wont be the last. This is a novella to the willow creek series, which I'll be downloading as soon as possible. This story is the back story of the characters. This novella has some twists and turns through out the story. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
What happens on spring break by R.C. Stephens - This is a fun and flirty read from this author. This book has fantastic characters with lots of chemistry. The twists and turns in this book will leave you wanting more.
Burning the midnight oil by Eilson Grace - This is the first book by this author that I've read and it definitely wont be the last. This book has fantastic characters with very hot chemistry. I'm definitely going to have a look on Amazon for more by this author.
Babysitting for the biker by Sammie Starlight - This is the first book by this author that I've read and it wont be the last. This is a short very hot and steamy story with fantastic characters. This story will grab your attention from the start and keep you reading till the end.
Awakened : a Leila Marx worlds novella by Amber Garr - This is the first book by this author that I've read and it wont be the last. The characters were cute, they would be fab in a full length book of there own. I really enjoyed this book, just wished it would have been longer.
Do you mind? by Freya Barker - This is the first book by this author that I've read and it wont be the last. This story draws you in from the first page. This is a beautiful story. The perfect short story. The characters are very likeable and you will fall in love with them from the start. This book has plenty of hot and steamy scenes and the chemistry between the characters is off the chart.
This is a fantastic collection of well written stories, definitely worth a read.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

Xabier Rey (42 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of No Man's Sky in Video Games

May 5, 2019  
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
2016 | Action/Adventure
Is this not the hardest game to review ever? Although I liked the game from the start, the vanilla version was not OK for many, many reasons. Mainly because we didn't get the game we were paying for, at all. But things have changed now.

If you play the game nowadays, it is a really, really good one in my opinion. But it's so unfair that many people probably bought a limited edition, hoping it would be THE game, and didn't quite get that at first. That moment, when so many of us realized in our coaches that the game was not what it was meant to be... we just didn't deserve it. We had been praising the studio, the concept, the way they talked about their project... everything, just to be betrayed.

I honestly love what the game has came to be. It is one of the most innovative games of the generation, if not the most. It brought many new gameplay and storytelling mechanics, but it also widened everyone's perspective on what can be achieved. I'm sure many people, like myself, have thought about many ways to tweak the game to make it absolutely unique and mindblowing. As a Ready Player One fan I suggest the following: Please, Hello Games, spawn your single most beloved arcade machine on a random planet in the universe and make it interactive, so we can actually play it during a sunset in whatever planet, of whatever galaxy you pick. That would be insane, and probably affordable.

Another thing that this game has brought to the industry is a experience I never had before with a game. That is, waiting and especulating on what's gonna be the next update. The whole, everlasting hype thing that's going on the back of my mind every time I think about this game. That feels, in many ways, like being in love. Yes, Sean... I guess I love you after all.

So, if the rating is not higher for me, it is just because of many people's first experience with this game. It was heartbreaking and, again, totally unfair. Other than that, I think this is a historical game, a total gamechanger.
Bianca Scardoni | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

I am lost for words with this book and how to review it. I don't have anything negative to say other than I want more!
I first read this series a few years ago, it was a recommended book on my kindle and it kept me company for 3 weeks whilst I travelled to London to do a course. I read all three books in that space of time and had to wait over a year for this one! This series is absolutely amazing and I never want it to end.

This book is Buffy meets Vampire Diaries (but better... ha) Jemma Blackburn is a Slayer. Only she doesn't know this until one day she meets a vampire and that's where her story begins. Jemma's mother isn't around and when she witnesses her father killed by a vampire and everyone says she didn't see one and she thinks shes going crazy. She then moves to her uncles and meets people at her school, who are different. Whilst there she finds out more about who she is, what she can do and why she is as powerful as she is. It all comes down to who shes descended from... but that's a spoiler that I can't tell you. Sorry!

I love the main character Jemma and I feel everyone should be able to relate to her in one way or another. Maybe it's the character she is or Bianca's writing, I'm going with both. But Jemma is definitely bad-ass.

Infernal is the fourth book and I thought was the last until the find pages and I eeked like a child when I realised there could be more! Without you reading the first book I don't want to reveal more about the series in this review because that's a huge spoiler.

But let me tell you one thing, it only gets better!

????? – LOVED IT

P.S your going to fall in love more than once.


Christina xx
Meghan and Brandon met in college and became good friends. Some might say they are from opposite sides of the tracks so how could they have anything in common. But those are some of the things that bonded them early in their relationship. Graduation is coming and Meghan is finally going to put her feelings for Brandon on the line and see if he feels the same for her.

Brandon has been in love with Meghan since the first day he saw her. Their friendship means the world to him and he doesn’t want to do anything to mess it up, especially not by admitting his feelings. Tonight’s party is the last time he will see her, at least for a while so he wants to enjoy every single second left with her. When she tells him she feels the same way about him he can’t believe his luck. They make love but then something happens and she kicks him out afterward.

Years go by without contact between the two, they resumed their “real lives” and are both miserable. Brandon has returned to the family business which has become all consuming and Meghan works odd jobs to pay for a crappy apartment and take care of her son, Eaton. When a medical emergency threatens her son’s life she does what she needs to do to secure the money needed for his surgery.

Brandon and Meghan move past misunderstanding, betrayal and lost years to forge their relationship again. Will they be able to let the past be the past and move forward together, without repercussions? Although this is the second book of the series Saving Samantha (Book 1) does not need to be read first as they are both standalone. Some characters overlap but it isn’t confusing as to who is who. The author once again weaves a romantic, second chance at love story with wonderful characters who capture our imagination. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. Solid 4 star read again from the author.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Stardust in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second Neil Gaimen book I read, my first taste was American Gods which I really enjoyed. I had been thinking of reading Stardust for quite some time. Having watched the film version many times (love it by the way) I was intrigued to see how the book measured up. Normally I read a book and then see the film, but in this instance I was unaware there was a book. I won’t really compare the two together as actually they are pretty different and, I do love the film. That said I really enjoyed reading Stardust, I have to say I was really surprised by the content. Having assumed it was more of a children’s story I must say I was taken aback by the more adult themes included. But I am a reader who does not shy away from more graphic details, in fact I prefer their inclusion. It makes stories feel less teen-angst like. In real life that’s what sexual tension brings. I didn’t feel it was overdone or smutty, it was just there right where it was meant to be.

Basically this was a children’s tale for adults. I enjoy Gaimen’s writing style and found myself completely immersed in this world he created. It was a fairly short book and I wish it had been longer, just because I wasn’t ever bored or feeling like the story wasn’t going anywhere. I think I could have happily journey along with Tristran and Yvaine for another 200-300 pages. Although with it being a nice small book I can see myself returning to it again in the future for a happy quick read. Just as my one little bug bear I would have like more character development with Tristran, from his puppy love beginnings to him becoming real man. This may just be because I’ve seen the film first and I feel they brought that out of his character more so. Anyway, I think I will now have to read all of Gaimen’s other books, I feel really behind on the Gaimen Train.
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Jenny Han | 2014 | Children
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have never in my life finished a book in one night and I read this entire novel in one sitting. As soon as I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. I love the way it was written, the characters, the plotline is so fresh, unlike anything else, this novel is amazing. I am seriously so shocked.

I think what makes this book so great is how real it is. I remember being 16, Lara Jean's age, and falling in love for the first time and what that felt like and how it kind of creeps up on you and then all at once, it just is there and it's all-consuming and this thing you can't run away from. I felt that in Lara Jean and Peter. I also think the hard part about writing a book as an adult that is about teenagers is that you can lose that feeling. You can forget what it feels like to be that age, to live in those moments, to have those feelings. I don't feel like that with this novel. It feels very real and very true. It's definitely a story that can take place in almost any time, which I really love. Obviously, if it was a pre-cell phone time, texting wouldn't be there, but other than that, it's definitely something that could hold up and I think those are the best stories.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie when I saw it the first time and I'm eager to watch it again and compare it to the book, but I'm even more excited to read the second book in this trilogy and figure out where the story goes next. I've managed this far along without having any spoilers of what happens in the next 2 books and that I'm very proud of.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I think it was beautifully written, it's the perfect ending, or cliffhanger rather, and I think it's a true story about high schoolers and not one that is so far removed, it's hard to relate. I hope the second book keeps me as hooked as this one did.
City of Heavenly Fire
City of Heavenly Fire
Cassandra Clare | 2015 | Children
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow. I cannot believe the series is over.

I started this series thinking it was just another paranormal YA series, which it was in some ways, but I ended up falling in love with it as the series progressed. Now I'm gonna have to go and buy the gorgeous box set and read them a dozen times over.

If you're not familiar with these books, you can check out my reviews of the first five books (starting with number one). I may actually be re-reviewing these in a while though, as I've come to appreciate them a whole lot more now.

So, where to start... The plot? Complicated but great. Action, tons of heartache, and a sprinkle of love. The ending is super sweet, too. Maybe a bit too neat and happy, but I'm a cynic. Honestly, it was nice to see them all find happiness at last.

The characters. Oh, the characters! I love them all. The use of the relationships in the plot is fantastic (and super sad), and the character development is pretty strong, too. The relationship between Clary and Jace becomes more *ahem* intimate, while Magnus and Alec finally get to talk about what happened between them. As for Isabelle and Simon... you'll have to read it yourself to see what happens to them.

I find that Clare's writing in these novels has a really distinct, iconic feel. From the first page, I was immersed in the Shadowhunting world, despite it having been a while since I read the previous novel. And although the book is long - over 600 pages - it didn't feel tedious or boring. It took me a while to read it due to school work, but I did find myself having to force myself to put the book down and go to sleep.

Like I said, I have grown fonder of this series with each passing book. I'm going to start the series over again soon to see if I still feel the same way as before, but for now I'm going to give this finale a 4.5-star rating. Not quite in my favourites, but after a re-read it may be!
The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride
William Goldman | 1973 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (53 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Princess Bride
By William Goldman
Review: Christina Haynes

In a place called Florin there lives a woman called Buttercup. Although I say 'lives' Buttercup actually died. She died on the day her true love Westley was killed on his ship after the Dread Pirate Roberts attacked.

So when I say lived, she is alive of course. But she cannot love another nor does she want too. In fact she doesn't really want to do anything. She doesnt even want to marry Prince Humberdink, who proposes to her, to which she only accepts because the Prince threatens her with death.

After Buttercup learns how to be a Princess, like the correct way to walk and talk, and eat and what to wear. She becomes a Princess, Princess Buttercup. Her engagement is announced to the public and the date it set. All sounds okay? Well not, because she gets kidnapped by a Sicilian, a Turk and a Spaniard.

Her kidnapping, though it's not the beginning of the book, it is the start of the story. If that makes sense? You see if she wasn't kidnapped and the Dread Pirate Roberts [SPOILER Westley] didn't rescue her, then there wouldn't be a story.

There is sword fighting, love, revenge, humor, a battle of the wits, Princesses, Princes, Kings and Queens and a Miracle Man called Max. This book is full of fun, comical writing. There are morons and fools in the book. It's a truly great and funny book to read.

I first watched the Princess Bride on the TV when I was younger (you see it's a film too) and I loved it, it quickly became one of my favourites. This book although extremely long. (It does make the film seem really short) it's really good.

In the book, each character has a background, some sad, some happy and some just okay. I loved the one about the Spaniard the best. This book has everything you would want.
Love, Christina

The Master and the Muses
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After first reading <i> Tortured</i>, I was then taken in by <i>The Master and the Muse</i>. I was immediately interested in <i>The Master and the Muse</i> because it was a historical novel about an artist back when painting was still profitable career (for some). It goes through three different women he uses for models and his relationship with them. While <i> Tortured</i> was more about the plot line than the erotica, there was no want for erotic scenes in this book. McIntyre threw me for a loop with how detailed they were, too. Here, I wasn't expecting any heat and instead, I received full on fire.

Once more, I found myself ensnared by McIntyre's expert story telling. The world and characters she created were so vivid and realistic that I found myself falling in love with the novel. With each new muse, I found myself caught up in their stories, their lives, and their emotions. I felt my heart breaking with theirs and smiling with each success. My heart was always with Grace, who I felt for the most. I would have felt more sympathetic for Helen if she wasn't so pathetic, and I couldn't even begin to like Sara who just a brat. I would feel sorry for Edward, but he was so in love with Sara, he couldn't see what a snot she was.

But Grace. How could Thomas see how perfect she was? I literally wanted to punch him for being such a chauvinistic snob that he was. In all honestly, he didn’t deserve her love for how he abandoned her the way he did. And yet, I wanted them to succeed so much that I felt his love for her was apology enough. This novel brought out the romantic in me despite how dark and depressing it really was. Every happily ever after was worth the suffering of getting there.

Definitely a must read in my opinion.