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Sing Me to Sleep
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Summary: Beth is a ridiculously tall, horribly ugly girl suffering though high school. Her nickname is “the Beast.” She is bullied by everyone. Her face is scared and pimply and messed up, she was born that way and nothing works to get rid of it. The only people in the world that she has are her mother—who loves her fiercely—and her best friend since pre-school, Scott.

But then through the course of several unexpected events, Beth ends up with the solo in her choir. She goes from ugly and in the back rows to re-made, re-styled, and re-“faced” after laser surgery. Her choir gets a chance to go to a competition in Switzerland.

And she meets Derek. Derek is on one of the other teams, the biggest, best, most famous choir. He’s the hottest guy she’s ever met. And he’s in love with her.

But there’s something wrong with Derek. He won’t tell her what it is, and she’s scared to ask because every time she brings it up, he runs away.

And the fact that Scott has admitted that he’s in love with her—and she’s pretty sure she loves him too—isn’t making anything less complicated…

I enjoyed Sing Me To Sleep. Please realize and remember that. It kept me reading, it moved quickly. But there were a few things that drove me crazy while I read this and took away from the overall enjoyment.

The first was the writing. There’s a difference between a writing style, and writing crappy. 75% of the “sentences” in this book were fragments. No, I did not count the sentences and take a literal percentage, but that’s what it felt like. There were a lot of two or three word phrases stacked next to each other. That does not count as a writing style, it’s poor grammar. It was so distracting that I found myself annoyed and wanting to put it down.

The second was the romance. In the beginning, the romance between Derek and Beth was just too rushed. There were no meaningful conversations, there wasn’t much plot, there wasn’t much talking. There was a lot of “I love you’s” and a lot of tension and a lot of kissing (hot kissing, but just kissing none the less). Beth was convinced she was in love with him—and he with her—but their relationship was so shallow, that I expected him to dump her any minute (or vice versa). It didn’t feel real.

Near the end, it became a little more real after Derek’s secret came out and Beth began to feel a little different about him. For the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free, I won’t say much more than that. However because their “love” was built on such shaky ground in the first place, most of the end didn’t feel very real either. Beth didn’t know what love really meant until the very end of the book. Poor girl.

The third… sadly, the characters. I didn’t feel much of a connection to them. Believe it or not, the one character I related to most was Scott. He wasn’t even in most of the book—most of it was Beth and Derek—but Scott was the most realistic character (and I’m totally in love with him) and the character that I could understand the best. But Beth and Derek both… I just didn’t connect.

I feel really bad that I’ve complained so much. I also feel really sad that I didn’t love this one. But as a reviewer I promise to be honest, and this is how I feel. Again, as I said at the top, I enjoyed the book, it kept me reading though it wasn’t a sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of page-turner. But it was a bit of a let-down after all the 5-star or A+ reviews I’ve read for it. Don’t listen to just one opinion. Check out some other reviews for this one before you decide to believe me.
Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 (Swamp Thing, #1)
Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 (Swamp Thing, #1)
Alan Moore | 1983 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Early last year, I made the conversion to digital, selling off all my physical issues. There were a number of them that I had not read since the day that first came out, selling them in a mylar sleeve with a backing board. Alan Moore's SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING run was one of those series, and it was also one of the ones that I missed dearly. When Comixology announced that Vertigo sale juust before 2017 ended, i was on it, buying all 5 volumes!

I could have "gobbled" this first volume up in a NY minute; however, like a fine wine, I opted to savor each issue, pacing myself, allowing it all to sink in. I recall reading through this issues fast when they came out (this was when you could still buy comics at 7-11), running through them like a chainsaw through butter. Thankfully, I have learned to appreciate the benefits of savoring.

So, was it as good as I remembered? Nope, BETTER! The early 1980s (the first issue of his run, #20, came out in 1984) was probably some of Moore's best writing! There were no preconceived expectations when you saw his name. Sure, you had an inkling that it would likely be good, but nowhere near the level of expectations that the current comic readers have come to expect.

Prior to his assuming the writer's chair for the series, the main character was thought to still be Alec Holland. However (and this is not a spoiler at this point), as we would learn, Dr. Holland did indeed perish when his lab in the swamp was the victim of sabotage. What was left was as far from human as a chair. Swamp Thing, for all intents and purposes, was vegetable, not mammal as previously thought.

That's learned within the first issue. From there, the ride gets wild with suspense and fear, with some decidely creepy art and concepts thrown in. Essentially, a recipe for WIN!

Oh, before I close this review, I would also like to give some love to the artwork inside. Steve Bissette, followed by John Tottleben, turned in some of the most amazing art. Their attention to detail, left the series feeling creepy yet movie-like, almost as if Sam Raimi were in the director's chair! The artwork was further jazzed up by the always-exceptional coloring of Tatjiana Wood, wife of the artist Wally Wood.

Sure, there's probably other horror-related tpbs you could be reading/considering reading, but you won't find another like this one! Even Marvel's Man-Thing (which I still love; call it my "guilty pleasure") wasn't THIS good! So, enough jibber-jabbering, go pick it up already!
Replication: The Jason Experiment
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replication: the Jason Experiment has many different components that make it an excellent book.

The plot is intricately woven, exciting, fast-paced, and realistic. Yes it's about clones, but Williamson does an excellent job of keeping it from feeling ridiculous and impossible. She builds her world realistically and believably. The story starts off compelling, keeps you interested the whole time, and ends with potential. I like the ending because it doesn't feel like happyland syndrome (even though it's a happy ending) because it's an open ending: Williamson doesn't write everything down, but you pretty much know what happens, and it makes you feel so happy.

The characters are very complex. Abby is a Christian, but she's not perfect by any stretch. The youth pastor is a good guy, but he's not perfect either. Abby's relationship with God is realistic, her relationship with her father (who isn't saved) is hard to watch, but she tries to stay above reproach in the way she deals with his misunderstandings of her. I would have liked to know more about how Abby came to know Christ, but not knowing didn't take away from her story or her character. And maybe that's a story for another time.

Even though all the Jason's are clones, they are all very different. There are similar things about them, like their expressions (and probably their likes and dislikes) but they all have very unique characters. This story tackles the concept that yes we are born with DNA that determines a lot about us, but the way we grow up and the lifestyle we have and the influences around us also seriously impact our thoughts and choices. It's a balancing act; Williamson exposes it.

This book is a Christian novel, but it doesn't feel preachy (I call this Fictional Preaching), nor does it feel like a girl with a perfect almost sappy relationship with God. It's realistic. Abby fails, Abby sins, but she keeps going the right direction and she doesn't give up.

Lastly, the romance between the characters starts off subtle enough that you don't think anything of it, and stays real. It's not about the physical—so many teen romances start off that way. In fact, this novel says a lot about love: it's about them as people seeing examples of the love of Christ in each other! and because they love Christ, they love each other. And that's the way love is supposed to be: We love because He first loved us. It's a beautiful picture, and an excellent execution.

This novel was exciting, fast-paced, realistic, encouraging, and inspiring. On top of it all, it was totally clean. I recommend this one to anyone. Seriously. Read it. You won't regret it.

Check out the interview with Jill Williamson and the giveaway for a copy of the novel!
I have to tell you I've had about 5 copies of this book. I've given all but one of them away to student teachers I've mentored, people I know who think about going into teaching, or anyone who is interested. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!
I was first introduced to Harry Wong in an intro teaching class back in 1999 at CMU. It was the textbook we had to use in that class. I remember seeing it on the shelf in the book store & being glad it didn't cost a $150. That was about the extent of it, but then I inevitably had to crack it open & I was hooked.
Wong's writing style is laid back. His ancedotes are hilarious. The tips & tricks he sprinkles throughout the book are top notch. He is a teacher so he knows if its something you have to spend a massive amount of time planning for & getting materials together for you aren't going to do it. These ideas are things you can put into practice in your classroom the very next day! Speaking as a busy over worked teacher that's about as good as it gets!
If you've been teaching 25 years or are about to set foot in your very first classroom or you are entering a teacher education program this book is a must read!!!

Gilbert (11 KP) rated Game Of Thrones in TV

Sep 1, 2017  
Game Of Thrones
Game Of Thrones
2011 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Everything about this show is fantastic! (0 more)
That the next season will be the last :-( (0 more)
Game of Thrones: Song of Ice and Fire series novelizations by George RR Martin was my second first serious Fantasy series (Lord of the Rings was my first) and I fell in love with it after Book One. Now with this HBO hit TV series, I recommend reading the books to understand the background of the characters because it'll be confusing if you don't know who's who. Especially for those who start late in the season and don't know what the hell is going on in the series. With the books though, you get a glimpse of who's who and their backgrounds. The characters come alive in the books as well as in the TV show. I think with the books you get more background knowledge of who's playing in the game of thrones. The families including the Starks, Targayens, and the Lanisters will make more sense if you follow the books. (Really don't have to read the whole series to understand what's going on but if you want to follow characters in the TV series, it'll help with who's backstabbing who and why). I highly recommend the TV show to all fans of George RR Martins fantastical Fantasy Series!
Craven Manor
Craven Manor
Darcy Coates | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Craven Manor by Darcy Coates ended up as the first pick for the #spookyfriendsbookclub, a buddy read group I started initially on Litsy – a social media app for readers. When we selected it, I only knew that we’d be reading a haunted house story and of course, I was excited. Haunted houses are, after all, my first love when it comes to horror. In that regard, Coates doesn’t disappoint.

Craven Manor tells the story of a long-forgotten house and a similarly forgotten town hidden away in the woods. With an elaborate backstory woven into its history, she pens an intricate plot that, once you think you’ve got it figured out, she quickly tells you otherwise. When young Daniel Kane ends up employed at the Manor to clean it up, the mystery quickly unravels and what has been forgotten is soon remembered.

The characters are just as unique, with none of the cast fitting into any one stereotype – which is a much welcomed change from many of the books I’ve read lately. Although, I can say that I thoroughly disliked Daniel’s cousin, Kyle. He an asshole, and I think anyone who has read this book will agree with me on that.

Coates clearly masters the creepy in her work and I certainly look forward to reading more of her work. If you haven’t checked her out, I highly recommend it.
Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything
Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything
Elizabeth Gilbert | 2016 | Biography
7.2 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eat, Pray, Love is the story of one woman's journey through Italy, India and Indonesia in a quest to find peace, harmony, and to become a better person. She takes a year to make this journey. Starting in Italy to eat amazing food and to learn to speak Italian. In India she visited an ashram and met her guru. In Bali, Indonesia, she is returning to see Katut, a medicine man she had met before an had told her that she would return to Bali and teach him English.

Elizabeth Gilbert is one brave lady. First, to be able to dedicate a year of your life to traveling the world. Making stops in places where you don't know anyone or even speak the language.. It sounds like an amazing time.

I had seen the movie when it was first released, but didn't know there was a book as well. I try to read the book before the movie as much as possible. This has been on my library wish list for a while. When it finally became available I couldn't wait to listen to it. Having it being read by the author herself made it that much more enjoyable. It made me feel as though I was there with her. Tasting food in Italy, doing hours of meditation in India, and even more in Indonesia.
Severed Threads (Threads #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I don't want to admit that I judge a book by it's cover... but I do. This cover looked intriguing to me so that is why I chose to review it.

I read the first chapter and wasn't too sold on what was going on. But I continued on, to really give it a fair chance. The more I got farther into the book, the more complex the story line became, and it was just too confusing to follow. Between scuba diving (in which the author explained in great detail, which was a plus), a past love affair, a kidnapping by people who seem to be mobsters, buried treasure from long ago and ghost stories, I think it's just too much for a reader to process. I felt like there wasn't even a chance to connect with the main characters (Chase and Rachel) because the story was taking me this way and that way and all over the place. Some parts of the book were well written, just not the entire book as a whole.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary electronic book from a website (in which I was told not to post the name of). I was not required to write a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
1994 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Wealthy and precocious teenager Juliet (Kate Winslet) transfers from England to Christchurch, New Zealand, with her family, and forms a bond with the quiet, brooding Pauline (Melanie Lynskey) through their shared love of Mario Lanza and their games of make believe. But when their parents begin to suspect that their increasingly intense friendship is becoming unhealthy, the girls decide to run away together, hatching a dark plan for those who threaten to keep them apart.

The movie is one of Peter Jackson’s earlier works, and demonstrates his unique sense of directing which featured in his first few films. Both Kate Winslett and Melanie Lynskey give outstanding performances - Melanie’s scowling face is especially disturbing.

Based on a true story, Jackson focuses a lot on the dream world element of the girls’ story, which I feel gives the film’s ending even more shock appeal.

I won’t spoil the ending, but let me say that the first time I saw the movie I felt so disturbed I felt as if I was actually there, and even now, when I rewatch the movie, I still get chills when the girls are walking down that path....

I appreciate that the film is not going to appeal to everyone, but the amazing performances of the two main characters, and the horrifying insight into how deep obsessive friendships can go, makes this an essential but very disturbing watch.
Show all 3 comments.

Stephen (210 KP) Mar 12, 2019

One of my all time favourites!


Kevin Phillipson (10017 KP) Mar 15, 2019

Never seen it

Out Of The Penalty Box
Out Of The Penalty Box
Genevive Chamblee | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good, but not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I struggled with this one. And here's why.

Aidan is, or has been, straight. Here, he is attracted to Christophe, who is gay. You'd expect a whole lotta more soul searching and questioning going on, but there isn't. Aidan just jumps almost straight away into bed with Christophe, after he first expresses his feeling for Aidan.

I know its only a short book, some 100 odd pages and you can only do so much in those pages, but I did not feel any sort of emotional attachment to Aidan, at all.

We also only get Aidan. Yes yes YES, I KNOW I say it often enough, but think I might have enjoyed it a little more had Christophe had a say too.

And, aside from that very first chapter, there isn't any hockey!

So, a nice book, but not one that grabbed me. An easy read, maybe a little too easy. Someone will LOVE this book, I have no doubt. And I might have at any other time, but it just landed in the queue at the wrong time.

Not my best review, but I'll plead illness and hope that someone will forgive me.

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**