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Luke (278 KP) rated La La Land (2016) in Movies

Jul 21, 2017  
La La Land (2016)
La La Land (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
Emma Stone (0 more)
The Songs Are Very Good (1 more)
It Can't Decide What Kind Of Film It Wants To Be
The People Handing Out Awards & Praise For This Film Are In La La Land
As a man that loves musicals, I do not love this. There are amazing musicals such as Les Mis which is breath taking in everyway, then theres disappointments like this.
Its a shame becuase i love emma stone, any film she does automatically drags it up to a better standard. However the style of singing at parts was not her best, she has a beautiful voice when she sings, slow talk singing doesnt work best for her.
When me and my wife first saw the trailer we said "Deffinatly not watching that it looks like a mess" but after all the awards we thought we would give it a go.
The best way to summarise would be to describe the cinema, There a lot of people of all different ages. I look around near the end and i can see people putting there jackets on wanting to leave, as soon as it ends a older man stands up and turns to his wife and says "What a crock of S*%&"... I laughed quite hard that he said it that loud we heard it across the room, but that was the feel of the room
Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What can any of us do? Helpless as we all are, in the grip of our own little voices, what indeed van we do?"
I love Dexter! I love Jeff Lindsay! I started watching this series several years ago pretty much by accident and loved it. So, imagine my delight to learn it was based on a book. And not just one book, but a series! And written by a Florida author. Being the book nerd I am, I immediately bought the first one & it was promptly buried in my To Read stack. Here I am 5 years later finally reading it. And I find myself asking, "what the hell took so long?"
The story is fascinating and creepy but just believe able enough that you find yourself looking at people a little differently, wondering if there's a Dark Passenger in there somewhere. Lindsay is a gifted writer with a great ability to write just the right thing at just the right (or wrong time depending on how you feel about dexter and what he is.) Dexter is hands down one of the most fascinating characters in contemporary literature. He's so likable, but at the same time leaves the reader sitting on their couch thinking, "How can I possible like & even *gasp* root for a psychopathic killer!?" Believe can and it is surprisingly easy.
The Touch of Fire (Western Ladies, #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got to page 182 when I just had to stop - the book wasn't totally horrible but I didn't like it. I didn't hate or love, like or dislike either Annie or Rafe, which in a romance I need to like at least one of them to keep reading. Annie was a personality that changed; one second she's a strong, independent woman, the next a simpering, dependent, and insecure girl. I hate when authors make characters go from one extreme to another like that. The plot and pacing were rather slow and not that interesting either. The thing I disliked the most was the loves scenes, if you can even call them that. They felt weird and wrong, were disturbing, and not romantic in the least. I think that covers my main reason for not continuing other than not caring to finish the book.

This is the second book of Linda Howard's I haven't cared for, but the first I didn't finish. Even though everyone seems to absolutely adore her books I'm beginning to think they aren't for me. However, I will read Son of the Morning because I love time-travels, and will most likely give at least one of her other books I have lying around and a romantic suspense novel a chance before I write her off for good.
The Betrayer (Crossing Realms Series #3)
The Betrayer (Crossing Realms Series #3)
Rebecca E. Neely | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Betrayer (Crossing Realms Series #3) by Rebecca E. Neely
The Betrayer is the third book in the Crossing Realms series, and I would definitely recommend you read books one and two first, as the characters and the storylines DO crossover.

Saying that, this book is about Curtis and Jordan. Curtis is the geeky computer Keeper - and you know I do love me a geek! Jordan is the betrayer, and yet there is so much more to her. In fact, you could even say she is the key to the Second Rebellion. I won't say anymore as I don't want to give away any spoilers. What I can say is this book is a great read!

It picks up where The Watcher left off, and the story goes along in leaps and bounds. The pacing is smooth, and not a single word is wasted. Everything is there for a reason, and it is thoroughly enjoyable. I love this world, and the characters that live there. I have enjoyed all three books so far in this series, and I really hope this isn't the last one. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Tilly (2 more)
Other world episodes
Klingon having cloaking tech (0 more)
You have to take it as it own seprate series else your not giving it a chance
I actually really enjoy this series but can see why some might not. To be fair any time you say Jason Isaccs I'm sold so this was a no brainer for me. The first episode i had several problems with mainly because i couldn't separate the old star trek series to this and there are a lot of inconsistencies. However once i got over myself and said okay don't focus on the fact that klingons should not have cloaking technology i actually started to love. the show, Tilly is by far my favorite characters and i keep telling my friend if she doesn't cos play other world Tilly at comic con I'm so dis owning her. ( Im only half joking when i say it)

I love the other world episode where human are out to destroy every other species lets face it the state of the planet today were more likely to be like this that accepting of every race i mean there are a lot of people who aren't accepting of people on our planet why should the universe be any different. It also just a great plot devise.

Jodabel (1 KP) rated A Little Life in Books

Mar 9, 2018  
A Little Life
A Little Life
Hanya Yanagihara | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exceptional writing (3 more)
Strong storyline
Powerful writing
A little hard to get started (0 more)
A little life, a lot to digest. My favourite book
I’ve read this book 3 times in the last 18 months. The story takes a little while to get into; introducing characters etc. But plough ahead please! I can’t recommend this book enough. Though it’s not for everyone. The book takes you on a journey with the main protagonist and his three best friends. It looks at a lot of aspects of human friendships. It gets dark, very dark in places and while Jude never understands his worth (and never will) I rooted for him like I hadn’t before with other characters. I’d say this book is about love mainly and how we each love and perceive being loved; but the underlying theme is how damaged can a human being be whilst still being a human being?! This book made me cry buckets every time I’ve read it, and I know this is a bit of a non review but this story is best read and not talked about unless with fellow readers. The first time you read this book, it gets you and if you’re like I was you’ll not be able to let it go. To say this book broke my heart wouldn’t be an understatement and that does not happen.
Double Dose (Research & Desire, #4)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first Katie Allen book that I have read. It is also the 4th in the series. When it comes to romantic suspenses I crave a good plot line and good characters, this book didn't give me what I wanted. The idea behind this book was extremely intriguing. I love the idea of a kidnapped damsel who falls for the not so bad guy plot.

Unfortunately, this book fell a little flat for me. I want to get to know the characters better. Daphne, has the classic "I'm a klutz" syndrome that most heroines have. It's a way to get women to relate to her and show that she isn't perfect but it really is over used. The characters were very shallow and the backstory for them were minimal. I would have loved to have more depth and development for the main characters. It seems that there was never a moment where they weren't going to fall madly in love. It was a very cookie cutter romance.

Ultimately, I loved the idea but the execution was lacking. I think what would have made this more than a 3 star book would be better character development. This would have added an emotional attachment that would have helped when the plot was lacking.
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Awakening
2013 | Strategy
Favorite video game of all time!
Fire Emblem Awakening is my favorite video game of all time! I have gotten most of my friends to play it because I love it so much. This is what I tell them: I first played it on my ex-boyfriend's 3 DS. when I broke up with him, I couldn't stop thinking about Fire Emblem Awakening, so I bought a 3 DS so that I could play the game. I have never really played video games but I have now replayed this one four times and counting. When the next game in the Fire Emblem series came out, I literally stopped to purchase it on my way to check myself in to the emergency room. Thats how much I love this game! It has made me excited about the rest of the series as well, but so far this is my absolute favorite.

The characters are incredible the strategy and tactics part is quite good and has a variety of levels for casual up to very serious players. The story is absolutely amazing and the animation is also excellent.

if you don't have this game, you should buy it and play it. If you don't have a 3 DS, you should buy it so that you can play this game. It's that good!
The Dragon's Thief
The Dragon's Thief
Riza Curtis | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 shiny stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A magpie is hired to steal from a dragon's hoard. What could possibly go wrong??

Short! So very VERY short! That's my overwhelming thought on finishing this book, I wish it were longer.

It's told mostly from Chester, the magpie's point of view, but Michal, the dragon who hires Chester, gets some say, just not enough for my liking!

It's not overly complicated, nor is it explicit nor violent. It's well told, and well delivered. Some more could have been made of the feud between Michal and his brother James.

It was just too bloody short!


I DID enjoy it, spending an hour sitting out in the sun on my day off. It's the first I've read of this author, but now she is firmly on my radar, my wish list is a little longer and hopefully I'll be able to read more soon.

Because I LIKED the way she tells her tales, and I LIKED that we get a magpie shifter, because I have never read a magpie shifter! And ya'll know I love them different!

So, because I found it too short ( I did NOT know it was a short going in!) and because I wanted more Michal...

4 shiny stars (because magpies love shiny things!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Realm of Possibility
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book changed my life
It's become a tradition to read this book at the beginning of every year. First off, this book saved my life. It's hard to admit but during my freshman year of college I felt suicidal. It was a few weeks into second semester and one of my close friends gave me this book to read. I read it within hours, I ignored the basketball game that I went to and I devoured this book. Tears were shed, and my life was changed.

This book quickly became my favorite novel and David Levithan has earned the honor of being my favorite author. The characters are intertwined and connect in ways that mimics our every day lives.

I love the fact that David Levithan has characters that anyone can relate to. If you're the popular kid, you will relate to someone. If you're that kid in the back of the classroom, you will relate to someone. There are 20 different characters and you will be able to relate to at least one of them.

I have read this book 6 times so far and every time I read this novel I find something new to fall in love with. My signed book is something that I will forever treasure.

I recommend this book to everyone.