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Mission: Impossible (1996)
Mission: Impossible (1996)
1996 | Action, Mystery
Great Start to An Awesome Series
I remember seeing this trailer for the first time during a Super Bowl. As an eleven-year-old, this trailer had everything I wanted, jaw-dropping action left and right. When I finally saw the movie, I was slightly underwhelmed. I liked it, sure, but I didn’t expect to have to do so much damn thinking. As I got older, the more I watched the film, the more I liked it. Its overall appeal still holds strong today.

After being framed for killing his entire team, agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) must get to the bottom of who did it and why while escaping prosecution at the same time.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 9
Pretty solid opener as you get to see Agent Hunt performing his job for the first time. I love what director Brian DePalma did with this first scene as he gives you just enough to get you intrigued. It wasn’t perfect as it leaves you with a couple questions you hope get answered, but it definitely gets the job done.

Characters: 10
Hunt is a young agent who is just as agile as he is cunning. You can tell this guy really knows how to control a room. He leads a diverse group of characters with their own set of skills and their own respective problems. I enjoyed these characters because each of them seemed like they could shake your hand one minute and stab you in the back the next. You had no idea who to trust. They keep the story fresh and interesting.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 9

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 9
This is definitely a movie you have to pay attention to as I alluded earlier. There were times where I had to remind myself of things that had happened earlier since they now fit more into the story. The temporary confusion kept this category out of perfection, but I will say that everything does eventually get revealed before it’s all said and done.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 97
Mission: Impossible has a timeless appeal that hasn’t seem to have gotten old yet. Even though it’s the first, I still have it ranked up there as one of the best. If you’ve decided to give this series a try, do yourself a favor and start here, then skip the second (awful and zero relevance to the rest of the series), and head straight for the third. You’ll thank me.
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Thomas Harris | 1981 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish I read this when I was in high school. This book really would have been right up my alley. The story was so complex that I would have devoured it within days. This would have been one of those books that I stayed up late reading under my covers. However, reading this book showed me how much I have changed & how my tastes in books have changed as well. Personally I am not a huge fan of mysteries. I find them dull, and typically I avoid them. The weird thing is that I love mystery thrillers. I have always found them fascinating especially if it is a psychological thriller.

Red Dragon is that psychological thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat once you get passed the half way mark. The beginning of the book dragged for me. I would have loved more of an action packed thriller vs. a mystery turned thriller. Though the first half was essential for establishing characters I truly felt that it dragged. I'm typically used to a book that jolts you into the action instead of taking a lazy river ride to a waterfall. I want the rapids. So, due to the first half, it took me forever to finish. One thing that I really liked about the first half was how much it messed with my mind. Honestly I had trouble reading it before I went to bed simply because of the dreams it created at night. I had to make sure every door and window was locked before I went to bed simply to help sooth my mind so that I could get some sleep.

Though the story dragged for the first half, the second half made up for it. I found myself entranced by the thriller aspect of the writing & loved how complex the story truly was. It has been years since I last watched Red Dragon (the movie) so at times the story felt fresh and new. It was weird, sexual in strange spots, and honestly something that I have never read before. Thomas Harris was able to create a serial killer that will make you cringe, sympathize with, and wish they were dead all at different moments. It was fascinating to read.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. It isn't my favorite book but it was an interesting read that makes me yearn to watch the movies again. I probably will not continue on in the series but I'm happy that I did take the time to read it.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
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Where to begin...

Fallen Kingdom is full to the brim with stupid.
It sort of imitates The Lost World - first half set on an island, second half set within human population - but it just falls on its face, especially in that second half.

We have a typical evil guy, with a ludicrous plan to use dinosaurs in modern war scenarios (again - for some absurd reason), we have a new "crazy" hybrid lab created dinosaur on the rampage (again!), And to top it all off, the writers decided to throw in a side plot about a little girl who actually a clone? What? Why?
There's also a bit with a velociraptor diving through a window, away from an explosion, like a dinosaur John McClane - we are so far away from the first movie now, is there any point in carrying on?

The first half of the film fairs slightly better, (the opening scene is a highlight for me) and the CGI is pretty solid throughout, but as soon as they leave the island, it's nosedives in spectacular fashion.

Bruce Dallas-Howard and Chris Pratt - again, both fine actors, bit here they are just there, not really adding or taking away from the whole experience.

And just like Jurassic World, it's full of silly plot points that I try not to think too hard about, bit in the end can't help myself such as:

Why is Claire not incarcerated for the events of the first film - she's definitely responsible for a lot of civilians being mailed by rampant dinosaurs.
How does the old guy have absolutely no idea that there is a massive lab/dinosaur prison below his house.
How did they get the T-Rex onto the boat into containment in the few minutes between the main characters jumping into the ocean to getting to the boat themselves?
Why does the Indoraptor happily eat everyone in sight, but then sneak up on the little girl... It's a kind of cool shit but still.

When the film reaches it's conclusion with dinosaurs roaming our everyday lives, you realise that most of the trailer is in the last minute of the film, and this was maybe all filler to reach the inevitable sequel, but to be honest, my interest is low at this point.

On a final note, I love Jeff Goldblum but what was the point of his appearance here? He literally says the name of the film out loud, and that's it. Jesus.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Shadow Saint in Books

Mar 23, 2020  
The Shadow Saint
The Shadow Saint
Gareth Hanrahan | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A struggle but overall good
*Book received from Netgalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review*
I wanted to love this book. I would have been happy liking it. In reality, I tolerated it.
The sequel to The Gutter Prayer takes us on a different journey, with initially very little familiar ground and people. Over time the story reflects more of the world that was covered in the first book, but it is quite a strange and unnerving start to a sequel.
The narrative follows two new characters, one a spy for a foreign country with numerous personalities at his fingertips, the other a minor noble from another country. Both find themselves in Guerdon, the scene of the first book, the city that has been mostly sheltered from the atrocities of the Godwar. Here we also are reunited with Eladora, the young historian with a hint of magic abilities.
This sees a number of new countries, Gods, races and magic introduced that were not in the first book. While one always expects something new, some of these were fairly major and important aspects of the world and should have been in the first book. For me it just came across as a late decision to write a second book and reluctantly start changing and expanding the world.
The plot is a little flimsy if I'm honest, it is just some people doing some things and then deciding to do other things, with seemingly little logic to it, or overall plot. It was quite a struggle to remember who was doing what and why when switching between PoVs in new chapters. This isn't helped by the number of new characters introduced being largely interchangeable, especially during the minor noble's story (there was one fairly important plot point late in the book where someone he had met turns out to be someone important - I couldn't remember him at all!).
The writing style is a little elaborate for my tastes and made it hard to focus on what was actually happening - there were times an event had been referred to but I hadn't even noticed it because I wasn't able to concentrate. The book is very heavy on narrative with very little dialogue, making it harder to follow the action among the flowery phrasing.
A book of this length should have taken me a little over a week to read, but this took me almost 4 weeks. Admittedly part of this was due to events in the world and at work, but also my motivation to read it was eroded and I struggled through about 5% a day.
A Heart Revealed (Winds of Change, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2011*

Okay. Let me take just one moment to reflect on this book. *Reflecting* Okay. That’s better. WOW. I don’t even know where to begin. There is so much to say about this novel. Let me start off by saying if you’ve never read a Julie Lessman novel, stop what you are doing right now, and grab a copy. You won’t be sorry. The first novel I read by her was last September, entitled A Hope Undaunted, book 1 in this Winds Of Change series. I couldn’t believe how much I fell in love with her work! I was then lucky enough to win all three novels in her first series, The Daughters of Boston. Though they are still sitting on my shelf to be read, they are definitely calling my name and I can’t wait to go back and read them.

Now, on to the rest. In the first book in this series, I fell in love with Luke McGee. In this novel, I think I love Sean O’Connor even more. I really enjoy Snickers bars, so see, Julie? You could send SEAN my way, and I’d be forever blissfully happy. I LOVED his character. He was great in his role in A Hope Undaunted , but reading his story with the focus on him, was absolutely amazing. His past wasn’t perfect, and there were times when he went wild with anger, but he overcame that. There was one thing from his past that he holds inside though. No one, not even his nosy sisters, know. That is until, he finds himself drawn to his best friend Emma in a way that he couldn’t imagine. He opens up to her….with everything.

Emma Malloy. Bless her soul. She was a wonderful character, flawed and sweet, and wanting everyone close to her to be happy. Including Sean. When she finds her self falling in love with him, when she’s still married to the man who beat her 11 years ago, she’s determined to push him off on Rose Kelly…the woman who loves him. Trouble is, something happened to Sean and he won’t try with Rose.

Oh, I so want to go on and on….but I’m SO close to giving away the plot! I DO NOT want to do that! I want you to devour the book like I did and take the time to reflect on the wonderfulness of this novel. It’s stunning. It’s breath taking. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, from happiness, to sadness, to anger, to pride, to passion. It has a WHOPPER of a twist and an ending that will leave you smiling and tears running down your face. Not to mention I LOVED Casey Herringshaw and Michelle Tuller’s characters 😉 *grins*!

I highly suggest that you grab a copy of this novel NOW. It’s 5 Books worthy, two thumbs up, hats off, a home run, a winner, a best seller……what ever you want to call it’s that. Julie Lessman really has a way to make ME feel a part of the heart of the story. She speaks to me through the words of her characters, and really brings me closer to God each time. She is by far my absolute FAVORITE Christian novelist and I will NEVER part with her books. They are forever on myself for me to read and reread, and reflect on each time. I am looking forward to book three in this series, Steven O’Connor’s story. Sweet angels in Heaven, though, Julie, do you have to make us wait a whole YEAR!?!? *Sigh* Oh well. All the more for me to savor that one upon it’s release.