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The House on Crow Mountain
The House on Crow Mountain
Rebecca Lee Smith | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery Thriller, Cozy Rules
The House on Crow Mountain is probably the most uncozy-like cozy I have ever read. Don’t get me wrong it totally adheres to all the cozy rules; no graphic language, sex, or violence. It also follows the popular cozy tropes; a small town, a broken-hearted woman who returns home to make a new start, clever pets, etc. It is just I consider cozy to be a light afternoon read. More fluff than serious. I mean no disrespect to the books and authors I have read to date, some are among my all-time favorites.

This book from the first sentence to the last pulled me into a hard mystery thriller that just happened to follow cozy rules. It has everything; gripping suspense, a leading lady wracked with grief and guilt, and a possible love interest trying to redeem himself from a tragic mistake, or was it? There are far-reaching family secrets, menacing red herrings, and a sinister plot. There was no guessing whodunnit before the reveal. I really (I mean really) did not like the person, but there were so many other people to not like, to suspect, to think about that it barely registered. I could not put this book down as the story unfolded and the floating, maybe relevant plotlines merged bringing the story to its climax.

I seriously hope for this to be a series as there are characters that I would love to learn more about, but I tell you, I would be okay with this being a one-off. The story as it stands has mostly been told and it is that good.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
52 of 230
The Jackal Prince ( Wild Rites Saga book 2)
By Anna McIlwraith

Book two of The Wild Rites Saga takes you to a hidden stronghold in the heart of Egypt - a kingdom on the edge of ruin, ruled by fear and forgotten magic.

Sounds like a great place for a vacation, right? Emma Chase isn't exactly thrilled by the idea, but the jackals will do anything to get their claws on her, for she is the Caller of the Blood, a human woman destined to command the magic of all shapechanging races - which is a teensy bit more complicated than it sounds. And while Emma and her weird assortment of friends, allies and protectors are safe on an enchanted farm in the California Mountains, the Jackal Prince's invitation is too dangerous to refuse. Problem is, accepting it could be just as deadly, especially since Emma's going to need the help of a powerful ancient with an unbreakable - and totally unfair - grudge against her.

Emma's got a few tricks up her sleeve, but she's human, and she can be broken. Somehow she'll have to get her friends out of the jackal kingdom alive before the jackals kill her first — or worse, find a way to claim her power for their own.

So I wasn’t expecting much from this book due to how much I struggled with book 1 but this really surprised me. I really enjoyed it, the Egyptian links were so good and it all just made so much more sense. I’m absolutely in love with Fern I think he’s just brilliant. The thing with this series it has or mentions shifters we don’t normally come across, like tarantulas and crocodiles were mentioned. I love something different. Push through book 1 and I’m sure like me you won’t be disappointed with book 2!
Lust (Seven Princes of Sin #1)
Lust (Seven Princes of Sin #1)
S.N. Hunt | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
LUST is the first book in the Seven Princes of Sin series and boy, is this going to be a good one!

Now, before I go any further, please take note of the Trigger Warnings. This is a dark story with some graphic descriptions.

This is Donna and Adam's story. She is sent in to kill him, being as he and his brothers pose a threat to The Saints. However, Adam feels something for her from the beginning, even if he doesn't know what it is. He also recognises her from the surveillance photos he has. He lets her into his life, just to see what her plan is. What he didn't plan on was falling for her though.

I love all of these brothers! Strong, protective, and they value women -- the exact opposite of what Donna has lived with up until now. Each brother is different, which means I can't wait for their stories now!

I love how even though our boys are sons of hell, the real evil comes in the form of humans or those who are supposed to be 'good'.

There were a couple of editing errors that have slipped through the net, but nothing too bad and easy enough to ignore.

If you can deal with dark stories then I suggest you give this one a go. A fantastic start to the series that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending. Just be careful with those trigger warnings.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Second Sight of a Zachary Cloudesley
The Second Sight of a Zachary Cloudesley
Sean Lusk | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t quite know how I can write anything about this book and still do it justice! It’s a wide sweeping novel, that takes the reader from a clockmakers in London to Constantinople.

Starting in 1754, Zachary is born on the day that his mother dies. His father, Abel, loves him fiercely, and wants to always do his best for him, which brings a Mrs Grace Morley and her baby daughter Leonora into their lives. She’s a strong, forceful woman who is to leave an impression on everyone that meets her.

After a near-fatal accident leaves Zachary blind in one eye, his father sends him to live part of the year with his Aunt Frances. This is another strong, independent woman who is determined to make Zachary the son she never had. She sees in Zachary the gift that his mother had: the ability to read people and see inside to their hopes, wishes and dreams - and also their not-so-positive thoughts.

Abel finds himself forced to go to Constantinople, and Zachary begins to have visions that send him on a chase across Europe to find his father after he loses contact with him.

The descriptions of London, Frances’ house and land, and those of Constantinople are rich and detailed - I could have been there. I was gripped from the first page, immersed in an 18th century world where lives were at stake and a boy had to be brave to save the life of his father. I loved Aunt Frances and Tom, Abel’s apprentice, who both join the Cloudesley’s in Constantinople.

The love between the characters is bright and clear, and their losses are the readers losses as well (I cried). This is historical fiction, an adventure story with a dash of fantasy and the love of family and good friends.

Highly recommended.
Academy Arcanist (Astra Academy #1)
Academy Arcanist (Astra Academy #1)
Shami Stovall | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great start to a series that returns me to a world I love.
ACADEMY ARCANIST is the first book in the Astra Academy series. If you have read the Frith Chronicles, then you will be familiar with this world of Arcanists and Eldrins. I loved that series, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one and I wasn't disappointed!

Gray and Sorin are fantastic characters; twins that are very different from each other but share a deep brotherly bond. At thirteen years old, Gray is attacked in his dreams but his parents don't believe him. A professor from Astra Academy saves him and he spends time with her in his dreams, learning about the Arcanists. When he is fifteen, he and Sorin head to the Academy, desperate to find an eldrin of their own. But when he meets Professor Helmith, Gray knows something is wrong. This isn't the same professor he met in his dreams.

I loved this story! It's a long one but I read it in one sitting as I was literally unable to move at the time. It took me all day but I loved every word and was swept away in the story. The supporting characters all have their own foibles and quirks, and I look forward to learning more about each of them as the series progresses. It is well-paced, giving you plenty of action as well as quiet times to process just what's going on.

A great start to a series that returns me to a world I love. I can't wait for more. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Reds Robin ( vampire memoirs book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

45 of 230
Reds Robin ( Vampire Memoirs book 1)
By Nicola Omerod

Robin is a rather self-absorbed model. On a night out, she bumps into Red, a vampire. One unholy and lustfully fantastic night later she finds herself a member of the undead. Having shied away all of her life from love, she now has to adjust to the fact that she and Red are soul mates. But something appears to be amiss with Robin. She doesn't like human blood. She is a Santorian, a special breed of vampire thought to be extinct. As she matures, she will become indestructible, impervious to sunlight. But to accomplish this, she must survive on the blood of other vampires. Robin learns to love for the first time and finds her place in her new family, who have welcomed her into their arms. However, when a vicious rival vampire pack kidnaps Red, it falls solely in her hands to use her newly tuned senses to seek him out and she must battle her way through the entire vampire pack to get him back.

Holy hell this book was filthy 😂 and I mean filth, but in a good way! It was constant but not so you skipped paragraphs or pages like most smut books! Robin was a bitch, she swore like a sailor and was a proper nymph oh and she’s British! Red was just jaw dropping I loved all the characters and under it all it had a decent vampire story. Best smut book I’ve read in a long time and I’m one of those that skips these scenes if I get bored. Brilliant!!
Pumpkin Spice and Chill (Boyfriend Café #2)
Pumpkin Spice and Chill (Boyfriend Café #2)
F.A. Ray | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
PUMPKIN SPICE AND CHILL is the second book in the Boyfriend Café series and this time it's Albert's turn.

Albert is the not-so-silent partner in the Boyfriend Café and does everything he can to help Rhett make their venture a success. And it has worked! A little too well because now the University is breathing down their necks - although Rhett and the others don't know about it, as Albert is trying to keep it to himself. David is the psychology student, hoping to go to pre-law, who sees trouble without knowing how right he is. Together, you would think this was an odd coupling. It's not!

I loved how these two balanced each other out. Albert is the control freak who tries to hide his head in the sand when overwhelmed. David is the one who has inner strength and finds fun in sorting things out. Albert's parents are just 'wonderful', whereas David's are loving and caring. And, just like in book one, the feelings side of things creep up on them. In the bedroom (or wherever) though, they are partners. Things only happen if David agrees or even asks first.

I do love a good epilogue, as I love the closure and seeing the future for our couple. I especially like it when it gives a hint to the next in the series. A brilliant addition and I can't wait for the next! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 12, 2023