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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated The Body in the Cornfield in Books

Dec 2, 2023 (Updated Dec 2, 2023)  
The Body in the Cornfield
The Body in the Cornfield
Catherine Dilts | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actor Dead in an Oklahoma Cornfield
Drew Brauner has taken a part time job working for the historic Rose Creek outdoor amphitheater helping with their upcoming live streamed production of Oklahoma! However, the lead actor is causing problems, not the least of which is the fact that he always shows up for rehearsals drunk. However, when Drew’s friend Makenzie Selkirk goes to learn more about a windmill being set up on a nearby farm, she finds the body of the actor in the cornfield. Soon, the other members of their new book club are drawn into the case. Will they figure out what happened?

I loved the first book in the series and couldn’t wait to dive into this one. I missed the group scenes and the scenes building the friendships between the four leads. However, I did love spending time with all of them again and watching the characters grow. Each of them contributes something to the case, and I appreciate how the author balances the four lead characters. That also includes giving them various motives to investigate the case. We have plenty of suspects but not very many clues, yet the story never drags. I did find the climax a little weak, but it did answer all our questions. Overall, I did enjoy this book, and I’m looking forward to spending more time with the characters. If you are looking for a series with a strong group of main characters, this is one to check out.
Watermelon (Walsh Family, #1)
Watermelon (Walsh Family, #1)
Marian Keyes | 1995 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
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A lovely read! Marian Keyes is one of my favourite authors of all time. The story of how I discovered Marian is quite funny, actually. 

It was back in the days when I was a teenager and I was in love with the Gifted Series from Marilyn Kaye. I have read only the first two books and I have asked my mum to bring me the rest of them (there were six in total). She came back with a book with an author that had a similar name, and here we are today :)

I have read Watermelon a long time ago, but I have decided to share my thoughts with you now.

This is a chick lit book about a woman left on her own right after she gives birth to her first child and then goes back to her parent's house to start her life over.

This is a story about bravely, love, family and all little things that will melt your heart.
Prepare to cry - Actually, prepare to cry a lot, and don't say I haven't warned you.

A story that will stick with you for years after you've read it. The characters that will make you wish you met them and were their friends over and over again! 

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