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Jonas Carpignano recommended Fish Tank (2010) in Movies (curated)

Fish Tank (2010)
Fish Tank (2010)
2010 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m as influenced by contemporary filmmakers as I am by past filmmakers, so for me it was important to put two of them on here. The two films that my crew, my cinematographer, and I talk about when we’re going out to shoot are The Secret of the Grain and Fish Tank. They’re reference points for us. The lived-in intimacy of The Secret of the Grain and those two dinner sequences! The story is great, it’s fun, it’s engaging, but those dinner scenes are moments that have touched me very much. I felt, for the first time, that I was truly living with people I didn’t know. The film has these ongoing dialogue scenes that just feel so natural, even though they’re constructed, and those kinds of scenes set the bar for what cinema can do. Fish Tank I love because I love Andrea Arnold, and I can relate to this young protagonist who isn’t so goal-oriented. It’s not like she’s got a mission. She’s just trying to grow up, and she’s as confused about her life situation as anyone else. And it leads her to make some bad decisions, but ultimately we really like her because we know what she’s going through. She’s never presented as someone who we need to decide whether or not she’s likable. There’s an ambiguity to her presentation—you’re just letting her be herself. To me, it’s one of the great examples in modern cinema where a director casts someone and lets the person take over the role, as opposed to tailoring the person to the role as written. I think the movie benefits from that, and everyone around her just falls into her world. Michael Fassbender—you’ve never seen him like that, not because he’s better than he’s ever been, but because he’s forced to deal with the energy of this girl who’s just being herself. So this is just one of those movies I have to keep showing to people who haven’t seen it and have to keep watching to remember that representation of that girl, which is as good as anything I’ve seen in modern cinema."

This is a good looking cookbook.

Sectioned into the usual courses, Breakfast, starters, fish, meat, pasta, and baking/desserts, each recipe has a crisp, clear looking instructions page and a full page colour image so you know what your finished dish should at least look like. A short description or tips from the chef is included, along with the standard prep/cook times and what skill level you might need (although most are easy to moderate)

A great mixture of chefs and bakers are included, may well known like Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson, many others will be known if you have watched programs like Masterchef and The Great British Menu and Great British Bake Off. Others I had never hear of before but I will go looking for them now.

Recipes of note included “black sesame seed ice cream” by Jordan Bourke … I have to admit I took a double take at the picture as it looked like a greyscale image. Grey ice-cream sounds most intriguing.
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
379. Underwater. A straight to the action, claustrophobic thriller. Story begins with scantily clad Norah getting ready to start her shift at the laboratory at the bottom of the ocean. And by the sudden alarms going off and the entire structure rocking back and forth, something went wrong. it's an earthquake, and its tearing the place apart. And so it's on to find others and to get to escape pods. Oh the earthquake also woke something up down there, and it's big. Who knows maybe its there just to say hi to the new neighbors, but it doesn't really look that way. Because the movie mainly focuses on action, we never really get to see Kristen Stewart make that awkward face, you know what I mean, so that was a plus. TJ Miller was in it, as some kind of odd man-baby scientist, so I thought that was pretty stupid. Overall it was a decent action sci fi flick. Just remember like a famous Jedi once said: "There's always a bigger fish." Filmbufftim on FB.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Can Talk To The Fish
Im not a huge fan of the DCU, i didnt like Man of Steel, Hated Batman vs. Superman, hated Sucide Squad, didnt like Wonder Woman. I havent seen Justice League. So expections for Aquaman was really low. Thats why i didnt see it when it came out and i didnt see it in 2019. So finally in 2020, i finally saw Aquaman and what did i think, it was okay. I really liked Patrick Wilson as the villian, you dont see him in to many villian roles. I actually think he was the best part of this whole film. Yes you heard that right, the best part of this whole film.

Too much GCI, the action was off at many points, the acting for the other cast was terrible/bad. I mean some of the CGI was good, the rest was terrible and Black Mantis was bad. James Wan should just really stick to horror. Cause he is excellent in that.

You can just skip this film overall.
Local Hero (1983)
Local Hero (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Charming fish-out-of-water comedy drama, source of many inferior rip-offs. Sounds like a familiar story: materialistic high flier finds himself in an authentic community and begins to remember what the Important Things in Life are. However, what makes Local Hero pretty much the only film in this sub-genre worth your time is the fact it is so understated, and even subverts the form to some extent: the locals are in no illusions about how much easier their lives would be with a little more material wealth.

There are some laugh-out-loud moments, but in general this is more one of those consistently very amusing and slightly whimsical films, not at all meant to be taken seriously - there's a running joke about one character having a very abusive therapist, while the implication is that another character is part-mermaid. Well-played by a great ensemble cast (many well-known faces, although Peter Riegert doesn't seem to have had many other high profile parts), an exceptionally likeable film.
Farm Together
Farm Together
It's a nice easy, casual game. Good for relaxing. (0 more)
Sometimes the waiting on crops can be annoying. (0 more)
Farm Together is a casual farming game on the PS4 *also available on other platforms*

You can customize your farmer, you unlock different hair styles, outfits etc as you level up. You can even customize your pet which follows you around your farm. You can have a dog, cat or parrot.

You are given quests, for example to plant so many of a certain crop, and for completing the quest you earn ribbons and/or experience.

You can have animals on your farm which, when ready to harvest, give you things like eggs (chickens, ducks, turkeys etc), milk (cows, goats), wool (sheep), or truffles (pigs) and also different types of fish available.

It's a nice relaxing game with cute animals and soothing music. The only slight con would be the wait on some of the crops/animals/trees etc but they do earn you alot of money and it is very easy to gain alot of money and experience in a short amount of game play.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated After the Flood in Books

Oct 25, 2021  
After the Flood
After the Flood
Kassandra Montag | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
After the Flood is set in a world after the sea levels have risen as a result of Climate Change.

Myra and her daughter Pearl, live on a boat, a precarious life, reliant on the fish they catch. When Myra discovers that her eldest daughter, the daughter that her husband took with him when he left her, may still be alive, she is determined to find her.

This is a pretty bleak book: people live in fear of illness, starvation, storms and pirates. These pirates kill for people’s possessions, take slaves, run ‘breeding ships’ - and they want to build their own territories on dry land.

This is reminiscent of the film Water World in some places - the promise of a better, dry place to live, the strong preying on the weak. It’s also a book about sacrifice and the lengths a mother will go to to protect her children.

This won’t be the book for you if you like a happy ending, but if you enjoy a book that’s beautifully descriptive, both in emotion and seascape, you’ll love this.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Marvel does Mystical Martial Arts
Marvel (the film branch) is mainly known for its superhero movies.

We've had Origin stories (upon origin story upon origins story ...)

We've had 'fish out of water' comedies (see: Thor)

We've had outright sci-fi/sci-fantasy (see: Guardians of the Galaxy)

We've had political thrillers (see: Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

We've had team-up (see: The Avengers)

We've had crime capers (See: Ant-man)

Up until now, we've had no Martial Arts movies (sorry, Netflix's 'Iron Fist': you don't count as a movie).

We've also had no movies with a mainly Asian cast. Until now.

This also brings back the 10 Rings organisation (first name-dropped all the way back in 2008's 'Iron Man'), with the plot outline of the movie actually quite different than what I expected - lots of Martial Arts sequences (the fight on the bamboo scaffolding is a high-light), the usual Marvel musings on family, and one or two character inclusions that I wasn't expecting (but really should have been) ...
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful catch up!
I was lucky enough to win an ARC copy of this book.

This is a little catch up, if you will, with the Harris-Reid family, and you really SHOULD at least read Fish Stick Fridays before this one. Hanging the Stars ain't too shabby either, but this is more about Zig and her dads.

Zig is eleven, and blindsided by a school project. Her dads go about rallying around and making the project a little less painful for her.

I'm not usually one for Holiday/Christmas stories, but I loved Zig, and Deacon and Lang, so really had to catch up with them! And I LOVED this! It packs quite an emotional punch for some 90 odd pages!

Zig has to do a project on Christmas traditions on her family. But she doesn't have any, not really. So Deacon and Lang go all out about making NEW traditions: using some from Lang's grandmother, some from their friends and making some up as they go along.

They do cracker house decorations, the chopping of trees down. Trees in each and every room. Making salt dough ornaments. Lots of different things, from a whole host of backgrounds, and choosing which ones to make their own.

I loved that we caught up with Deke and Lang, but also with West, Angel and Rome. Loved the plans the adults have for the kids should something happen to either set of parents.

But Zig, again, made this book! Set 3 years after Fish Stick Fridays, and she still has her eclectic taste in tutus and boots, and it's so great she hasn't lost her swear jar! Indeed, opening line in the book is Zig swearing her little head off and realising that Deke can hear her! Loved it!

And even though Zig was sick, and not actually able to do her presentation at school, loved that she WAS able to still show her dads what did. I cried at that point! Because even though it was about making NEW traditions, Zig still draws on her painful past and how important it is to remember where you came from, and that past is a part of you, always. And new families need new traditions.

5 full and sparkly stars!

ps, we ALWAYS have take out Christmas Eve!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Fast and the Furious (2001) in Movies

Mar 30, 2018 (Updated Mar 30, 2018)  
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama
Original Fast & Furious movie is a very different kettle of fish, a modest little genre movie rather than a swaggering juggernaut of a blockbuster. Undercover cop on a mission finds himself falling in love with a suspect (I refer to the manly bromance between Paul Walker and Vin Diesel, but Walker has a thing with Jordana Brewster too, of course). Which way will he jump when the chips hit the fan?

Much grittier and more credible than the films made after the series entered its blockbuster incarnation; even the laws of physics are mostly respected. All the chasing about and scenes with people dismantling carburettors are the backdrop to a man confronting the dangerous glamour of a life of crime and having an existential crisis as a result. When all the stunts and action kick off the film becomes rather less interesting, even if it is more recognisable as what we now know as F&F. Smartly written, nicely performed; it's clear that no-one involved envisaged this as the Launchpad for a multi-billion dollar franchise, but it's the elements and themes established here that give the series much of its warmth and charm.