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Awix (3310 KP) rated Cold Skin (2017) in Movies

Jun 18, 2020  
Cold Skin (2017)
Cold Skin (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Polished European genre movie is one of those films that suggests you can be a bit too thoughtful. Young man arrives on a remote island, uninhabited but for a dissolute old curmudgeon of a lighthouse keeper; he will be here for a year and is not delighted to learn that every night the place is swarming with fish-men wanting to kill him. He and the other man form an alliance, complicated by the presence of a female creature (hey, we all get lonely, I guess).

Ultimately yet another raid on H.P. Lovecraft, even down to some of the dialogue, but the movie cops out when it comes to the bleakness and existential despair. Not quite as weird as The Lighthouse, with which it shares a number of similarities, but still fairly hard work: it's fine to be high-minded and serious, but the glacial pace and lack of emotional range in this film is a problem. Looks good, but then again so what: it's a truly exceptional film that doesn't, these days. In the end it's okay but I was looking at my watch a lot towards the end.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Jun 14, 2021  
To Catch a Dream is going on tour! Yes, that's right. You heard me! The wonderful ladies at Goddess Fish Promotions have done some awesome work and will be promoting my latest from June 28 to July 16. If you fancy joining in, please click HERE -

With good friends and a new job and, twenty-six-year-old Caitlin has it all. Strong, independent, and content with her life, Caitlin isn’t looking for love.

Smart, sexy, and sweet, Will is everything a girl could want. He also makes Caitlin want things she was certain she could live without.

Life isn't always simple though, and Caitlin has decisions to make. Her ex-boyfriend, Andrew, is still hanging around and causing trouble. Not only that, but Cat refuses to choose between a new man and her two best friends.

With her heart on the line, Caitlin must decide if she's prepared to take a chance or play it safe.

To Catch a Dream is a sweet contemporary romance with sensual moments. It also contains some strong language.
2021 | Economic, Exploration, Medieval
I would consider myself somewhat of a world traveler. I haven’t quite visited as many places as I would like, and certain worldwide pandemics have prevented me from scheduling any international travel plans. My family and I enjoy cruises and visiting all sorts of different countries. Now, Buru has never been specifically on our list of places to visit, but should we ever get the chance to head to Indonesia, now after playing this game I think I will want to visit this little island.

Buru ( a mid-weight economic worker placement game with a large dose of bidding thrown in for fun. In it players are visitors to the island sent to compete to become the governor of Buru by hiring indigenous peoples to assist with tasks, by providing fish for the peoples, pleasing the island’s elders, and by paying homages to the spirits of the land. The emissary who can utilize all their resources efficiently and impactfully will be deemed governor of Buru and winner of the game.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, follow the instructions in the rulebook. There are just too many steps to detail here and the rulebook is fantastic. Once setup, the play area should look similar to the photo below.
The game of Buru lasts five rounds, and each round consists of five phases of the day: Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Dusk. At the end of the fifth round the game is over and players will tally points to arrive at the winner.

During the Dawn phase players will flip over the top two Decrees tokens from the middle of the main circular board. These Decrees will be placed in certain areas and are worth bonus points or other advantages for the round. Also during this phase the Forest cards will be reset from the previous round. Once complete play moves to the Morning phase.

In the Morning players will be sending out their numbered Explorer tokens (from 1-5) onto the various board areas in turn starting with the current Emissary (first player). Each player will place one of their Explorer tokens at a time until each player has only one Explorer token left. Players may place multiple Explorers in a location to increase their bid for majority, but these Explorer tokens are placed face-up (literally with the face showing and the number on the board not showing) so that their values are hidden. Once Explorers are placed, play moves to the Noon phase.

At Noon the people must fish for food and have lunch. The leftover Explorer token that was not used in the Morning is then revealed and its value is converted to fish. Fish are needed to recruit islanders and are converted into other resources. Fish are tracked on the individual player boards. After a hearty lunch play continues into the Afternoon.

The Afternoon is where much of the action in Buru takes place. During this phase the Explorer tokens that were placed in the Morning are revealed and players take actions in each area by order of majority in each area. First the highest-bidding player will claim their chosen action space, then the next highest bidder, and so on. The Forest is resolved first. Players reveal the Explorer tokens in the Forest and whichever player has majority in this area is able to place their tokens a claim space on the board and will receive a Forest card of their choice. Forest cards are typically resources immediately earned by the player. Resources include Clay, Palm Leaves, and Ebony. The player with majority also earns the favor of Gunung (green spirit) and takes its giant statueeple.

Next, the Shore is resolved in the same manner. The Shore is where players may use their supplies of fish to recruit islanders to their taskforces and carry out tasks. The majority leader in this area chooses a space to place their Explorer tokens and resolves the action. This could include purchasing islander cards and refreshing the offer of islander cards in whichever order the player chooses. The player with the majority also earns the favor of Banyu (blue spirit) and takes its giant statueeple.

The Village is the area where islanders are able to complete tasks. The majority leader in this area chooses a space and takes the actions. These actions include activating islanders for the actions printed on the bottom of their cards and possibly even earning more fish. The player with the majority also earns the favor of Manuk (orange spirit) and takes its giant statueeple.

Finally, The Sacred Lake is resolved in the same manner. Here players are able to pay tributes to the spirits in order to earn bonuses from them. The majority leader in this area chooses a space to place their Explorer tokens, earns an immediate Esteem (VP tracked along the outer edge of the board), and takes the action of the space claimed. These spaces offer opportunities to pay tribute to one or more of the spirits as well as earning an Elder card, which provides conditions for earning bonus points at the end of the game. When a spirit is tributed they offer bonus Esteem cards and other benefits to be used. Once this area is completely resolved and players have all taken their turns play moves onto Dusk.

In Dusk players will reset the board for the next round of play. Players retrieve all their Explorer tokens from the board and untask their islanders that have completed tasks this day. After the fifth round the game is over and players tally their scores from their position on the Esteem track, any spirit Tribute cards earned, and Elder card point conditions met. The player with the most points will be crowned the winner!
Components. Okay, I have to give a giant shout-out to the team at Crafty Games. This is one of the highest-quality prototypes I have ever played in terms of component quality. When I opened the game box all components were separated into baggies and card cases and LABELED with the number of components, the titles, and even a picture of the components to be placed within. I don’t even organize my games to this level and I feel I am a tad OCD about my game organization. Kudos here. But also the components are all fine quality and the finished product promises to be just spectacular if this is what is received as a prototype.

I love the art and art style throughout this game. It is difficult to have theme shine through in a very Euro-style game, but I did feel the theme here. The art is very suggestive of island life, and Crafty Games even hired Cultural Consultants to assure all avenues are culturally appropriate. What a great call. I wish all publishers would be so thorough.

The gameplay is also quite stunning. The game just flows so naturally and everything makes complete sense. Of course you need to collect natural resources before recruiting islanders before asking said islanders to complete tasks before you pay respects to their spirits. I like the flow, and after a couple rounds I no longer needed the rulebook as a crutch.

I have very much enjoyed my plays of Buru for many reasons. The game is absolutely gorgeous. The art sings and truly adds to the gameplay. The rules are not light, but not over my head, and I appreciate that. The choices given to each player are crunchy without being too burdensome, and players of many skill levels will be able to find joy contemplating when and where to send their Explorers in each area. The game builds up to a big ending where many points are scored from places unknown to opponents and bulleting ahead from last place to first from exploiting bonus cards is so satisfying.

It is easy to understand why I love this game and would certainly recommend it to all gamers. If you have been looking for something a little heavier in your collection but don’t want to go TOO heavy, please do yourself a favor and consider backing Buru. Crafty Games has been working on some truly great games here the past couple years and I am excited to see where Buru ends up after another undoubtedly successful Kickstarter campaign. I will always be up for a game of Buru, and I hope to play it often as the years continue.
This is a really nice combination of designs, especially if you really like coloring but you aren’t sure what you like coloring. Big shapes, or little detailed places? Fish or birds? recognizable things like flowers, or abstract shapes? This book has a good combo of all of them, and every design is interesting and fun. Some of the shapes are reminiscent of wallpaper (which sounds boring but remember there are some cool wallpapers out there) some remind me of my favorite floral print blouses, and others remind me of long-lost childhood day dreams (Polar bears and flowers? Yes).

One thing I like is they look good even if you color, like, most of one page, but decide not to finish. Some things don’t look good when you stop halfway through a design. These designs do.

I would have liked the paper not to bleed. If you’re going to use gel pens or markers, you have to put paper between the pages, because it will bleed. Also, most of the designs were a ton of small shapes to make one big picture, so it was highly detailed. I did really enjoy the designs and the process though! Recommended for ages 8+, gel pens, pencils, and markers (crayons would be hard because of the small spaces).

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated I Go with God in Books

Jan 25, 2020  
I Go with God
I Go with God
Jill Ferrie | 2018 | Children
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Go With God is a good decent book for young children. The pictures are clear and tell the story. The plot I believe the story is being sick and prayer. Then again it could be just about Prayer.

This little boy seems to learn some things and that asking god is a good thing to do. It also seems to be something you may be able to go anywhere. The pictures are the story. The message is that you can pray to go and ask for help.

It book that could to read your child or children. They can learn about faith and prayer. This is what I got mostly from the book. The angel thing is sweet and I got that they could be helpful though. The concept of them angels maybe what a bit confusing. The idea was not to bad. The angels' message on one of the pages is really good. I understood that and the rhyming of it. Done well.

The art is clear. You get the boy want to help himself and also his pet fish. He asking the one for that help. The topic is decent and something any child or children would go through. That sadness and being sick.
Deep Impact (1998)
Deep Impact (1998)
1998 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
Deep Impact- came out the same year as Armageddon. Deep impact came out in May and Armageddon came out in July. So Deep impact came out first, but Armageddon got more attention, more money and that song that wont get out of your head.

The plot: A comet is hurtling toward Earth and could mean the end of all human life. The U.S. government keeps the crisis under wraps, but crack reporter Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni) uncovers the truth -- forcing U.S. President Beck (Morgan Freeman) to announce his plan. Grizzled astronaut Spurgeon "Fish" Tanner (Robert Duvall) and his team will land on the comet and lay explosives, hopefully deterring the object from its doomsday course. If not, humanity will have to prepare for the worst.

So in Armageddon, earth and the people on earth survive, while in this film the comet hits earth and the main charcters cant stop the comet.

These two films are basically the same, but different. I might be hard to hear this but i like Armageddon better than this film. Yes you heard that right, i like the more stupid film than the other stupid film.

Deep Impact- is stupid it but fun to watch.
The Pornographer (1999)
The Pornographer (1999)
1999 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One has to love a film that has for its subtitle An Introduction to Anthropology. This hardscrabble tale of two blockheads dedicated to making a yen in the flesh trade is the most congruent homage to Laurel and Hardy one could dream of. Everything falls apart around them, but they keep forging on. The film does, too, ratcheting up craziness along the way: a carp in a fish tank—the reincarnation of a deceased husband—somersaults to show its disapproval of the widow’s sexual antics with her new beau; a depressed middle-aged woman jumps on the windowsill of her hospital room and masturbates, to the great joy of a crowd of workers that seems to have just exited the Lumière factory; a crumpled pornographer indulges in a bit of voyeurism that turns into a lesson in the use of angles in cinema, etc., etc.; and finally an ending in the waters off Osaka’s harbor that leaves one howling with laughter. All of it is filmed with an aggressive, unrelenting elegance that puts the viewer through rigorous ocular gymnastics. If you thought that Ozu was the alpha and the omega of the visual possibilities offered by Japanese home architecture, Imamura’s truculent epic will open your eyes anew."

Shark Tale (2004)
Shark Tale (2004)
2004 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Ghastly. I mean holy shit these fish are fucking UGLY. I was expecting some sort of ironic enjoyment or overlooked nuance a la something like 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵!, but instead I just got an in-your-face assault of nauseating animation and the worst sound design DreamWorks has ever shat out - Angelina Jolie is barely even audible in this. I'm a firm believer that the most aesthetically horrible time period was the 2000s - specifically the mid-2000s - and this tried so hard to be 'in the now' when it was released that it feels like looking back at some sort of garish cave drawing that serves as a reminder for how much society has progressed since then. For instance, you know how you can go back to Finding Nemo and not be repelled because it doesn't open with a fucking "MTV Cribs" parody? I've never been a huge fan of Will Smith's shtick but here it grates worse than it ever has before or since - and with such an irredeemable, downright annoying character like this fugly little idiot to boot. In fact the only intrigue in any of these voice performances are from Jack Black and - er - *checks notes* Martin Scorsese. I can't honestly say it was laugh-free but I can still say it sucks hard.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Buried in a Good Book in Books

May 25, 2022 (Updated May 25, 2022)  
Buried in a Good Book
Buried in a Good Book
Tamara Berry | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life in the Wilderness Proves to be Deadly
In an attempt to bond with her teenage daughter after a divorce, bestselling thriller authors Tess Harrow decides to spend some time at the rustic cabin she’s recently inherited. But it turns out the lack of running water, electricity, and Wi-Fi aren’t the worst things there. Tess and her daughter haven’t even gotten in the door before there is a horrible boom followed by a rain of fish parts and a human arm. When the sheriff shows up, he is the spitting image of Tess’s main character. What has Tess stumbled into?

If that description sounds a little wacky, that’s because it is. But this book fully embraces it, and is better as a result. I was laughing the entire way through the book at the banter between the characters. The characters are strong and relatable if a bit broad to make the comedy work. I did feel the plot got a little convoluted as we neared the end, but that was my only complaint. Everything made sense in the end, and I was drawn in the entire time I was reading. If you are looking for laughs with your mystery, you’ll be happy you picked up this series debut.

Fred (860 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Feb 20, 2019  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
The best DCEU film so far
It still astonishes me that DC can make such good (or at least decent) TV shows, while they can't do movies too well. So, when I watched Aquaman last night, I was highly surprised. It's a good film. It's a very good film. It's easily the best film in the DCEU so far. Taking a page from Marvel, Aquaman is a fun film, full of action & great characters. Yes, who would think that Aquaman would be the most interesting DC character in the DCEU? I give credit to Jason Momoa. He's funny, sexy (at least that's what my fiance says) & he kicks ass. The story borrows from the tale of King Arthur, and doesn't hide this fact. The movie is full of actors from other superhero films & they all play their parts well. I do wish the film was fleshed out more, but this is a film, not a series. It would have been nice to see the different "fish-people" tribes, instead of just having them as opponents on the battlefield. But I can overlook that because the battle was just intense. Great special-effects throughout as well. If I had one complaint, it would be the film ends suddenly. The battle is over & it's like everyone just stops & says "Arthur (Aquaman) is king! YAY!" and that's it.